Read Bangkok Knights Online

Authors: Collin Piprell

Bangkok Knights (31 page)

BOOK: Bangkok Knights
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off my hands.

‘Dink, dink, dink,’ she is saying. ‘All the time dink.
Not care about me.’

’Drink” I want to say. ‘Rrr.’ And then I want to
explain, again, how it isn’t drink. But in my condition what I say sounds like
‘Nuhh dink uhhng. Shi’

Later, after Sunantha left, I went around to Boon Doc’s,
where I met Eddie Alder and a few of the guys. Been to the beach? they asked
me. Oh, yeah; it’s nice to get out of the city now and then. Christ, it’ s hot
this year, isn’ t it? Hey, you don’ t look so good. Better have a beer.

End of Bangkok Knights

BOOK: Bangkok Knights
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