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Authors: Emily Jane Trent

Bound by Love (2 page)

BOOK: Bound by Love
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“You’ll have to learn control,” he stated in a deep, guttural voice. His mouth pressed against hers, his tongue rubbing and caressing. She kissed back, hard, wanting him and unafraid to let him know.

Tanner stepped back from her, holding her by the hair, leaning her head back. She was at his mercy. Excitement fluttered in her belly.

Easily, he lifted her onto the bed. She felt like a feather in his arms. He placed her on the satin cover, and commanded, “Spread your legs.”

Natalie looked at his cock, huge and heavy, between his thighs, hoping he meant to fuck her. Yet, knowing he wouldn’t reward her so soon. She spread her legs, compliantly.              The plane rolled a little, through some clouds, but not enough to distract Natalie from the virile sight before her.

Seeing the desire in her eyes, Tanner’s dick throbbed with eagerness. His need to pleasure her, consumed him. He retrieved one of her silky stockings from the floor.

“Close your eyes.” And, he proceeded to blindfold her. Immediately, her sensitivity to his touch escalated, being unable to predict or control the sexual progression.

With the other stocking, he tied her wrists together and secured them to the headboard. She felt so naked, with her arms over her head, being unable to escape or cover her needy nipples. Tanner’s hot tongue raked over the tip of each nipple, circling the areola and biting. His teeth nipped around her breast, creating an electricity of anxiety and pleasure, melded as one.

His strong hands cupped each breast, admiringly. Giving each a light squeeze, he released his grip. The sudden freedom created a wanting sensation. Natalie wanted him to do more, to do everything. She needed him so badly.

Tanner cupped the soft skin of her hair-free pussy, and Natalie felt it to her core. His strong hands spread her thighs wider. His fingers touched her outer lips, opening them for his pleasure. His wet tongue licked the length of her slit, stopping to flutter at her clit. Natalie whimpered.

“You’ll want to come,” Tanner said. “But you’ll wait. I’ll give you permission, when it’s time.”

Natalie rolled her head from side to side. She tensed her thighs. How long would he torture her?

Tanner’s hands covered each of her breasts. He cupped them, allowing his thumbs to flick her distended nipples. At the same time, his mouth was over her sex. He sucked and then blew, lightly. The altering stimulation was a tease, and Natalie responded, writhing on the bed.

“Be still,” he ordered, gruffly, and Natalie tried to still her body, but it was nearly impossible. “Do as I say,” he barked, “or I’ll spank you, hard. Do you hear me?”

Natalie seemed to nod, in her erotic haze. Tanner’s hands stroked down the sides of her body, down her thighs all the way to her bare feet. What was he going to do now?

Tanner sucked her toes slowly, one at a time, delaying. Natalie’s hard clit, clenched tighter, like a string was attached to it, from each sensitive toe. When he was done with his sensual task, Tanner reached under her, and held her tight ass in his hands. His tongue roved over her wet pussy, and Natalie arched her back.

“Still.” The one word reminded her of the threat of punishment, if she didn’t follow his order.

Tanner held her up to his mouth, his palms still holding her round ass. He tasted her sweet cream, and licked around her clit, avoiding contact, knowing how close she was.

He leaned up to nip at the bare skin of her mons. Natalie gasped, expecting a reprimand from Tanner, but he continued to kiss and nip her naked skin. Oh, the sensation. There was no barrier between his touch and her sensation.  He played her as he wished.

Natalie’s arms, stretched above her head, tensed with her whole body. Tanner expertly coaxed her forward into a dangerously powerful orgasm, or so it felt to her. She could not cover her bare breasts, knowing her nipples were bright red with arousal. Thankfully, she could tense her body and tighten her thighs, her only relief from the unrelenting pain of desire.

Tanner swirled his tongue around her clit, and her whimper echoed around the small room. She tossed first to one side, then the other, never finding the relief she sought. His hot tongue dared to touch the tip of her clit, sending sharp sensation deep into her vagina. Her pussy tensed. Eloquently, Tanner flicked and swirled with his tongue, until Natalie lost all sense of restraint.

She wanted one thing, and only one. But, her orgasm stayed just beyond reach.

“Come, baby. Come for me.”

Tanner’s words were like cool water to her wounds. She began rolling through the powerful waves of orgasm, her entire body convulsing. She screamed in a high-pitched note of release, and she came and came, and came more.

Yet, despite the powerful orgasm, her body didn’t descend the full height. So aroused had she become that she was still wanting, still writhing on the bed.

Tanner undid her blindfold and unbound her wrists. Her arms flew around his hard body and she pressed against him. He lifted her chin and kissed her, hotly.

“You’re not done, baby,” he whispered. She couldn’t imagine what he meant. What more could she take?

Natalie opened her eyes to see his cock, heavy between his legs, veins swollen. Her hand reached out to surround his member, and he moaned. His deep male voice, and the smell of his arousal, sent a new heat to her pussy.

She could see Tanner was aching for her. Yet, the sight of him holding back was highly erotic. In a daze, she let him do with her as he wished. He cradled her in his arms, her ass against his hot dick. Sweetly, he touched her pussy, loving, caressing. He spread her legs just enough, and began to tap her sex with his hand. Tap, tap, tap. She pressed her head back, against his chest, and closed her eyes.

She was in a cocoon of sexual sensation. The tapping motion radiated pleasure through her vagina, and her clit tightened. She felt another orgasm edge forward. She spread her legs further, giving Tanner better access.

Tanner slid two fingers inside her and Natalie moved her hips toward them. He thrust them, in and out, and she moved in rhythm. The warm, liquid feel in her lower body was heavier, and stronger than before. He was no longer teasing her, but was taking her to a cliff to propel her over.

His hand went back to tapping, but this time, alternately rubbing her mons. Natalie moaned. Tanner’s finger found her clit and he rubbed softly, just right. With one marble-like arm, he held her to him, tightly, while rubbing her clit a little faster. And faster.

Only this time, Tanner was silent. She didn’t hear any commands. He didn’t stop her. Just held her, and felt the roiling power of the ecstasy that took hold of her, and wouldn’t let go.

“Ah-h-h-h,” Natalie sighed as a new, stronger orgasm gripped her entire vagina. She clenched, and fell into a heavy release, with Tanner holding her tight. Sensation washed through her body. She was victim to the convulsions that possessed every muscle in her body.

Natalie collapsed in Tanner’s sturdy hold. All strength had left her. She was unable to move. Vaguely, she was aware of the jet flying smoothly through the clouds, only feeling a slight up or down roll, never enough to disturb, only enough to add to the dizzying sensation of sex with Tanner at such height.

He touched her cheek with his fingertips and stroked her hair, his desire mounting to dangerous levels. His balls hurt, and his throbbing dick refused to be ignored.

Tanner let Natalie slide off his lap, onto her back. He held his lean body over hers, and she reached up to touch his perfect face. She ran her fingers over his forehead, down his nose and across his full lips. He grabbed her wrist and kissed her fingertips. Then, let her fingers slip into his hot mouth. He sucked them, sensually.

Taking Natalie’s hand away from his face, unable to endure her touch another second without losing control, he pinned her to the bed. He held her to the bed, his hands holding her wrists beside her head. He bent down and kissed her with such sweet passion that Natalie felt newly aroused.

She looked down at his huge cock, hanging over the apex of her thighs, looking so delicious. She wanted to put her lips over the bulbous knob at the end and suck, but she couldn’t move. Tanner swayed from side to side, his cock running across her taught abdomen. She lifted her hips in encouragement.

Tanner lost his reserve in that second. He plunged his dick into her sweet pussy, so wet and welcoming. Deep inside her he thrust, and Natalie lifted her hips off the bed to meet him. He fucked her ferociously, in and out, hard with bursting passion. In rhythm, they fucked violently. Moisture beaded on Tanner’s brow, and Natalie glowed with the effort.

Both were lost in the rapture of being as one. The harder and faster they fucked, the further they propelled into a flight of emotion that only they understood.

Tanner moaned and Natalie cried out, yet they held back, beyond all reason – wanting to hold onto the moment, this magic moment together. Tanner slowed his motions and closed his eyes.

Natalie admired his stark masculinity, the beauty of his sexual desire. She breathed in the male pheromones that surrounded her, threatening to suffocate her in unending want.

Neither moved, the tingling sensation feathering through them, and the strength of the unity binding them in a timeless moment.

Tanner opened his eyes to gaze at Natalie, his adorable beauty, his total obsession. One strong stroke of his penis, convulsed his virile member, and he felt the orgasm, too long held back, push forward.

The strong muscles of Natalie’s vagina gripped his swollen cock. She felt another orgasm rush forward, and she relaxed into it, having no will to resist. The air went from her lungs, and the muscles of her body and her sex convulsed together.

Simultaneously, Tanner stroked, in and out, slapping into her and giving himself to the pleasure with no thought of delay. Urgency took over, and he came with all the male power he possessed. Together they reached climax, shouting and panting in unison.

Slow to find release from the intensity, both moved in the sublime fucking rhythm long after the peak. Tanner’s muscles glistened with the sweat of exertion and he smelled boldly of sex. Natalie’s body tingled with a warm glow.

Tanner kissed her over and over, her cheeks, her neck, her hair and her lips. She sighed. Wrapped in each other’s arms, they dozed until they felt the plane descending into the San Francisco airport. They’d have some time to shower and relax at the hotel, before the concert.


3 – Sweet Memories

The sweet memory of their first encounter came alive the instant Natalie and Tanner stepped into The Great Music Hall. It hadn’t changed much. Natalie would have loved to get tickets for the same group they’d heard on that first occasion, but they were on a hiatus and had no concerts scheduled. She did get good seats, right in front, for Mumford and Sons, another group they both liked.

Natalie and Tanner chatted a bit, waiting for the opening act. Tanner had been working a lot recently. He was involved in new business developments and testing new merchandising approaches. His endless energy carried him through long hours.

The expansion prompted him to intern his trusted assistant, Aaron Bader
, to take over some management duties. Tanner retained full control, but was able to get a break by turning over a large part of the day-to-day routine to Aaron, a seasoned and competent business associate.

The music started and Natalie leaned against Tanner to whisper, “I’m so glad you could get away. A concert will be good therapy for you.”

Tanner looked at Natalie’s beautiful face, enshrined in dim light, and looking more angelic than ever. “I know what’s good therapy for me,” he told her. The dark, burning look in his eyes was clear, even in the low lighting.

Natalie blushed, sure that Tanner wouldn’t notice, in the semi-dark room. She leaned her head on his shoulder, affectionately, still glowing from their recent interlude in the intimate bedroom of his private jet.

BOOK: Bound by Love
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