Read At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) Online

Authors: Sandrine Gasq-Dion

At Year's End (The 12 Olympians) (13 page)

BOOK: At Year's End (The 12 Olympians)
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Elijah nodded.

“Good, now let’s get out and go to the beach.” Jaxon swatted Elijah’s ass and laughed.


Elijah ran down the beach with Jaxon right on his heels. He laughed as Jaxon grabbed him around the waist and lifted him up off the
sand. Elijah wrapped his arms around Jaxon’s neck and nuzzled his neck.

“That was not funny!” Jaxon growled in Elijah’s ear.

“Oh come on!” Elijah squirmed in his grip. “The water’s warm!”

“I wasn’t ready to go in yet.” Jaxon
kissed along Elijah’s jaw, biting it playfully.

Gasps surrounded them and Elijah stiffened. Were they going to be called fags? Was someone going to try to hurt them?
He peeked over Jaxon’s shoulder and saw what the commotion was. Dolphins were almost right up on shore, and they were only around where he and Jaxon stood. Jaxon put him down and Elijah walked into the water up to his thighs. Dolphins bumped him and swam around him.

“This is so cool!”

Jaxon waded into the water and put his arms around Elijah. He leaned into his ear.

“I think they know what you are.”

“They do?”

Jaxon concentrated on one of them and sent a mental message. The dolphin bobbed its head up and down and made a whistling noise. Jaxon laughed and held Elijah closer.

“They do.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I just asked her.”

“Her?” Elijah’s eyes widened and he pulled back slightly, looking into Jaxon’s eyes. “You
can talk to them?”

“Yes. A special gift from Wayne’s lineage.”

“Wayne?” Elijah’s brows furrowed. “You mean

Your Wayne?” Jaxon narrowed his eyes.

“You know what I mean.” Elijah swatted Jaxon’s bicep playfully.

“Yes, your Wayne.” Jaxon looked over his shoulder to see a crowd had formed. “Let’s give these guys some play time. Okay? Then we’ll have dinner and talk.”

After playing with the dolphins for a good hour, they went back to the room and Jaxon orde
red dinner. Elijah was sitting on the bed flipping through the pictures they’d taken. Jaxon sat next to him and looked at the camera. One of the tourists on the beach had offered to take a picture of them together. It had turned out perfectly. Jaxon stood behind Elijah with his arms wrapped around his waist and dolphins were all around them.

“I like that one.” Jaxon kissed the side of Elijah’s neck.

“Me too.” Elijah set the camera down and regarded Jaxon. “So, tell me everything.”

“God, where to start? First of all, you need to know that my brothers are shifters as well.”

“Both of them?”

“Yes, but Jesse is a white lion.”

“How did that happen? You guys are brothers.”

“Well, the gene skipped Jesse to begin with
; he was never a werewolf. Our dad was the alpha of our pack, and he always said that if Jesse was meant to be a werewolf, he would be one. He was right; the goddess Gaea decided that Jesse needed to be in her army as a white lion. There’s more — most of the people you’ve been around are shifters, Elijah.”

“You said Wayne was.”

“Yes, but Wayne is different from us. He’s a created one, the first of their kind. They were created by the gods to rule over all other werewolves. Once Wayne bites you, you get his lineage, which means you see farther, run faster, shift faster.”

“And you talk to animals
,” Elijah smiled. “That must be so cool.”

“It was hard to deal with in the beginning, and
the bite is painful as all hell.” Jaxon shivered at the memory of Wayne’s bite. “But it was worth it. We came to Seattle because Jesse was in trouble, and we met Scott Delange.”

“Scott’s a werewolf
, too?”

“Yes, so are Tristan and Ethan.”

“All of them?”

Yes, and there’s more. The things that were chasing us
? Those were rogues, Elijah. Rogues are beyond evil, they have no conscience. They deal in human trafficking, murder, drugs. They killed my parents, and the parents of so many of our friends.”

“I’m so sorry, Jaxon.” Elijah took Jaxon’s hand.

“It was a long time ago, but they are back and in greater numbers. Their leader is Peter Crius — he goes by Kransisky, but we found out who he really is. He’s a Titan, Elijah, as is his right hand man, Carl.”

Jaxon took a deep
breath; the next words he uttered would be hard for Elijah to hear.

“Carl is a rogue, Elijah, and he’s been masquerading as your friend Cal.”


Jaxon took Elijah’s hands. “He’s been messing with your head, brainwashing you. I spoke with James Jacobs
— ”

“Wait, brainwashing me? How?”

“Look, James Jacobs is government, and he is a very powerful man. He’s got more power than — well, than any of us know — and he runs this whole show, along with Wayne, Caden and Riley.”

“Riley?” Elijah whispered. “Is he…?”

“Yes, he is now. His son, Matty, bit him, changing him into a werewolf.”

Elijah shook his head. “This is so confusing.
I can’t believe Cal is one of those… rogues. God, I feel so … so violated.”

“I know, and I’m sorry to dump all this info on you, but you need to know what’s coming.”

“Brainwashing me?”

“Yes, Elijah. That was why I asked you about New Year’s
Eve. I was going to kiss you that night; in fact I was inches away from doing it.”

“You were going to kiss me?” Elijah grinned.

“Yes, but at that very second, your phone chimed and you just turned and walked away from me. I went to James to ask if it was possible that you were being brainwashed somehow, and he agreed with me that you were and that they were probably using your phone to do it.”

A knock at the door interrupted his next reveal
. Jaxon answered it, taking the food and giving the delivery waiter a tip. He closed the door and walked back to the bed with the cart of food. He lifted the lid and inhaled.

“Oh, that smells good.” Elijah’s stomach growled. “I am

“Dig in.” Jaxon grabbed his own plate and took a bite. “Dasan is a werewolf
, too.”

Elijah choked in surprise. Jaxon smacked his back and handed him
a glass of water.

Um, and Ryder is the son of Zeus,” he added.

held his hand up. “Hang on a second; let me wrap my head around all this.”

“I know it’s a lot to process.”

“Ya don’t say?” Elijah drawled.

“Stone is the child of Apollo
, and your Washington Huskies football friends are all children of the gods as well. Oh, and Killian is a shape shifter and Zack’s a wolverine shifter.”

Elijah fell back on the bed and closed his eyes. “Jesus! Is that it?”

Jaxon tilted his head. “Um, no.”

Jaxon started naming off everyone
— the werewolves, the immortals, the shifters, the assassins.

Elijah lifted a weary hand. “Just stop.”

“Look, I know this is a lot to take in, but you need to know everything. I didn’t want your first anything to be in some alley, but I didn’t really have much choice but to kiss you right there. Carl had already worked his number on you when you got to the club.”

“How do you know?”

Jaxon leaned in and kissed Elijah softly. “Because you didn’t remember any of the times we spent together.”

Elijah growled. “Asshole.”

Jaxon leaned back. “Me?”

“No, Cal, Carl, whatever!” Elijah stood up and paced. “So
, what? They want me for some reason? Is it because I’m the son of the heph dude?”

,” Jaxon chuckled.

“Whatever,” Elijah waved a hand in the air. “Is that it? Because I can light stuff on fire?”

“Can you?” Jaxon stood and crossed the room to Elijah.

“Yes.” Elijah nodded. “I’ve been practicing
, kinda.”

Jaxon walked to the cart and grabbed the candle on it. He held it in front of Elijah.

“The first time I saw you do it was at a party. You got mad, and the candle on the wall flickered and then the flame got bigger. I think the very first time was at the club, though. You were scared and it got away from you.”

Elijah nodded. “I felt trapped and I felt the heat in my hands. The next thing I knew, the bar was on fire.”

Jaxon held the candle out. “Do you need a flame?”

“Not anymore.”

Elijah concentrated on the candle. The power began to rise within him and his hands began to tingle. He held his hand out and did a mental shove towards the candle. The candle’s wick lit and seconds later something popped out of his hand. Elijah’s eyes widened at the tiny bird in his palm.

“Holy shit, that’s a phoenix
,” Jaxon whispered. The gold and scarlet wings flapped and then it disappeared.

Jaxon caught the look on Elijah’s face.
The young man was in total shock. “That’s never happened before?”

“Um. No.” Elijah sat down on the floor and took deep breaths.

Jaxon sat down beside him. Putting his arm around Elijah, he pulled him close.

“Hey, it’s all right. We’ll do this one step at a time, okay? How about we eat and then go check out the rest of the hotel? I heard they have a lounge with a karaoke machine.”

Elijah glanced up and had to smile at Jaxon.

“No singing in public. I just want to be with you.”


~Chapter Ten~


After eating, they headed to the lounge. The lights were low and couples were on the floor dancing. Jaxon pulled Elijah into his chest and held him close
as they swayed to the music. Elijah’s heart beat with his own and Jaxon ignored everyone else in the room, concentrating on the man in his arms. Elijah was a lot more powerful than they had first thought. It gave him a thrill to know he’d be helping Elijah master his skills.

They stayed for a
n hour before heading back to the room. Jaxon closed the door and turned to find Elijah standing in the middle of the room. He looked so damned gorgeous — flushed and sweaty from dancing, chest rising and falling, hands clenched at his sides.

The need to be with each other was strong.

Jaxon removed his shirt and threw it across the room. Elijah began walking toward him, removing his own shirt. They came together and Elijah grabbed Jaxon’s belt loops, pulling them flush.

I want to explore you,” he whispered huskily.

Jaxon’s canine’s threatened to elongate at the sensual tone Elijah used. He only nodded and let himself be led to the bed.
The window was open, letting in the sounds of the beach and the music from the lounge. It was absolutely perfect.

“What’s the song?” Jaxon asked.

“Miley Cyrus, ‘Adore You.’ Why?”

“I like it.”

Elijah grinned. “Me, too.”

Jaxon lifted his ass as Elijah removed his jeans and boxers. Elijah threw them on the chair near the bed and removed his own clothing. He crawled up Jaxon’s body and hovered above him, taking
his fill. He leaned in and kissed Jaxon softly, savoring the taste of his lips. His fingers played at Jaxon’s hipbone as his other hand wrapped in Jaxon’s hair. Their lips moved together fluidly, their tongues twisting around each other. Elijah broke from the kiss and nibbled across Jaxon’s jaw before making his way down the corded muscles in his neck.

made his way lower and kissed Jaxon’s chest before turning his attention to the pierced nipple. He slipped the tip of his tongue into the small silver ring and tugged gently. Jaxon’s back arched from the bed and a low moan left his lips. Elijah licked and nibbled on the nipple before turning to the other one, giving it the same loving attention. Jaxon’s dick was hard and leaking as Elijah made his way lower, licking around Jaxon’s navel. He wrapped his fingers around Jaxon’s length and slid them upward, running his thumb over the slit and spreading precome. Jaxon writhed on the bed as Elijah kept his slow stroke on his cock, while playing with his pierced nipple.

“Oh Jesus, Elijah
,” Jaxon panted. “I’m going to come.”

“Not yet.”

Elijah licked Jaxon’s nipple one last time before making his way down. He kept up his slow stroke and added his mouth to the sensation. The taste of Jaxon’s precome elicited a groan from him and Elijah lapped at the slit, coaxing out more. He closed his eyes and used the tip of his tongue to trace the rim. He slid through the warm slit again and then slipped the head into his mouth. Jaxon’s loud gasp prompted him to take more, suck harder, and tease longer.

Jaxon’s hips bucked and Elijah tried to keep from choking. He r
elaxed his muscles and Jaxon’s length slid down his throat.

shit!” Jaxon yelled.

A blast of cum raced into his mouth and Elijah swallowed as fast as he could. Some slipped from the corners of his mouth and he tried frantically to catch it all. He’d never tasted cum, not even his own
, and Jaxon’s tasted wonderful. He wanted more of it. Jaxon’s hands went into his hair and Elijah popped off his dick.

“What? Did I do it wrong?”

Jaxon fell back and covered his face with his hands. “Holy shit, no you didn’t do it wrong. You did it

“Yeah?” Elijah grinned and crawled back up Jaxon’s body. Holy shit
, the guy was ripped. Elijah touched the defined muscles of Jaxon’s chest. Tattoos covered his biceps and half of his chest.

’re so gorgeous, Jaxon.”

Jaxon pulled
Elijah down and took his mouth, tasting his own spunk. He rolled Elijah onto his back and wrapped his arms around him. They kissed for hours it seemed until the need for oxygen forced them apart. Jaxon broke from the kiss trying to catch his breath. Elijah’s lips were kiss-swollen and damn it if he didn’t want to take him and mark him right then.



“How come you don’t eat my face?”

Jaxon pulled back a bit with a smile. “What?”

“You know, in porn movies it always looks like they
’re eating each other’s faces.”

“You watch porn?” Jaxon laughed.

Elijah glared at him. “Yes, I do. I have to learn somehow.”

“Well, far be it for me to complain after that blow job.”

“Yeah? You liked it?”

“Seriously? I’ve never come that fast.” Jaxon noticed Elijah’s demeanor change. “What is it?”

“How many guys have you been with?” Elijah whispered.


Elijah blinked. “What?”

“I had one boyfriend before you.”

“But you’ve had sex?”

“Yes. Once with the guy and once with a woman.” Jaxon took Elijah’s face in his hands. “But they weren’t you. I want you to take me.”

Elijah’s jaw dropped open. “You mean you…?”

“No, I topped.”

“Um, I don’t know…”

“Hey, I didn’t mean tonight. Whenever you’re comfortable with it, okay? No pressure.”

Elijah pulled Jaxon to him and held him tight. Part of him still couldn’t believe all of it was real. He’d wanted Jaxon Salvatore for so long.

Jaxon’s warm lips were at his neck, kissing and licking
as if he couldn’t get enough of him. He knew the feeling.

Jaxon lifted his head and searched Elijah’s eyes.


“A little. It always takes a lot out of me when I use my power.”

Jaxon slipped to Elijah’s side and pulled him into his arms. “We’re here for the weekend, so relax, okay?”

Elijah nodded and yawned. “’Kay.”

“Goodnight, Elijah,” Jaxon whispered.



Elijah opened his eyes
to find himself face-to-face with a dragon. Jaxon’s tattoo was a vibrant piece of work. Elijah smiled and traced the lines with the tip of his finger. He’d never slept so well. Jaxon had held him all night.

Elijah craned his neck a bit and placed a soft kiss on Jaxon’s chin. The
coarse stubble brushed his nose and he laughed quietly.

“Morning.” Jaxon tightened his arms around Elijah. “My
beard tickling you?”

“Just a little.”

“I can shave when I shower.”

“Can I shave you?”

Jaxon looked down at Elijah. “You want to?”

Elijah nodded enthusiastically.

Jaxon chuckled. “Okay. Just don’t slit my throat.”

Elijah frowned. “Don’t you trust me?”

Jaxon moved back a bit and stared into Elijah’s eyes.

“With my life, Elijah.”


The shower was warming as Elijah spread a thick layer of shaving cream over Jaxon’s cheeks. Jaxon spread his legs wider to accommodate Elijah standing between them. Elijah tipped his face back to apply some cream to his neck. Jaxon smiled and took Elijah’s shaking hand in his, kissing the palm.

“Hey, it’s okay. I trust you.”

Elijah relaxed and took the razor off the bathroom counter. He raised it to Jaxon’s cheek and made one long stroke.
Jaxon’s eyes closed as Elijah swept over his jawline and down his throat.

Jaxon’s face was beautiful. The strong curve of his jaw and high cheekbones complimented his face
. Elijah started on the other side and then gently tended to the area right above Jaxon’s top lip. Jaxon grinned and Elijah raised the razor.

“Don’t do that. I might cut you.”

“But it tickles.”

Elijah laughed quietly. “I’m almost done.”

Elijah swiped the razor down one last portion of Jaxon’s face, then took the hand towel and wiped off any remaining shaving cream.

“There. Perfect.” Elijah bent and kissed Jaxon’s lips.

Jaxon stood and pulled Elijah into his arms, swooping down and taking his lips in a passionate kiss that robbed him of breath. Jaxon raised his head and Elijah fought for air.


Jaxon slapped his ass and motioned to the shower.

“Get clean, then we eat and hit the town.”




‘Hit the town’ meant goi
ng to the whale watch first. Elijah had opted to go there and then go eat. He was so excited about the whales that food had to wait. A crowd gathered on the beach and Elijah pointed toward the water.

“Look! There’s one!”

Jaxon smiled as Elijah bounced up and down in excitement, talking a mile a minute. Even he had to admit the whales were gorgeous. Just like the dolphins, they sensed that Elijah was special and swam as close as they could. Elijah waded in as far as he could go with his shorts on and stood still. People gasped as the whales swam as close as they could, bumping him and playing.

Elijah ran his hands along their bodies and marveled at their beauty. He turned to smile at Jaxon.

“Isn’t this so cool!”

Jaxon nodded with a grin. It
was so nice to see this Elijah, the one he’d met at camp, full of life and vibrant. After everything he’d been through — the bullying by his parents, the kids from school and now the confusion with his powers, Elijah was handling things very well. No wonder — he was a child of the gods. They stayed for another hour and then headed up Beach Road to the restaurant.

Jaxon pulled into the parking lot and got out of the rental car. Elijah stood in the parking lot smiling at the sign.

“Interesting name for a restaurant.”

me of a character on an ’80s sitcom.”

“You watched
’80s TV shows?”

Jaxon had to laugh at Elijah’s widened eyes. “Why? Did you?”

“Whenever I could on TV Land.”

“So you just got my reference?”

“Yes, ‘The Facts of Life,’” Elijah grinned.

Jaxon took Elijah’s hand as they entered.
They were still laughing as they were seated in the back at a small round table. Jaxon grabbed the menu and perused it. He heard Elijah chuckling and looked up.


“They better have bacon.”

“This looks
good; they have warm bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.”

God. That does sound good. The prawns do, too. I’m at an impasse; I don’t know if I want the ribeye or the lamb curry.”

“How about I get the ribeye and we’ll share our meals?”

“I like that. Sounds good.”

After the waiter had
taken their order, Jaxon sat back and admired Elijah. He’d grown since the first time he’d seen him. Although he was still five-foot-ten, he looked older. He had filled out. He certainly looked older than eighteen.

“I love their hours of operation
,” Elijah chuckled. “Eleven a.m. until late. When’s late?”

“Out here? No clue.” Jaxon rested in his chair and smiled. “You look good, even after everything you’ve been through.”

“Well, we don’t know the extent of the damage Carl did to me.” Elijah shivered.

Jaxon gripped the table’s edge. “I should have known
; I should have seen it before I did.”

Elijah reached across the table and took Jaxon’s hand. He rubbed the skin on top before sliding his thumb underneath and rubbing the palm of Jaxon’s hand. A look of surprise covered Jaxon’s face and Elijah winked.

“I love how I can shock you.”

Jaxon swallowed hard. “You really aren’t that
sixteen-year -old I met, are you?”

epends on what you mean by that.” Elijah slipped the straw between his teeth and drank his water, swallowing slowly.

Jaxon looked around the restaurant and covertly adjusted his hardening dick. Jesus
, Elijah could tease.

“Stop that
,” he whispered.

“What?” Elijah slipped his tongue around the straw before sucking it back into his mouth.

“Jesus.” Jaxon licked his lips.

“Oh, look. Our food is here.” Elijah leaned back in his chair with a satisfied grin.

Jaxon arched a brow and waggled a finger at Elijah. “You’ll pay for that.”


Jaxon let out a low growl and Elijah smiled. The waiter placed their plates in front of them and asked if they needed any refills before heading back off to wherever he’d come from. Elijah pushed half the curry to the side of his plate and motioned to Jaxon’s steak.

BOOK: At Year's End (The 12 Olympians)
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