Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2)
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With trepidation she placed the soles of her feet together and pulled her legs up carefully so that she did not lose her balance. Sir turned off the wand and replaced it with yet another apparatus, turning up the intensity even higher. She yelped as multiple tails from a metal flogger caressed her skin with little bites of electricity. Sir dragged it up her right thigh. The closer he got to her sex, the more her body contracted in fear and pleasure. He lifted the toy before he made contact with her mound and started with the left thigh. It took everything in Brie not to wiggle and twist. The idea of that metal flogger touching her clit had her squirming inside, but she lay still, taking deep breaths as it inched towards her pussy.

Just before it electrified her clit, he pulled it away, leaving her gasping into her gag. The violet wand went silent. She wondered what he planned next and was surprised when he said softly, “Lift your head an inch, but do not dislodge the petals.”

She carefully lifted her head and he untied the gag. Brie put her head back down and lay there, trying to keep her breath calm as her pussy pulsated of its own accord.

The crackling noise of the violet wand started up again at a lower frequency. Sir leaned over her and she felt his warm breath on her lips. “I am electrified, my dear.” She gasped in surprise as his mouth brushed against hers, making her lips tingle with electricity. His kiss was quick but he returned again, locking his lips with hers and causing her lips to burn with current. She whimpered when he pulled away. Sir leaned in for a third time
. His energized tongue darted into her mouth and she cried out in surprised pleasure.

He broke the kiss and she felt his hands begin caressing her skin as they moved over her chest. Sir pinched her sensitive nipples, the electricity giving an extra bite.

“Oh, Master…” she purred. She squirmed under his touch and nearly fell off the beam because she refused to let go of the pole. Luckily Sir righted her, his laughter warm and deep.

His tingling fingers spread her thighs and then lightly caressed her mound. She cried out, overcome by the sensation of his electrified touch. Then he did the unthinkable… she felt his hot breath just before he licked her clit.

She froze.

Sir licked the length of her pussy the second time, his tongue burning with the current. She shook her head violently, the rose petals falling to the floor, but she refused to let go. She looked down and whimpered, swearing she could see sparks jump from his tongue.
“Oh God, Sir, oh my God!”

He lifted his mouth from her pussy. “Your Master commands your orgasm.”

Brie closed her eyes and willingly gave into the sensations his electrified tongue created. He pressed his tingling hands against her, holding her still as the fire built up inside her, his fluttering tongue shooting current with every pass. Brie screamed wildly when the orgasm finally crested and she came against his sparking tongue.

She was grateful for his support, still trembling even after the orgasm ended. Sir wiped his mouth with a smirk. “Electricity feels odd on the tongue, but is certainly worth the effect.” He turned off the device and placed it on the table before undressing. His rigid cock left no doubt that the encounter had been equally arousing for him.

Sir picked up Brie in his arms and carried her over to the mirror, lifting her up. She instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso as he impaled her with his manhood. Her passionate screams continued when Sir powered his shaft into her. Brie slid up and down the glass as he fucked her against the mirrored wall, his labored breathing totally turning her on.

“I love being fucked by you, Master!”

He growled, clutching her thighs as he plowed in deeper. Sir let her have the full effect of his uninhibited passion. His fingers dug into her flesh as he bruised her with his powerful thrusts. All of it was welcomed, all of it wanted.

Master roared when he came. It was deliciously violent, taking her breath away in its ferocity. Sir buried his head in her neck afterwards, panting as he regained his composure. He slowly disengaged and lowered her to the floor. Sir kissed her on the lips.
“My slut, my goddess.”

He walked her over to a lounge chair in the corner and sat down. Brie crawled in his lap and curled up in his arms. They sat there for a long time in silence.

She smiled to herself, overcome with a feeling of intense love. “My Master, my Sir.”

He chuckled. “I remember when you had the arrogance to call me that the second night of class.”

She looked up and stated with conviction, “I think my spirit knew you, even before I understood.”

He looked at her solemnly.
“Yes, téa. I would agree.”

She nestled up against him, loving the warmth of his embrace. “Thank you for finding me, Sir.”

“Do you believe in fate?” he asked.

“No. I’ve always believed I make my own life what it is, Sir.”

“I am undecided, myself,” he answered, crushing her against his chest before letting her go. “Dress and clean the mirror with the spray you’ll find in the cabinet.”

She walked over to her clothes and dressed quickly, watching Sir meticulously clean the instruments as well as the beam.

They left the Center only after the room was returned to its original state. Several people greeted Sir as the two walked out, obviously pleased to see the ex-headmaster. It hurt Brie’s heart.
He belongs here.

On the way home, Sir asked, “What was the lesson for tonight?”

“I’m undecided, Sir. I learned tonight that pain can act as an aphrodisiac when applied by you. At the same time, being forced to balance on the beam helped me to control my reactions. Being in control like that improved my ability to govern my mental response.”

He reached over and stroked her cheek tenderly. “Those are fine answers, téa.”



The Haven


Brie received a text from Sir at noon the next day while working.
Tonight you shall be on display. To prepare yourself, every other hour you will remove a piece of clothing. You must send a photo of each piece. Begin now. Tell no one.

Brie shut her phone and sighed nervously. He hadn’t specified which pieces which meant the decision was up to her. She would have to be smart so that she wasn’t left exposing herself by the end of her shift.

“Mr. Reynolds, can you watch the front for a moment? I need to use the bathroom.”

Her boss looked at her strangely because she had just come off a break. “Sure, but make it quick.”

“Yes, Mr. Reynolds.” She hurried to the small bathroom, cursing because she had worn heels without stockings. Two items eliminated from her selection. With little time to think she went for the quickest, peeling off her panties. She took a picture with her phone and sent it to Sir. He immediately texted back.
Surprised by your first choice. It will be a long day of not bending over, my dear.
Brie had no place to put her panties, so she ran to the back of the store and stuffed them in her purse before returning to the front.

“Are you feeling okay?” Mr. Reynolds asked with genuine concern.

She blushed, quite aware of her lack of underwear as they conversed. “Yes, I feel much better. Thank you.”

It was disconcerting working without her panties. She was conscious every time she moved, making sure to bend her knees so that she never exposed herself to the two trainees as she unpacked the cigarettes and helped to stock them.

When two o’clock rolled around, she asked Mr. Reynolds for another quick break.

What did you eat for lunch?”

,” she stammered, running to the bathroom. With ample time to think beforehand, she’d already decided on the next piece. Brie unbuckled the stylish little belt around her waist, taking a quick picture before rolling it up. After she hit send, Sir responded:
I do not consider that clothing, téa. No fashion accessories.

Even though her time was short, she didn’t want to disappoint Sir and quickly texted back.
Should I take off something else, Sir?


She unbuttoned her blouse and removed her lacy camisole. She dutifully took a pic and sent it to Sir. He did not return a text back. She worried for a second, but decided he must have been distracted by a business call or a visit from a client. Just as she was exiting the bathroom, Mr. Reynolds met her at the door. “Is everything all right, Brie? Do you need to go home?”

She held the camisole behind her back and stuttered, “No… no, sir. I’m just… It’s…
” She couldn’t lie to her boss, but she didn’t want to break Sir’s explicit command either. The tension made her queasy, so she answered truthfully, “My stomach is a little upset.”

He broke out in a huge paternal grin. “I’m not going to be a great
-uncle, am I?”

She stared at him in shock. “No!
Oh no, Mr. Reynolds.”

He chuckled good-naturedly. “I’m just kidding, Brie. Have to admit, though, the look on your face was priceless.”

She wasn’t able to go to her purse, so she stuffed her camisole underneath the register. Brie definitely felt more exposed, knowing her white bra could now be seen through the thin material of her blouse, yet Sir’s unique challenge also made her feel more alive than she’d ever felt at the tobacco shop.

At four, Brie was able to avoid asking Mr. Reynolds, who happened to be at the back door signing for newly arrived shipments. She went directly to Mike, instead. “Can you man the register until I get back?”

“I haven’t learned how to work it yet,” he protested.

“That’s okay. If a customer comes, just tell them to wait. I won’t be long.”

“You need some Pepto-Bismol or something? I’m sure the old man must have some stashed somewhere.”

Brie unintentionally snorted in laughter. “Ah, no…”

She closed the bathroom door and started giggling quietly to herself. In no time flat, she had her shirt off and her bra undone. She took a picture of the frilly thing and sent it to Sir.

His response was,
Now you will truly be on display.

Brie balled up her bra and stuffed it behind the trashcan. With Mr. Reynolds in the back, she had no way to deposit it into her purse. Did Sir know how difficult this assignment was?
He must have counted on the fact she was being challenged by the task.

She took a quick glance downward as she walked back up to the front. Sure enough, her pert nipples were poking through the thin blouse. She picked up a box and covered her chest with it when she addressed both trainees. “You guys should put out these tins. They go over on the end display by the door.”

Laurel grinned, although Brie wasn’t sure what she found so amusing. “Sure thing, princess.”

Mike took the box from her and headed straight for the display. Brie took heart that Mr. Reynolds would have a fine replacement. It made leaving him much easier.

One of their regulars came in and asked for his normal carton of Salems. His eyes went straight for her chest as he handed her the money. Brie held her head a little higher to fight the urge to bolt.

She handed over his change, counting it out quickly. “And thank you for coming today, Mr. Abrams.”

“Have a lovely day, Miss Bennett,” he replied, tipping his hat.

She struggled with her feelings of embarrassment and feminine pride.

At ten before six, Mr. Reynolds came up to her. “You must be anxious to get home. Go ahead and cut out a little early. Hopefully whatever ails you will have passed through your system by tomorrow.” To his credit, his eyes never traveled from her face.

“It’s really not necessary,” Brie told him, feeling a little guilty.

“No, Brie. I insist.”

She went to the back to gather her purse. Laurel met her there and, holding up Brie’s bra, demanded, “What kind of game are you playing?”

She snatched it from the girl. Since she made a lousy liar she didn’t even try, instead Brie answered with a simple, “It’s none of your business.”

“Hey, I’m just telling you there’s no need to try so hard. Mike is an easy catch. He’ll bed any girl who gives him the time of day.”

“I’m not interested in Mike.”

“Oh! So it’s the old man you are gunning for.”

Brie shook her head. “No, it is not like that. You have no idea what you are talking about.”

Laurel laughed, obviously not believing her. “Hey, don’t
worry, chickie. Your secret’s safe with me.” She leaned in and whispered, “Personally, I think you should set your sights a little higher. That old man is married and doesn’t make all that much.”

Brie looked at her in disbelief. “Thanks for the advice, Laurel. I’ve got some, too. If you aren’t going to work hard for Mr. Reynolds, quit now and save everyone the trouble. He deserves only the best.”

As Brie walked away, Laurel sang out childishly, “Brie’s got a crush on Mr. Reynolds…”

No doubt everyone in the tiny shop heard it, so Brie did the only thing she could. She held her head high, stuck out her chest with pride and walked out the doors with a smile on her lips.
People can think what they want.

BOOK: Brie Submits to her Master (After Graduation, #2)
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