Read Blood Lure Online

Authors: J. P. Bowie

Tags: #Romance

Blood Lure (12 page)

BOOK: Blood Lure
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Now, of course, he realised he had alienated Jared forever. His boorish display of bad manners, his lack of self-control in front of the Vampire Council members had left him with a feeling of humiliation, and desolation. As he had admitted to his uncle, not only had he lost a brother, he had lost a friend, and the respect of the vampire echelon he had always admired—Marcus Verano, Jacob Quince, Joseph Meyer.

His brother, Michael, had repeatedly told him that, without these men, the vampire community would have destroyed itself eons ago.


His mental call went unanswered. Even if Jared had heard it, he had probably decided to ignore any communication with him. Andrew had never felt so isolated in the two hundred years of his existence as he now did. The knowledge that he alone was responsible for this was of little consolation. Somehow, he had to make things right between Jared and himself. He had to apologise for falsely accusing Jared of Michael’s murder, but this time it had to be more than mere lip service. Jared had to know it was sincere.

Andrew had come to Los Angeles for that single purpose, and would not leave until he and Jared were once more friends, at the very least. Lovers no more, but then had they really ever been? Yes, Andrew had been in love with Jared—he still was, in some small, less passionate way, but the future he had foreseen for the two of them was not to be, and when he was completely honest with himself, he knew the blame lay solely with himself. Jared had always been candid about his choices, and though Andrew had thought he could change the BLOOD LURE

J.P. Bowie



man’s mind, convince him that what he needed was a forever companion, he’d been mistaken.

A bitter pill to take, but there it was. And now they were estranged, even in friendship, because of his foolish need to see Jared suffer. How utterly asinine he’d been. If only he could take back his accusations, the needless rage he’d directed at Jared when the man had come to him to give him comfort. If only he had not listened to his Uncle Lazlo—but still, he could not cast blame around. It must rest solely with himself.

Sadness clouded his eyes at the memory of Jared’s shocked, then hurt, expression as Andrew had railed at him, accusing him of his brother’s murder, tearing up the banker’s receipt Jared showed him as proof of his attempt to help Michael out of debt.

What a fool I was. An unmitigated, churlish fool

From his hotel room in West Hollywood, he looked down onto the darkened streets, at the few mortals, late-night revellers straggling home after perhaps a night out with friends at the local bars. Hunger clawed inside him, reminding him he had not fed in several days. The flight from the Vampire Council had drained much of his strength from him. He knew now he should not have stormed away from those who had reached out to give him solace.

He needed blood, and quickly.


The darkened alley behind the slowly emptying bar gave Andrew cover as he alighted from his short flight. The sounds of laughter and the thump of mindless music drew him to the brightly lit entrance. Two young men watched him as he approached them. One—as tall as Andrew, wide-shouldered, his pectoral muscles emphasised by the tight white T-shirt he was wearing—smiled and nodded at Andrew.

Andrew returned the smile, locking eyes with the young man. “Come with me,” he murmured as he passed between the two men and entered the bar.

“Can I getcha a drink?” the man asked, hurrying behind Andrew. He put a warm hand on Andrew’s cool arm. “I’m Tommy, by the way.”

“Andrew… But I’m afraid that what I need, they do not sell here.”

Tommy’s hazel eyes grew wary. “Oh, I’m not into drugs, if that’s what you’re looking for.”

Andrew chuckled. “No, that’s not what I’m looking for.” With one hand he smoothed an errant lock of blond hair from Tommy’s brow. “And I’m glad you don’t do drugs, either.”


J.P. Bowie



His eyes focussed on Tommy’s full and, once again, smiling lips. “Is there somewhere we can go to be alone?”

“Uh… Wow, you work fast.” Tommy flashed him a goofy, endearing smile. “Uh, yeah, there’s a back room. Should be pretty empty right now. It’s kinda late…”

“But you’re still here.”

“Yeah, I pulled a twenty-four hour shift at the station, so I have the day off tomorrow.”


“Fire station. I’m a fireman.”

That would explain the excellent physique
, Andrew thought.
He really is a beauty

He hesitated. What he’d wanted to find was a young man or woman he could feed from, then erase the memory of their encounter from their mind. That he could still do, but Tommy’s physical beauty, eager smile, and puppy dog expression might be hard to erase from his own mind.

Yet, he needed to feed.

“You wanna go back there?” Tommy asked. “I… uh, I don’t usually do this kind of thing, you know, so fast like.”

“Nor do I.” Andrew smiled seductively. “It must be the full moon. It does strange things to a man’s libido.”

“It does? Well, if you say so, but I’d sure like to kiss you.” Tommy’s voice was no more than a whisper. “You have a real nice mouth, and the sexiest accent. Where are you from?”

“Originally from Hungary, near Budapest.”

“Well, I like the hungry part.”

Tommy’s smile was so guileless Andrew found himself completely enchanted.

“Come then,” he whispered, slipping an arm round Tommy’s waist. “I’d like to kiss you, too.”

They walked together to the back of the bar and Tommy pulled open a door then stepped to one side to let Andrew enter first. He’d been right about the room being empty. It was dark, but Andrew’s night vision assured him they had the place all to themselves. Sultry music filled the interior, accompanied by a driving, hypnotic beat.

Andrew gripped Tommy’s hard, toned biceps, pulling him into an embrace. Their crotches ground together in time to the music’s sensuous rhythm. Tommy put a hand on BLOOD LURE

J.P. Bowie



each of Andrew’s shoulders and leant in for a kiss. His mouth was soft and moist, his breath sweet on Andrew’s tongue as he probed between Tommy’s parted lips.

…” Tommy’s little gasp of appreciation vibrated on Andrew’s tongue, sending a jolt of desire to his groin.

He revelled in the feel of Tommy’s arousal, hard against his own. He pulled the hem of Tommy’s T-shirt free of his chinos and stroked his warm, sinewy, muscled torso. Andrew’s lips moved from Tommy’s mouth to his throat. The scent of the young man’s blood was like an aphrodisiac, intensifying Andrew’s need for both Tommy’s blood, and his body.

His fangs extended and he bit down hard and fast, puncturing skin and flesh. Blood spurted over Andrew’s tongue, dizzying him with the sensation of its hot rush and sweetly pungent taste. Tommy’s body stiffened in Andrew’s arms. He moaned low in his throat, a guttural sound of pain that quickly gave way to a groan of pleasure. He pressed himself harder against Andrew, arching his neck as Andrew sucked and drank down the rich essence of the young man’s life blood.

Not too much
Just enough to bring me back my strength, and give him the ultimate ecstasy.

The words rolled through Andrew’s mind even as he overcame his reluctance to give up drinking Tommy’s rich blood. His thirst partially sated, Andrew pulled back and licked away the blood and wounds from Tommy’s neck. He kissed the place he’d bitten, then pulled Tommy’s shirt high enough to expose his sculpted chest. Andrew pressed his lips to Tommy’s hot skin, nibbled and licked at each tiny nipple, rousing them to hard sensitive points.

“Oh, Jesus…”

Tommy whimpered when Andrew bit then licked each small nub. He slipped a hand behind Andrew’s neck, holding him, encouraging him to nuzzle and nip, all the while uttering small gasps of pleasure. Andrew kissed his way down Tommy’s hard torso, over the tightly defined abs, following the line of light-coloured hair that dipped south towards Tommy’s crotch. Andrew dropped to his knees, pulling down Tommy’s zipper as he did so.

The young fire fighter’s cock sprang out, hard and thick, glistening with pre cum. Andrew inhaled the heady scent of semen and male musk, then took all of the pulsing shaft into the depths of his throat.

A strangled cry escaped Tommy. His fingers tangled in Andrew’s raven hair, his head fell back as he gave himself up to the ecstasy Andrew’s lips and tongue were bringing him.


J.P. Bowie



Andrew’s hands cupped the taut, beautifully rounded, twin globes of Tommy’s butt and pulled him in even deeper. He moved one hand between Tommy’s legs, taking the heavy weight of the young man’s balls, squeezing them gently, rewarded by the sharp, shocked inhale of breath and the thrust of Tommy’s pulsing flesh in his mouth.

“Oh, God. That’s so good…” Tommy’s body shuddered as he orgasmed, his hot cream spilling down Andrew’s throat. Andrew held him in his mouth until the quivering shaft began to soften, then he released him, slowly, licking the last vestiges of cum from the slit.

He stood up and placed a gentle kiss on Tommy’s lips.

“That was…incredible,” Tommy whispered. “Let me do the same for you.”

“Unfortunately, I must go.”


Andrew silenced his protest with another kiss, fiercer this time, Tommy returning his passion with an ardour of his own.

“Don’t go,” he groaned, when they finally broke away from one another.

“I must.” Andrew cupped Tommy’s face in his hands and gazed deep into his eyes.

“Remember this only as a moment of rapture, nothing more, never to be repeated. Goodbye, Tommy, and thank you.”


Tommy pressed his back against the wall and ran his hand through his thick hair. His mind whirled with a thousand different emotions and questions.

What the hell had just happened?

Hadn’t he been with some guy just now? But where was he?
was he? He had only the faintest memory of someone, some
incredible happening. But what? His lips tingled, felt slightly swollen as if someone had been kissing him really hard, really

He put a hand to the side of his neck.

That tingled too. Was there a hickey there? He glanced down.

Holy shit
. His dick was hanging free! Thank Christ he’d noticed before walking back into the bar. Come to think of it, what was he doing back here anyway? Why couldn’t he remember? Shit, was he so desperate he’d come in here to jerk off? He stuffed his cock back in his pants and zipped up, then exited the room.

“Hey, you still here?” The bartender was gaping at him, the bar in darkness.

“Looks like it,” Tommy muttered.


J.P. Bowie



“Shit, I thought everyone was gone. I’m locking up, man. Anyone else back there?”


“What were you doing back there on your own then?”

“I don’t know.” Tommy felt confused and slightly stupid. “I guess I was looking for the men’s room. Must’ve taken a wrong turn.”

“Well, you gotta go. It’s past closing.”

“Yeah, sorry man. See ya.”


Tommy walked out into the cool night air and shook his head to clear it. Man, but he felt weird, but not in a bad way, kinda nice, really. He’d had sex, he was sure of it. Some guy, some really great-looking guy had been kissing him, had sucked him off, had…what else?

And who was he? Tommy shook his head again, then shrugged. Well, whatever,
ever—it was over. He just wished he could remember more.



Andrew reached out again.

“Yes, Andrew

“Oh, Jared

A rush of relief poured over Andrew.

“I am so sorry for what I did. May I see you, so I can apologise to you, face to face? I feel I will
not be completely exonerated from my guilt until I see you, hear you say that you forgive me.”

“I forgive you, Andrew. But come to Marcus’ home and be with us. He bids you welcome.”

“Thank you.”

Andrew smiled, really smiled, for the first time in several weeks. From the shadows of the alleyway behind the bar he rose into the air, to be guided to Marcus’ home by Jared’s thoughts.

He glanced down as he hovered over the buildings and experienced a quick surge of regret as he spotted Tommy leaving the bar. The young man stood for a long moment on the sidewalk, obviously trying to recall what had passed between him and some stranger he couldn’t for the life of him remember.

So sharp was the emotion that pierced Andrew’s chest he almost broke the Verano rule he and many vampires adhered to. To reveal himself to Tommy now would cause too many BLOOD LURE

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problems, some of which might lead to disaster. No, best he let the young man forget him.

They were, after all, too many worlds apart.


J.P. Bowie


Chapter Nine

Andrew dropped from the night sky onto the driveway of Marcus Verano’s Hollywood Hills mansion. Straightening his shoulders, he walked the few steps to the door and rang the bell. Marcus answered, and for a long moment after he had opened the door, stood quite still, staring at Andrew as though assuring himself he wanted this man in his home.

“Marcus, I—” Andrew faltered, unsure now if this had been a good idea.

“Come in, Andrew.” Marcus’ voice was low and gentle. “You are welcome here.”

“Thank you.” Andrew stepped inside, immediately aware of Marcus’ powerful presence. He extended his hand and was relieved when the master vampire took it, then pulled him into an embrace.

“I am glad you have chosen to remain Jared’s friend,” Marcus said. “Discord among fellow vampires weakens our core strength. We have enough enemies—we can never have enough friends.”

“I was foolish. My anger blurred my common sense. I regret it more than I can say.”

BOOK: Blood Lure
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