Read Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella, #Brie

Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7) (3 page)

BOOK: Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7)
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“Good. May I suggest you both get some rest tonight? Your son has some serious soul-searching to do, and such tasks are best done alone.”

“We’ll certainly take that under consideration.”

Mrs. Wallace blushed as she broke away from her husband and gave Sir another hug. “Despite what you say, I can’t thank you enough. You have given him—all of us, really—hope again.”

“I simply made a few phone calls, Mrs. Wallace.”

She stated shyly, “Mr. Davis, I make a strawberry jam that has won several blue ribbons at the county fair. I would like to make you some as a thank you.”

He smiled down at her. “That is very kind of you. Sadly, I fly out tomorrow, but if you give it to my fiancée, she’ll make sure it makes it to me.”

“Very well, Mr. Davis,” she agreed, returning his smile.

While they were driving to Master Anderson’s home, Brie told Sir, “I loved how compassionate you were with Todd’s mother.”

He shrugged. “I understand it’s difficult to receive help without giving something back. They are such kindhearted people, it makes me curious how they will handle the gift of the donor.”

“Maybe a case of strawberry jam?” Brie suggested.

Sir chuckled, ruffling her hair.

“So, Sir, did I hear that I will be picking up the man tomorrow?” Brie ventured.

“That’s correct, babygirl. His flight comes in an hour after mine leaves. I must warn you, though, English is not his first language.”

Brie furrowed her eyebrows in concern, envisioning losing the hapless man in the large airport.

Sir noted Brie’s expression and grinned. “No need to be concerned. I told him what you look like, so the pickup should go smoothly. Simply help the man with his luggage and drive him to the hospital. The staff will take it from there.”

Brie nodded, satisfied with the arrangements. “Sounds simple enough.”

“I’ve tried to make this as easy as possible for you since I won’t be here.” He sighed, looking at the impressive mountain range. “I find it extraordinary that there are people in the world willing to make that kind of sacrifice for another. Although his airfare and hospital stay are being paid for by the Wallaces, he’s refused any other compensation.”

Brie felt tears come to her eyes. “We’re all indebted to him for this.”

“Yes, we are,” Sir replied with a hint of melancholy in his voice.

Brie touched his shoulder. “Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry I won’t be here, Brie.”

She could tell he was genuinely distressed about it. “I’ll be fine, Sir.”

“I know you will,” he said, gracing her with a smile. “Did I tell you Brad has an entertaining night planned for us? Something he says will take our minds off our concerns.”

“Oh my! With Master Anderson, that could mean anything.” Brie giggled.

“Which is exactly why I’m looking forward to it.”

Brie wondered if it would be a session in the backyard with bullwhips, or free rein over the entire Academy. Oh, the wonderful possibilities!


ir whistled as they drove up to Master Anderson’s home nestled in the foothills. “He really has some view here, doesn’t he?”

“Being in the mountains overlooking the city of Denver does seem like a little slice of heaven. Boy, I can only imagine what it looks like in the winter with all that snow.”

Sir snorted humorously. “The fact that I can’t drive my car in the winter kills the allure of this place. He can keep his mountain paradise.”

They rang the doorbell several times, and Sir banged on the door but got no response. Brie spied Master Anderson’s nosy neighbor peeking around the corner of his garage. The woman cleared her throat before stating, “Mr. Anderson is in the back, weed—” She stopped midsentence when Sir turned around to face her.

“Thank you,” he replied in a pleasant but formal tone.

The woman blushed from head to toe, her attraction towards Sir painfully obvious to Brie. “Are…are you a friend of Mr. Anderson’s?”

“Yes, we’re long-time friends. Now if you’ll excuse us,” Sir said, putting his hand on the small of Brie’s back as he guided her towards the backyard.

Darned if Courtney didn’t blush a deeper shade of red as he passed, her eyes drifting down to stare at Sir’s sexy ass. Brie shook her head, surprised by the woman’s brashness.

When Sir opened the backyard gate, Brie saw Master Anderson stand up in all his bare-chested glory, a handful of weeds gripped tightly in his fist. He glanced briefly at Courtney, then dropped the weeds and brushed off his hands.

The smile he bestowed on Sir as he approached was quite…beguiling.

“I don’t believe it! It’s really you after all this time!” He reached out to Sir, his arms outstretched.

Sir tilted his head, confused by Master Anderson’s odd behavior. “I—”

“No, don’t. I don’t care why you left me. The only thing that matters is that you’re here with me now.” He wrapped Sir in his beefy arms, grabbing his ass firmly with both hands.

Sir gripped his wrists and forcefully removed the offending appendages from his butt, shaking his head with a bemused look on his face.

“Don’t be like that, lover,” Master Anderson scolded.

Brie heard Courtney inhale sharply behind her, and she turned to see the woman staring at the men, her mouth agape. Playing along with Master Anderson’s ruse, Brie smiled nervously at Courtney as if they’d caught the lovers in a stolen moment. She slowly closed the gate on the stunned woman, blocking her from continuing to gawk.

“Come into the house,” Master Anderson insisted. “I need to show you how
you’ve been missed.” He winked at Brie as he led them into his home.

“I don’t even want to ask,” Sir remarked once the door was shut.

“Welcome to Ms. Courtney, the neighborhood snoop.”

“Is she still trying to set you up?” Brie asked, fondly remembering the little prank they’d played when Courtney had invited an accomplice to spy on him.

“I can’t tell if her interest is still for others or for herself these days.” He looked at Sir. “That’s the reason I
to take advantage of your arrival.”

“I hate to break it to you, Master Anderson,” Brie said, laughing. “But I think you only raised the hot factor for her. I definitely saw Courtney staring at you with lust in her eyes when you grabbed Sir’s fine ass. She might even make it her task to convert you now.”

Master Anderson slapped his forehead. “I can’t win with that woman.”

Sir shook his head. “I don’t know how you get yourself into these predicaments. I’ve never had any issues with my neighbors.”

“Of course not. You stay in your apartment like a hermit, while I go out and actively engage my neighbors.”

“More like provoke them,” Sir answered, glancing at his bare chest.

Brie giggled.

Master Anderson frowned at her. “You find this humorous, young Brie?”

“Yes, I find your situation very entertaining, Master Anderson.”

He grumbled as he went to wash his hands in the sink. “Let’s forget about Ms. Courtney and focus on my plans for tonight.” Nodding at Brie, he said, “You’ll be wearing a corset and mini-skirt for the event, and
…” He said faced Sir. “I want you wearing dress slacks and my favorite tie, loverboy.”

Sir raised an eyebrow. “What kind of place is this?”

“Ha! You’re going to have to trust me, bud.”

aware I don’t trust you.”

Master Anderson grinned, throwing the wet hand towel at Sir. “Which is what makes this all the more fun for me.”

Sir caught it nimbly and set it on the counter. “Maybe I should change my plans and take the last flight out tonight.”

“Don’t you dare! It’s taken me
long to get you to come to Denver? You’re not bailing out on me now.”

Brie could tell Sir enjoyed having the upper hand, but also knew he liked Master Anderson far too much to follow through on his threat.

“Fine, but no more groping.”

Master Anderson put his hands up the air in a gesture of surrender. “Agreed. Now why don’t we head on over to the Academy? I’m anxious to show you what I’ve done with the place.”

As they were walking out to Master Anderson’s massive truck, he whispered to Brie, “Is she watching at the window?”

Brie looked back. “Affirmative.”

With a sly glance at Brie, Master Anderson pinched Sir’s butt.

Sir swatted his hand away in irritation. “Better watch it, Brad. I’ll kiss you in front of that neighbor of yours, and by the time I’m done with you, she’ll be hounding you every minute of every day.”

Master Anderson grinned. “I always knew you had a crush on me.”

Sir laughed as he opened the passenger door for Brie. “I think it’s the other way around, cowboy.”

Brie giggled as she jumped into the truck, settling between the two men. How lucky was she? She didn’t miss her chance to wave enthusiastically at Courtney as they drove away.

When they arrived at the Denver Academy, Sir exited the truck and stood quietly, admiring the large converted warehouse. “Okay, I am officially impressed by the size of the building.”

Master Anderson took them inside, showing off the many amenities of his training center as he explained in detail everything he’d done to the place.

“Brad, this is exceptional,” Sir stated when the tour was finished. “Every kind of play is possible here. What a brilliant facility.”

“And the cost of the building was next to nothing,” Master Anderson declared proudly.

“Your business degree certainly paid off for you.”

Master Anderson nodded. “Best decision I ever made, heading back to college.”

“Are you sure you can give the place up?”

Brie turned to Sir, startled by the question. Her eyes drifted over to Master Anderson as she waited for his response.

“I’d be lying if I said this was going to be easy.” He caressed the back of one of the leather seats of the auditorium. “I was able to perfect what you had in LA.”

“I see that.”

“However, it’s been difficult heading the business side of things as well as the program itself. There’s a real appeal to serving only as Headmaster.”

Brie stared at him, almost afraid to breathe. Was she hearing him right? Was Master Anderson coming back to the Submissive Training Center as Headmaster?

“As worthy as your work here has been, there’s no way to create a life outside of it. Time is your enemy, my friend.”

Master Anderson raised his eyebrow. “Actually, time has been my ally.”

“In avoiding life.”

He chuckled. “I resemble that remark.”

Sir slapped Master Anderson on the back, and they both laughed. “You’ve been missed, old friend, and I know the Submissive Training Center will benefit from your leadership. I said that the first time I recommended you for the position.”

“Were you surprised that you weren’t asked?” Master Anderson inquired as they headed back outside.

“Of course not. I stepped down from the position because I broke protocol—there’s no recovering from that.”

Brie looked up at him sadly, knowing she was the cause.

“Oh no, Brie,” Sir admonished. “There’s no reason to feel remorse. I wouldn’t give you up for a hundred Headmaster positions.”

Brie said nothing, but she bound those words to her heart.

Sir turned his attention back to Master Anderson, “So what about your staff? Are any returning with you?”

It was the question Brie had been longing to ask as soon as she heard he was returning, and she waited with bated breath to hear his answer.

“Ms. Clark is going to stay. Her previous experience at the Center makes her invaluable to this program. As for Baron, he jumped at the chance to return home.”

“What about Lea?” Brie blurted.

Master Anderson smiled down at her, a look of sympathy on his face. “Ms. Taylor is still deciding, young Brie.”

She did her best to hide her disappointment. It was obvious that, as much as Lea loved her as a friend, she loved Ms. Clark more. It was a difficult truth for Brie to wrap her head around even though she understood it.

“Will you be returning to LA soon?” Sir inquired.

“Yes. The Training Center hasn’t given me much time. Luckily, my Academy has already garnered notice in Denver and I have a group of investors lined up to meet with me this coming week.”

BOOK: Brie’s Mile High Club (Submissive in Love, #7)
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