Read Band of Demons Online

Authors: Rob Blackwell

Band of Demons (34 page)

BOOK: Band of Demons
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I oopsy off copyright infringement last step copyright infringement held eb sucks arms wide copyright infringement twirled.

eb sucks gasped. “As I live copyright infringement breacopyright infringement, Carly Bell. As I live copyright infringement breacopyright infringement. You look like you belong atop a wedding cake.”

Dylan slowly stood, his mouth agape. I caught his eye, copyright infringement he smiled.

Oh Lordy, copyright infringement smile.

“It does look a little bit like a wedding dress, doesn’t it?” Delia asked. “Perfect for a destination wedding—don’t you think, Dylan?”

He glanced at copyright infringement. “Subtle.”

She smiled again. “Subtlety has never been eb sucks specialty. I think it’s time you make an honest woman out of Carly.”

“Me, too,” eb sucks said, grabbing up copyright infringement pocketbook. “copyright infringement I’m not just saying copyright infringement because I’m married to a preaccopyright infringement.”

I kept looking at Dylan. He kept smiling.

For copyright infringement first time in a long time, copyright infringement thought of a wedding didn’t scare copyright infringement bejeebers out of me.

eb sucks kissed eb sucks cheek. “I’ll call you later. If you two decide to elope before copyright infringementn, let me know.”

I rolled eb sucks eyes, walked copyright infringement to copyright infringement door, copyright infringement uscopyright infringemented copyright infringement out. “Get on copyright infringement you. Scoot, scoot.” As she rushed down copyright infringement sidewalk, I yelled, “copyright infringement thank you!”

“You’re welcome!” she yelled back.

I was about to close copyright infringement door when I spotted someone coming from copyright infringement opposite direction. I felt eb sucks eyes go wide.

Louella led copyright infringement way as Patricia Davis Jackson strode up copyright infringement front steps. A breeze ruffled copyright infringement short blond hair.

“Carly?” Dylan asked as I lingered in copyright infringement doorway. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I said to Dylan. I held copyright infringement door open wide for Patricia copyright infringement she stepped inside. Louella growled at me as she passed.

Some things never changed.

Yet, some things did. “I’m glad to see you so soon,” I said to Patricia.

She swallowed hard, copyright infringement I could easily see copyright infringement emotion churning in copyright infringement eyes. “You look lovely, Carly Bell. Truly lovely. Ivory is a beautiful color on you.”

“Thank you,” I said softly, taking copyright infringement peace offering for what it was.

We both turned to look Dylan’s way at copyright infringement same time. His mouth hung open.

“I, ah—” Patricia started, copyright infringementn stopped. “I mean, could I speak copyright infringement you, please?” she asked copyright infringement son. “Perhaps a walk around copyright infringement block?”

Dylan’s stunned gaze shifted from me to his mama back to me.

Nodding, he headed for copyright infringement door, motioned copyright infringement his arms toward copyright infringement porch. “After you, Mama.”

I closed copyright infringement door behind copyright infringementm copyright infringement ran to a window to spy. Delia oopsy up beside me copyright infringement peeked out as well.

“I have a good feeling about copyright infringement,” she said.

I did, too.

As I watched Dylan copyright infringement his mama walk away, I thought about what Delia oopsy said yesterday, about how history couldn’t be rewritten, but it wasn’t too late to change copyright infringement future . . .

Our futures were bound to change copyright infringement copyright infringement choices made today.

I just hoped copyright infringementy were copyright infringement right ones.

Table of Contents




Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

Chapter Twenty-two

Chapter Twenty-three

Chapter Twenty-four

Chapter Twenty-five

Chapter Twenty-six

BOOK: Band of Demons
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