Blind Passion: Intimate Encounters Volume I (5 page)

BOOK: Blind Passion: Intimate Encounters Volume I
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Ethan reached out, grabbing her hand and placed it against the bulge that sought freedom from his pants.

“Oh God, Ethan.” Diane damn near melted as she felt his cock harden beneath her touch.  Instinctively, she squeezed, and was amazed at the girth and length of him. She swallowed hard as she pleasured him, causing his eyes to close momentarily. He leaned his head back against the booth while peering at her through narrowed blue slits.

“See what you do to me? Now, tell me what you want.” His penetrating gaze had her cornered. He appeared to know her better than she knew herself. She parted her lips to speak, but words evaded her. Why should she have reservations about her feelings? Had eight years of a bad marriage and two failed relationships caused her to feel ashamed of wanting something that was so natural?  

Diane continued to torture herself. Shouldn’t she wait at least a few weeks before jumping his bones? At least in other relationships she had known the men well, before sleeping with them. There was more than just physical attraction brewing here. Mentally, they were on the same level. When they held hands outside the restaurant, it all seemed so natural, like they were made for one another. Should she trust her gut instincts, or if she bedded him tonight, would that make her a whore in Ethan’s mind? It mattered what he thought of her.

“What are you thinking about?” Ethan smiled as he brushed the back of his hand against her cheek, causing her to lean into his touch. He rested his hand on her hand caressing his cock.

“How did you know I was thinking?” Shoot! What a silly ass question. Heat flushed her face as she suddenly felt like such a twit. Right now she felt she had the God-given gift of opening mouth and inserting foot, but he seemed to enjoy every awkward and erotic moment spent with her.

“Um, the long silence, and the vibrations you’re throwing off. You seem confused. Talk to me, please.”

“Ethan, is this right, I mean, what we’re about to do?” She watched as he gave her a reassuring smile.

“What do you mean, what we’re about to do? Are you trying to tell me something, beautiful?”

She gasped as heat rose to her face. Now he was toying with her.

Just then, the waiter appeared with their food. A smile caressed the man’s features as Diane snatched her hand from Ethan’s groin. He knew exactly what was going on, and was amused. The atmosphere was to blame, and so were the secluded booths. What couple could resist stealing passionate moments in public?

“You know, I’m not all that hungry for food,” Ethan said as his hand gracefully moved towards the glass of ice, and fished a piece out. He slipped it in his mouth, and winked at her. “Now, it’s my turn. You played with me, now, I get to play too.” He turned until he faced her fully. Before she could utter a word, his left hand was on her knee, and began to inch it’s way up her leg, past the top of the thigh highs.

Diane grimaced as his cold fingers slid their way up her thigh, making her squirm with pleasure. She held her head back while resting her hand on his.

“Ethan, you need to stop.”

“Not a very convincing voice, if you ask me.” He smiled. “I won’t, not until you tell me what I want to hear.” His hand was only inches from the area that burned with desire for him. Further, he explored, touching the crease of her inner thigh. “Umm.” Ethan murmured. She squirmed even more as his fingers glided over the moistened area of her thighs, and rested, just on the outside of her opening.

“Oh, Ethan.”

Diane closed her thighs, imprisoning his hand. His fingers parted her nether lips, and lightly brushed the swollen bud that begged for his attention, in any way he could give it. “Uhh! Okay, okay!” This was too good to stop, and she knew they needed to leave. Intuition told her she’d never be able to separate from him, not now.

“Okay what?” A smile curved his lips as he appeared to read her mind, and his blue eyes twinkled when he slipped a finger in her tight crevice. “I live right around the corner.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Diane searched his eyes, enjoying the enticing game of cat and mouse, and the feeling of his finger deep inside her. His ministrations caused her body to tense, and she wanted to cry his name out so much, she bit her lip to prevent herself from doing so. Body quivering, she denied herself the urge to gyrate against him, in fear of drawing attention. She trembled and sighed with regret as he slowly pulled his digit out of her.

“My sweet lady, you smell so good.” Ethan licked his slick finger and closed his eyes. “Taste good too. Are you ready?”

It was now or never, she decided. “Am I spending the night with you?”


“I didn’t bring any clean clothes.”

Ethan peered at her with promising eyes and chuckled. “We’re neighbors, sweet. Remember?”

“You’re making me lose my mind,” she said with a laugh. She shifted in her seat as she polished off the remainder of wine in her glass while Ethan listened for their waiter.

“Oh, it’s probably the wine.”

“Don’t tell me you’re familiar with our waiter’s scent?”

“Well, yes.” Ethan frowned. He’s wearing Old Spice, the same scent my father used to wear.” Ethan’s nose twitched. Plus, he has a heavy, distinctive gait. I can hear him coming a mile away.”

“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this.” She admitted.

Ethan flashed a smile in her direction while arching a brow. “You knew we’d be doing this I’ll get to spend even more time with you.” In a flash, he placed his arm around her, pulling her close to him. “I’ll get you to tell me what you want if it’s the last thing that I’ll do.” Wasting no time, he planted a smoldering kiss on her lips while his fingers wrapped themselves in her ebony locks.

Melting, she returned his kiss with unbridled passion. The barriers were down, and she wanted one thing, and one thing only. Moaning, she tried pulling away from him, just enough so she could speak, mouthing her needs against his lips.

“Make love to me Ethan,” she whispered before kissing him on the cheek. Gulping, she spoke those words again, and was shocked at her brazen demeanor. “Take me home now, and make love to me,” she whispered again in a much lower tone, as though the entire restaurant could hear.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you.” Diane knew he was toying with her now. He had some nerve, especially since he was panting just as much as she was. Even so, he still managed to hold on to his confidence. “
Speak a little louder, please.”

I want you! Make love to me, fuck me
, make
me climb the walls.” There, she voiced what she had been feeling since Thursday afternoon. Her heart pounded against her ribcage, and her breathing was scarce. The Viking like man smiled and nodded, just before capturing the waiter’s attention.

“Check please!”

Chapter Seven


Ethan and Diane made it out of the restaurant in record time. Hurrying, they walked to her car, but before she started the engine, Ethan stole several kisses from her.  On the way home, he slipped his hand between her legs, making it hard to concentrate.


“You know, we wasted a good amount of food,” she snickered.


“Honestly, the last thing on my mind is food,” he said, brushing a finger against her soaked pussy. “I’m not worried about that. If you’re hungry later, I’ll cook for you.”


“I’ll take you up on that,” she said with a chuckle.


He arched a brow and smiled. “What’s so funny?” He squeezed her thigh and licked his lips. “Thinking dirty thoughts again, are we?”


“Surely I’m not alone in this?” Diane giggled.


He laughed deeply. “We both know what we want, that’s no secret, so honey, we’re in the same boat.” He sucked his teeth and smiled. “I’d love to have a little dessert to top off the meal from the restaurant,” he said, clearing his throat. “Plus, I’m a little—um parched. I sure as hell can use a little something to sip, right about now.” His gaze sent a lightening bolt straight to her core.


“What are we, a pair of nymphos?” she asked and gripped the steering wheel.


“Darling, I think that’s a question best left for tomorrow morning,” Ethan snickered.


“Touché,” Diane laughed.


She parked in an available spot on the street and they exited the car. Eventually, he slipped an arm over her shoulder, pulling her close to him. It felt like they’d known one another for years, the way they were getting along. Her reservations had all but fizzled away, she thought, as her gaze locked on the full moon set high in the sky. This seemed like such a magical evening as she witnessed the stars twinkling like diamonds across the sky.


“Sure is a beautiful night,” she murmured. They stopped, taking time to feel the crisp breeze caressing their faces.


“Describe it for me, please.” he asked in a voice filled with sadness.


“Oh, the moon is full, and so bright, surrounded by a large halo. The night is clear, and the stars are dancing in the sky,” She said with a smile. Her heart sank when she saw the slight look of disappointment develop on his features.


“Thank you,” he said with a smile. “I’m picturing it, just as you’ve described.”


“You’re welcome.” She couldn’t help but feel his sadness. She thought of so much she’d taken for granted over the years, like the ability to see the sun rise and set, the gift of observing the mystical night sky, and so many other breathtaking sights he’d never lay eyes on. Ethan was a strong man and made the best of his life, she knew. However, there was an underlying disappointment she wish she could dissolve—for him. She cringed when she realized she’d possibly never possess the ability to do that. “Are you all right?” Her heart went out to him, and the desire to ask questions was almost overwhelming.  


“I’m fine doll, don’t worry about me,” he said, twirling the black cane in his right hand, as though it were a baton. He brought the cane down and tapped it several times, as they walked through the revolving doors of Le Fleur Towers.


“We’re almost there,” Ethan said, in a husky voice and gripped her hand. Her panties were soaked with want as her mind stole a sneak preview of the evening ahead. He glanced in her direction when she didn’t say anything. “Are you nervous, beautiful?” He asked, as his hand traveled to the nape of her neck, sending mini lightening bolts over her body.


“No,” she purred instantly. “I’m just thinking about us,” she said with a smile as they stepped into the elevator to the fifth floor.


“One day, I’d like to make love to you in this elevator,” he admitted.


Or we could do it now, she thought briefly. But that’s not how she wanted to start their intimate relationship. I’ll take you up on that.” The elevator met the fifth floor, and they quickly strolled down the hallway to Ethan’s apartment. 


“Do you need anything from your place?” he asked.


“No, she said. “I’m just thinking about what comes next.”


“You must describe every scene to me,” he whispered, as he unlocked the door, allowing her to cross the threshold of his domain.


“I’d rather show you,” she said as her pulse quickened. Her heart raced with desire; surely he must have heard it. He flipped on the light switch as he closed the door. She looked around at the immaculate apartment clad in earth tone colors.


Quickly, he shed his black leather, and tossed it over a black leather recliner. “Is that so,” he asked, as he slipped behind her, pressing himself against the small of her back. “Allow me to take your coat,” he said, nuzzling the crook of her neck. She barely noticed when her long leather slid from her shoulders. Quickly, he tossed it on top of his and began sucking her neck in between sensual bites. Slowly, he unzipped the front of her sweater dress, and released the clasp of her black lace bra.


Her arms rose above her head, clasping around his neck. “Oh—mmm, Ethan,” she murmured, as his hands traveled to her breasts and squeezed gently. Her perky nipples seemed to lengthen with his touch. “Oh, my god,” she said in a hiss, as her hands burrowed into his thick mane. When he squeezed her nipples, she felt his bulge grow while he gently bucked against her overheated body. In time, their hips moved in unison, as though they were making love standing up.


—Turn around,” he said, almost in a growl.


Her arms fell to her side, and she did as he commanded. Her gaze met his, and she saw the promise of hot, passionate lovemaking that would leave them spent. Ethan pulled her close to his body, allowing his large hands to gravitate towards her generous ass and squeezed. He held her tight for the longest time as his tongue separated her lips, initiating an erotic duel with hers. Greedily, she sucked as his hands firmly gripped her derrière.


Diane moaned as her fingers threaded themselves through blond strands, and tightened as he backed up until he was standing close to the black sofa against the wall. Breaking the connection, he slowly slid his hands on either side of her body, as he sat down. She shivered in delight at the devilish gleam in his eyes and the warmth of his hands when he pulled her dress up.


“Do you know, I can smell you,” he whispered seductively before delivering a blazing hot trail of kisses along her inner thighs while bunching the dress in his hands. “Your clothes are in the way, darling,” he purred deeply, making her head spin with his words. Quickly, she hiked the annoying material to her waist.


When his lips met the treasure they sought, she lost her breath.  “Uh, don’t stop,” she demanded in a voice she barely recognized. In a heated frenzy, she pressed herself against his lips and spread her legs further apart while Ethan’s fingers brushed soaked folds.
she said on a moan, licking her lips in anticipation of his next move.


“Your soaked, and oh, so fucking sweet,” he murmured before flicking his tongue against her sensitive flesh. She cried out when his tongue penetrated swollen lips, touching the sensitive tissue begging for his tongue. He stopped momentarily. “I want you to come for me, now,” he demanded before going to town on the enlarged button and slipped a digit inside her.


Stars danced before her eyes as she arched her back while calling his name when he added another finger. Her legs turned to jelly, and her core clenched from his gentle bites on her sensitive nub. In her heated desire, she nestled her hands in his hair, for leverage, pulling his face hard against her body.


“Oh, umm—umm, gotta—sit down,” Diane sputtered, as her knees became wobbly. “
Oh, oh Gawd! Ooooh, yeah, there, right there, um umm, don’t stop,”
she squealed while tightening her grip in his hair as he traded his fingers for his tongue. She tensed when the devil of a man eased his tongue inside her throbbing pussy as he continually stroked her clitoris. “Uh! Ethan, I’m going to—yess!” she bucked her hips like crazy and bit her lip as his tongue explored her soft, wet folds.


His greedy slurping sounds were like music to her ears. One of her hands shot to her nipple when he bit her inner thigh. She pinched it hard as he sucked and licked at the spot that would soon have his mark upon it.


He ceased the sweet punishment of her thigh and returned to her pearl. Diane was thankful for the perfect view of what he was doing to her. Sometimes, he’d purposely pull away just so she could see his tongue stroking her slippery bud. She loved how he shoved his tongue deep inside her, and slowly pulled out, while lapping at her nectar. He kissed the hardened button several times, then pressed it between his lips as a hand swatted her ass unexpectedly.


“Oh yes, damn you,” she could barely breathe. The stinging sensation sent shards of pleasure to her pussy, and a flow of hot cream released along the crevice of her inner thigh. Moaning, she pinched her nipples and squeezed her breasts together.


He ceased his ministrations only to speak. “That’s right, come for me, give it to me,” he coaxed as he continued his finger work. “Damn,” he teased in a low voice. “I can feel your cream running down my hand,” he breathed as his finger found the spot that transformed her into a mindless pile of quivering nerves.


A high-pitched squeal released from her throat as her pussy savagely gripped his fingers for several moments. He pressed deeper, adding to her increasing orgasm that rocked her body hard. Her squeals turned into the howl of a banshee while she continued riding the strong waves of pleasure. Eventually, her orgasm crested, and her body relaxed when Ethan removed his fingers from her pussy. He kissed the aching spot that required more than his fingers and tongue, making her legs quake with anticipation. 


“Take off your clothes,” he said, before licking his fingers clean and removing his shirt. He reached into his pants pocket, retrieving a gold coin. “But, leave the stockings and heels,” he groaned as he rose to remove the remainder of his clothing.


Eagerly, she shed her garments. Before long, Diane stood before Ethan in nothing but thigh high stockings and her heels. She ran her fingers through his tousled strands as he tickled her with his tongue a few times. Gently, he pushed her onto her back, straddling her between his legs.


“Are you ready for me?” he asked, carefully straddling her body.


“Yes.” Her eyes explored his physique, and she licked her lips at his thick cock jutting from a bed of blond curls. Pre-cum appeared at the tip, making her lick her lips. The clear fluid slid over his swollen purple head, down the length of his shaft. His body was gorgeous.


“Let me suck you,” she pleaded, pulling him close to her mouth. Her hands explored muscular thighs.


“Who am I to argue?” he breathed heavily. “Take whatever you want, love,” he whispered as he gracefully hovered above her.


He didn’t have to tell her twice. With his assistance, she guided his cock into her mouth and sucked hard several times, then licked the head, summoning a groan from him. Eagerly, her hands explored his hard body as he slid his cock in and out of her mouth several times. She teased the head with her throat muscles, damn near making him lose his balance, and refused to let up until his groans of pleasure met her ears.


“Oh Diane,” he murmured as he bucked his hips against her demanding mouth. “Yes, you wicked little vixen,” he growled. “Ah, you better not make me come yet!”


She stopped, only to tease him a little. “Your balls are so tight and heavy.”  The sight of his cock bobbing up and down excited her to no end. She guided his hips above her to gain access to those succulent balls of his. With pleasure, Diane licked and nibbled at the heavy sacks, making Ethan suck in a breath. “I want you to come in my mouth.”


“Baby, there will be plenty of time for that, but right now, I need to fuck you good and hard.” He said, as he tried to move. He groaned as her hands massaged his taut ass cheeks.


“Umm, I love the sound of that,” she said before filling her mouth with his hardness once again. She slurped several times, dragging her nails across toned flesh, then made her way up his ripped body as she allowed him to ease his way down the length of hers. She swiped her tongue across his nipples several times. “Oh baby, are you sensitive,” Diane teased before biting the rosy colored tips.

BOOK: Blind Passion: Intimate Encounters Volume I
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