Read Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Fiction

Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart (27 page)

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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Ah, the housekeeper.  “Hello, Teresa.”

Teresa bowed her head and smiled.  “I recognize you.  You look just like the little gentleman.”  As soon as she said it, she covered her mouth.

okay, Teresa.  That’s why he’s here.”  She led the other woman to the garage and stood and watched her as she left. 

When she returned, Bobby was ready for answers.  “What did she mean?  Who do I look like?”

Cecile couldn’t believe that he didn’t have a clue.  “Come with me,” she took him by the hand.  As they walked down the hall, Bobby could hear a cooing noise.  He strained his ears; it sounded like ....a baby? 

Stopping in his tracks, he looked at Cecile with wide-eyed wonder. 
“A baby?”

Cecile held her breath.  How would he react?  She realized that this was the one most important moment of her life so far.  The two people that she loved most in the world were about to meet.  “Yes.  Come meet him.” She pushed open the door. 

Bobby stepped inside an enchanted place filled with teddy bears and stuffed horses.  The room was blue and a baby bed sat against the wall.  The smell of powder and the euphoric scent of babies filled the air.  He was in a nursery.  He could still feel Cecile’s hand on his arm, she hadn’t left him; God, he was scared to death.  A series of
and ahs and happy little noises floated across the room.  A mobile turned playfully overhead and Bobby saw one small hand and foot rise up in the air. 

  Baby, is there something you’re trying to tell me?” 

Sr., meet Robert
Jr.”  She didn’t use the last name, because they wouldn’t take that privilege unless it was offered.   She had tried to anticipate what Bobby would do, how he would act.  But she hadn’t been prepared for the reality. 

Slowly, he walked up to the crib and looked at his son for the first time. 
looked at him and tried to focus his little eyes.  Bobby felt his chest tighten.  When his son held his hand up, as if reaching for him, Bobby took his little hand in his.  He could cover the baby’s whole hand with the tip of his thumb and first finger.  “Hello my little man.  Besides your mama, you’re the most precious thing I’ve ever seen.”  Leaning over the crib, he kissed the tiny hand.  “Can I pick him up?”  He looked back at
, asking permission. 

was crying now.  She wasn’t even trying to hold it back.  “Sure, you can pick him up.  He’s a sweet little boy.”  She wrapped her arms around herself and just watched Bobby get to know his little boy.  Oh, how different it could have been.  He could have become angry, he could have expressed doubts – instead, it seemed to be love at first sight. 

Bobby picked
up and brought him up close to his face placing small little kisses all over the baby’s cheek. 
“Daddy’s boy.
  Daddy’s little boy.”  Meeting
eyes, he smiled.  “Let’s go to the couch, I want to hold you both.” 

That sounded wonderful. 
was totally entranced with both of her men.  Bobby stopped to get a blanket and a pacifier,
led the way, making himself right at home.  With a light heart, she followed and when he sat down in the corner of the sofa and patted the cushion beside him, she crowded in as close as she could.  “Don’t you think we need to talk about this?  Are you sure you’re not angry?”

Bobby laid
up on his shoulder and rubbed his back.  “Do I look angry, baby?” He picked up her hand and kissed it.  “Why didn’t you tell me when you found out you were pregnant?  Didn‘t you think I’d want to know?”

His voice held no trace of condemnation; still, Cecile felt overwhelmed with guilt.  She laid her head on his shoulder and waited a moment before answering. 
  I found out pretty quick after I came back.  I discovered that I had forgotten to take my pills during the great Carl debacle.”  She felt Bobby stiffen at the mention of her ex-husband’s name.  “The hurt from our misunderstanding was still fresh in my mind.  I didn’t think you’d want us.”

Bobby felt a pain knife through his chest.  He was holding one treasure and cuddled up with another.  Cecile didn’t have a clue what they meant to him.  Not yet.  Just the idea that she had ever entertained the thought that he wouldn’t want
them Just the ip;just
killed his soul.  “Not want you? 
  I would have dropped everything and come to you at any moment – I would have loved to hold you when you were tired, rub your feet when they hurt.  Hell, I would have loved to bathe your face when you were sick.  To think that you went through labor and delivery all alone just makes my heart ache.  What I wouldn’t give to turn back the clock and share every moment with you.”

His sincere outpouring of grief at their time apart touched her more than words could say.  “I should have told you, and I almost did, but after
. . . .” she stopped.  There was no use bringing that magazine article up.  Whatever he had said to that reporter had nothing to do with her and

“After what?”
Bobby asked, knowing she was holding something back.

“It doesn’t matter,” she protested.

“If it kept us apart – hell yes, it matters.”  Bobby was insistent.

“After you found out that Mary Alice’s baby didn’t belong to you, you told a reporter that even though you’d never turn your back on your child, a baby at this stage of your life was the last thing you wanted.”   It felt good to get that off of her chest.

Bobby laid his head back on the couch and looked at
with sorrow and tenderness in his eyes.  “
, I didn’t love Mary Alice.  I couldn’t imagine what having a baby with her would be like. 
and you?
  That’s as different as night and day.  A baby with you is the most welcome thing in the world; because I love you – and that makes all the difference.”

“Thank you, Bobby.  I regret that I ever doubted what we have.” Cecile was so touched.  Small
noises from the wee person in the room got their attention.  “Somebody’s hungry.”

Bobby laughed at his son who was rooting on his shoulder like a little armadillo.  “Is he on a bottle? Or…” God, this question turned him on like gangbusters, “are you breastfeeding him?”

Cecile opened her jacket and looked at dismay. 
  See what I was hiding?  I was a mess when I saw you on the field, I got emotional.  When I get emotional, or think about
, I leak.  Isn’t that embarrassing?”

Bobby stared – little circlets of dampness declared that she had milk for their baby.  It was incredibly sexy.  “No, it’s beautiful.” 

“I don’t have a nursing bra on, I’ll have to go in the other room and pull off my clothes.”  She got u leave.

Bobby stopped her.  “Don’t go.  I’d give anything to watch you feed our child.  Do you mind?”  He wanted to be a part of everything they did.  He didn’t want to miss another moment

Cecile flushed a little at the thought, but she pulled off the jacket, her blouse and then the shear bra that did nothing to hide her breasts.  They were even bigger than before, and she knew they had been too big for her body-size to begin with.  Almost, she crossed her arms to hide herself.  “I’ve grown, I’m afraid.”

Trying to swallow, Bobby licked his lips.  God in Heaven!  “Yes, you have.”  She was devastatingly beautiful and sexy.  He was almost jealous of his son.  But his time would come.  “And, I can’t wait to get my hands and mouth on you.”

Taking the baby from him, she smiled at his praise.  “I can’t wait, either.  I’m glad you still think I’m pretty.”  She arranged the baby at her breast and he knew just what to do.

Bobby pulled her back in the crook of his arm so he could be up close and personal.  He had never been privileged to watch a baby nurse, especially his baby. 
had this down pat.  Bobby was enraptured to watch his little mouth working the nipple.  He chuckled when
put his hand on
breast and patted and pushed on it.  He laughed out loud when the baby smacked, and snorted, “
be a big eater, isn’t he?  We’ll spend all our time trying to put food on the table for this bruiser.”

nestled into Bobby’s warm embrace.  This was absolute paradise.  She had her baby in her arms and they were both cradled in the arms of the one who had helped her give him life, and given her love.  “I love you, Bobby.”  She couldn’t hold it back.

He kissed her temple.  “I love you, too,
.”  God, he wanted her.  “How old is
?”  He had an
ulterior  motive
for asking, but the information was important to him.

“He’s a little over eight weeks old.”  She soothed the baby’s soft black hair and stared into his dark eyes.  “He looks just like you, doesn’t he?”  Bobby didn’t say anything for a second, and Cecile had the worst thought.  Did Bobby have any doubts that the baby was his?  He hadn’t acted like it, but she needed to put his mind to rest.  “I haven’t been with anyone else, Bobby.  The baby is yours.  Do you want me to have any tests?”

“Hell, no!”
  Bobby was taken aback.  “Why would you say that?”  Had he given her the impression that he had doubts?  Then he realized it was because of Mary Alice.  Lord, that situation had him more problems than it had been worth.  “
is my son.  It’s as plain as day to me.  So, no; I don’t need for you to take any damn test.”

laughed at his consternation.  Picking the baby up, she laid him on her shoulder and patted his small back.

Bobby was looking at
eye to eye and when
smiled at him – his world suddenly made sense.  And when
let a huge burp go, they all laughed.  “Here let me take him.  I want to rock him to sleep.  Is that okay?”  Bobby looked at her and she nodded, giving him their bundle of joy.  “You go get ready for bed.  Can I make love to you, baby?  Is it safe?  I’ll be so
I’ll treat you like you’re made of glass.”

Cecile pouted her lips a little.  “I’ve gotten the release from my doctor, so – yes, it’s safe.  But, I have no desire to be ‘handled with care’.  I’ve missed you more than you ever know and I want to be taken, ravished, possessed – I want all you’ve got, cowboy.  My body is starving for yours.”  

The big man just stood there holding the tiny baby.  Then he winked at her.  “Oh, baby.  You’ve just set off the launch sequence.  Just give me a second to get our little man down for the count and I’ll take you on a journey to paradise – Texas style.”

~ Chapter Ten ~


Cecile was as nervous as a cat.  She took a quick shower and shaved everything that needed it.  Since she had been with Bobby, she had visited a spa and got the full treatment, so her lady-parts were smooth and ready for him.  Already, she was wet and swollen.  Just the memory of how his cock felt as it filled her emptiness had her swollen and eager.  Debating what to wear, if anything, she opted for a sheer white gown that covered everything but hid nothing.  Since their first meeting anything white and see-through reminded her of their hunger for one another.  Realizing that she still had milk, she debated trying to pump it out and store it.  Feeding
all he wanted wasn’t a problem; she produced enough milk for two babies.  But she didn’t know how Bobby would feel about the fact that when he suckled her, he would be getting more than a mouthful of tit. And having his mouth on her breast was one thing that she couldn’t do without; she had been fantasizing about it the whole time they had been apart.

The decision was taken out of her hands when the door opened.  “There you are.  Sweet
is out like a light.  I left him laying flat on the mattress with a light blanket.  I don’t know much about babies, but I didn’t want him to smother.”  He was just chattering away.  Apparently, fatherhood excited the hell out of Bobby.  As he stepped further into the room, she walked out of the bathroto meet him.  The light from over the sink was the only light in the room, so she was enveloped in a warm golden glow. 
“Holy Mother of God, angel.
  Look at you.”  Bobby was wearing a pair of jeans that he had already unbuckled and a white western shirt that he had already unsnapped – and in the most economical of moves that Cecile had ever seen, he shed his clothes in about 30 seconds flat. 

“I’ve missed you, Bobby.” 

BOOK: Bobby Does Dallas: Hill Country Heart
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