Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4) (13 page)

BOOK: Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4)
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I bent my head to bury my face in her hair.  I was already hard from just a hug.  Brooke knew it too, because she rocked her hips against me and let out another sexy sound at the
intimate contact.  Jesus Christ, I couldn’t remember ever wanting a girl this much and we were only hugging.

She raised her head slightly and pressed her lips against my jaw.  Oh, God.  I could turn my head a few inches and capture her mouth.  My hand slipped up her sides, over her ribs until my thumbs were barely brushing the bottom of her silky bra.  Brooke arched her back, and I knew she wanted me to keep going.

I tightened my fingers on her waist and whispered against her ear.  “Brooke?”

  The sound vibrated across my neck.

“I’m going to walk away now.  I actually might run.  Please don’t be offended, but if I stay here one more second I’m going to be begging you to break all the rules tonight.”

She giggled.  “Okay,” she said.

Without another word or a glance backward, I released her and turned around.  I didn’t stop
speed walking until I was safely inside my apartment.  Leaning back against the door, I realized why I hadn’t been able to commit to Angela all those years ago.

Because she
had never affected me the way Brooke did.

I risked a peek out the window and saw Brooke’s bedroom light flip on.  She walked to
the window and looked right at me.  I don’t know if she could see me in the dark.  Then her mouth curved up and she winked.  Oh, yeah.  She knew I was watching.

She turned around
so I was looking at her back and grasped the bottom of her tank top in both hands.  Excruciatingly slowly she raised it, inch by inch, over her head.  She still didn’t turn around, but she looked over her shoulder and reached behind her back to the clasp on her black bra.  I shouldn’t be watching this, but I couldn’t make myself turn away.

The clasp on her bra sprung open, and she lowered her arms to let the straps fall away. 
When she did turn to face me, her hair was spilling over her shoulders and she had one arm across her chest.  Technically she was covered, but I could see the swell of her breasts underneath her arm.  Brooke walked back to the window and with another smile and wink she pulled the blinds shut.  I groaned in both frustration and relief.

Knowing Brooke was only fifty feet away
in her bedroom undressing was literally killing me.  This wasn’t the first time I had left a date in this borderline painful state, but it was the worst.  If I didn’t take care of the situation at hand, no pun intended, I was in danger of crawling up the trellis to Brooke’s bedroom window.  And I wasn’t in the habit of risking my life to get laid.

Starting up the shower, I undressed as I waited for the water to heat up.  I could still feel Brooke’s lips on my jaw and her skin under my hands. 
Stepping into the shower, I let the hot water run over me.  As images of her bare back filled my mind, I wrapped my hand around myself.  Imagining it was Brooke’s hand stroking my rock hard length, I increased the speed of my strokes.  This wasn’t a time to savor the moment, and I was coming hard before I knew it.  Rocked by the intensity of my self induced orgasm, I leaned my forehead against the wet tile.  It was quite possible this girl would be my downfall.  And I was totally okay with that.

Chapter Thirteen




Rolling over in bed, I stretched out
my legs to find the cool spots in the sheets with my toes.  I had heard Gram leave for church a few minutes ago, so it was probably almost time to get up and get ready for work.  But my bed was so comfortable, and I was having such a nice dream.  It had involved Adam, and we weren’t just hugging this time.

After twenty minutes of trying to go back to sleep so I could pick up my dream where I left off, I gave up and threw off the sheet.  It was a sunny day, and I saw Adam’s car wasn’t in the driveway when I opened the blind
s.  I couldn’t help the little pang of disappointment I felt knowing he wasn’t right across the driveway.

Maybe he would be home when I got off work.  I didn’t want to seem too eager, but if I didn’t get to see him at all today I would be seriously sad.  Last night was hands down the best night of my life.  I replayed everything from our date in my mind while I brushed my teeth.  From the flowers to the hug at the end, everything was perfect.  And the fact that I told him about my sorry attempts at relationships in the past, and he didn’t immediately run for the hills…that was the moment I knew I could lose my heart to Adam.

Just as I rinsed out my toothbrush and put it away, I heard a faint knock at the back door.  I couldn’t imagine who would be coming by so early on a Sunday morning.  Maybe it was Poppy, trying to get me to go to one of her yoga classes again.  I knew my high metabolism and good genes would only get me so far.  One of these days I was going to have to start exercising.  But not today.  If it was Poppy, it was a wasted trip for her.

I walked through the kitchen and opened the back door. 
On the other side of the screen door stood Adam, with a grin on his face and coffee and donuts in his hands.  He raised them up and said, “Breakfast?”

I unlocked the screen door and held it open so he could come inside. 
His hair was slightly damp, so I could tell he was freshly showered.  Unlike me.  My hair was a tangled mess, and I wasn’t wearing any makeup.  At least I had just brushed my teeth, and my pajamas were cute - a gray and pink polka dot tank and shorts combo.

“Do you have to work today?”  Adam asked as he set the coffee cups down on the table and opened the donut box.

“Yes,” I replied.  But that’s all I had a chance to say before he crossed the room and pulled me into his arms.

I braced my hands on his
upper arms and looked up at him.  He didn’t strike me as the caveman type, but almost everything about Adam had surprised me so far.

“How much time do you have before you have to get ready for work?”

“Um…half an hour,” I said.

He grinned at me.  “Perfect. 
Just enough time for our second date.”  With a quick kiss on the top of my head he released me and held out one of the chairs for me to sit in.  When I sat he leaned down and whispered in my ear, “I love the pajamas.”

The feel of his breath on my ear sent a shiver down my spine and
goosebumps racing down my bare arms.

Adam took the seat across from me and took a sip of his coffee.  “I had a really great time last night, Brooke.”

“Me, too.”

He laughed.  “That’s good. 
Because it was kind of presumptuous of me to spring a second date on you without asking first.”

I chose a powdered donut.  “That’s okay.  I
’m really glad you’re here,” I said honestly.

He raised one eyebrow.  “I also enjoyed the peep show,” he said, referring to my semi striptease through the window.

I couldn’t tell if he had been watching or not, which gave me the extra courage I needed to go through with it.  Now that it was morning and we were discussing it face to face, I could feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment.

Adam watched me with amusement.
  “So, you can tempt me but you can’t talk to me about it?”

I shrugged and shoved the donut in my mouth so I wouldn’t have to respond.  But Adam just sipped his coffee and patiently waited for me to chew and swallow.

“I’m good at doing, but not so good at talking about it,” I eventually admitted.

Adam, on the other hand, seemed completely at ease talking about anything.  He leaned back in the chair and casually crossed his ankle over his opposite knee.  “I want you to be able to talk to me about anything, Brooke.  If we’re going to do something, we need to be able to talk about it first.”

Seeing that I wasn’t going to be a willing participant in this conversation, since I had just shoved another bite of donut in my mouth, Adam continued, “For example, I really want to kiss you, Brooke.  It’s officially our second date, so we’re allowed.  That is, if that’s what you want too?”

Because my mouth was still full, I nodded enthusiastically.  Adam chuckled.  “See, that wasn’t so hard.”

“No,” I mumbled.

“Where’s your grandmother?”

“She’s at church.  I go with her on the Sundays I don’t have to work.”

Adam nodded and reached for a donut.  We ate our donuts and drank our coffee and talked about the carnival at the elementary school next Friday.

“I’ll already be there to help set up after school, but you could meet me there,” Adam suggested.  “That is if you’re not opposed to a school carnival for a third date.”

“Actually I think it would be better for a fourth date.”

“Oh, really?  So, are we going to squeeze in a third date between now and then?”

I wiped my mouth off with the napkin and closed the donut box.  “Lindsay and Grady are having a party tomorrow for Labor Day.  It’s at their house, so there will be swimming and boating and of course food and drinks.  I think that would be an excellent third date.”

“Sounds good,” he replied.  “Leah scares me a little, but otherwise your friends are great.”

I laughed as I stood up to clear off the table.  I tossed the empty coffee cups and donut box in the recycling bin underneath the sink.  When I straightened up, I felt Adam come up behind me.  I turned and found myself caged in by his hands on the counter on either side of me.

“It’s time for you to get ready for work,” he said in a low voice.

Mmm hmm,” I murmured.

His eyes searched mine before dropping to gaze at my mouth.  I licked my lips in anticipation, and Adam closed his eyes.  When he opened them, his gaze was intense and heated.  I could feel the chemistry in the air between us all the way down to my toes.

Adam brought his right hand up to skim my cheekbone and then pushed his fingers into my hair.  Holding my head in place he leaned in slowly, keeping his eyes on mine until the last second before his lips touched mine.  It wasn’t my first kiss by a long shot, but it was by far the sweetest and hottest - all at the same time.

When I parted my lips on a sigh and our tongues collided, Adam groaned deep in his throat.  His fingers tangled in my hair and his other hand gripped my hip, holding me in place.  I knew the faint memories I had from our night together were real, and this kiss proved it.

I slid my arms over his shoulders to wrap around his neck as I went up on tiptoe.  Adam’s hand left my head and then he was lifting me to sit on the edge of the counter.  This position aligned our bodies perfectly, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, drawing him in.  He was hard.  I could feel him pressing against me, and I tightened my legs.

We were both breathing hard, and my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my throat.  Adam broke away to graze his teeth along my jaw and nip at my earlobe.  I moaned and grasped the back of his head to hold him there.  The sensation of his mouth on my neck was overwhelmingly good.  He continued to trail hot kisses down my neck and along my collarbone as his hands gripped my legs and moved slowly up my bare thighs.

When they stopped on my upper thighs, his thumbs just grazing under the hem of my shorts, I nearly begged him to keep going.  He was so close to where I needed him to touch me.  But he stilled his hands and his mouth.  I whimpered in protest, but he didn’t move.  With his face still pressed to my neck, he murmured, “Holy shit.”

A breathy laugh escaped my mouth as I tried to even out my breathing.  It was another full minute before Adam slowly pulled back enough to look at me.

“That was some first kiss,” he said.  His eyes were hooded and I could see the tension in the set of his shoulders.  Clearly he had been just as affected by the kiss as I was.

“I don’t think that was our first kiss,” I replied.

The corner of his mouth quirked up.  “I think I would have remembered that, no matter how drunk I was.”

Adam glanced at the clock that hung above the doorway to the dining room.  “I should go,” he said, although he stayed right where he was with his hands still on my legs.

“Yeah, you should,” I said with my legs still locked around his waist and my arms draped over his shoulders.

He looked down at my legs and smiled.  “I can’t go until you let me go.”

“Oh, right,” I said, still not releasing him.  I smiled too and pretty soon we were both laughing.  Finally I unlocked my ankles, and Adam took a step back.  He helped me off the counter and held me at arms’ length while he kissed my cheek.

I leaned back against the counter while he walked to the door.  Opening it, he turned back.  “
What time should I pick you up tomorrow?” he asked.

“Lindsay said to come over around noon.”

Adam nodded.  “Have a good day at work.  I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Bye,” I said, feeling shy and totally unlike myself.

When he left, I moved to the kitchen window to watch him walk across the driveway.  Then I ran upstairs and jumped in the shower.  Because of my make out session on the kitchen counter I didn’t have time to dry my hair.  I settled for an over the shoulder braid, minimal makeup and an outfit that didn’t have to be ironed.

BOOK: Bad Girlfriend (First & Last #4)
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