Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe) (10 page)

BOOK: Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe)
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“I never wanted the marriage and have been putting it off for years. She hasn’t pushed for it, either. We’re both aware it was the dream of both sets of parents. I’ve always liked her. She’s a lovely, charming woman who deserves to be loved by the right man. But I’m not that man.”

After a silence, “I believe you,” he said with puzzling soberness.

“A domani, Vito.”

* * *

The film crew followed behind the limo as they came to the last orange grove. Carolena looked at the script one more time as the car pulled to a stop, but the words swam before her eyes. The hourglass was emptying. Once this segment of the taping was over, Valentino expected an answer from her.

Though he hadn’t spoken of it all day, the tension had been building until she felt at the breaking point. She couldn’t blame the hot sun for her body temperature. Since last night she’d been feverish and it was growing worse.

After reaching for her grandmother’s sun hat, she got out of the limo and started walking down a row of orange trees where the photographer had set up this scene with the owner of the farm and his wife.

Her braid swung with every step in her walking boots. She felt Valentino’s eyes following her. He watched as one of the crew touched up her makeup one more time before putting the hat on her head at just the right angle. She’d worn jeans and a khaki blouse with pockets. Casual yet professional.

Once ready, the filming began. Toward the end of the final segment, she held up a fresh orange to the camera. “Eating or drinking, the blood orange with the AG stamp brings the world its benefits from nature’s hallowed spot found nowhere else on earth.” She let go with a full-bodied smile. “
from divine Gemelli.”

Valentino’s intense gaze locked onto hers.
he murmured after the tape stopped rolling and they started walking toward the limo. “The part you added at the end wasn’t in the script.”

Her heart thudded unmercifully. “Do you want to redo it?”

“Anything but. I’ve always considered Gemelli to be ‘nature’s hallowed spot.’ You could have been reading my mind.”

“It’s hard not to. As I’ve told you before, you show a rare reverence for the island and its people.”

As he opened the limo door for her, the rays of the late-afternoon sun glinted in his dark blond hair. “Your performance today was even more superb than I had hoped for. If this video doesn’t put our message across, then nothing else possibly could. I’m indebted to you, Carolena. When Vincenzo sees the tape, he’ll be elated and anxious for the filming to start in the lemon groves of Arancia.”

“Thank you.” She looked away from him and got in the limo, taking pains not to brush against him. Once he climbed inside and sat down opposite her, she said, “If we’re through here, I need to get back to the palace.”

“All in good time. We need dinner first. Matteo has not only lent us his boat, he has prepared a picnic for us to eat on board. We’ll talk and eat while I drive us back.” Despite having dinner plans that night, Val decided spending time with Carolena on her last night was too important to miss. He would make arrangements to see Princess Alexandra at the palace afterward.

Carolena had this fluttery feeling in her chest all the way to the shore, where they got out and walked along the dock to a small cruiser tied up outside the restaurant. There would be no crew spying on them here. His security people would be watching them from other boats so they could be strictly alone.

Throughout the night Carolena had gone back and forth fighting the battle waging inside her. By morning she knew what her answer would be. But right now she was scared to death because he had a power over her that made her mindless and witless.

While Valentino helped her on board and handed her a life jacket to put on, Matteo appeared and greeted them. The two men chatted for a minute before Val’s friend untied the ropes and gave them a push off. Carolena sat on a bench while Valentino stood at the wheel in cargo pants and a pale green sport shirt.

After they idled out beyond the buoys, he headed into open calm water. Having grown up on an island, he handled the boat with the same expertise he exhibited in anything he did.

She saw a dozen sailboats and a ferry in the far distance. High summer in the Mediterranean brought the tourists in droves. Closer to them she glimpsed a few small fishing boats. Most likely they were manned by Valentino’s security people.

When they’d traveled a few miles, he turned to her. “If you’ll open that cooler, I’ll stop the engine while we eat.”

Carolena did his bidding. “Your friend has made us a fabulous meal!” Sandwiches, salad, fruit and drinks. Everything they needed had been provided. Because of nerves, she hadn’t been hungrier earlier, but now she was starving. By the way his food disappeared, Valentino was famished, too.

When they couldn’t eat another bite, she cleaned things up and closed the lid. “Please tell Matteo the food was wonderful!” She planned to send him a letter and thank him.

Valentino took his seat at the wheel, but he didn’t start the engine or acknowledge what she’d said. “Before we get back, I want an answer. Do I call off the engagement so you and I can be together without hurting anyone else? I haven’t touched you on purpose because once I do, I won’t be able to stop.”

The blood pounded in her ears. She jumped to her feet and clung to the side of the boat. The sun had dropped below the horizon, yet it was still light enough to see the smoke from Etna. Everywhere she looked, the very air she breathed reminded her of Valentino. He’d changed her life and she would never be the same again.

But her fear of being responsible for someone else wasn’t the only thing preventing her being able to answer him the way he wanted. Already she recognized that if she got too close to him, the loss she would feel when she had to give him up would be unbearable. To be intimate with him would mean letting him into her heart. She couldn’t risk that kind of pain when their affair ended. An affair was all there could ever be for them.

If she left Gemelli first thing in the morning and never saw him again, she’d never forget him, but she’d convinced herself that by not making love with him, she could go on living.

“It’s apparent the answer is no.”

His voice sounded wooden, devoid of life. It cut her to the quick because she knew that by her silence she’d just written her own death sentence.

Slowly she turned around to face him. His features looked chiseled in the semidarkness. “I saw the light in every farmer’s eyes when they talked with you. They were seeing their future king. Putting off your wedding and coronation to be with me won’t change your ultimate destiny.

“But you were right about us. What we felt at the pool was like a pyroclastic eruption. They don’t come along very often. I read that there are about five hundred active volcanoes on earth, and fifteen hundred over the last ten thousand years. That’s not very many when you consider the span of time and the size of our planet. You and I experienced a rare phenomenon and it was wonderful while it lasted, but thank heaven it blew itself out before we were consumed by its fire. No one has been hurt.”

“No one?”
The grating question fell from the white line of his lips. She watched his chest rise and fall visibly before he made a move to start the engine.

In agony, Carolena turned and clung to the side of the boat until he pulled into a dock on palatial property some time later.

A few of his staff were there to tie it up. After she removed her life jacket, Valentino helped her off the boat and walked her across the grounds to her apartment. By the time they reached her door, her heart was stuck in her throat, making her feel faint.

“I’m indebted to you for your service, Carolena. Tomorrow my assistant will accompany you to the helicopter at seven-thirty. He’ll bring your grandmother’s hat with him. Your jet will leave at eight-fifteen from the airport.”

Talk about pain...

“Thank you for everything.” She could hardly get the words out.

His hooded blue eyes traveled over her, but he didn’t touch her.
“Buon viaggio, bellissima.”

When he strode away on those long, powerful legs, she wanted to run after him and tell him she’d do anything to be with him for as long as time allowed them. But it was already too late. He’d disappeared around a corner and could be anywhere in the palace by now.

You had your chance, Carolena. Now it’s gone forever.



“Carolena—thank heaven you called! Where are you?”

“I’m back at the office.”

“You’re kidding—”

“No.” Carolena frowned in puzzlement.

“I thought you’d be in Gemelli longer.”

“There was no need. I finished up the video taping last evening. I’m pleased to say it went very well. This morning I left the country at eight-fifteen. When the jet landed in Arancia, I took a taxi to my apartment and changed clothes before coming to the firm. It’s amazing how much work can pile up in a—”

“Carolena—” Abby interrupted her, which wasn’t like her.

She blinked. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t know?” Her friend sounded anxious.

“Know what?” She got a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach.

“Vincenzo’s source from Gemelli told him that the queen opened parliament this morning without Valentino being there and no announcement was made about his forthcoming marriage. Parliament only convenes four times a year for a week, so the opportunity has been missed.”

Carolena came close to dropping her cell phone.

“When you were with him, did he tell you anything? Do you have any idea what has happened?”

“None at all.” It was the truth. Carolena could say that with a clear conscience. “When the taping was over last evening, we returned to the palace with the camera crew and I went straight to bed once I got back to my apartment.”

She had no clue where Valentino had gone or what he’d done after he’d disappeared down the hall. But if he had been in as much turmoil as Carolena... She started to feel sick inside. “This morning I had breakfast in my room, then his assistant took me to the helicopter at seven-thirty and wished me a good flight. I know nothing.”

“It’s so strange. Vincenzo has tried to get through to him on his cell phone, but he’s not taking calls. Something is wrong.”

“Maybe he decided to announce it at the closing.”

“I said the same thing to my husband, but he explained it didn’t work that way. Any important news affecting the country is fed to the media early on the first day for dissemination.”

“Maybe Valentino and the princess decided to postpone their wedding for reasons no one knows about. From what I’ve seen of him, he’s a very private person.”

“You’re right, but over the last year he and Vincenzo have grown close. My husband is worried about him. Frankly, so am I.”

That made three of them.

Carolena gripped the phone tighter. She’d told Valentino a relationship with him wouldn’t work, so if he’d decided to call off the wedding, then he did it for reasons that had nothing to do with her. She refused to feel guilty about it, but she’d grown weak as a kitten and was glad she was sitting down.

“I’m sure he’ll get back to Vincenzo as soon as he can. Do you think it’s possible there was some kind of emergency that required his presence at the volcanology lab in Catania?”

“I hadn’t even thought of that. I’ll ask Vincenzo what he thinks.”

For all Carolena knew, Val had returned the boat to Matteo where he could confide in his friend in private before parliament opened. But like Vincenzo, she was getting more anxious by the minute.

“Did I tell you Valentino had a copy made of the video? His assistant brought it to me. I’ve got it right here and will courier it to the palace so you and Vincenzo can see what you think.”

“I have a better idea. Come to the palace when you’re through with work. We’ll have a light supper and watch it. Maybe by then Vincenzo will have heard from him. I take it you haven’t seen the video yet.”

“No, and I have to tell you I’m nervous.”

“Nonsense. I’ll send the limo for you at five o’clock. Max will be excited to see you.”

“That little darling. I can’t wait to hold him.” The baby would be the distraction she needed. But until quitting time, she had a stack of files to work through.


Three hours later Abby greeted her at the door of their living room, carrying Max in her arms. His blue sunsuit with a dolphin on the front looked adorable on him. “If you’ll take the video, I’ll tend him for a while.” Then, to the little boy, ‟You remember me, don’t you?”

She kissed one cheek then the other, back and forth until he was laughing without taking a breath. “Oh, you precious little thing. I can tell you’re all better.”

In a few minutes Vincenzo joined them. The second Max saw him, he lunged for his daddy. Their son was hilarious as he tried to climb on everything and clutched at anything he could get his hands on.

After they ate dinner in the dining room, Abby put the baby to bed and then they went back to the living room to watch the video. The whole time her hosts praised the film, Carolena’s thoughts were on Valentino, who’d been standing next to the cameraman watching her.

Where was he right now? Enough time had gone by for her anxiety level to be off the charts.

When the film was over, Vincenzo got to his feet and smiled at her. “It’s outstanding from every aspect, but
made it come alive, Carolena.”

“It’s true!” Abby chimed in.

“Thank you. I enjoyed doing it. The farmers were so thrilled to meet Valentino in person and listen to his ideas, it was really something to watch.”

“Tomorrow we’ll drive to the lemon groves to set up appointments.”

Abby hugged her. “You were fabulous, Carolena! That hat of your grandmother’s was perfect on you. I’m sorry she’s not alive to see you wearing it.”

Carolena would have responded, but Vincenzo’s cell phone rang, putting a stop to their conversation. He checked the caller ID, then glanced at them. “It’s Valentino. I’ll take it in the bedroom.” With those words Carolena’s heart fluttered like a hummingbird’s wings.

Abby let out a relieved sigh. “Finally we’ll learn what’s going on. If he hadn’t called, I was afraid my husband would end up pacing the floor all night. He worries about Queen Bianca, who’s had her heart set on this marriage. She really likes Alexandra.”

Every time Abby said something, it was like another painful jab of a needle, reminding Carolena of the grave mistake she could have made if she’d said yes to Valentino. Last night had been excruciating. Several times she’d let down her resolve and had been tempted to reach for the phone. The palace operator would put her call through to Valentino. And then what? She shivered. Beg him to come to her room so they could talk?

When she thought she couldn’t stand the suspense a second longer, Vincenzo walked into the living room. For want of a better word, he looked stunned. Abby jumped up from the couch and ran over to him. “What’s happened, darling?”

He put his arm around her shoulders. “He and Alexandra have called off their marriage.”

Valentino had actually done it?

“Oh, no—” Abby cried softly.

“Valentino has spoken with the queen and Alexandra’s parents. It’s final. He told me he doesn’t want to be married unless it’s to a woman he’s in love with.” Carolena felt Vincenzo’s searching gaze on her, causing her knees to go weak. Had Valentino confided in him about her?

“Michelina always worried about him,” Abby whispered.

Vincenzo looked at his wife. “Evidently, Alexandra feels the same way, so in that regard they’re both in better shape than their parents, who’ve wanted this match for years. He says that after sixteen years of being betrothed, he feels like he’s been let out of prison. I’m one person who can relate to everything he said.”

* * *

Abby hugged him tightly.

“But there’s a big problem. Bianca doesn’t want to continue ruling, so it will be up to parliament if they’ll allow Valentino to become king without a wife. It’s never been done, so I doubt it will happen.”

“Where’s Valentino now?”

“Since Vito is home on leave from the military and wants to spend time with their mother, Valentino is planning to fly here in the morning and finish up our project with Carolena.”

The news was too much. Carolena sank into the nearest chair while she tried to take it all in.

“I told him we watched the video and have a few ideas. Apparently he’s seen it several times, too, and has some suggestions of his own. We’ll ask the nurse to tend Max so the four of us can make a day of it.”

By now Carolena’s stomach was in such upheaval, she was afraid she was going to be sick. “In that case, I need to leave and study the script we wrote for the filming here before I go to bed. Thanks for dinner. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Abby walked her to the door. “I’ll phone you in the morning to let you know what time the limo will come for you. It all depends on Valentino.” She stared at Carolena. “He’s fortunate that Alexandra wasn’t in love with him. If Michelina hadn’t loved Vincenzo so much, he—”

“I know,” Carolena broke in. “But their two situations weren’t the same and your husband is an honorable man.” What had happened to Valentino’s promise to not fail his parents like his uncle Stefano had done?

Abby’s eyes misted over. “So is Valentino. Rather than put himself and Alexandra through purgatory, he had the courage to go with his heart. I admire him for that. The volcanologist in him must be responsible for going where others fear to tread. With that quality he’ll make an extraordinary king one day when the time is right.”

But he wouldn’t, not if he followed in his uncle’s footsteps.

With those words, Carolena felt her grandmother’s warning settle on her like the ash from Mount Etna.

“See you tomorrow, Abby.” They hugged.

“There’s a limo waiting for you at the front entrance, but before you go, I have to tell you I’ve never seen you looking more beautiful than you did in that video. There was an aura about you the camera captured, as if you were filled with happiness. Do you know you literally glowed? The sadness you’ve carried for years seems to have vanished.”

It was truth time. “If you’re talking about Berto, then you’re right. The trip to Gemelli has helped me put the past into perspective. I thank you for that.
Buona notte,
dear friend.”

* * *

Valentino’s jet landed at the Arancia airport the next morning at 7:00 a.m. He told the limo driver waiting for him to drive straight to Carolena’s condo building.

At quarter to eight they pulled around the back. He’d arrived here fifteen minutes early on purpose and would get inside through the freight entrance. Abby had told her they’d come for her at 8:00 a.m., but Valentino told Abby he’d pick up Carolena on the way from the airport to save time. They could all meet at the first lemon grove on the outskirts of Arancia at nine.

One of his security people went ahead to show him the way. Though she planned to be outside waiting, he wanted the element of surprise on his side by showing up at her door ahead of time.

The knowledge that he was free to be with her set off an adrenaline rush like nothing he’d ever known. He rounded the corner on the second floor and rapped on the door. A few seconds later he heard her voice. “Who’s there?”

Valentino sucked in his breath. “Open the door and find out.”

After a silence,
“Your Highness?”
It came out more like a squeak.

“No. My name is Val.”

Another silence. “It

The shock in her voice made him smile. “I’m glad you remembered.”

“Of course I remembered!” she snapped. That sounded like the woman he’d first met. “You shouldn’t have come to my condo.”

“Why not? Circumstances have changed.”

“They haven’t where I’m concerned.” Her voice shook.

“That’s too bad because the pyroclastic eruption you thought had blown itself out was merely a hiccup compared to what’s happening now.”

“I can’t do this.”

“Neither of us has a choice.”

“Don’t say that—”

“Are you going to let me in, or do I have to beg?”

“I—I’m not ready yet,” she stammered.

“I’ve seen you in a bathrobe before.” The sight of her had taken his breath.

“Not this time!”

The door opened, revealing a fully dressed woman in a peasant-style white blouse and jeans. Her long sable hair, freshly shampooed, framed a beautiful face filled with color. With those green eyes, she was a glorious sight anytime. “Please come in. I need to braid my hair, but it will only take me a minute.” She darted away.

He shut the door. “I’d rather you left it long for me,” he called after her before moving through the small entrance hall to her living room. It had a cozy, comfortable feel with furnishings that must have belonged to her family. Lots of color in the fabric. Through the French doors he glimpsed a book-lined study with a desk and computer.

“I’m afraid it will get too messy.”

Valentino had expected that response and wandered around the room. There was a statue on an end table that caught his eye. On close examination it turned out to be a reproduction of Rodin’s
The Secret.
The sculpture of two white marble hands embracing could have described both the evocative and emotive nature of his experience with Carolena.

He found it fascinating she would have chosen this particular piece. There was an intimacy about it that spoke to the male in him. She was a woman of fire. He’d sensed it from the beginning and wanted to feel it surround him.

Next, he saw some photographs of her with a man in his early twenties, their arms around each other. This had to be Berto. They looked happy. The loss would have been horrendous in the beginning.

On one of the walls was a large framed photograph of a farmhouse. No doubt it was the one she wanted to buy back one day. His gaze dropped to the table below it, where he was able to look at her pictures comprising several generations.

“I’m ready.”

He picked up one of them. “Your parents?” He showed the photo to her.


“There’s a strong resemblance to your mother. She was beautiful.”

“I agree,” she said in a thick-toned voice.

“What happened to them?”

Her eyes filmed over. “Mother could never have another child after me and died of cervical cancer. A few years later my father got an infection that turned septic and he passed away, so my grandparents took over raising me. Later on, my grandfather died of pneumonia. He worked so hard, he just wore out. Then it was just my grandmother and me.”

BOOK: Becoming the Prince's Wife (Princes of Europe)
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