Read Besieged Online

Authors: L.P. Lovell

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica, #L.P lovell, #Besieged, #Theodore Ellis, #Romance, #Lilly Parker, #New adult

Besieged (2 page)

BOOK: Besieged
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"He's in the loo throwing up." She narrows her eyes slightly.

"Well in that case can I buy you a drink while you wait?" I ask smoothly. She looks at me for a few seconds, her eyes searing through me as though I were made of glass.

"No." She turns back to the bar. That's it, just no. What the hell do I do with that?!

"Really?" I smile and raise an eyebrow at her again as I step closer. Her fragrance assaults me, delicate and floral, so unlike the woman stood before me.

She leans in to me so that I can feel her breath on my neck, her lips a mere breath away from my ear. I have to suppress a groan as her tits brush against my chest. 

"Really." She whispers, her tongue caressing the word and making my cock jump to attention. She leans back, a small smile gracing her lips. Oh, she knows exactly what she's doing and it is seriously hot.

My eyes flick down her body, taking in her curvy yet elegant frame. When I meet her gaze her eyebrow is cocked and her lips pressed together. I smile, enjoying her discomfort. "Perhaps I should just cut to the chase... come home with me."

She smirks as her eyes slide over me. “You really don't know when to stop do you? You see this here.” She gestures at the space between us. "This... is me not being interested."

I laugh and shrug casually.  "No, this is you pretending you're not interested."

"Wow. Really?" She raises an eyebrow. "You're not my type." She quips, though I don't miss the way her eyes slide over my body again.

"I'm everybody's type." I stare her down, the air between us is suddenly tense. Electricity seems to crackle between our bodies, and I want nothing more than to rip off that tiny dress right here.

She eventually just smirks and shakes her head. "Does that shit actually work for you?"

I flash her a smile. "Oh, I don't normally need to say anything sugar, but I like to think I'm adaptable so for you I'll make an exception."

"Do I look like the sort of woman who swoons over some cheap line from a handsome stranger?" She tilts her head, her lips slightly turned up into the hint of a smile.

"So I am handsome?" I grin.

She looks me over again. "I didn't actually say that, besides, you'd have to be something really special to spike my interest sweetheart." She shrugs indifferently. Damn this girl’s a ball buster.

"Fighting words sugar." She shrugs and looks away, but not before I see the small smile on those perfect lips and a mischievous glint in her eye.

I summon the bar maid and order two tequila shots, with salt and lemon. She places them on the bar in front of me.

I slide one across the bar to her. "Here."

She eyes me dubiously for a moment, then without a word she dips her finger in the clear liquid, just skimming the surface before tracing a line of liquid across the back of her right hand, something about the gesture is seductive to say the least.

 I look up to see her watching me closely through her lowered lashes. She sprinkles some salt over the same spot.

 Not bothering with the salt I clink my glass against hers before tipping it back, my eyes never leaving hers.

She lifts her right hand and traces the line of salt slowly with her tongue, before rolling the shot glass over her bottom lip and swallowing. The movement of her throat catches my attention as I watch her. Yeah, my jeans are not a comfortable place to be right now. She places the lemon slice against her lips before discarding it and running her tongue along her bottom lip. Wet dream.

"So, me, my bed. I promise you at least two orgasms before you leave." My voice is husky as my mind flashes through all the things I’d love to do to her, and there are so, so many.

"Only two? Sweetie my vibrator can do that for me. You'd have to be offering a lot more than that. I pegged you as a man of ambition." Her lips curl up in a playful smile, and if possible she becomes even more beautiful. She is pure sex and sin in all wrapped up in one seriously fuckable package.

"Oh, you have no idea. Trust me, the things I would do to you..." I slowly drag my gaze down her body. She rolls her eyes and picks up her bag as starts to turn away from me. "Let’s make it three by morning shall we?" I offer.

She laughs. "I'm walking away and that's the best you've got? I'm disappointed." She pouts before her lips pull in a wry smile.

"I do hate to disappoint." I smirk.

She steps close to me and speaks quietly against my neck. "Well then you'd best step up your game
. You're in the big boy’s playground now." Her voice is low and husky. She places a lingering kiss on my cheek and pulls away, raising a maddeningly seductive eyebrow at me.

"Wait. What's your name?" I say quickly before she leaves.

She smiles wickedly at me. "Thanks for the shot." Oddly I find myself smiling at her response.  She winks over her shoulder before walking away.

For the first time ever, I just got rejected, and I love it.


Chapter 2- Lilly


I wake with a start when an obnoxious buzzing rings in my ear. I reach over and fumble for the alarm clock, silencing it. Wrenching myself upright, I trudge groggily to the en-suite shower. I open the door and let out a startled scream at the wet naked man that I certainly did not expect to be stood in my bathroom at this hour.

"Calm down." He drawls in his thick Australian accent.  He smiles and gives me a peck on the cheek as he walks past me completely naked, towelling his messy blonde hair.

"Fuck, Cruise! What the hell are you doing here?" I snap at him.

"Um, I stayed last night, remember?" He pulls on boxer shorts completely unperturbed by my tone. My eyes wonder over his defined body. So shoot me, the man is very easy on the eye, let me tell you.

"I must have fallen asleep." I mumble. "You don't stay over." I snap.

He pulls on his jeans and shrugs. "Okay. I gotta shoot. See ya." He steps close to me before pressing his lips to my neck, just long enough to make my pulse quicken. He then steps away, winks and flashes that charming surfer boy smile before turning around and walking out the door, pulling on his shirt as he goes. Ugh men!

Once showered and dressed I head to the kitchen in search of coffee. Bright sunshine streams through the tall windows on both sides of the open plan space, making the whole flat seem bright and optimistic this morning.

“How do I look?” Molly strolls into the kitchen looking stunning in a grey dress and a pair of black heels. Molly always has a certain grace and elegance, but normally refuses to embrace it. She has the figure of a model, long slim legs and a tiny waist. Her long blonde hair is pulled back into a sharp high ponytail, showing off her perfect cheekbones and big blue eyes.  She's my roommate, well more landlord really seeing as her dad pays for at least half of our seriously pricey Holland Park apartment. More than that though, she’s one of my best friends and has been since we were five. We grew up making mud pies and teasing my brother Harry together. Good times.

"Hot." I reply with a grin.

"Good enough for a meeting with some stick up his arse designer." Molly works for a fashion magazine, despite having no actual interest in fashion, just her Internship at the magazine. As far as she’s concerned it’s just a foot in the door, but I benefit immensely from all the free samples she brings home. As you can tell, she'd rather be doing something more... stimulating.

“You look A-mazing. I totally would.” I smile. "Stick up his arse will be drooling."

“That, I very much doubt.” She grumbles.

“Both you girlies are looking fine!” George strolls into the kitchen looking his normal beautiful self. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my hair quickly before reaching around me to make his own coffee.

He’s wearing rolled up sweats and a tank top which reveals his defined arms. He always looks younger than his years due to his boyish blonde hair and hazel puppy dog eyes, however his broad muscular shoulders and narrow hips are anything but boyish. George is one of those guys that people stop to look at in the street.

George is the third addition to our little household. He befriended me in college where we shared several classes together and a love of dance and music. We instantly connected in a way I never have with anyone else, not even Molly. George gives it to me straight at all times, which I love about him. He's lived in London for a couple of years now, pursuing his career as a dancer, though he's taken on some modelling work to supplement his income. Dancing is a tough industry, but George is really talented.

“You’re up early.” I smirk at him. George is never up early; it’s like living with a student.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ve got an early audition.” He sits at the breakfast bar with his coffee.

“Oh, exciting stuff!”

“Oh babes, I am going to kill that shit.” He waves dismissively, grinning.

I laugh; he never fails to put me in a good mood. “You always do sweetie. Well good luck. Love you.”

“You to.” He blows me a kiss as I stand to leave.


Outside the air is crisp; I hug my cardigan closer around me and walk briskly to the tube station, my heels clipping the pavement rhythmically. I came to London two months ago for a summer internship. I went to University in Cambridge, which is a relatively quiet city, or as quiet as a city can be, it was my home from home. London seems to me like an unrelenting concrete machine, just churning out business. The people here are unfriendly, too busy caught up in their frantic lives to afford anyone else a smile. I find it quite sad and it makes me miss Cambridge, though I consider myself lucky to have some close friends in the city.

The tube is quieter than usual because I’m an hour earlier than normal. I hate the tube, it’s claustrophobic, but there really is no faster or easier way to get around London, and so I endure it.

I arrive at Circus House at ten minutes to eight. The offices of Florell and Simmons are situated in Piccadilly; it takes me thirty minutes door to door. I take an elevator up to the fourteenth floor, grab a coffee and immediately start to prepare the papers for my big meeting.

I’ve been working here for only one month as an intern. I was very lucky to get the placement; they are one of the most prestigious solicitors in London. Today my boss has a meeting with the CEO of Ellis corporate Ltd; the firm’s biggest client. He’s asked me to join him, it’s a massive opportunity and I’m thrilled he's asked me.

“Ready to go?” My boss Josh appears about half an hour after my arrival. He’s a tall man with a kind face and is always full of smiles. I guess him to be about thirty, although it’s hard to tell as he has a dusting of grey through his dark hair.

“Sure.” I smile at him as I gather all the paperwork and put it in my briefcase.

“Now as you know, this is a hugely important meeting. This is the real deal. Simmons usually deals with Mr.Ellis himself, but this was somewhat urgent and seeing as he's on holiday I've been asked to step in.” He seems nervous as he smooth’s his tie for the third time in as many minutes.

“Yes, thank you. I really appreciate you giving me the experience.” I smile at him.

“Well you’ve been a real godsend these past few weeks Lilly. I don’t know what I ever did without you.” He gives me a huge grin.

“Thanks Josh.” Josh and I have a great working relationship; we bounce off of each other so well. I'm hoping they'll offer me a permanent position once my internship finishes.

We step out of the elevator and into a black Mercedes waiting outside on the curb. We go through a few things for the meeting, and after about twenty minutes, arrive outside Ellis Tower.

“This is it.” Josh looks very tense and serious.


The doors of the elevator ping open, the button for the thirtieth floor glowing in the vast panel of numbers.

We step out into a waiting area. The room holds an obvious grandeur. The marble floor sparkles under the spot lights and there are several white leather sofas against the left hand wall. Opposite on the right hand wall is the large reception desk, and the far wall opposite the elevators houses an enormous pane of glass; frosted into it in slate grey writing is Ellis Corporate Ltd. Various art works line the walls, mainly black and white cityscapes.

We take seats in the waiting area. Josh pulls out a contract and starts to read through it. He’s nervous, I can tell he’s desperate to impress.

“Mr Walker.” A young woman calls from the reception desk. ”Mr Ellis will see you now. It’s along the corridor, first door on your left.” She smiles politely.

“Thank you.” Stiffly he gets up and I follow.

“You ready for this?” He says as we reach the door to Mr Ellis’ office.

“I think so.” I smirk, the idea of being nervous around anyone seems ridiculous to me. I get that he's important but come on; he's still just a man.

“Don’t worry, you’ll do great.” I touch his arm in a supportive gesture and he smiles meekly at me.

He knocks gently on the door and opens it.


I look up at the man stood across the room from me and am lost for words, not something that happens to me often. He flashes me a familiar charming smile as his eyes flick down my body without apology. Oh dear god, please tell me that is not Mr Ellis. His P.A perhaps? An Intern? I'm ever hopeful, but even as I try desperately to grasp onto the notion, I know I'm wrong. The way he holds himself, his entire aura is that of power and righteousness. Suddenly everything clicks into place and his overly confident demeanour makes sense. The confidence of a man who has more money than a small country and always gets what he wants.

He's tall, over six foot easily and even more attractive than I remember. I mean I knew he was hot, but shit. I swear the man should be pictured in the dictionary next to sex.

My eyes roam his broad shoulders and narrow hips. His shirt remains open at the collar with no tie. Dear god, can the man work a suit.

I look up and study his face. His dark hair is slightly messy, his features sharp and chiselled. Full soft lips contrast a square jawline and cut cheek bones, his designer stubble finishes the look perfectly. I finally meet his eyes, they're a deep azure blue and seem to physically smoulder as he pins me with his gaze. I boldly meet his stare, his eyes are beautiful, bottomless and intense with the kind of fire in them that a woman could literally melt under. His lips pull up in a smirk and my skin suddenly prickles with heat. He may be a cocky arse, but seriously, no man should be allowed to look that good.

BOOK: Besieged
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