Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance)
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“Mr. Harris—you were saying?”

He looked up to see Holly staring at him curiously, her fingers poised over the iThink. Great, apparently he’d drifted off to fantasyland in the middle of business dictation.

“I…um…” Grant cleared his throat, hoping his erection didn’t show under his four thousand dollar suit pants.

This was ridiculous and incredibly frustrating. Grant had been born to wealth and privilege and for the past five years, since his father had passed the reins, he’d been running a multi-billion dollar company. He was a man who was used to having what he wanted and right now what he wanted was the girl sitting not ten feet away from him, waiting patiently for him to find his train of thought and continue dictating. The girl he could never have because he was afraid to scare her off.

Off limits,
he reminded himself and cleared his throat. “I was saying that I, uh, I’m sorry, Miss Sparks but I’m afraid I’ll have to take a business trip over the Christmas holiday after all. I’ll understand if you can’t come—I know you have family obligations this time of year and—”

“I’ll come,” she interrupted quietly. “Is it really being held on the moon?”

“Yes, it is. That’s neutral ground for Psi-no Industries so it’s the only place they’ll agree to meet. Especially since they think we’re trying to take them over.”

“And are we? I mean, are
Holly corrected herself, blushing.

“Well, they
our biggest competitors and rumor has it that Howard Meeks, their CEO, is having some serious financial difficulties. I might consider it but it’s a very delicate situation. You just can’t force these things—it takes finesse.” Grant squeezed one hand into a fist to illustrate his point. “Sometimes you have to dominate quietly by sheer force of will.”

“Oh…oh really? You have to, uh,
them?” Holly’s voice sounded slightly breathy. Grant wondered if he was imagining it—wishful thinking maybe?

“Yes,” he asserted. “And once I determine if they’re worth acquiring I’ll make my move. Of course, the employees will be frightened at first. They’ll think I want to do them harm—strip them bare and leave them naked and helpless.”

“Naked and…and completely helpless,” Holly repeated. Her cheeks were flushed and she was definitely breathing harder now. This time Grant was sure he wasn’t imagining things.

“Yes,” he murmured, taking a step toward her. “Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, Miss Sparks. The world perceives me as ruthless but I would never hurt anyone under me. I might have to
them into shape a little and let them know I expect to be obeyed but I would never do them permanent or lasting harm.”

“No…no of course you wouldn’t.” Holly was nearly panting now. “And if you had to whip them—punish them—it would only be for their own good.”

Grant was intrigued. Was she actually getting turned on by his analogy? “You find the idea of a whipping intriguing, Miss Sparks?” he asked, watching her intently.

“Oh yes! I mean…” Holly looked flustered. “I mean, only if they
it. Those other employees, I mean.”

“Of course,” Grant murmured, smiling. “Only if they need it.”

“So, accommodations.” Holly cleared her throat and sat up straighter, obviously trying to get back to business. “Where would you like to stay during this trip?”

“You pick.” Grant was sorry to leave their current topic of conversation but at least now he had food for thought. Maybe there was more to the demure Miss Sparks than met the eye? He certainly hoped so.

“The Pleasure Dome,” Holly said, surprising him yet again with her choice of hotel.

Grant raised an eyebrow at her. “The Pleasure Dome? You
realize that’s right in the heart of the red light district?”

“Yes, I realize that.” She met his eyes with an obvious effort.

Grant shook his head. “I would have thought you’d choose the Moon Hilton or someplace equally prestigious and shall we say, less disreputable. Everyone knows The Pleasure Dome caters exclusively to tourists looking for sex, scandal, and general debauchery. Explain your choice.”

Holly sat up straighter. “Staying at a hotel in the red light district instead of a more respectable location will throw Meeks off. He’ll think you’re there for the…distractions offered only on the moon instead of serious business.”

Grant nodded thoughtfully. Holly was always full of surprises but this one was more surprising than most. Still, she had an excellent reason for her choice and he liked her logic. “A very good point,” he said at last. “Very well, The Pleasure Dome it is.”

“Excellent.” Holly’s slim fingers hovered over the iThink. “When do we leave and what’s the length of our stay?”

“Hmm, it’s a nine hour trip by private shuttle and then Meeks wants to meet on Christmas day—I think he thought stipulating that would make me back down. But since I’m not all that eager to eat my mother’s latest efforts at roast goose, I agreed.”

Holly made a face. “She’s really going to cook a

Grant shrugged. “Her book club has been reading the classics lately and right now they’re doing Dickens. If Christmas goose is good enough for Ebenezer Scrooge it’s good enough for my mother.”

She giggled and then tried to pull a straight face. “I’m sorry. That isn’t funny.”

“Actually, it is,” Grant said mildly. “And it doesn’t make it any easier that she never goes near the kitchen until this time of the year. She barely knows how to turn on the stove but she suddenly expects to be able to whip up a ten course holiday dinner—this year including a chestnut and sage stuffed goose with leek butter and lobster infused crème fresh.”

“Ugh.” Holly made a face. “Sorry but that doesn’t sound very good.”

“I don’t expect it to be.” Grant smiled at her. “Which is why I plan to be two hundred and thirty eight thousand miles away when it’s served. And as there are bound to be many,
leftovers, I’m in no hurry to come back, either.”

“I don’t have any holiday plans either,” Holly said, her fingers still hovering over the iThink.

“So then—shall we say we’ll stay five days to a week? A little time for pleasure as well as business. You’ve never been to the moon, have you?” Grant asked.

She smiled slightly. “A ticket to the moon cost roughly what I make in a year. So, no, I’ve never been.”

Grant frowned. “Hmm, we’ll have to remedy that. I’ll get in touch with human resources immediately and put you in for a raise.”

“No, no. I mean—I wasn’t asking for a raise.” Holly’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “I just meant that, uh, ordinary people like me don’t usually get to go to the moon. That’s all.”

He leveled a look at her, holding her dark blue eyes with his gaze. “Miss Sparks,” he growled softly. “I have known you for nearly two years now and I am convinced you are
but ordinary.”

“Oh…thank you.” Holly looked flustered which pleased him immensely. Even though he couldn’t have her, he still enjoyed making her blush.

“Book us into The Pleasure Dome for a week,” he said, nodding at the iThink. “And be sure to get us the best rooms they have. We
-ordinary people have to travel in style.” Already he was anticipating showing Holly everything the moon had to offer. The finest restaurants, the most cutting edge entertainment—he was going to take her everywhere.

This was going to be one business trip he really enjoyed.

Chapter Three


Holly couldn’t believe her luck as she unpacked her suitcase in the lurid red and purple room at The Pleasure Dome. The moon—she was actually on the moon! Ever since she could remember it had been the ultimate dream vacation. Of course, when the lunar atmosphere domes had gone up around 2060, the government had been hoping to make it a new colony to ease the overcrowding on Earth. But the incredible cost of getting there and back again made it impossible for any but the very rich to make the trip. Accordingly, the moon had become the new Vegas, complete with ultra luxury hotels, high stakes gambling, and of course, sexual variety that couldn’t be found anywhere else.

And it was this last feature that made Holly so glad she was finally here. Not that she was looking to hire a male escort—not exactly, anyway. But the moon was the home base of a company she’d done a lot of research on—Anyone U Want Androids Inc. In fact, from the moment her boss had told her they were probably going to take a business trip to the moon, it had been all she could think about.

Anyone U Want specialized in making very special and specific fantasies come true. If you wanted to do something to someone that you couldn’t get away with in real life, Anyone U Want was the place to go. Want to sleep with your best friend’s wife? Or kill your boss? Or spend time with a loved one who had passed on? Anyone U Want could arrange all of these scenarios and more with their specialized, customizable androids.

All you had to do was give them a recording of the person you wanted reproduced, a basic script of how you wanted the scene to play out, and twenty-four hours notice and you could have your fantasy down to the tiniest detail—at least that was what their brochure claimed. And Holly was desperate to believe it.

She would rather have died than admit it but the reason she’d chosen The Pleasure Dome over the Moon Hilton wasn’t just what she’d told Mr. Harris about putting his competition off guard. It was also because The Pleasure Dome was only a few blocks from Anyone U Want. With any luck she’d be able to nip down and place her order tonight and then have her fantasy later on in the week. She could tell her boss that she was doing a little sightseeing and he would never suspect a thing—she hoped.

She could still remember the odd look he’d given her when she got all hot and bothered over his speech about dominating and punishing the new employees under his command if he chose to take over Psi-no Industries. Probably he thought she was a little crazy, but at least he’d been nice enough not to mention it again. Holly didn’t know what had come over her but the way he’d been talking in that deep voice of his had just about pushed her over the edge. God, she needed this release so badly! She just hoped that the Anyone U Want fantasy would live up to her expectations.

It was going to be horrendously expensive, of course. The Anyone U Want fee was going to use up her entire Christmas bonus and then some. She’d be living on nutrient paste for a month just to make ends meet when this was over. But it was worth it—so totally worth it to have Mr. Harris the way she wanted him, the way she craved him so badly.

Holly’s legs trembled at the very thought and she could feel her pussy getting hot and wet under the innocent cotton panel of her panties. God, to have him master her, dominate and punish her the way she needed to be dominated and punished! Even if it was only once in her life, she was sure she could live on the memories forever. And she would have to because she was fairly sure this opportunity was never going to come around again.

Digging through her suitcase for the tiny image-bee she’d packed with her favorite fantasy from her dream-viewer headset, she was surprised to find the headset itself among her things, along with the Anyone U Want brochure. She didn’t remember packing it and in fact, she
brought it along on business trips. It was far too risky. Not that Mr. Harris would ever go through her things but still… Shaking her head she covered the offending piece of equipment with a bra and panty set made of pale green silk. She liked pretty underwear and this was the set she’d brought to wear during her Anyone U Want fantasy. Hopefully Mr. Harris—or the android representing him anyway—would be ripping it off of her sometime later this week.

The chronometer on her wrist beeped, reminding her that she only had an hour before her boss came back from his preliminary meeting. Meeks had insisted on seeing him alone so Mr. Harris had reluctantly left Holly at the hotel. But she knew the minute he got back he’d want to go over everything that had been said and done so she had to hurry.

Leaving the suitcase on the bed she snatched her room key-chip and ran out the door. The sooner she got her fantasy with the android Mr. Harris set up, the sooner she could come back and spend time with the real Mr. Harris.

Chapter Four


“Miss Sparks? Are you in there?” Back early from his meeting, Grant tapped gently on the connecting door between his room and his assistant’s. There was no answer but the door was ajar and his gentle motion pushed it open. Looking inside he saw the plush king size bed made up in a scarlet and purple spread that matched the gaudy flocked velvet wallpaper on the walls. The Pleasure Dome liked to make the most of its reputation as a high class red light hotel and its kitschy décor reflected that right down to the crimson shag carpeting and the gold plated bathroom fixtures.

“Miss Sparks? Holly?” he said again, to be sure she wasn’t in the bathroom. But she wasn’t. Had she gone sightseeing by herself? The idea of innocent little Holly off on a trip through the moon’s notoriously dangerous red light district made him distinctly uneasy. Where had she gone? And was she all right?

Without noticing what he was doing, he stepped further into the room, looking for clues to her whereabouts. Her suitcase lay open on the bed and lying on the top row of neatly folded business wear was something that caught Grant’s eye—a pale mint green bra and panty set. It was lacy and feminine and naughty and just the thought of Holly wearing it and nothing else was enough to have his cock throbbing in a second.

God, just the idea of her soft little pussy barely covered by those pale green lace panties…Unable to stop himself, Grant picked up the pair of silky lace panties and rubbed them gently against his cheek. He could just imagine doing the same thing while Holly had the panties on. He would press his face against her cleft, feeling the heat of her cunt through the whisper-thin material, knowing she was getting hotter and hotter for him. Then he would slide his fingers under the lacy border and trace her swollen pussy lips, feeling her moisture collect on his fingertips as she moaned and he thrust deeper into her wet depths…

BOOK: Anyone U Want: (A Billionaire Scifi BBW Alien Spanking Romance)
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