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Authors: Anya Nowlan

Bear No Loss

BOOK: Bear No Loss
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“Speakin’ of which, I see somethin’ that I want, too,” he said, his voice almost a purr as he leaned over across the arms of the chairs and caught her lips in a kiss, the first one they’d shared since the night in Cheyenne.

She gasped as their lips brushed together and it was a sweet sound, making Memphis cup her chin with his other hand and draw her nearer for that lingering taste, his tongue slowly pushing into her mouth and twisting against hers. When they broke the kiss, both of them were breathing a little bit harder, and April’s gorgeous eyes shined with the same kind of unashamed desire that he’d seen in them the first night.

But this time it wasn’t just something that had the makings of a one-night stand, something simple and easy. No, this time Memphis was gambling with his heart, and he hoped she was as well. Because one thing was for certain, he had already lost his to April, even if he didn’t admit it yet.

You’ve gotten yourself in deep, Memphis,
he thought with a grin.

He couldn’t have been gladder for it.

Copyright © 2016 Anya Nowlan

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


Bear No Loss

Puck Bear Brides

Book 2

All rights reserved.


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Anya Nowlan
. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material is prohibited without the express written permission of the author.

Cover ©
Jack of Covers

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“Oh my God! Don’t stop!” she wheezed as she twisted underneath his arms, Memphis’s strong palms pressed down on her hips as he lapped a trail down her inner thigh and nipped at her delicate skin a few times with his teeth.

The squeal of approval made him growl, a throaty, needy sound that had to resonate through her considering the mewl she let out. He retraced his path back to her wet slit, the gorgeous redhead shuddering like a leaf as he leaned in slightly. He exhaled slowly, hot breath tingling across her skin and there was nothing quite as delicious as the way her back arched and her thighs clenched at the teasing.

Memphis couldn’t help but grin, flicking his stormy gray gaze up to meet her hazel eyes—what was her name again? Amy? Alys? April?—before letting his tongue roll up over her pussy and curl around her clit. She smelled like spring.

April. That’s it,
he remembered with some obvious satisfaction, smiling privately as he sucked her clit between his lips, making her toss and turn like she was about to explode into a million pieces right under his fingertips.

Her nails scraped against his scalp, curling around his blond hair, and he didn’t mind it one bit. Everything about this woman so far had been
right. From how she’d gotten so cutely flustered when he’d bought her a drink down at the bar in downtown Cheyenne, to how she’d blushed when he told her she was beautiful, to how she became this moaning little wildcat when he had two fingers up her pussy and his lips on her pale, blemish-free skin.

His kind of woman, through and through. A lady in the street and the exact opposite in bed.

I should come to Cheyenne more often,
he thought almost languidly as she jolted upright, her body tensing and her eyes wild as he thrust two fingers inside of her again, twisting them and watching with warm amusement as her eyes rolled back in her head in response to it.

“Don’t… stop…” she hissed, her hands clutching at the sheets now and her skin dappled with sweat.

He could feel her pulsing around his fingers and there wasn’t a force on Earth that could have made him stop. Hovering over her on his knees, on top of her frilly, flowery covers, with her pleasure completely controlled by his fingertips, was
where Memphis Corley wanted to be. It was made better by the fact that she had
idea who he was.

“I don’t intend to, sugar,” he said, his voice a deep, languid murmur—a gift of his Southern upbringing. “Not before you cum for me again.”

He hadn’t even gotten to shucking off his jeans, though they’d been in her apartment for more than an hour now, easily. It was so hard to focus on his own damn pleasure when at first she’d clung to him like he was some sort of an anchor in a stormy sea when he kissed her neck and then her nipples while fingering her, and then of course now… well, look at her.

Gorgeous. Mesmerizing. Hot as fuck, which was some sort of an accomplishment in frigid Wyoming in the middle of January. How could he
want to get her off again and again, especially when it meant she’d make those loud, high-pitched squeals of hers that left him snarling like a hungry beast, wanting to distill them in him?

There was just no way. He had to see her cum again.

“Relax, sugar,” he said, almost a purr, which for a polar bear shifter was an accomplishment in itself.

“You’re not making it very easy,” April protested with a half-smile, one he met with a grin as he scooted up off of his elbow.

His fingers pumped in and out of her slower now, the rough pad of his thumb flicking over her clit in maddening, tight circles as he kissed her stomach, her generous breasts, her neck, and finally her chin, coming face-to-face with her. April’s mouth was slightly open, her pink lips plump from a violent makeout session in the cab and then on their way from the front door to the bedroom, and her eyes were hazy with lust.

If I could see her like this every day for the rest of my life, I’d be one lucky man,
he thought, the notion coming out of thin air and smacking him over the head like a mallet.

For a second, his hand froze in place and his eyes filled with surprise. Memphis Corley was no one-woman bear. Not by a long shot. A guy with a scar on almost every square inch of his body, plenty of tattoos to denote both good and bad decisions in his life, and a crooked grin that could only spell trouble, he was just not the kind of guy to think about settling down. Not with anyone. Certainly not with some girl he just met.

And yet, here he was, knuckles-deep inside of her and still not getting enough of her.

“What is it?” April sputtered, catching her lip in the most adorable way for a moment as her chest heaved heavily.

“Nothin’,” he muttered, conjuring a smirk on his lips, though claiming that he wasn’t a tiny bit rattled by that left-field thought would have been a wild and inaccurate statement.

Instead of thinking about it some more, he went in for a kiss, pulling April to him by the back of her neck and crushing his lips against hers. His tongue snaked inside of her mouth and he held her in the kiss as he plowed his thick fingers inside of her tight pussy again, every motion making a satisfying wet sound as she pooled around him.

Immediately, the small tremors that he’d so enjoyed before started up again and April caught him by the arm with one hand, holding on tight as she breathed quick and short breaths. Her body twisted both against him and away, but Memphis wouldn’t let her wander too far.

“Cum for me, sugar,” he said, capturing her lower lip for the slightest second and pressing down hard enough to make her yelp but not to hurt her more than that.

When he kissed her again, feeling the strain of his rigid cock against the front of his jeans, she finally gave him what he’d wanted to see again. Her pussy clenched around his fingers, starting to throb as her muscles tightened and her breathing turned into one, drawn-out scream that Memphis muffled with his mouth, a smile perpetually tugging at his lips.

“That’s it,” he said softly, not ceasing the way he pounded into her, but leaving his thumb to taunt her clit less now as he eased her down, letting her back fall on the covers.

He maneuvered himself next to her, propping his chin on his hand as he watched her slowly thrum down from her orgasm, her voluptuous, curvy body like honey to him—irresistible. Without thinking much of it, he dipped his head to slink the tip of his tongue around her ear, slipping it along the delicate skin behind it and being rewarded with a fluttery gasp in return.

“That tickles!” she said, half in protest and half in encouragement, or that was at least how Memphis chose to hear it.

Slowly, he pulled his fingers from her, though he pressed them against her swollen lips and let them graze along the softness of her belly and then up between her breasts before bringing them to his mouth. He cleaned them off like she was the best thing he’d tasted in a long time—and truth be told, she was—all the while aware that she was staring up at him with a mixture of surprise and good old-fashioned lust.

“So you’re ticklish. I’ll keep that in mind,” he said with a chuckle, letting his hand rest on her stomach now, his big palm flat over it.

She was no small woman, with lush thighs and an ass that he could hold onto, and he would have been lying if he said that it wasn’t the first thing that drew him to her. But he’d stayed past the first drink because she was a combination of sweet and sassy and seemed completely oblivious to all the moves that usually worked in his favor. She’d barely even given him a look when he dropped his name, something that usually was followed by fawning gasps and women hooking themselves to him like he was the new coming of no-cal ice cream.

Memphis Corley, one of the best shutdown defensemen in all of the National Shifter Hockey League, had never been shy about using his considerable name recognition in his favor, and with this girl he’d been glad to find that it barely impressed her at all. A bear could only deal with so many puck bunnies before getting his full of them, after all.

The only thing she’d mentioned after they’d briefly discussed why he was in Cheyenne—which was for training camp—was that her roommate was a big Chicago Bluehawks fan and apparently had a little crush on him. Memphis had stated that he would prefer April to have the crush, but you couldn’t win them all. She’d grinned. He’d patted himself on the back for a good comeback.

BOOK: Bear No Loss
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