Celina (Connelly Cousins #1) (22 page)

BOOK: Celina (Connelly Cousins #1)
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Lina ran her tongue over her lips. “What was I saying?” she murmured.

He grinned smugly. “That it’s time to go visit your brothers.”


ell, if it isn’t the happy couple,” Johnny quipped when he opened the door. It was hard to gauge his expression, but Kyle thought he glimpsed some grudging respect.

“Fuckhead,” Michael acknowledged with a semi-friendly nod, easily dodging the throw pillow Lina tossed at his head. He was lounging in Johnny’s recliner, barefoot and shirtless, with a beer in his hand. It was not hard for Kyle to understand how Lina managed to remain untouched for so long with brothers like these.

“His name is Kyle, Michael,” she warned, and Kyle felt a fierce surge of pride in her. She wasn’t going to take any of Michael’s shit. “And unless you want me to start calling you by
childhood nickname, I strongly suggest you start addressing him properly.”

A look of mock horror flashed across Michael’s face. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.” Her eyes flashed, and she sported a wicked smile that made Kyle even prouder.
That’s my woman

Michael muttered something that sounded like “ungrateful brat”, while Johnny gave his sister a big bear hug. “He treating you right?” he asked, loudly enough for Kyle to hear.

“Yeah, Johnny, he is.”

“Better be. Come on, let’s see the bands. Still don’t believe it...” Lina proudly held out her left hand. Johnny whistled. “Nice rock. That must have set you back a bit, man.”

“Especially those gems. That’s an original, and old man Zinmann’s work doesn’t come cheap.” Michael said, rising from the recliner. Soon Lina disappeared in his embrace, resurfacing moments later looking only slightly worse for wear.

“You haven’t even seen it yet, Michael. How do you know?” Lina looked at him accusingly.

Michael shrugged elegantly. “Went through his stuff at the cabin.” At Lina’s shocked look he gave a cocky half smile and added, “You don’t think I would have left him alone with my baby sister unless I knew his intentions were honorable, do you?”

Instead of being offended, Kyle laughed. He probably would have done the same thing in Michael’s position. Lina, however, didn’t find her eldest brother’s behavior quite as reasonable.

“You did what?” She took a step toward Michael, who backed up, arms raised in self-defense. “Now, Lina, you know it’s only because I love you, right?” It was comical to watch, especially when Michael appealed to Kyle over the top of her head.

“Come on, man, help me out here. Control your wife, will you?”

* * *

ina couldn’t help it; she started laughing, giving Michael a playful smack. His eyes sparkled mischievously and the next thing she knew, she found herself over his knee, his arm raised threateningly as if to give her a good spanking.

“Michael!” she wailed, wiggling to get free, but he held her easily.

“And yet
her favorite,” Johnny lamented to Kyle with mock pain. “Go figure.”

Michael swung her around till she was right side up, wisely keeping her arms pinned while he kissed her on the cheek. “Can’t believe my baby sister’s a married woman. What are Johnny and I going to do now that you have someone else to look out for you?”

Johnny snorted. “Like one man’s going to be enough to keep that one out of trouble.” Winking at Kyle he said, “Don’t worry, man, we’ve got your back.”

“I’m not that bad, am I?” Lina sniffed. The three men looked at each other and laughed.

Michael grabbed a legal size envelope and handed it to Lina. “Here. A wedding present from Johnny and me.”

Lina opened the envelope and pulled out the papers within. Scanning them quickly she let out a squeal of delight. “It’s the deed to the cabin!”

“Yeah, well, you always liked that place. We figured as long as you let us crash there once in a while, why not?”

Lina enthusiastically hugged both of her brothers. They offered their hands to Kyle as well. “Welcome to the family, man.”

* * *

yle smiled, happy to be gaining two more brothers. It was a little sad, though, that his own flesh and blood couldn’t share in his happiness. He understood the reasons behind it, and couldn’t blame Jamie in the least, but it still gave him a twinge to know that things would never be the same between them. Looking at his beautiful wife, his soul mate, he knew it could not have ended any differently.

He accepted the beer they offered him and sat down, relishing the warm, familiar weight of his new bride settling into his lap, laughing at something Johnny said. He listened to them teasing each other, laughing along with them as they tried to outdo each other with embarrassing stories from their childhood. The evening wore on, and Kyle felt like he had everything he had ever wanted. Life was good. As Lina’s eyes met his and she impulsively brushed his lips, a long-forgotten phrase echoed through his mind...

And they lived happily ever after

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If you liked this book...

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hen you might be interested in my Callaghan Brothers series. Celina’s cousins are seven hot Irish brothers, former Navy SEALS who have formed their own off-the books team. Each has his own specialty, which is fortunate, because they need each other when they’re faced with their biggest challenges yet – finding and keeping their
, the women fated for them and them alone.

Check out this excerpt from
Dangerous Secrets


aryn felt instantly at home in the Pub.  She’d spent most of the last eight years working in one just like it.  Unofficially, of course, but no one ever questioned it and that kind of thing had never really mattered to Charlie. 

It gave her an idea.

It took some effort to get to the bar, but not all of it was unpleasant.  With the level of noise and density of the ebullient crowd, Taryn quickly discovered the most effective method for making forward progress was a well-placed hand in a strategic location.  By the time the men turned to see who had taken such liberties, Taryn had disappeared once again.

It was the younger guy who spotted her first.  A brief raise of his eyebrows and a flickering glance toward the window was followed by a dazzling smile.  “So she is courageous as well as beautiful,” he said, handing two filled mugs to the man on her right.  “What’s your pleasure?”

Taryn returned his smile with one equally devastating.  It was a skill she had mastered years earlier.  She also let her eyes linger on his lips just a second longer than necessary as she ran her tongue lightly across her lip.  Ian’s eyes flashed. 

God bless the male sex, they were so easily baited.  “You’re very busy tonight.”

“Yeah,” he agreed, leaning against the bar as if there weren’t two dozen people around her vying for his attention.  “A little.”

“Looks like you could use another bartender.” 

Ian’s grin widened.  “You offering?”

“Oi, Ian,” called Jake.  “What the - ” Jake stopped when he saw who had captured his brother’s undivided attention. 

“She says she can help out behind the bar,” Ian informed him with a grin.

“Is that right?”  Jake walked over, gathering a few orders along the way.  “You tend?”

She nodded, her smile fading a little.  This was the man who had pinned her with his gaze through the window.  He was much bigger close-up.  Definitely related to the younger guy, but infinitely more intense.  Harder.  She suppressed a shiver.  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

* * *

he closer Jake got to her, the stranger he felt.  He likened it to an electrical current flowing through his body, which, unfortunately, he had experienced.  Comparatively speaking, this instance was much more pleasant.

Who had eyes like that?
  Layered, like a custom paint job.  If he had to guess, he’d say her eyes were purplish with a couple of clear coats of smoky gray on top, the exact hue of the sky moments before a summer thunderstorm.  It had to be a trick of the lights, though, because no one could actually have eyes like that.  Thankfully, there was no trace of the haunted look he’d seen earlier, making him think he might have imagined it.

“What was that last order?” he asked, locking his blue gaze with hers.

“Excuse me?”

“The last order I took.  What was it?”  He fixed her with a level gaze. 

“Oh, come on, Jake,” began Ian, but Jake ignored him. 

The woman took a breath.  He knew, because his eyes were drawn to the subtle rise and fall of the nicely-endowed chest peeking through that jacket. 

“Two pints of Killian, one Irish coffee, a Baileys and cream no ice, and two fingers of Grey Goose with a splash of lime.” 

The corners of Jake’s mouth twitched. “What’s the secret to pulling a good draft?”

She appeared to consider his question for a moment, then leaned forward.  Jake mimicked the movement, putting his ear within inches of her lips.  Even with all the noise, Jake had no trouble hearing her low, quiet-toned answer.  “Giving it just the right amount of head.”

The twitch became a full-fledged grin. 

It was a crazy idea.  Jake didn’t tolerate just anybody behind his bar.  But he was desperate.  Plus, for some strange reason, he liked the idea of having her back with him instead of out in the rowdy crowd.  Quite a few of the men were already looking at her as if she was a tasty snack.  He rationalized the impulse by telling himself he wasn’t doing it for her or even him, for that matter; having someone like that behind the bar was simply good for business. 

“Right,” he said.  “You’re hired.  Get your ass back here.”

The smile she gave him lit up the entire room, but it quickly faded when she tried to move.  He understood the problem immediately:  to get where he was, she would have to cross the length of the long bar and around the other end, which, given the current mob, would take about half an hour.  She looked at him helplessly.

“Oi, Big John!” Jake barked.  “A little help for my new barmaid, please.” 

A huge, bearded man shifted next to her; plate-sized hands circled her waist and she was suddenly suspended over the bar.  A host of cheers and catcalls went up in the immediate vicinity as Jake grabbed her out of the air and brought her down on the other side. 

Jake was stricken by yet another strange sensation as his hands closed around her waist.  It was like hitting the sweet spot on a baseball bat, or releasing the perfect three-point shot, knowing it was going to be a total swish without even having to look.  And his thumbs
skim the underside of her breasts.  They didn’t.  Because if they did, he’d have to think about how full and firm they were against his fingers, and that would be bad...

Dangerous Secrets
is available on Amazon now: 






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About the Author

bbie Zanders loves to read and write romance in all forms; she is quite obsessive, really. Her ultimate fantasy is to spend all of her free time doing both, preferably in a secluded mountain cabin overlooking a pristine lake, though a private beach on a lush tropical island works, too. Sharing her work with others of similar mind is a dream come true. She promises her readers two things: no cliffhangers, and there will always be a happy ending. Beyond that, you never know...

Also by Abbie Zanders

Contemporary Romance

Dangerous Secrets (Callaghan Brothers, Book 1)

First and Only (Callaghan Brothers, Book 2)

House Calls (Callaghan Brothers, Book 3)

Seeking Vengeance (Callaghan Brothers, Book 4)

Guardian Angel (Callaghan Brothers, Book 5)

Beyond Affection (Callaghan Brothers, Book 6)

Having Faith (Callaghan Brothers, Book 7)

Bottom Line (Callaghan Brothers, Book 8)

Five Minute Man (Covendale Series, Book 1)

All Night Woman (Covendale Series, Book 2)

The Realist

Celestial Desire

Time Travel Romance

Lost in Time I

Lost in Time II

Paranormal Romance

Vampire, Unaware

Black Wolfe’s Mate (written as Avelyn McCrae)

BOOK: Celina (Connelly Cousins #1)
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