Read Antidote (Don't) Online

Authors: Jack L. Pyke

Antidote (Don't) (7 page)

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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“Both of you?” Gray and Jack looked at me. “But that doesn’t go for me, right? I mean... I’m nothing to do with the MC. Whatever rules you two live by... they’re yours, not mine?”

Jack came over, backing me up to the settee. “Been here before, Richards.” A strong grip went to my hair, enough to force my head up, and a kiss ghosted my jaw. “Those hands of yours wander over any part that my hands have already claimed, I’ll fuck up parts you don’t even know can be fucked up.”

Christ. This switch... “How, Jack?” I breathed, kissing at his jaw. “You can’t touch me, remember?” Jack answered that with a bite to my throat, one hard enough to mark, to claim, to completely mess with my head and groin. Yeah, if he said wait, I’d sit in the corner next to Ed’s dog waiting happily for the call to heel.

“Includes playing around, Jack,” said Gray, sounding all formal, but I caught the merriment in his eyes. “Back off.”

Jack didn’t look too pleased at the interruption, even let his look challenge Gray for long enough. But with a cock of a head from Gray, he backed off, actually took a step away, hands behind his back, head down. Christ, I loved how Gray stilled his every kickback against control.

“Mr. Raoul,” said Ed. He was back by the door, stood there with a hand covering his eyes. “Shall I set up the bedroom in the west wing for Master Harrison?”

Jack groaned a few expletives as I stared at Gray. “He doesn’t even sleep with us?”

“No shit, Sherlock,” said Jack, but he instantly curbed his annoyance and winked at me. Giving a hard sight, he went and stood nose-to-nose with Gray. There was a brush of his nose along Gray’s jaw for the second time now, and the need to find out the
behind it nearly killed me. Jack kissed Gray so gently, that switch flicking almost instantly. Then shifting down to Gray’s neck, feathering more gentle kisses, Jack discreetly rubbed the back of his hand against Gray’s cock.

“Better make Thursday good, Gray,” he murmured, giving a slow smile against his throat. “And I mean
fuck me like the devil

Gray’s eyes were purely all for Jack now. “Got something special planned for you, stunner.” That slight smile was all for Jack too. “Something really... fucking... peachy.”

Chapter 6


No sex, no touching, not even a cuddle up on the sofa—come Thursday, even a smirk off Jan had me in the mood for just stripping him naked and fucking his clothes, even if it meant I rolled around the floor wrapping his scent on me. The alternative to no sex had been too ball-busting. Gray and Jan had spent some of the day times at the London art gallery, followed by evening meals with all three of us. Ed introduced the basic bangers and mash to the menu, and Jan had sat there like a kid, munching through the sausages, not really catching on why, but by the time the meal had finished, I’d sat there banging my head on the table, calling Ed all the fucks under the sun. Yeah, I’d heard Ed chuckling from the kitchen, or maybe that had just been Gray.

But Thursday... Today. I made it back to Gray’s for six and ensured the mail table was my first stop. With my head buried in places that would make even the devil chuckle, I’d not had time to grab it that morning. Sure enough, my letters were stacked in the pile marked
. Some flyers, paperwork from the MC base, disclaimers, yep, all the usual crap there. Gray had obviously taken his, leaving
nothing to mess through. Almost...

I grinned at the smartly dressed package on the table, even though it did look big enough to house a few books.

Shifting slightly, all accidental like, just to get a better look (hell, it was coming up to December, Christmas prezzies and all), I ran my eyes over the address printed on it.


He’d had mail redirected here?

A little uneasy, I left the package there and headed for the shower in Gray’s bedroom. “Anyone here?” I called out only to have things remain pretty quiet. Even Ed had disappeared.

Jan had called at dinnertime to let me know he was out with Gray for the day. Maybe he’d said why they’d be late back; I just hadn’t caught it with the amount of background noise from the garage. Strange Ed wasn’t around, though. He always polluted some space around here, all green gasses and evil laughter as he slaughtered a few council kids in the kitchen, snob that he was.

Water hit my shoulders and the assault felt good, maybe a little too good. It was just a formality going over to the MCs; I’d spend about fifteen minutes on my knees, saying a load of
yes/no and thank you bollocks
to the other four Masters. But afterwards? I sighed and closed my eyes, letting my head fall back so water ran over my face. A stroke at my abs, a few shivers chased the wake of my fingers.

Tonight meant serious,
subbing. And Gray in full Master mode? After he hadn’t fucked as a Master for nearly five months?

My cock sobbed happily, all
Go on, Jack, just the one, baby. He won’t know
. But the no-touch rule was there for a reason, and it stole a breath. Giving a moan, denying every natural instinct to give my cock what it danced in the rain for, I stepped out and switched the shower off.

“Hey, things.”

“Fuck me.” I jerked around hearing Jan. “You trying to bury me, Breakdown?”

“Go you with all that tough-guy karate training there, you big girl.” Jan grinned and grabbed a towel. Shirt sleeves rolled up, he moved in to dry me. Shoulders took his attention first; then he worked gently down to my pecs. He had that slight curl to his lips as his gaze followed his hands, and I narrowed my eyes. “Okay, what you up to?”


“That grin. Gray’s whispered something in your ear. Don’t make me hurt your ass finding out just what it is.”

Jan knelt, and breathing became suddenly hard when he ran his tongue along my cock. “Focus,” he said quietly. “That was Gray’s first word for tonight.”

Damp lips slipped over my head, and Jan’s warm mouth, moist, yet smooth like finest wet silk took me nearly to the root an—“Fuck, oh-kay.” I ran a touch through his hair. He used throat muscles to suck me in deep and I groaned. He was learning to play dirty pretty quick. “Jan, too, fuck—too much focusing. Stop.”

My cock slipped out of his mouth, thudding back against my abs, and Jan smiled up at me, hand now massaging my balls. He was dressed in white shirt and trousers, looking so smart, so sexy, and there at my feet. Fuck.

“Hmmm.” Jan tapped my cock. “Gray said control might be a problem with this.”

Spark plugs, think sparkling slugs
. “Gray, he, he whispered

Jan grinned up at me. “That he’d fuck you into the land of dry heaving cocks if you come.”

I weighed the options up, the mass of bodies, threat of a sore cock. Jan. Gray. So I grinned. “That’s meant to put me off

Jan kissed his way up my abs, my chest, then stood, grabbing my cock and coming in close, kissing my neck, nipping—licking. “You’ll leave me frustrated.” A gentle bite. “Never seen me pissed off over being left frustrated, have you, Jack?”

I looked down at his hand, how it played along my shaft, his thumb occasionally running over the slit. A grip in his hair forced his lips still and close to mine. “Way too much focusing. You need to fucking stop.” Jan groaned as I bit at his throat, bruising the skin.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, sounding drowsy, yet feeling nice and hard against my thigh. A kiss brushed at my jaw, then my lips, before he pulled away a touch. “You’re gonna be late, gorgeous.”

I waggled my eyebrows. “You think?”

Jan chuckled. “You’re dead, my friend. Carry on winding Gray up, he’ll turn on you.”

“Yeah? Seriously?” I stroked his ass. “Listen.” I gave a deep sigh. “About what I said the other night.” I knew this came out of the blue. “About us moving into Gray’s.”


“I know. Just hear me out, okay?” I rested my head against his, putting sex and playfulness to one side. “It scares the life out of me,” I said quietly and I felt him try to pull away. “Everything that we are, it’s going so good, so bloody good, Jan. Yet there’s that part of me who’s terrified to move in case I knock what we have off balance.” I glanced down at my hands as I took his in mine. “I know that’s really fucked up and selfish. Life is about working together, yet....” I shrugged. “Routine... I like you, this, us, as it is, and....” I was struggling to explain. “There’s been a lot of change in the last five months and—”

Jan managed to pull away. “Jack, is this what’s been bothering you lately?”

I shrugged and arms snaked around my neck as Jan hugged me close. “Not everyone hides something beneath the surface,” he whispered, giving a gentle kiss to my cheek. “And if going casual with us is how you manage....”

I pulled back, screwing up my face. This was no casual shit.

Brushing hair out of my eyes, Jan gave such a soft smile, then went on, “Meaning, if you need to keep turning us a certain way until you’re okay with moving on to the next stage, I’m good with that.” I got a deep kiss and tasted a hint of a mint chocolate Jan. “You, you’re enough for me. More than enough. You... Just keep talking to me and let me know what’s going through your head, okay?” Jan rested his forehead against mine. “And for what it’s worth, I’m not ready to move in yet either.” He gave a shaky sigh and I chuckled.

“This talking thing,” I said quietly, my nose brushing his cheek, “best if it works both ways, Richards?”

Jan nodded, and he seemed to breathe a little easier with it.

“Good,” I said quietly, “’cause I was getting a bit worried when I saw your mail on the table just now.”

“I have mail here?” Jan pulled away, looked at me, and frowned. “Maybe Gray’s bought me something... good.”

“Good?” I bit back a grin. “You going kink on me, Richards?”

He let his hand wander down to my ass. “Talking about kink,” he said, pulling back, “who’s going to tell Gray about us not moving in?”

I made a point of looking at a watch I didn’t have on. “Oops. Gotta go see a man about a fucking.”

“Hah. Coward, I knew it,” he chuckled, and I stepped back to pick up the towel.

“Listen, we’re not going to be long,” I added. “How ’bout you—”

Jan sniffed. “The Mercedes is already warming up. I’m driving you in. Gray’s gained clearance with security at the Master’s Circle.”

I frowned. “You okay with waiting? We can leave my Merc there, get one of the guys to drive it back, then mess around in the back of Gray’s Rolls, with him driving, wind him up some more. A few hours of serious BDSM with Gray, then one hell of a fucking afterwards with you. That gonna make up for having time with Gray?” My frown deepened. “With MC business, he usually keeps things pretty private with me.”

Jan gave a slow smile. “I don’t mind waiting, Jack. Seriously. Don’t... enjoy the next few hours.”

That last comment earned the finger off me, followed by a long kiss.

Me and Jan pushed through into Regent Manor, Southside of the Thames, knowing that the conference hall we needed was a few floors up in the Gothic architecture. We took the elevator, waiting just long enough for the doors to close before I backed Jan up against the wall and tongued him deep, my thigh splitting his legs and rubbing hard into his crotch. We both wore suits, my black on Jan’s finely tailored charcoaled grey, both with shirts tugged free and going for full disorderly conduct in a few short seconds.

“They...” Jan searched every inch of my ass, pulling me in, pushing away, then pulling me back in again. “They have cameras in here?” he groaned against my kiss.

I was busy digging a hand down into his suit trousers, rubbing my palm into his cock, all to hear him groan again. “Yeah.” I breathed heavily against his lips. “Wanna give security something to talk about and—”

Jan surprised the hell out of me by switching position and forcing me up against the wall.

“Fuck talking,” he hissed. “Security will be tossing themselves raw by the time I’ll be finished.”

Something had got him going despite having the cameras here. He’d hated the idea of them back when I’d been Dom training him at his home. I wish I knew what the fuck it was that had changed that tonight. The doors opened and Jan was suddenly away from me, tucking his shirt in and straightening his suit as though nothing had happened. Mine was dishevelled and I was left half manhandled up against the wall, watching him.

By the time we reached the waiting room outside the main hall, Jan had this
butter wouldn’t melt over my need-to-be-fucked body
look about him and I knew I was still staring, still trying to tame the roughing up his touch had left.

“Well go on, then, Jack,” said Jan, taking a seat and picking up a magazine, all nonchalant like. “Best not to keep the Masters waiting.” He even waved me on, casually.

Fifteen minutes. I made sure my shirt was tucked in. Yeah, fifteen minutes—ten if I could hurry it along and miss out a few
hail Masters, I promise to be a good bloke

Hand shaking a little, I pushed on through to the main conference hall.

BOOK: Antidote (Don't)
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