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Authors: Michelle Larks

Blessings From the Father (22 page)

BOOK: Blessings From the Father
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“Given her mother's actions she may never warm to you,” Raquel predicted dourly. “You may have to be content with hi, how ya doing from little Miss Thang.”
“I hope not. I guess, like Carson said, we'll have to give it time,” Mariah replied dejectedly. She chewed on a hangnail on her finger, a sign that she was nervous.
Sonyell leaned over and held up Mariah's wrist. “I like that bracelet. Carson has good taste. I predict a diamond ring next.”
“Yes, it does look nice.” Mariah held out her wrist admiringly.
“What did Michael give you?” Raquel asked Sonyell after she returned from the dining room with a slice of potato pie. She stuffed her mouth and sighed. “This pie is to die for.”
“Michael gave me the earrings I have on, and this gold bracelet.” Sonyell held out her wrist.
“Hmm, I hope he came by the money honestly,” Raquel said after she swallowed another piece of pie.
“Actually, he did,” Sonyell replied, with a hint of defensiveness in her tone. “And I wish you would stop with the snide comments. Marvin asked Michael to help with chores around his house and he paid Michael. So he earned the money.”
Raquel held up her hands. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just don't want to see you hurt again. You've invested too much time in that man.”
“Whatever I've done, it was my own free will. Michael is Sasha's father. It would serve you well to remember that.”
“My bad, you're right,” Raquel apologized.
“I'm going to go check on the children,” Sonyell said. She stood and departed the room.
“That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble one day.” Mariah shook her head at Raquel. She turned to look at Rosemary. “So, Granny, have you heard from Cassie? Is she still coming?”
“She told me she was. Maybe something came up and she couldn't make it,” Rosemary said. “She missed a great time. The dinner was lovely, Mariah. You were a great hostess.”
“Thank you, Granny. I learned from the best,” Mariah praised her grandmother.
“Mrs. Jones's desserts were wonderful. She was so proud that you bought the cakes and pies from her,” Rosemary commented.
Mrs. Jones lived in Altgeld Garden and supplemented her income by baking. Her cakes and pies along with homemade ice cream were legendary in the Garden.
“Everything was good. I think I'm going to lie down; I've been up all morning,” Rosemary announced, and then headed to a bedroom upstairs.
Sonyell returned to the living room. “The kids are still playing. I think Sasha and Ashanti are becoming fast friends. Aaliyah asked me if she could use the computer to download some tunes to her iPod. I told her that she could. So the kids are doing fine.”
“So how do you guys like Louis?” Raquel turned and asked her friends. “I think he's cute. He's been a perfect gentleman. He gave me an expensive bottle of perfume for Christmas.”
“He seems all right,” Sonyell remarked. “He's your usual type.” She shifted her body comfortably on the sofa.
“My thoughts too,” Mariah commented. “I'd have to be around him more, but he seemed okay.”
“He's a financial planner, making six figures, so I may keep him for a while. At least through New Year's Eve. No one wants to be alone on
day. Louis and I are going to dinner and then back to my place. Do y'all have plans for New Year's Eve?” Raquel questioned her friends.
“I'm pretty sure that Michael and I are going to stay home with Sasha.” Sonyell told them her plans. “What about you and Carson?” She peered at Mariah.
“We were thinking about going to the city to one of the old-school concerts. We haven't made firm plans; we just know that we have a date for that evening.”
“Well, we know you're not going to spend the night with him,” Raquel pointed out. “I know it has to be hard for you to be around all that man, and not want to—”
“It's been a challenge,” Mariah said quickly, “but I am going to stick to my guns.”
“I think you're both nuts, especially Sonyell,” Raquel remarked.
Sonyell gritted her teeth. “And that's the reason why I won't have sex with any man with my daughter around.”
“Well, when your men start creeping on y'all don't say I didn't warn you. Miss Lola looks like a hot tamale. Mariah, you might want to reconsider your stance,” Raquel advised Mariah.
“If Carson and Michael creep then they weren't worth our time anyway,” Mariah declared staunchly.
Raquel leaned against the back of the sofa and dozed off.
“We might as well start straightening up,” Sonyell suggested. She and Mariah stood up and walked to the dining room.
Mariah and Sonyell peeped in on the kids on their way to kitchen. After verifying everything was under control the friends began cleaning up.
After the Bulls won the game, the men came upstairs and everyone prepared to go home. Rosemary planned to spend another night.
Carson gathered the girls together and told Mariah he would call her in the morning. Mariah told everyone they could come back the following day; she had plenty of leftovers. She turned off the lights after everyone left. The Christmas tree was the only source of light in the room.
She relived over and over in her mind when Carson told her that he loved her. Mariah had never felt so happy in her life. She knew if nothing else, her father's passing had opened up a door for her and Carson to meet. She grudgingly said aloud, “That was indeed a blessing from you, Harold.” She set the alarm system. Mariah felt secure in the knowledge that someone in this life loved her, outside of her grandmother and friends. When she walked upstairs her feet hardly touched the floor. Her step was so light it was like she was gliding on air.
Chapter Twenty-four
New Year's Eve 2010 made its appearance amid a brief snowstorm in the Midwest area. Mariah and Carson made plans to usher in 2011 at a stepper's set. Mariah looked ravishing, clad in a black dress with gold accessories, when she opened the door to admit Carson. He looked handsome, dressed in a black tuxedo with a kente cloth vest and tie. He held a red rose in his hand behind his back and presented it to Mariah with a kiss on her cheek.
They traveled to downtown Chicago and supped at Lawry's steakhouse. The couple departed from the restaurant and went to the InterContinental Hotel in downtown Chicago. They sat near the rear of the large balloon-decorated room that was decorated with black, silver, and gold colors. Mariah and Carson sat across from each other at a white clothed table. Mariah gazed about the room, bobbing her head to the beat of the music.
Carson stood. He stretched out his hands and gently pulled Mariah from her chair. He led her to the crowded dance floor. Strobe lights threw sweeping arced colored lights over their bodies.
Carson took her in his arms. They began stepping to the song “My Ship Is Coming In” as it played. Mariah felt at home as his arms encircled her waist. The aroma of Issey Miyake wafted from his body. Carson whispered in her ear, “That song expresses how I feel about you and life.”
Mariah pecked his lips. Her eyes were brightly illuminated like there with stars in her eyes. “I feel the same way. This is our song.”
They danced as several songs continued to play. Then the couple returned to their seats, and ordered water with slices of lemon.
The song “If This World Were Mine” filled the room. Mariah swayed in her seat and tapped her foot to the beat. Carson held out his hand. The pair returned to the dance floor. Mariah shut her eyes as she placed her arm around Carson's neck and laid her head on his shoulder. She felt perfectly content; being in Carson's arms felt so natural. They danced in perfect sync. She and Carson seemed oblivious to the other couples around them. Carson's arms tightened around her body. Mariah knew that Carson was aware of her as a woman, and he wholeheartedly approved.
Mariah realized at that moment how much she loved Carson. The evening continued to have a fairytale ambience and when midnight rolled around, Carson's lips engulfed Mariah's hungrily. She returned his kiss with the same passion.
Sonyell was right,
Mariah thought, smiling.
It is harder to be celibate when you're around that special man.
She realized Carson was the right man. Mariah sensed that Carson would wait for intimacy when the time was right, and only if they were man and wife.
The first day of the New Year, the friends gathered at Sonyell's house to dine. She prepared black eyed peas, mixed greens, chicken, and spare ribs. New Year's resolutions were made. Everyone vowed to report back on who followed through on their resolutions and those who didn't. Aaliyah stayed home with Lola, while Ashanti tagged along with Carson to hang out with Sasha. The two girls were becoming friends, and called each other BFFs.
Michael had talked to Carson on Christmas day about working with Carson as an apprentice. After checking with Mariah and Sonyell, Carson agreed to hire him.
Sonyell had called Carson and voiced her reservations about Michael working for her best friend's boyfriend. Carson assured Sonyell that the onus would be on him if things didn't work out with Michael. He reiterated that he wouldn't have a problem with letting Michael go if a situation arose that warranted firing. Carson was a firm believer in helping his fellow man. Sometimes his philosophy worked out well, and other times it didn't. Carson knew without his father and Harold Ellison playing pivotal roles in his life, that he wouldn't be the man he was today.
Two weeks later Michael began working for Palmer Construction Corporation. Michael was placed on three-month probation. Carson appointed himself a mentor for Michael, and he provided guidance to Michael in many matters.
Mariah had decided to work from home that wintery January day. Her new house was being painted and she was in and out of the house checking the painter's progress. She planned to move her possessions to the new residence within two weeks. Mariah also called Attorney Cook for an update on her application for the transitional home. He informed her that he had called the mayor's office and the application was still being reviewed.
Mariah checked in with Sonyell and Cierra and all was well. After turning on the television for background noise, Mariah settled in the living room and resumed reading her father's journal. She had learned a lot about the man. She found out that he'd endured a lonely and loveless childhood. He was self-educated after developing a love for reading. She was anxious to start the next volume. Her head was in the book when her telephone rang. She peered at the caller ID unit. “What's up, hon,” she greeted Carson.
“I called your office, and Sonni said you're working from home. Are you playing hooky today?”
“Partially. The painters are working on the new house, and I had an ulterior motive for staying home and it's a good one. I couldn't put down the journal I'm reading. I finally went to bed around two o'clock this morning.” She yawned. “I wanted to finish up this volume, so I could start the next one.”
“That's good,” Carson said nervously. “So do you feel like taking a break? Do you feel like coming out and having lunch with me?”
“I don't know about that.” Mariah peeped out the window. “It's twenty below zero outside. There's a fire roaring in my fireplace and I'm still in my jammies. It's cozy inside. I don't know if I want to brave the hawk today.”
“How about I bring lunch to you? That way you won't have to brave the elements,” Carson said hopefully.
“That sounds like a plan. I have a taste for the grilled chicken salad from Columbia Gyro, with pink lemonade.”
“Got it,” Carson said. “I'll see you about eleven-thirty.”
They ended the call. Carson returned to work. Mariah's business line rang. She quickly answered the telephone.
At eleven-thirty promptly Carson rang Mariah's doorbell. After he walked inside, he kissed her cheek. They exchanged greetings and walked to the kitchen. Carson sat in a chair, while Mariah unpacked the bag of food. She handed Carson his grilled chicken sandwich.
They conversed as they ate.
“So, you're getting to know Mr. Ellison pretty well?” Carson asked Mariah curiously.
“Yes, somewhat, I'd say,” Mariah agreed. “In the journals I've read so far, he talks about his childhood. It was pretty dismal.”
“Yes, I would agree. He told me about parts of it. He always told me how lucky I was to have a mother and father who loved me.”
“Hmm, that's true.” Mariah put a dash of salt and pepper on the salad. She daintily cut the chicken strips with a fork and knife.
“I'd like you to go to church with me on Sunday,” Carson invited Mariah to his church. “I've gone to your church with you a couple of times. It's time you visited my spiritual home.”
“Well, Mr. Palmer,” Mariah replied saucily, “I was just waiting for you to invite me. I would love to. It wouldn't be a bad idea for me to find a church to attend in Hammond when the weather is bad. I hate missing church, but Friendship is a nice distance from here.”
“Good.” Carson smiled. “Morning service starts at ten forty-five and Pastor starts service on time. Do you want to drive or do you want me to pick you up?”
“I'll let you know.” Mariah laid her fork down on the table and stared at Carson. “Is something wrong? You have a strange look on your face.”
“No, I'm good. Work slows down somewhat during the winter. I have a meeting with a potential client tomorrow. The job would entail inside work, so I'm hoping to win the bid.”
“You will,” Mariah reassured him. She leaned over and patted his hand. “The quality of your work speaks volumes.” She changed the subject. “I need to go to Altgeld one day this week, and work on the budget with Cierra. The fiscal year ends June first. I think I told you that I sat in on a session with her last Wednesday. Cierra is doing a wonderful job. I am happy to say that participation has been up for our teen and parenting sessions.”
“That's good,” Carson said distantly. His mind was elsewhere.
They continued to talk for a while. Then Carson announced he needed to depart to return to work.
They promised to talk later. Mariah returned to her home office, while Carson decided to make a detour before he returned to his work site. He drove several miles from Mariah's house and decided to stop at his church.
Reverend Cambridge was on the telephone when Carson knocked on his door. The minister gestured for Carson to enter the office. He sat in the chair in front of the minister's desk. A minute or so later, Reverend Cambridge ended his call. He and Carson exchanged hellos, then he asked in a serious tone of voice, “What brings you here today, son? You look troubled.”
“Pastor, you're correct, I am somewhat troubled. As you know I've been seeing Mariah Green. And we've developed a great relationship. Sir, I think I've found the one.”
Reverend Cambridge's face broke into a smile. “Well, that's good news. Isn't it?”
“It is but I still haven't been quite honest with Mariah. I haven't told her just how well I knew her father. And, how I know what really happened between her mother and father.” Carson had a troubled expression on his face. He nervously drummed his fingers on the desk.
Reverend Cambridge nodded his head. “I understand.”
“Mariah is reading her father's journals. She hasn't exactly told me how far she is into them. I'm thinking it won't be long before she gets to the part about her conception. Mr. Ellison told me he was quite explicit in his writings. I am not sure how Mariah will respond. Not only have I not been honest, but neither has her grandmother. Mariah is going to be very hurt.”
“What do you think can be done to prepare her? I think Brother Ellison's intent was for him to tell Mariah in his own way. Perhaps we should just let things proceed as he planned,” Reverend Cambridge counseled Carson.
“A part of me wants to do that, and another part of me wants to shield her from the pain she is going to feel. I am just afraid that she will feel betrayed by her grandmother and me, the people who claim to love her.”
“You know, son, that God gives us these tests, and our faith is tested greatly at times. I believe, and this is just my opinion, that Mariah is going to face a test and I pray as I am sure you do also, that by the grace of God she will come through with flying colors. God never promised life would be easy, but He did say He will never leave us alone. That means through the good and bad times.”
Carson had a haunted expression on his face. “I know, Pastor, but I feel like I should do something.”
“You're aware that I counseled Harold many a time. I suggested he talk to Mariah especially when his health began failing. He felt that divulging to her the circumstances of everything that happened, without her really knowing him, would be too much. Harold hoped by her reading his story, maybe she would be more apt to be more understanding. He was adamant about that.”
“I know. Brother Ellison told me the same thing. I guess this is one matter that I'm going to have to let go and let God. Let Him handle this, like He was going to be doing all alone,” Carson told Reverend Cambridge.
“Absolutely, God is always in control,” Reverend Cambridge announced soberly. Then a smile wreathed his face. “On a happier note when do I get to meet this young lady of yours?” Reverend Cambridge beamed at the young man.
Carson couldn't stop a grin from filling his face. “Soon. I invited her to church Sunday. I have visited her church, and she told me that she would visit mine. So Sunday it is.”
“Good. I am most anxious to meet her. You have told me good things about her. And knowing that she is Brother Ellison's daughter, I know she is special.”
Carson nodded his head. “That she is.”
“So, all signs point to you being in love. When someone puts another's feelings above his own, then that's a good sign. I take it the feeling is reciprocated?” The minister's telephone rang. He allowed the call go to voice mail.
“Yes, it is, Pastor. After what I went through with Lola, I didn't think I would ever fall in love again. And you know Lola, she is making life difficult for me right know. She seems to have a sixth sense and knows when I am involved with a woman. Then she does all in her power to break us up.”
Reverend Cambridge chuckled. “That certainly sounds like Lola. But as the Good Book says, no weapon formed against me shall prosper. God has plans in store for Ms. Lola.”
“I hope so.” Carson bobbed his head. “Mariah has been patient. I have explained Lola's character to her. She has seen her antics firsthand. To make matters worse, Lola has influenced Aaliyah against Mariah, so we are praying and giving Ali time to come to know Mariah. I am hopeful that with time that Ali can see Mariah for the kind, loving woman she is.”
BOOK: Blessings From the Father
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