Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance) (15 page)

BOOK: Bonds of Fire: The Bellum Sisters 2 (paranormal erotic romance)
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Willow closed her mouth and tried to think of something to say. How the hell can the woman say so much but she couldn’t think of one thing to say back?

“Um, it’s nice to meet you, Stacy.”

“That’s Stacy P,” she corrected with a wink and a smile. Willow smiled back at her. She couldn’t help it. The woman was probably in her early thirties and she had a hair of curly blood hair that bobbed every time she talked.

She rang up the last item and said, “That’ll be a hundred and four dollars even. Whew, that never happens. You know my momma used to say that was a sign of good luck.” Willow gave her a tight-lipped smile as she patted her back pocket.

“Shit.” She forgot she didn’t have any money. She had a twenty on her and that was it. She swore that ever since she got to this town, it was like she was living in a surreal world. One in which she was captive.

“I’m afraid I made a mistake. I forgot to take more money out of the bank.” Ire rose quick and hot. It was his fault. If she hadn’t been woman-napped from Europe then she’d be free to leave and stop at an ATM and be sunbathing at the ocean right now instead of buying freaking winter clothes.

Stacy P’s eyes lit up even brighter. “Not to worry! I’ll put it on the Alpha Lyonis’ account.” Willow frowned; the thought of owing him money like tar in her gut.

“No, thanks. I think I’ll just wait until I can stop at a bank.” Willow started to leave but the woman stopped her. She held out the bag of clothes to her and lifted her chin high.

“No, I insist. Take them; you’ll need it since the cold weather’s coming in. I promise he won’t mind at all.” She giggled like she just told a joke that only she got.

Sighing, Willow snatched the bag and mumbled a thank you. “Have a great day; come by anytime to chat!” Willow waved her off and left.

The bag slapped against her leg as she wandered down the street. More pack members passed her with smiles and hellos. Since when did they get so welcoming? Willow snarled and glared at the members as she rushed past them. Without even thinking, she opened the next door on the street and went in.

“Oh, thank God,” she sighed. It was the town’s pub. The name above the bar read: The Wolf’s Den. She almost chuckled. She thanked God there were only two patrons and hurried to the bar. The bartender was an older man with a face aged with wrinkles, lines, and a full head of thick white and gray hair.

“What can I do you for, my Queen?” Willow’s jaw dropped at the title, and quickly she realized the two patrons had stopped talking. She looked over to see them watching her, expectantly. What the hell did that mean? Why were they watching her?

“Quit staring!” she yelled to the men. They quickly looked away and went back to their conversation. When she looked back at the bartender she fought the urge to blush. There was always something about yelling in front of older folks that hit her the wrong way.

“No need to take it out on them, they can’t help it.”

“Help what?” Willow grabbed onto her hair and pulled the cords until she felt a sting of pain. The second she was done, she realized she’d forgotten her hair tie. Just perfect.

“People are even more curious about you since they know you’ll be staying now. So what can I get you to drink?”

Willow’s mind spun.

“Whoa, wait. What do you mean I’m staying?” The bartender turned around and started pouring a cup of black, steamy coffee. Willow almost sighed at the smell as he placed it in front of her with a small bowl of sugar. “How’d you know how I take it?”

He gave her a wise, knowing look and shrugged a shoulder. “Tool of the trade, I s’pose. Drink up, you’ll feel better.” Willow sipped her sweetened coffee and let it soothe her stomach. She set the cup down after a moment.

“Okay, now tell me what you meant by that.”

“By what?” he asked innocently. Willow clenched and unclenched her fists while in her mind she pictured throwing the coffee on the bartender. Okay, she wasn’t that evil, but at least she could fantasize about it.

“What do you mean I’ll be staying here?” The old bartender smiled gently and rested his elbows on the bar.

Leaning towards her, he said, “Oh, that? The whole pack already knows about it. People are getting real excited. Seems like good timin’ to me too with the Winter Festival comin’ up.”

Willow took a long, burning drink of her coffee and slammed her cup on the bar.

“Answer me clearly old man, or prepare to fight.”

The bartender tossed back and laughed a hoarse, wheezing laugh until his cheeks turned red. When he finally calmed enough to look back at her, his eyes were watery with unshed tears. Willow bared her teeth at him.

“Alright, alright. No need to threaten an old man. See, people saw your show of affection yesterday. How you went to Lyonis after the news of little Stephanie.”

Willow waited for him to continue but he only picked up a white rag and started wiping down the already clean bar. As the white, swishing rag neared her, she slammed her hand on it to halt it.

“Answer me clearly and fully or I swear I’ll break every bottle of liquor in this place.” The bartender looked startled, then understanding set in.

“See here, Queen, I wasn’t trying to make you mad. I forget you’re not one of us. You don’t know the ways. See, you are what we call a wakipajan.”

A throbbing pain was starting slammed against her temple. “What the fuck is that?” Even she cringed at her language. Cursing was usually saved for at least ten in the morning.

“It means a fighter, a rebel of sorts. It’s a phrase we use when one mate is pursuing one that’s a bit more...defiant. You, Queen, are a wakipajan.”

“What does that have to do with what you said before?” The old man rolled his eyes like a sixteen-year-old girl.

“Aren’t you listening to a word I said? When a
takes the first step to comforting or helping the other in a rough time it’s the first big step towards becoming a mate.”

Willow dropped the coffee cup and dark liquid spilled over the bar. “Say what?”

The old man seemed happy by her reaction. “Everyone’s talking about how you helped the Alpha yesterday evening after the news with Stephanie. You helped to bring him down from his anger. Like I said, that’s the first step to becoming his mate.”

Willow grimaced and couldn’t bring herself to touch the fresh cup of coffee he set in front of her. “I can’t believe this. I was just...being nice. I didn’t even do anything.” Her mind scattered to remember every detail of that moment yesterday. Did she do something monumental that she hadn’t been aware of? She’d chased him out of the woods and hugged him. That was it. How the hell did that start the mating process?

“Hey now, don’t worry about it. The pack is happy is all. It’s a good thing too; we’ve needed some added happiness since Stephanie went missing. If you were looking for some advice, I’d say enjoy it. I’d say enjoy Lyonis too. He’s a great man. He’ll treat you as a man should.”

Willow snorted with disgust and slammed her twenty down on the bar before stalking out. As she wound her way through the streets she saw everything with a new set of eyes. So that’s why everyone looked at her like she was made of candy. They thought she was going to mate with Lyonis. If only they knew how wrong that was.


Chapter 16


Willow finished setting up the bedroom. She had the rope and a set of chains with a padlock in case that didn’t work.

She felt like some kind of psychopath, but what the hell was she supposed to do? She was starving, literally, and she wasn’t about to let that sneaky Alpha with his sneaky little touches get the best of her.

She’d get what she needed from him, then be done. That was all. The phone rang and she went and answered it.



His voice was dark and husky; she actually shivered at the sound of it. Maybe it was just the way he sounded over the phone but it was absolutely decadent.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to meet me at headquarters.” Willow looked back up the stairs and thought of the rope and everything she had placed up there, ready to keep the Alpha in place.

“Why? I was sort of expecting you here soon.” Willow bit down on her lip as she almost said home instead of here.

“Trust me, you won’t want to miss this. Can you walk or would rather I pick you up?”

Willow thought about it and figured she could still go through with her plan. It’d just have to wait until he was done showing her whatever. She checked the clock and saw that it was already a quarter after ten.

“Alright, I’ll be right there. I’m walking; don’t, don’t come here.” God she didn’t know if she’d be able to not jump on him if he came here now. Her breasts felt heavy and achy, her sex wet.

He chuckled on the other end. “Very well, I’ll see you soon, Willow. Be safe.” The line cut out before she could reply.

Grumbling to herself, she grabbed her new winter coat and set off towards headquarters. Willow found Lyonis in the gym wearing a pair of baggy shorts and a sweaty white t-shirt that accented his defined chest and arms. He smiled at her as she came in.

“There you are. I missed you.” He came towards her and wrapped her in his arms. Willow returned the hug before she could think twice about it.

“Why did you want to meet me here?” she said pulling away. If possible, his scent was even more alluring now, saturating every inch of him. Willow’s mouth watered with the need to lick his salty skin.

“Well, I’d planned on taking you out tonight and showing you the city, but there was too much work to be done. We’ll postpone it to another night, but I thought the least I could do was play with you.” He smiled at her, that one dimple popping up in his cheek.

“What do you mean play with me?” Willow looked anywhere but at him because every time she did, something tightened inside her.

“Well I thought I could show you how to wrestle.” Laughing, she walked away from him as he neared her. He began stalking her as a predator might a prey. He lunged towards her and she ducked to the side to evade him. A laugh floated out of her and his smile was infectious.

“See, this is how it starts. The maneuvering of two opponents around and around.” He made a grab for her but she laughed and skirted out of reach. “Until eventually one of them finally gets pounced.” He feinted left then tackled her. Willow’s back hit the soft blue mat and they fell into a fit of laughter.

He settled on top of her, his blue eye lighting up his face, making him look younger and happier than he had in the past few days. Willow felt the urge to trace her fingers over that face and memorize the features of him just like this.

“I have a feeling this isn’t how you wrestle with your other pack members.”

He arched a brow. “Only the women.” Willow’s snort turned into a case of belly laughter until she futilely started pushing him away.

“Get off me you big oaf.” His mouth opened in mock surprise.

“Willow, I think that’s the nicest thing you ever called me.” She rolled her eyes and slapped him on the shoulder.

“Not as good as ‘Oh Great Alpha’, I think.” His hands caught her wrists and slowly slid up her arms. The touch was gentle, soft even, yet it made her feel trapped under him.

“Let me go.” She bucked under him and tried to get away. His arms swooped around her back, bringing her flush against him. The strength of his chest crushed her breasts in a delicious way as he fitted his hips to hers.

“But Willow, today I realized I’ve made many promises to you since I met you.”

She snorted. “Promises of a sexual nature are for you, not for me; and they don’t count.”

“Of course they do. And tonight, I’m going to start making good on them,” he said darkly.

“What?” His smile was pure sin as he arched his hips against hers. She felt the rigid length of his cock brush against the needy part of her like a teasing caress.

“That’s right, starting right now I’m making good on some of my promises.”

Willow wanted to say something smart in retort but instead said, “Which one?”

Oh God, was that her breathless voice? Couldn’t be. All of his fantasies put her in every submissive way possible, which she wouldn’t allow. Heck, she already had the chains ready.

“I haven’t quite decided. I have so many choices. You’ll look beautiful in all of them; feel even better when I’m inside you.” His lips nuzzled her neck in a way she was becoming all too familiar with. As kisses pressed along her skin, Willow struggled to keep her denials at the tip of her tongue.

Steeling herself, she gave her voice no room for argument. “I told you last time, if we’re going to do this it’ll be my way or no way, and my way does not include being your bitch.” Lyonis snapped his teeth at her ear making her jump. She could hear the anger in his voice.

“I will not punish you for your language but you should know that it is not considered a bad thing to be a submissive where I come from. In my world, both positions are treasured and, most of all, respected for what they are. The bitch as you put it is an incredible position of power.”

“Yeah, right.” With a growl, he bit down on her neck. Willow whimpered as hot pleasure flushed through her body like a scalding wave; her hips undulated against his, rocking against his cock.

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