Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) (8 page)

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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“Already done,” she said, taking his hand and showing him the various cages and their unusual inhabitants.

“Well then,” he said with a brilliant smile. “Would you care to join me for a stroll in the gardens?” He held his elbow out for her to take, and she laughed at his impersonation of a proper gentleman. He was the one who’d taught her how to suck cock, so she knew he was anything but.

“Why certainly, kind sir,” she managed to say between giggles.

The garden was really just a small clearing that was still part of the research facility’s compound, but it was full of interesting plants and strange colored flowers that practically defied description. The preliminary reports had identified that most of the plant life on this planet was poisonous and, therefore, explained the lack of animal life. Considering what they’d found so far, it seemed a poorly researched idea.

As they walked further, Mikayla noticed that John didn’t seem to be walking quite so naturally as he’d been before. A quick glance at his crotch answered the question as to why. She stepped in front of him, stopping his forward momentum with a hand over his hard erection.

“Is there something I can help you with?” she asked with a wide grin on her face. John returned her grin, but his eyes had the same wild look as Peter’s had last night. John nodded frantically and pushed her to her knees. Without pause he ripped open his pants, grabbed his cock, and shoved it into her mouth. Surprised by his rough entry she gagged as he hit the back of her throat. The sound seemed to settle something inside him because he pulled out and then slid back in slowly. Carefully he built the rhythm, his hands shaking in her hair as he obviously held himself back. Mikayla moved to brace one hand against his thigh and wrap the other around his balls. He’d always warned her he could get pretty rough, but until this moment she hadn’t really believed him.

“Good girl,” he said shakily as she gripped his balls tighter. He held her still as he fucked her face, sweat pouring down his abdomen and thighs as he seemed to strain to hold on to his sanity. A moment later his movement faltered, lost rhythm, pushed deep and held as his cum poured into her throat. She swallowed frantically to keep up, licking and sucking him clean and then managing to caress his softening cock with her tongue the way he liked.

Finally she unwrapped her stiff fingers from around his balls. She’d been concentrating so hard on not hurting him accidentally that her hand cramped as she removed her grip. He saw her predicament and helped her to stand as he kissed each finger on her sore hand.

“Are you okay, princess?”

“Yes,” she said with a smile. When he grabbed for her dress, she moved out of his range. He raised his eyebrow in silent question. “I…um…I’m good.” When he frowned, she realized he wouldn’t let up until he had the full answer. “Yesterday was kind of intense. Between Ryan and Ty and Peter, I don’t think I need another orgasm for a while.” John still didn’t look convinced but he nodded.

“Did they hurt you?” He looked quite angry at the thought, and she moved into his arms quickly to reassure him.

“No. None of you have ever hurt me. Not ever. And none of you have done anything that I wasn’t happy for you to do. Are you listening to me, John? I’m just a little worn out, but nobody did anything to hurt me.”

He nodded stiffly and she leaned up to press a kiss against the underside of his jaw. Desperate to placate his anger at his brothers she tried to inject a little humor. “And besides, that’s one you owe me. Next time I need an orgasm, I’ll be ordering you to your knees.” He laughed softly and hugged her harder.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

* * * *

Lachlan came into the kitchen while she was cooking dinner. She felt a strange type of relief when she saw him. Peter and John and Ryan and Ty had all been acting out of character, so she was a little relieved to see the brother who wasn’t sleeping with her at the moment.

“You look tired, little one,” he said by way of greeting.

She nodded warily. The one and only time she’d been sick since meeting her husbands, Lachlan had basically taken over her life. He hadn’t let her eat, drink, shower, or sleep alone until he was convinced that she was one hundred percent well again. She almost giggled out loud at the memory. He’d been very sweet, but once she’d started to feel better, his overprotectiveness had begun to chafe.

Ironically, a little TLC wouldn’t go astray at the moment, especially if it
coupled with wild sex. She’d had more than enough of that for the moment.

“Can I help with anything?”

“I’m nearly done,” she said confidently, “but I’d love a foot rub in a few minutes.”

Lachlan smiled at her request, perhaps even a little relieved that she wasn’t trying to goad him into spanking her like she’d done for the last few months. They hadn’t made love since before her miscarriage, but even though his physical withdrawal hurt, she felt emotionally closer to him now than she ever had. Overall, it had been a good thing for them to step back from the sexual side of their Dom/sub relationship for a while and get to know each other better.

She finished the vegetables, checked the roast, and then sat sideways on the kitchen stool beside Lachlan. She leaned against the wall as he lifted her feet onto his lap and gave her another of his heavenly foot rubs. The man really was a master at massage.

“When will Ryan and Ty be back?” she asked. Lachlan continued to knead the ball of her foot as he glanced up to her face.

“I’m not really sure. The trip wasn’t exactly planned, but they’ve checked in twice today, so they’re all right.” He looked at her thoughtfully for a moment, perhaps debating whether to ask his question. “Do you know why they left the way they did?”

She shook her head. “Not really, but it was right after sharing me. They got a little rougher than usual, but nothing bad happened. They didn’t hurt me or anything.”

“I was talking to John, and he was worried he got a little rough with you, too.” She didn’t want to nod a yes, but she couldn’t really lie. Lachlan saw the answer in her eyes because he nodded as if she’d said yes. “Peter doesn’t seem to be himself either.”

Lachlan just waited for her reaction to that statement before he pulled her onto his lap and held her close.

“I’d say there was something in the water,” she half-heartedly joked, “but we brought the water with us.”

“What about the others?”

She shook her head against his chest. “They’ve been normal. Honestly, the sex has been wonderful—maybe a little too abundant—but definitely good. It’s been their reactions afterward that are concerning. Ryan and Ty took off on an unplanned excursion, Peter has been moping around all day, and John went and ratted himself out to his big brother.”

She felt Lachlan’s chest rumble with laughter. It did sound a little funny when she said it that way, but it was essentially what John had done. Half of her men were acting weirdly, and it would be really nice to understand why.

“Could there be something in the water?” she asked, feeling just a little freaked. If they all started pulling away she’d be even more alone than when she’d miscarried. At least back then she’d had Bryce to hold her. Lachlan must’ve felt the shiver of apprehension that worked its way down her spine because he pulled her closer and ran a soothing hand through her hair.

“Probably not the water, but I’m beginning to suspect that something Ryan, Ty, Peter, and John were exposed to is affecting them somehow. Maybe something increasing their libido or overriding the control center in their brains.” He was quiet for a moment then lifted her off his lap and placed her on her feet. “Sorry, little one, but I need to talk to Matt. With his background in pathology he might be able to identify something with a few blood tests. I’m sure Peter and John would be happy to hand over some blood if it meant finding out what’s going on.”

Mikayla nodded and stepped back to the oven to check her roast once more. Lachlan was almost out the door but turned back quickly to give her one more instruction. “If any of your husbands come on too strong, use that earsplitting whistle Ryan taught you, and I’ll come intervene.”

She rolled her eyes, certain that even affected by some unknown chemical, her husbands would cut off their favorite body parts before ever hurting her. Mischief gripped her and she couldn’t help but ask the obvious question. “And what if that husband is you?”

Lachlan assessed her for a moment and then said confidently, “It won’t be.”

He left the room before she could come up with a smart-ass answer. Unfortunately, even though she knew it was meant as a reassurance, she couldn’t quite shake off the thought that he’d managed to resist her for a couple of months, so chemical or no, he’d had plenty of practice.

She decided to make dessert as well, anything to keep her hands busy and hold the tears at bay. Damn.

Chapter Seven

“We can’t go back to the lab in this state.” Ryan rolled his eyes at his brother, the master of the understatement. They’d left Mikayla behind in the hopes of getting their libidos under control, and things just seemed to have gotten worse. They’d only been away from the base for one night, yet he’d had more wet dreams than he could remember even from his teenage years. He was almost convinced that if he masturbated one more time he was going to rub the top layer of skin off his cock.

“So what do we do?” he asked Ty. He felt completely exasperated, but heading back to the lab and Mikayla just didn’t sound like a very good idea. Ty shook his head, obviously having no answer to his question.

“Do you think the others are affected as well?” Ryan felt his blood run hot and cold at Ty’s softly spoken question. What if the others were walking penises as well? Ryan sure felt like his cock was doing the thinking for him.

“I don’t know,” he said, trying to hold the fear for Mikayla in check. At the moment he and Ty probably presented more of a problem than any of the others. He couldn’t imagine Lachlan or Brock or even Matt not contacting them if they had such a serious problem. “But maybe we should call in. Explain to Matt. See if he can find a reason for what’s happening.”

Ty nodded and reached for the communication equipment.

* * * *

John looked as relieved as Peter felt. It was childish and pathetic, but he was really glad he wasn’t the only one affected by whatever was going on. Matt led them both into the lab, gathered the stuff he would need to take blood samples, and set to work.

Once he’d collected and labeled their samples, he grabbed a new needle and turned it on himself. He cursed a blue streak as he tried to collect his own blood. It took Peter a few moments to realize that Matt’s hands were now shaking. He’d been fine when they wandered into the lab.

“It’s in the lab?” Peter asked Matt. John made a noise of surprise, but Matt seemed to be gritting his teeth as he nodded.

“Buzz Lachlan. Tell him to keep everyone out of the lab. Until we know what’s affecting us, no one else comes in. Are we clear?” Peter nodded and headed over to the intercom system. He hesitated when John asked, “If whatever is affecting us is in here, wouldn’t it be better to leave?”

“Maybe,” Matt said slowly. “When was the last time you were in the lab?”

“Yesterday,” John answered quickly.

“And do you feel like its effect lessened over time?”

Peter glanced at John and then shrugged his shoulders. “Maybe a little.”

“Did you feel it spike when we walked in earlier?”

“Yes,” John answered, “but I was thinking of Mikayla.” Peter nodded in agreement. He, too, had been thinking of their lovely wife, a subject he’d had on his mind a lot the last day or so.

“Okay, whatever is doing this is A, in the room, B, has lasting effects that maybe reduce slowly over time, and C, seems to reinfect with additional exposure. My best chance is to stay here in the lab, test everything, and try to match it back to whatever contaminants we find in our blood work.” Matt ran his hands down his face, clearly feeling overwhelmed. “Assuming of course that it actually shows up in our blood work,” he added.

“We should stay here as well, help however we can. It might be enough to distract us so that we’re not tempted to seek out Mikayla,” John said quietly. Peter heartily agreed. There was no way to tell how Mikayla would cope if all eight of her husbands suddenly became animals only interested in sex.

“Shit,” Matt said as he undid the top button of his jeans. “You’ve coped with this for how long? I’m ready to go insane, and it’s only been a few minutes.”

“It wasn’t this bad before. It’s like it multiplied tenfold. Tell us what to do,” Peter demanded as he tried to ignore the throbbing in his own groin. “What are we looking for? What are the most likely sources?”

Matt shook his head as if trying to clear it. “On an alien planet it could be practically anything.”

“What would it be on Earth? It’s a type of aphrodisiac, right?”

“Seems to be,” Matt agreed in a strangled voice. “Something airborne, maybe an animal pheromone or scent? We’re certainly reacting like dogs to a female in heat.”

The intercom buzzed before Peter actually got around to calling Lachlan. Fortunately, it was Lachlan.

“I’ve just heard from Ryan and Ty,” he said without preamble. “They’re both affected, even more so outside the compound. Have you been able to get the blood tests started?”

BOOK: Blake, Abby - Wild Fascination [A Bride for Eight Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)
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