BROTHERS OF ST. BARTS a totally addictive romance read (St. Barts Romance Books Series Book 6) (12 page)

BOOK: BROTHERS OF ST. BARTS a totally addictive romance read (St. Barts Romance Books Series Book 6)
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Chapter 11

Astrid was ghostly white.

Judith was first to speak. “We’re so glad you’re both here.”

Sven kissed Astrid’s pale cheeks and then turned to Liam. His son, he reminded himself. His grown up son.

be here. We would have called you, but everything happened so fast. Come and meet Lennon.”

Astrid appeared to be rooted to the floor. “Liam insisted. I told him we should wait, but he insisted. He said . . .” she looked at a spot on the wall “. . . he wanted to meet his half-brother.”

Sunny spoke. “No fractions. Here is your brother,” she said, smiling at Liam and pointing to the minute bundle cradled in Barry’s arms.

Bliss reached up. “Liam! Liam! You won’t like him better because he’s a boy, will you?”

He smiled and bent down to pick up the toddler, kissing her curls. “You are my best girl. You know that. Have you met your brother yet — our brother?” He looked up at Sven who nodded with a grin.

Bliss gently stroked her brother’s head. “He’s little. We’re going to have to be very careful and take good care of him. He needs us.”

Linus sensed the tension in the room. “I think we should give them a minute or two. Astrid, right? I’m Linus, a friend of the family. This is my son, Barry. Come for coffee; hospital cafeterias always have the best coffee. Text us when you want us back, Sunny.”

“I remember when my little brother Johan was this small. I was just a kid and I had to be so careful holding him. It’s even scarier now.”

“It’ll get easier. How have you . . .? Did your mother and you . . .?” Sven searched for the right words, wishing for a script.

“We talked all last night. It’s good. I sort of understand what she went through. I even feel sorry for her and I never thought I’d feel sorry for my mother; she always seemed so strong and sure.”

Sven exchanged a long look with Judith. “I know what that’s like.”

* * *

Steam from the warm coffee dewed Astrid’s flawless white skin. Like marble it would glow in candlelight, thought Linus. Her hair was the colour of young spring wheat. When she glanced up in thanks he noticed her eyes were pale blue with a black ring around the iris, giving them a curious depth. His heart gave a jolt. She was the most alluring creature he’d ever seen.

Astrid wore an immaculate grey business suit with a pale blue blouse, silver earrings and stiletto heels. She looked like the CEO of a fashion house — elegant and competent. But when Linus looked closely, he saw that she was unravelling, like an unfinished hem. The hands holding her cup shook very slightly and her eyes wouldn’t quite meet his. Her movements were deliberate, studied, as if she was keeping a close rein on every breath.

“How do you know Sven?”

“I’m more a friend of Sunny’s. We survived the earthquake and tsunami together.”

Her eyes finally met his, curiosity overcoming her timidity. “I read about that. I’m sorry, I didn’t make the connection. It’s nice of you to come to Norway for the birth of the baby.”

“Actually it’s just a happy coincidence. Barry and I are here on business. We’re going to make sure a thief goes to jail. I believe you know him? Nils Van Dries.”

Astrid didn’t even flinch when the scalding liquid spilled over her hand. Linus gently took away the cup. This was all the confirmation he needed that she wasn’t part of Nils’s scheme. He’d had the embezzler investigated and discovered that Astrid had left a job years ago under a cloud, one that emanated from Nils. There had been other female accomplices over the years.

Linus, who was good at reading people, believed that Astrid was no longer in thrall to the man. That was good to know. He had no compunction about sending the son of a bitch to jail and he applauded Barry’s plan to thwart the extortion, and he also had a soft spot for wayward teens, remembering his own youth — and that of his son. He would protect a teenager like Liam but he’d have been less willing to do so if he’d believed for an instant that the boy’s mother was part of the theft.

“I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.” Astrid’s look had become wary and she was starting to cry. “I tried to raise the money to pay off what he stole, but it’s too much. Even if I sold my condo and emptied my son’s college funds I still wouldn’t have enough.”

Linus was indignant. “What is it about me that makes women believe I would beggar their children to cover a debt?”

“I don’t understand. I just thought . . .”

“Sunny had the same idea. Just yesterday she offered to sell her St. Barts properties to cover Nils’s debts and prevent Liam from being hurt.”

“Sunny did that? Why? Was she worried about this somehow hurting Sven’s career?”

“You don’t know her, do you? She offered because she will do anything to protect a child.”

Astrid leant back in her chair. “I have been so unfair. All this time I thought she would be angry about Liam. I thought she hated me and my past with Sven. I never expected her to protect Liam.”

“He’s family.” Linus picked up Astrid’s hand, placing it between his own. The fingers were icy cold. “Enough about Sunny.”

At last someone had actually said the words Astrid had longed to hear.

“Let’s talk about you. How are you handling all this?”

“Why would you care? I’m part of the problem. Nils and Liam and—”

“You’re not part of the problem. You’re one of Nils’s victims. So is Liam. And I think it can be stopped here and now.”

“Did Sven . . . is Sven going to pay Nils to keep quiet? I think it’s a lot of money. Sunny said Sven isn’t as rich as everyone thinks; that people in Hollywood only seem rich.”

“Sven isn’t rich. I am. But no one has to pay Nils a penny.”

“But how?”

“You know what they say: ‘The truth will set you free.’”

* * *

“It feels so good to be clean. And my hair doesn’t smell like hospital anymore.”

“I’m sorry you couldn’t take it easy for another day or so.”

“It’s better to get this over with.”

“I don’t know which you’re dreading more, the hair stylist and the make-up artist or the interview itself.” Sven leant down to kiss her damp brow. “I’ll leave you in their capable hands.”

“The baby?”

“Sleeping like a, well . . . you know. I imagine you’ll want to feed him before they turn on the cameras.”

“If I waited until mid-interview to flash a breast we’d get better ratings.”

Sven laughed. “God, I love you. I love what you’re doing for Liam and Astrid.”

“Anything for family.” Sunny began to frown in anticipation of the primping. She’d need a dose of painkiller before the interview but she wanted to be alert. It wouldn’t do to look as though she wasn’t one hundred percent behind her family.

The latest monitor reading showed her blood pressure had fallen back into normal range, so she was getting better. There was nothing like being home, she thought and tried to stop her smile from turning into a scowl when the make-over crew attacked her with blow dryer and mascara wand.

By the time she was done and wearing a blue dress and her new pearls, the television crew had set up in the Great Room. There were lights and those umbrella-looking things Sunny remembered from other photo shoots. Men were hauling wires and munching on the homemade muffins and mini quiches Judith had thawed from Sunny’s pre-labour cooking frenzy.

She was thankful for Judith’s supporting arm. It still hurt to move but walking was the best way to recover. She sipped orange juice and listened to the chatter. Fatima was trying to convince Sponge not to jump up at the sound men. Bliss was proudly showing off her new pink dress.

The baby was gurgling happily in Sven’s arms.

Astrid and Liam were the last to arrive.

“I’m sorry this couldn’t wait until you were feeling better but the news of the baby was published the other day. I’ve already gotten two texts from Nils saying time’s up. He says he’s going to contact Sven tomorrow.”

Sunny reached over and squeezed Astrid’s hand. “Then the timing couldn’t be better.” Astrid was shaken, wan and tired, looking as though it was she who’d undergone surgery. She was on the verge of a breakdown.

“We’d love some camomile tea.”

Seeing Astrid’s face, Judith reached into her purse and pulled out a Valium. Astrid slipped it between clenched lips and swallowed it dry, nodding her thanks.

A man wearing an immaculate suit with a very shiny tie was picking his way across the cables towards Sven.

“Thanks for coming, Marcus. I appreciate it.”

“Hey, you’ve given me some good interviews in the past and you promised a scoop. What could I say?”

“Come and meet everyone.”

Sunny and Judith both greeted the television presenter warmly, knowing that a friendly attitude would make all the difference. Sven introduced Astrid as an old friend, deciding to save the revelations for the camera. Liam was introduced as Astrid’s son.

While Marcus talked with his crew and tried to keep the dog away from his black pants, Sven took Astrid and Liam to one side.

“We’ll do the bit with Sunny and the baby first, then Bliss. And then,” to Liam, “I will say we have another addition to the family and bring you into the shot. You can sit next to Sunny. Just answer the questions honestly. Remember what I told you about the camera. It can tell when you’re lying so don’t shift your eyes or look for direction from me or anyone else. You can look at Marcus or the camera. If it helps, think of this as an audition, as if you’re playing a role.”

“Astrid, you have the most difficult part. You have to come in at the end. Sit next to me. I’ll look after you if the questions get too difficult. Also, if you want, we can stop filming and do it again.”

Seeing how nervous she was, Sven’s face softened. “Don’t worry darling, I won’t let him hurt you. I won’t let anyone hurt you again.” He kissed Astrid’s temple, gazing at his wife over the top of her head.

Marcus took his place in a high backed chair opposite the sectional where Sven was sitting, miked for sound and ready to go.

“I hear congratulations are in order,” he began.

“Marcus, I am the luckiest man alive. I’m a father again. You know my daughter, Bliss.” Sunny released the little girl who launched herself into her daddy’s arms and sat prettily on his lap.

“I got a new dress!”

“It’s very nice. You look like a princess.”

“I know. I have a new brother too!”

“The jury is still out on which she likes better at the moment — the new dress or the new brother. Here, meet Lennon and of course my wife, Sunny.”

She took her time settling on the couch; the perfect convalescent mother.

“Hello, Marcus. I don’t think we’ve talked since the Golden Globes, oh, about four years ago.” The comment reminded the interviewer — and the audience — that she and Sven had been together for some time.

“A lot’s happened since then.”

“A wedding and two babies. You’re right. That is a lot. Here’s Lennon Henry.” She shifted the baby so that he was facing the camera. He gave a big yawn, apparently bored with his television debut. Marcus and the crew all smiled.

“Tell me about the name.”

“He’s named for Sir Henry Clover who died last year. He was my mentor . . .” Sven flashed Sunny a grin at the word, “and my best friend. I thought of him as a surrogate father and we wanted to honour him. Sunny got pregnant when we were in London for the funeral, so we hope that part of his spirit has entered this little guy. Though judging from the way Lennon is not mugging for the camera, I kind of doubt it. Henry was the biggest ham.”

This made everyone laugh.

Marcus had a follow-up question. “Lennon is an unusual name. I read somewhere, Sunny that you grew up in Moscow.”

“Yes, but it’s Lennon, like the Beatle, because . . .” she and Sven recited at the same time, “Life happens when you’re making other plans.” He reached over and took her hand.

“That brings us to the other reason we’ve asked you here today.”

Marcus’s eyes gleamed. A baby shoot with a celebrity like Sven would be big news across Scandinavia and online, but a real scoop could go international and make his career.

Sven waited for an instant, having learnt from Sir Henry the value of the significant pause. “I actually have two sons. I want you to meet my eldest boy, Liam.”

The teenager strode confidently across the room, stopping to shake the hand of the shocked interviewer and then taking his place next to Sunny on the couch. Bliss crawled across her mother to sit on his lap and gave him a kiss.

“This is a surprise. Sven, I can see your daughter is thrilled with her older brother. You are . .?”

“Liam Olson,” he added in a clear strong voice that displayed none of the nerves Sunny observed in the slight twitch of a cheek muscle.

Sven jumped in to give the boy a minute. He was so proud of how he was handling everything. “We found out very recently that I am Liam’s father and we — Sunny, Bliss and I — couldn’t be more pleased. We’ve spent the last few months getting to know each other.”

Sunny reached over and squeezed Liam’s clammy hand. “He’s the loveliest boy — I’m sorry — young man. I couldn’t be happier that he is Bliss and Lennon’s older brother.”

BOOK: BROTHERS OF ST. BARTS a totally addictive romance read (St. Barts Romance Books Series Book 6)
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