Read Bound for Christmas Online

Authors: Sam Crescent

Bound for Christmas (8 page)

BOOK: Bound for Christmas
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He eased a
hand between her thighs seeking her wet heat. “Open your legs,” he said.

Bernie did
what he asked without argument.

feminine scent teased his senses.
placed his palm against her
mound. She was dripping wet. He’d never felt so much heat from a sub.

soaking wet, sweetheart. Did you enjoy your punishment?” he asked.

She nodded
her head. His cock jumped at her admission.


his eyes to stop himself from tearing his jeans from his body and fucking her
on his couch. This was about her.

Focus, Bernie needs this. You need this. Show
her how good it could be between you.

A few
quick breaths and he
back in control. He’d never
been on the brink of control so much before in his life.

members of Kink always ribbed him for his ability to remain calm in all
situations. They’d all be mocking him if they saw him in action with Bernie.

He slid
his finger between her slit. Her clit was swollen and begging for release.
wished he could see, but he also wanted to hold her close. There was plenty of
time for him to watch her pussy in the weeks, months, and years to come.

She pushed
her pelvis up to meet his fingers as he sank two digits inside her tight cunt.
growled. She was tight and gripped him tighter than any
His cock would stretch her. He made a note to start using vibrators and dildos
on her so she’d be able to take all of him without hurting her.

“So fucking tight.
You’ve not had many big cocks, have you, Bernie?”
She shook her head. All his claiming instinct rose. The primal part of him
wanted to jump on the table and beat his chest. Bernie would be all of his.

Using his
thumb he teased her clit feeling the tightening of her pussy with each touch.
He swore, rubbing his cock against her ass. Bernie moved her body over him.
knew he’d blow up if he didn’t make her climax soon. He added a third finger
inside her cunt and fucked inside her tightness while stroking her wet clit.

moments she shattered around his fingers. Her cries echoed off the wall. The
arousal from the punishment and his need of her pushed
’s control over the edge. For
the past six months the only pleasure he’d found had been with his own hand.
The simple rubbing of her butt against his shaft made him growl as to his great
surprise, his cum spurted inside his jeans.

bit down
on her neck sucking her flesh into his mouth.

turned her head slightly as she kissed him. Never in all of his life had a
woman kissed him first. He’d always been the instigator.
took what she offered. His
heart pounded inside his chest as the love grew beyond anything he’d ever

This was
his woman, and he’d do anything for her to keep her in his life.



Chapter Seven


Bernice lay
on the sofa as
ran his fingers through his hair. She’d seen the dark stain on his jeans. He’d
found release along with her. Her whole body felt heavy from exhaustion, and
looking at the clock it wasn’t even mid-day.

Her ass
stung from the spanking he’d given her. The pleasure that had consumed her body
was well worth it. She loved the after care and the feel of his arms around her
as he cared for her. Bernice knew she’d purposely go out of the way to get a
punishment just to receive his after care.

He got off
the couch and lifted her up in his arms. She squealed. In his arms she felt too
far off the ground. Her arms went around his neck as she held on for dear life.

“Trust me.
I won’t drop you. I promise.”

She nodded
and loosened her hold around his neck.
carried her up the stairs to
his bathroom. “I can walk, Master,” she said.

“I don’t
want you to walk. Consider this part of your after care.”

He placed
her on the floor then turned the tap on for the shower.
removed his jeans and the rest
of his clothing. She loved how comfortable he was in his own skin.


showed him her back. Her eyes widened when she saw the mirror in front of her.
Then she saw
go down behind her. His eyes were on her ass. The desire to clench her cheeks
together to try to make it look smaller consumed her. She stopped herself. The
way her luck went, clenching her ass cheeks together would only show more
cellulite. Did she have cellulite? She cringed at her own ugly thoughts.

Stay calm, Bernice.
wants you for more than your
body shape.


She jerked
slapped her ass.

“Hey, why
did you do that?”


“I know
what you’re thinking. Your ass is gorgeous, and don’t start trying to cover it

“How do
you know what I’m thinking?” she asked.

Her ass
stung, and she felt a shame she didn’t think she’d feel.

“What is
your body?” he asked, ignoring her question.


Don’t forget it either. I want you to understand how I feel about your body. I
find you beautiful.
Your full ass and thighs, the roundness
of your stomach, and your large breasts appeal to me.
Bernie, to me,
you’re perfect.”

filled her eyes as a lump formed in her throat. She stared in the mirror at her
body and saw the desire in his eyes when he pointed out parts of her body. For
so long she’d felt fat and ugly on the inside and out.
was making her open her mind
to other options.

He stood
up wrapping his arms around her. She stared at his reflection, tears falling
from her eyes.

“Let it
out, baby.” She shook her head refusing to allow the tears to fall. If they
fell then she’d given in to all the bullies in her life.

her to face him. He cupped her cheeks between his large hands staring into her
eyes. She tried to pull away from him. He wouldn’t let her.

“I’ve got
you. Let it all out.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” he asked.

“Because if I cry then they’ve won.”
The sob broke from
her lips. She bit her lip to try to contain the rest. Bernice refused to give
them any more. They, the people who’d hurt her through the years, no longer
mattered. It was overcoming her
feelings that was
difficult part.

been alone, always believing
the ugliness of her own body.
When they’d requested she’d remove her clothes at the club, it had been a huge

recalled the conversation she’d had with Sandra several weeks ago before she’d
given herself to


“When you offer yourself up for training with a
Dom, there will be a ceremony where you’ll need to give yourself completely,”
Sandra said.

Bernice watched her best friend pour another
glass of wine. She hated the stuff, but her friend loved drinking a glass at
least once a week.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

“When you give yourself, the sub has to be
naked. I don’t know why. It is just the rules of the club.”

“I couldn’t do that, Sandra. I can barely look
at myself naked, let alone doing it front of a club full of people.” Bernice
felt the panic rising inside her. She didn’t know what to do to stop the
emotion cascading through her. “I need to stop going to the club and trying to
attention. How can I even think for a second he’d want me? There are so many
other women who are more his style than I am. I’m nothing in comparison to

Sandra slapped her face.

“Hey,” Bernice said, cupping her cheek. “What
did you do that for?”

“Because you were panicking and you don’t need
to. I don’t know what or who has gotten this stuff inside your head about not
being beautiful, but you are.”

Bernie shook her head refusing to believe any
of her friend’s words.

“No, listen to me. I’m not saying any of this
shit because you’re my
I’m saying it because
it is true. You’re beautiful, and the men at the club believe it as well.”

“I’m overweight, Sandra.”

“You’re beautiful. I’ve seen the way men look
at you at the club. Yes, granted, some men won’t want you because of your size.
However, there are men who do. You’re not this ugly, old fish without any
chance of love, Bernice. You’re beautiful, kind, and caring, and there will be
a man who’ll sweep you off your feet.”

Tears filled her eyes at the kindness in her
friend’s face.

“What if he doesn’t want me?”

goes to the library every week
and takes out romance books along with cookery books? The dude has got it bad.”

Bernice smiled. She didn’t know if what her
friend said was completely true, but in life a person needed to take risks.

“Besides, I’ll kick his ass, and he’ll take


“Come back
to me, baby,”

looked into
eyes. He stared at her with so much warmth she didn’t know how the bad memories
could still get at her.

sorry. I zoned out for a second.” The tears fell silently from her eyes.

“I don’t
care. Let
go, and trust me.”


“Of what?”

“Of not being able to come back.
What if it hurts too
much?” She felt her sobs building. The explosion of emotion was just beneath
the surface. All she needed to do was allow
be catapulted over the edge.

“It will
hurt, and then you won’t need to deal with the pain anymore. You can move on.”

“I don’t
want to be alone,” she said. Bernice hated herself for sounding so weak. How
could any man want a weak woman?

“Hey, look
at me.” He tilted her head back and forced her to look at him. One of his hands
was on her cheek.

“I’m not
letting you go. I’m here for you, always. You’ll always have me. You’ll never
be alone again.”


“I’m a
Dom, Bernie. I don’t make promises. I live by my word.”

The damn
burst inside her.
was there to catch her. He’d always be there to catch her. She let herself be
caught as the wave of emotion threatened to drown her. His arms surrounded her
like a band of steel. He wouldn’t let her go.
would be there to protect her
all the time.


held his
woman as she gave herself over to the pain that she should have let herself
feel years ago. He knew this wasn’t about her discomfort over her figure or the
bullies over the years. This was the pain of losing her parents and being all
alone in the world. His heart broke for the young woman he imagined in his
mind, a woman who was broken down by so much pain and grief that she bottled up
all of the emotion in order to live from day to day.

He’d spend
the rest of his life building her back up.
knew with time she’d get to
see the value of taking on the world, one step at a time.

What was
happening at the moment was better for her than anything else. He stroked her
long hair as the sobs grew worse.

BOOK: Bound for Christmas
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