Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1)
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Chapter 10: Confessions


Tricia paced back and forth on their room. The wheels are turning and though she was the one that started it, she is not sure if she can stop them. She knows the kind of distress that she caused on Isa and perhaps even the entire monarchy. Wracked with guilt, she waited for the call from the mastermind of it all, what is she to do next? Does she wait for Isa to act? Does she leak the video herself?


She received no other further instructions, except that she was told that to expect another call. She held on to the cameras that had the video. She gave the memory cards that also had the video to Isa, as instructed, but she kept the cameras, she did not know why but she just did. Were there other copies? She was not sure. Will Isa find out? She was not sure either. She has so many questions and none can answer.


She has one question though that she can answer, will she do everything that Ahmed orders her? There was simply no other options in the matter, she will do everything, travel to Bahrain, seduce the Prince, make a sex video, release it even if it meant her naked body made public and do anything else, as long as the deal she made is completed. She had no choice, except during the year that she was with Isa, something changed.


From what was told of her, Isa was a notorious playboy, an alcoholic, a drug addict and an out of control spoiled brat. She thought it was easy to play her part in the game but it was not. The person she met in the hospital chapel was very different from the person she was told about. Isa did not see the black sheep of the Royal Family but a man in pain, longing for his Father and seeking a friend. He was not gaunt, his eyes were not sunken and his skin was not pale, instead he was beautiful, a postcard Prince of the East. It was the combination of his apparent sensuality and his personality that finally made her truly fall in love him.


It was the first time that she admitted it to herself, that she loved Isa. Now, the choice became even more difficult for her. If it were only her reputation and life that was at stake, it would not matter but her decisions will affect not only herself but also others. Torn, Tricia continued to pace back and forth. She hated herself for being so alone, weak and powerless. Then she realized that she was not alone, she was neither weak nor powerless. She has Isa, the future King himself! If she told him everything, surely Isa will understand. When he does, he can bring down all the forces under his command to take down Ahmed.


She regretted not doing it sooner but, there was no time like the present. She took her phone and dialed Isa’s number. It rang several times until the call went to his voicemail.


“Isa here, please leave a message.”


“Isa, it’s Tricia. Please call me as soon you get this. I need to tell you something” she said in a loud voice filled with emotions and excitement.


“Tell me what?” asked Isa. Tricia was so deep in thought that she did not notice Isa coming in and walking towards her. Tricia rushed to Isa and hugged him tight. She felt the familiar warmth of his body, his intoxicating scent and the hardness of his chest but there was something different. Isa did not hug, his arms stayed on his sides instead of wrapping one arm around his shoulder and the other on her waist. She ignored it and answered,


“Isa, I have to tell something, a lot of things. Before I say them, please know that I love you very much and I will do nothing to harm you. I promise this with my life.”


“Go ahead,” Isa replied.


Tricia was taken aback on his reply. She was expecting some kind of comfort or worry from Isa but what she saw was just a blank face, plainly waiting for more information. Maybe he is tired, she thought.


“Isa I have not been entirely honest with you,”


“Oh? Go on then,” he replied.


“Isa, the video of us last nightm I knew all about it. I put the cameras there myself. Someone told me to do it, if I don’t, I will never see my parents again.”


“Someone? What is his name?”


“Ahmed, a common name here in Bahrain! And I thought your parents died.”


“No, I just made that up. They are in danger, they were doing missionary work in the Philippines but they moved eventually here somewhere in the Middle East. They were taken kidnapped and taken as hostages. Their captors allowed them to call me as proof of life. I tried to report it to the police but without proof that they were kidnapped, they could only investigate. Trying to find out about two elderly hostages on top of other missing persons abroad was the least of their priorities.”


“I waited for a ransom note but none came. After a few weeks, I received another call, this time from Ahmed. He was not asking for any money but he wanted me to go to Bahrain as soon as possible. I found the plane ticket on the mail, cash was wired to my account for my expenses and I found myself in a hotel waiting for further instructions. One night, I got a call from the reception, saying that there was a package. Inside, there were pictures of you, a background profile, your likes and dislikes, everything and the exact day when you will be at the hospital. Isa they even knew that you will be in the chapel. That’s why I was instructed to sit there.”


“And this package? Where is it?”


“I left it at the hotel and when I came back, it was no longer there.”


“Convenient,” Isa whispered. “And the video?”


“I got a call again, Ahmed said that I should pickup these cameras at a street corner and take a video of ourselves while making love.”


“And was it truly love? Did you really love me Tricia?”


“Yes I did and I still do Isa! I love you so much that I risk my own life and the life of my parents by telling everything to you! Please help me Isa, you are the only one that I know that can.”


“And how do you want me to help you? How am I sure that this is not another lie?”


“I can only ask you to trust your feelings for me but I promise to be honest to you from now on. Please help me save my parents Isa.”


“I will have to ask Hasan about this. He has warned me about you just a few hours ago. He has been monitoring you ever since we got together. ”


“He did? Then if I was being monitored then he would have known the phone calls I have been receiving and the pickups that I made!”


“Follow me, we are going back to the Palace. It is about time you, my brother and the rest of the family met. You tell my brother everything you told me.”


“I would Isa but what if Ahmed discovers I have talked to you and the rest of the family. They may suspect they may kill my parents!”


“They will not. There will be an official prayer for Father on the Palace tonight. All women will be dressed in the traditional clothes, with their face completely covered except for the eyes. I can get you in. You will enter alone so that I will not be seen with anyone and whoever Ahmed is, will not expect that you are there with me. Then I can arrange for you to meet by brother.”


“And if your brother confirms that everything I said is true? Will you help me?”


“If everything you said is true, then I will use every resource at my disposal as Prince to find your parents. If I cannot find them as a Prince, I will find them as the King.”


“Thank you Isa, thank you.”

Chapter 11: Lies Uncovered


In the Palace, Isa asked one of his bodyguards to bring Tricia in the prayer room. With several dignitaries and few members of the family present, Tricia with her face hidden blended in with the gathering.  As soon as the prayers were concluded Isa and Tricia discreetly left the prayer room and walked towards Hasan’s office.


Inside, Hasan was not there and remembering that there were no surveillance cameras in the room behind the desk, he asked Tricia to wait there, while he called for his brother to meet them there.


“Hasan meet me at your office now. It’s important.”


“What did he say?” asked Tricia.


“He is on his way.”


“Stay there, while I wait for him on the front office.”


Within a few minutes, Hasan entered the office and asked,


“What’s the matter? Did you find anything about what we talked about?”


“Yes, but let’s talk inside.”


Isa led Hasan to the room and there waiting for them was Tricia. Hasan was surprised at seeing Tricia and at Isa for bringing her inside the Palace.


“Hasan, this is Tricia.”


Tricia extended her hand and said,


“An honor to meet you, Your Highness.”


Hasan did not reply, he did not even extend his hand. Instead, he shot an angry look at Isa. He walked out of the office but Isa tried to catch him.


“Hasan, please forgive her discourtesies, she is not learned in our ways, you must listen to her.”


“I cannot Isa, I cannot talk to someone under investigation.”


“Please you have to listen to her.” With that Isa held on to Hasan’s arms beckoning him to stay.


“Let me go Isa, I have nothing to neither say nor hear from Tricia.”


Hasan left and Isa was left in the office. He walked towards the back room and saw Tricia standing halfway in the doorway. Isa was sure she heard everything that Hasan said.


“Forgive my brother. He is very traditional, it is customary for a Prince to extend his hand first and it is also rare for a woman to have physical contact with a man here. I am sure that is why he refused to talk to you, nothing more.”


“It’s him Isa.”




“That voice, it has been haunting me since the first call about my parents. That’s why he refused to answer, I know his voice. Hasan is Ahmed!”

Chapter 12: Road to Home


Justice was swift but was made private. Officially, Hasan was named Special Envoy to various foreign affairs interests of the family. He was stationed in one of their embassies in Europe. Isa was all too familiar on how exile can be called by another word. Privately, key members of the family were made aware of Hasan’s crimes. Their Father discovered that Hasan was conducting illegal activities with terrorists from Iran and the King was determined to remove Hasan from the line of succession.


When Hasan learned of his father’s decision, he tried to find a way to discredit Isa and he found a way through two of the terrorists’ hostages, Tricia’s parents. He meant for the conspiracy to last longer but their father’s heart attack prompted him to take action and the fastest way to discredit an heir was with the threat of a scandal. At the same time, Hasan needed to make Isa trust him so he revealed a portion of truth to Isa. Hasan never expected for Tricia to fall for the Prince.


There will be a few more days before the mourning period will pass and the coronation for the new King will take place. In the meantime, Isa and Tricia were spending a quiet evening wading in one of the Palace’s indoor pools.


“I don’t want it to end Isa,” lamented Tricia.


“It does not have to my love.” replied Isa.


“But when you become King, there will be no place for a woman, like me.”


“A woman like you will always have a place with a King.”


“But your faith, your country, your family, they will not accept me as your queen.”


“Then, I don’t have to be a King.”


“What? You can’t! All that has happened to us will be for nothing if you just give up the throne.”


“All that happened with us is exactly what we needed to be together, to be King or not.”


“But what will happen to the monarchy? The coronation?”


“We have rooted ourselves to the country well; we are bound to it as it is bound to us. The coronation will continue, but my family knows of my wishes. We have chosen Hasan’s younger brother, Mahmoud to ascend. He is fiercely loyal to me and will keep us safe.”


“But, where do we go? Do we move out from the Palace? Where will we live? We can move to my parent’s home, they need our company now more than ever.”


“We can stay wherever you like. Tricia, I may not be King but I will be forever your and the country’s Prince. I have a personal fortune of my own on top of the Crown funds. The last time I checked, a King may not marry you but a Prince outside the line of succession can and when a Prince marries a girl, the girl becomes…”


“A Princess… I don’t know what to say! Will you do that? Will you do all of that for me?”


“Tricia, marrying you, for the first time is that only thing that I am sure that is right for me to do.”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes, I am sure!”


“If you are, then I have news of my own.”




“With all that has happened, I noticed a few weeks ago that I have been missing my period.”


“Wait, are you saying…”


“Yes! Isa, I’m pregnant! I took the test and the doctor confirmed it too!”


“I’m going to be a father and a husband!”


“Yes you are! Are you happy?”


“Of course, I am!”


With the past behind them and their future all in front of them, Isa and Tricia hugged each other in a long embrace, taking comfort in the warmth of their bodies and the waters of the pool.


With Isa’s arms and hands wrapped around Tricia, she did not notice that the plain ring that Isa wore on his finger now submerged in the water, faded from gold to a rusty bronze.

BOOK: Billionaire Romance: The Billionaire's Secrets (Alpha Billionaire Romance Book 1)
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