Read Caitlin And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 4) Online

Authors: Rosie Harper

Tags: #Mail-Order Bride, #Western, #Historical, #Romance, #Victorian, #Adult, #Forever Love, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Wild West, #Texas, #Stephenville, #Small Town, #1800's, #Cowboy, #Courageous Women, #Rugged Men, #Books, #Family East, #Boston Society, #Ranch, #Western Frontier, #Librarian, #Teacher, #Chic Parlours, #Traveled, #Wild World, #Adversary

Caitlin And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 4) (6 page)

BOOK: Caitlin And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 4)
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During the conversation my boss revealed to me that a factory owner is going to try and contact Ricardo personally to see if they can agree to undisclosed terms. If I can keep Ricardo distracted long enough; his absence may just tip the balance into Almanec’s favor. I always knew my company would take advantage of my past friendly relationship with him and would be looking to capitalize on his well-known Achilles-heel regarding women. And with my thin waist and firm boobs, who knows; maybe something amazing will come of it all. Ricardo has decided to meet me at his hillside villa, to where I have just arrived. Maybe he wants to probe further into my presence in Colombia or hopes to loosen my lips for some juicy information. Any moment now I will be meeting him. It is a hot day today and I do not want to waste any time with games seeing as how we know each other quite well. I have opted for a thin silk white dress; no bra; no panties. The reason for this being it is simply too hot and my plan is to simply go in try and charm him into a temporary ‘ceasefire’, whereby Almanec will clinch a few more customers, and then I will leave. My body combined with my mind should help me. A few years have passed since we last saw each other and I wonder if I will even recognize him as he has kept out of the public eye ever since he took the helm. My cell phone rings and it is my boss reminding me to remain vigilant and pay special attention in regards to Ricardo mentioning anything about a trip to Cali. I make another tie of my headband around my silky straight hair and examine myself in the reflection of the window. My blonde curls are tied back and shining in the summer sun; the dress makes my breasts appear larger than they actually are as it hugs them equally with a snug fit.

I knock on a huge oak varnished door and my heart skips a beat. The handle turns and the door opens to no one other than Ricardo, appearing on the other side. Ricardo is standing in front of me, smiling his white tooth Hollywood smile. His black hair is slicked back and he is wearing a tight casual shirt and ripped designer jeans. I glance at both arms confined within the thin garment with their bulging 24 inch firm biceps in addition to his sculptured pecs, stretching the cotton fabric to its limits. Yes; a mass of rippling muscles and Latino greatness. I wonder to myself, what his penis must look like? “What? You don’t recognize me?” He bellowed, completely interrupting my lustful and dirty train of thought. “Of course I recognize you.” I laugh, glancing down at his ass whilst brushing past him. It is a nice compact steel unit that could have been sculptured out of the finest Italian marble. I imagine grabbing it with both my hands and pulling him inside me. God Llana! What are you like?! It is of no wonder the great Ricardo Alvez has managed to evade photographers’ and tabloids within this secluded mansion. It took me over four hours by car to get here. He closes the door shut behind me. He is even hotter than he was in college, I think to myself as he turns around looking at me up and down before nodding his head, “Llana you haven’t changed too much; still as gorgeous as always. I still remember all those times you rejected me back at Harvard.” I had loads of boys chasing after me but I just wasn’t interested. He removes the sunglasses revealing his greenish jade-like eyes that are only complimented further by his olive tanned skin. There is an awkward moments silence as we both take in each other’s appearance before my mind goes back to the assignment, “I suppose you are here to find out about Almanec’s latest ventures?” He laughs in response and I catch him quickly glancing down at my hard nipples poking through the thin, silk dress, “I’m going to cut to the chase Llana. We’ve known each other a long time now and I know what you are doing. So this is my attempt at mitigation and allowing you and Almanec to save face, and quietly leave Colombia.”

His Spanish accent makes my blood boil. He was always attractive, but not like this sex-god standing before me. “Don’t be like that. I’m just doing what my employer tells me to do.” I look around the room we are both standing in; it is a lavish affair with crystal cut chandeliers and a curious set of leather straps suspended from the ceiling. Sunshine is piercing through numerous gaps within the strewn up straw blinds hanging from various window arches. There is a curled leather brown whip on display above a large oak mantelpiece. I have heard all the stories about Ricardo’s, as being the setting for numerous orgy type parties and sinful evenings of debauchery. We are soon interrupted by one of his many house-servants who asks Ricardo something in Spanish to which he shakes his head and waves him out the room. “Forgive me! Please sit down and tell me what you would like to drink?” I place my purse down beside me as I sit upon the leather sofa, “Anything with ice in it.” He heads over towards a lavish bottle display and begins to make me something. It is quiet cool in the room with the gentle hum of the air conditioner coming from the ceiling. Ricardo hands me a glass, “Gin and tonic okay with you?” I gladly take it and nod. The ice cool liquid is refreshing as I quickly begin get the ball rolling, “I’m not telling you how to run your business, but you need to expect some competition. Alvez accounts for almost 80 per cent of the textile trade in Colombia.” Ricardo sits next to me; I smell his cologne and can see some feint sweat reflecting on his forehead. He is calm and succinct. “Llana we are not going to discuss business. I will deal with your bosses, they will not last long here in Colombia. They can leave now or wait, it is their choice. No, the real reason you are here is because I actually wanted to see you.” It may be his way of making me lower my guard or even to get me to speak, but upon hearing him I am taken away. The mansion is peaceful, the air is cool, and Ricardo is hot! I almost stumble over my next sentence, “Well, I’m…in a way I’m glad, because the last thing I wanted was for us to fight.” He smiles and places his arm slowly around me and leans back into the couch. The house-servant from before comes in with a tray of piled up strawberries and a can of whipped cream. Once he leaves, Ricardo remains seated, emitting pure confidence and control, “Tell me about you. What’s new?” I’m sure he can sense how I quietly yearn for him so I decide to flirt back, “I’m a bit more adventurous now.”  He looks completely through me with those Latino eyes; a fire raging behind them, “I know what you are doing Llana. I know why you are here. But I don’t care, I’m being completely honest with you, unlike your bosses.” I begin to feel a sense of guilt as to my intentions, when it went through my mind I imagined the dynamics to be a little different. I look at his muscular physique rippling within his shirt, begging to be freed. As he is speaking I let the slit in my dress part, revealing one of my smooth silky legs, “I watched you playing all those girls back in Harvard. All the time.” He leans forward, “Hopefully soon you will abandon those who don’t respect you for those that admire you. You can tell your bosses that Mr. Alvez was not home.” Ricardo swiftly finishes his drink and walks back over to the bottles.

I feel a sudden unexplainable sense of panic and I too get up from the sofa. “I really want us to catch up.” Okay now I’ve just sent him the clearest signal in the world and may as well have just taken my clothes off! Ricardo turns around and calmly walks over to me. If Alamanec called me at this moment to cancel I don’t honestly think I could stop myself! He grabs me by both hands incredibly tight; his superior strength comfortably preventing me from moving, “Listen, I came here to try and reach an agreement. If you came to Colombia just to ruin Alvez Corporation then prepare for a big mess. I will destroy your friends and take Almanec apart piece by piece.” God I am so turned on at this point. I say in a whisper “You won’t destroy me…” My heart begins to race and a cold rush shoots through me as I think of him screwing me senseless. The scent of his summer manly musk hovers around as he continues to hold me gleefully hostage. My boobs are now quiet visible from where he is, “I’m going to fill your desire, and you will submit your body
to me. This is the offer. You submit or you leave.” There is no other choice now, I can’t help myself. My heart is beating so hard it is going to burst out my chest and my stomach has butterflies flapping around inside. In this moment of lust I reply, “Yes, show me.”  Before I can finish this sentence he places his hand down my dress and feels my firm plump breast. His skin is rough. like leather against my smooth boob and I breathe in sharply as an electric like feeling shot though my entire body as he squeezes firmly. I look up with a helpless look on my face staring deep into his eyes. Something dangerous is flashing within them. I swiftly pull off my hair tie causing my bun to loosen. A shake of my head was all it took to set my curls free to wash over my shoulders. I now open my mouth allowing him to stick his tongue inside. We both relish in our sliding over one another before he breaks away. He swiftly tears off the front of my dress causing it to rip across my upper back. Both breasts bounce freely to which Ricardo begins to suck hard on one of my hard nipples. The cold painful
pleasure sensation causes me to start getting wet as I look up towards the ceiling with my eyes closed and mouth wide open, almost gasping for breath. Ricardo journeys upwards and begins to lick the top area of my now hanging boobs before rolling his tongue back down towards my exposed nipples. It feels amazing as he moves to the other breast and begins sucking frivolously, sending my senses into overdrive and causes me to let out a succinct wail of euphoria.

The ripped dress has now fallen to the floor. His skin is hot and sizzling as I manage to place both of my hands underneath his tight shirt and begin to feel his stacked six-pack. He takes a better grip of my arms again and turns me around. Ricardo kneels down near my ass and begins to lustfully feel his way up my slender legs, rolling his hands over my firm calf muscles all the way up to the sensitive area of my inner thigh. I revel in the sensation of his big strong hands conquering my body as one of them begins to caress my vaginal area. My two round buttocks are an inch from his face as he separates them with both hands and begins to lick from the bottom up with long strokes using his tongue; paying careful attention when passing my clit and anus using a swirling motion. I can hear my own voice gasping as Ricardo’s tongue now enters my vagina. Both legs feel that they are about to buckle as they begin to shake with each swirl of his tongue. Ricardo begins to playfully bite my two firm buttocks, allowing him to guide his way around with ease. Everywhere and anywhere I feel him as he feverously tries to cover every inch of my skin. It’s surprising what comes out of my mouth, “You like this?” I say, faintly. He sucks and licks around my rims a few more moments before standing up. Ricardo lifts up his tight shirt exposing his muscular haven, and then proceeds to pull down his tight jeans together with his underwear. Now in front of me is a throbbing hard, thick and stout, erecting penis that promises to take no prisoners. I stand in front of him completely naked with my hair hanging over both shoulders. Ricardo pulls his belt free from his trousers and places it through the loop to have a make shift strap. “Do you wish to submit?” He says boldly. I nod to which the strap is placed over my head and around my neck before being fastened securely. Using the slack offered by the rest of the belt he walks me back over to the sofa, where awaits the can of whipped cream and bowl of strawberries.

I kneel down as he sprays the can all over his lower body; the stacked six-pack; his pulsating penis along with the testicles. Ricardo opens his legs and commands me to, “lick him clean.” This is a totally new experience for me and all thoughts of loosening his tongue or gaining any information have now completely disappeared. I look at the glossed cream coating and gladly place my head between his legs. My smooth wet tongue digs deep between the crevice of his shaft and pelvis; licking the full length of his thick juicy pipe before holding a twirling motion at the tip. The cream tastes sweet and is cold against his warm skin as I continue to twist and turn in circular motions around the smooth head of his penis; licking every dollop of the white cream free. I can feel the tight leather of the belt’s circumference around my neck as my Latino master closes his eyes savoring my work. I work downwards to his balls, taking a partial mouthful of the excess skin; sucking gently like one would to a ripe piece of fruit before proceeding to his other testicle, only this time using my tongue to massage the delicate object in my mouth. Ricardo’s Spanish eyes are looking down at me with deep with desire and a lustful fire. He grabs his penis and holds it up to my voluptuous lips still covered in pink lip gloss. I slowly part them until they can part no further and with a wide open mouth I move my head forward until a good half of his thick rippling snake is half way inside. Slowly, and with pure willingness I close my warm, moist mouth around it causing Ricardo to let out a groan of pleasure. We stare deep into each other’s eyes as he instructs me to suck to which I begin to draw long and hard as if it were a thick cigar. Ricardo gently places his hand around the back of my head and gently pushes me towards him. My mouth is stuffed as the feeling of his penis sliding between my two glossy lips feels so sexy and only continues to get me wet. I squint both eyes as the helmet reaches the back of my throat and threatens to completely block it off causing me to gag as he holds it there for a few seconds before withdrawing again. His grabs a handful of my blonde hair and pulls slightly on it causing me some tingling pain. With a gentle upwards pull of the dog collar I stand up to which he now places me frontwards over his lap.

My two firm white buttocks are happily on display and completely exposed to whatever he desires to do with them. I get a tickling feeling as he starts to caress the surface of my ass and lower back; stroking my skin with the gentle touch of a seasoned mariachi. He lets his middle finger slide downwards towards the vaginal area over the prickly pubic hairs that surround my warm moist domain. Locating my clit he begins to twirl and prod around the lips parting them like a flower petal. A faint and desirable moan is let out by myself in response to his attentive movement now infiltrating my tightly lubricated rim. I begin to speak in my own native Swedish tongue, expressing the joy of my master’s movements. He begins to curiously explore the slippery surface of my pooling vaginal wall. His finger cross over the clit and g-spot area causing my breathing to quicken and become more intense. I feel his teeth begin to nibble on my buttocks and sucking on a particular area he likes. The sound of the spray can is heard as I feel the cream being shot down from my ass to my vagina. His warm wet tongue gets to work and in one long drawn swoop he licks all of the cream up around my anus. The collar is pulled and I am now made to stand up and walk over to the hanging leather straps.

BOOK: Caitlin And The Cowboy (Western Night Series 4)
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