Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1) (26 page)

BOOK: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)
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“Hey! Fancy seeing you here!
And no that man didn’t get me upset, there’s just so much going on with life, that’s all.” I looked down and studied my black lacquered nails.

“Let’s get you some good food
; then you can spill your problems, deal?”

Boy that made me smile
. “You’re crazy! Go back to your friends Troy.”

“I’m not leaving you when you’re sad. Let’s walk to the place. It’s only a couple of blocks and you can make a decision then if you want to go in or not
; how’s that sound?”

, deal.”
He doesn’t even know me and yet he’s willing to listen to my problems? That’s odd—and unexpectedly very sweet of him.

We were both consumed with our own thoughts as we walked. He stopped outside a pub, han
ds in his pockets. “What’s it going to be, Sienna?

“What the hell. I don’t want go home this early anyway

We ordered hamburger sliders, fish and chips
, beer for him and a margarita for me. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until after the food was set on the table. We talked, ate a bit, drank some and talked some more.

I learned that he
was recently divorced—six months ago. His wife cheated and he caught them in action in their marital home.
He’s probably still hurting too. Being cheated on can be traumatizing and not to mention the big dent on your ego and self-esteem.

Since he spilled his own secrets, I spilled mine. I gave him the cut-out edition of Kyle cheating, Blake sweeping in, Kyle moving, Blake going ballistic and the beat goes on.

“Do what makes you happy Sienna. No one knows what that is except you.”

“I know.” I smiled, nudging him lightly on
the arm.

Before I kn
ew it, the time was hitting half past one. He insisted on taking me home since I drank three more margaritas.

We took a cab back to my flat
. He asked the driver to wait for a few minutes. He insisted that he see me to my apartment door, not the building entrance. We rode the elevator silently and I checked him out for the first time tonight. He was wearing a leather jacket and jeans. He was very good-looking. Why did his wife have to screw around? He was one of the good guys.

Stepping out the elevator, we stopped outside my door as I fished for my keys. “Thank you for tonight. You really made my night. When you’re feeling down and out, I’ll take you out for beer, fish and chips, and sliders to make you feel better.”  He chuckled softly.

I slid the key in the lock and opened the door. He handed me his phone.

Program your digits—in case I take you up on that offer.”

I stifled a laugh as I punched my information in. I put my name down as
‘Sexiness is Sienna’ and we both laughed when he saw what I did.

He kissed my cheek softly and left.


My throat was dry and I was parched, the wonderful effects of alcohol.
Oh heck!
It was dark and I was too drunk to flick the switch.

Water. I need water.

I waded to the kitchen and poured myself a tall glass of agua. My phone vibrated.

Oh, hell
. I went to flick the light switch in the kitchen as I located my phone.


Grudgingly, I took the call. “Hello?”

Did you get home safe? Why did it take you this long to pick up?”

Honestly, I
was not in the mood to explain anything. “Sorry to make you worry buster, but I just got home.”

, just
right now?
Where the heck have you been?”   

Out with a friend—listen, I’ll call you tomorrow. Sleep. Going to sleep now. Peace,” I mumbled.

Who explains when
they’re drunk, anyway? Hangover’s going to be a bee-otch tomorrow.

I swallowed the rest of my water and slammed the glass down on the counter.

“Having the time of your life?” A deep voice came from somewhere in the darkened section of the living room.

I jumped
, shrieking as the shadow came out of the darkened room.


Oh, for the love of God!
Did he have to come here wearing his tux? He looked like what dreams were made of…and that woman probably enjoyed him quite thoroughly too. The thought made me want to puke.

“For crying o
ut loud, what is it with you brooding and scaring people out of their wits? How long have you been waiting?”

I’ve been here for about three hours waiting for you to get home. Who was the man outside the door? He’s British, certainly—not Matthews,” says the observant man.

Where does he get the nerve to just barge in here after what he put me through

“None of your business
,” I said deadpanned and turned to flee, wanting the security of my room. Blake yanked me back with my arm and cornered me on the kitchen counter.
Oh my, he smells extra delicious tonight.
My drunken body was already betraying me.
Fuckin’ A!

“What the hell are you wearing? Do you see how bare you
r back

“WHO CARES ANYMORE? Go back to where you came from
and LEAVE ME ALONE,” I screeched at him while trying to free my arm from his titanium-like hold.


What do you mean ‘no’? Go back to that wretched woman in the picture. Go fuck each other’s brains out until you both can’t walk anymore.
I. Don’t. Care!

What did you
with that man, Sienna?” I stared him down, not willing to answer his question. “Fucking answer me!”

I kept still.
I wasn’t going to. That picture and message he sent earlier wreaked havoc in my thoughts. Images of him kissing her and touching her body the way he did mine—caused my stomach to free-fall.

I’m too drunk to be doing this.

I was so drained from all the drama that was disrupting my life—my sanity teetered at the edge of a cliff.

When I tried to pull my hand away
again, he let me go. I sprinted to my room and sat on the bed, slightly shaken.

Why did he have to show up here? To continue this farce after he slept with someone else?
My lips wobbled. I bit it—hard—until I tasted blood.

I felt him watch
me from the doorway. He was at the foot of my bed in a few strides, lowering himself and sitting on his heels. He placed his hands on my knees.

was speechless as I watched the man, shivering.

” Blake whispered. His voice heavy—anguished. With one word, all of my erected barriers fell apart.

My mind boggled with everything that happened.
“Explain that message.”

If it w
ere another man, I would’ve just shut the door on his face. He never fails to get under my skin, past my defenses. He knocks them down until I’m barefaced and unmasked.

“That was immature—I admit that. It was wrong of me to
inflict the kind of pain you associate with your ex. But thoughts of you with him didn’t stop—when I heard his voice in the background—it pulled the trigger. I was livid, delirious—unhinged with anger. I slept with Amelia a few months ago—” my heart
stopped beating.

Oh, no. Don’t do this to me
. I tried to move, but he was like steel—holding me in place. I was stuck facing him.

“I have
n’t touched another woman since you became mine—
I swear on my dead parents.
I would never—
—do that to you. You make me so happy—I get paranoid thinking that I’ll lose you to someone else—it’s terrifying. Forgive my offenses—my weaknesses—my failings—my flaws. I only want to be with you.”

I jerked his arm and lightly shook him. “Promise me—you won’t hurt me that way
again—I don’t think I can get past it and forgive you if you do.” He got up and sat next to me and pulled me in his lap, cradling my body.

“I give you my word—I promise it won’t happen again. Today’s been hell and I couldn’t go through it anymore
without seeing you. I immediately left the event an hour after I got there and flew straight to you. I’m glad that I did. I’m sorry, poppet…” I placed my hands on the back of his skull and pulled his lips to mine.

The boiling
, fevered kisses that I yearned for so many days turned into reality—
and boy, aren’t they better
. I’ve never hungered for any other man like this. His kiss lit me on fire. My body couldn’t get enough of him. I shifted, straddling his hips and rubbing myself on him as our kisses became violent and uncontrollable.

show me… need me… love me…
my thoughts spun as we groaned together. He grounded my hips tighter to his.

body was freefalling into the abyss as his hands became urgent. I drastically wrenched my hands from the back of his head and tugged the ends of my fitted bandage top.

“…I want…more…” I
didn’t know what I meant by that, my emotions were all over the place.
Since when did I want more?

We took off our clothes in haste until we were skin to skin.
Every touch made me weaken. He circled my waist and lowered me on the sheets, his body covering mine. The room was dark but the streaks of light through the windows showed enough for me to clearly see his body.

Our faces were inches apart as we stared at each other. By the way we were looking at
one another—one could tell there was something going on. I couldn’t speak. I was afraid of what would come out of my mouth—and I didn’t think I was ready to commit myself that quickly—but at the same time—I couldn’t seem to control how I reacted to him.

I can’t fall for him—it will end me. But you did and you do already, stop denying it.
My thoughts rammed into realization.

I love him and I didn’t even know I was falling in love.

His impassioned eyes zeroed in on mine.

Fuck! Don’t let him see it. Please.

“Sienna…” Blake said in a husky voice. What bothered me was how he said my name; it was loaded with meaning.

He kissed me slowly and passionately. Gone was the man who wanted me with wild abandon. Gone was the man who handled me
roughly like a savage animal that couldn’t survive if he didn’t get inside me any sooner. The man tonight was soft and gentle. His fevered kisses remained intense but were tender, unguarded. He kissed my body with thorough tenderness and when his tongue touched my slick folds—his eyes never left my face as I came apart in his mouth. He took his time as he kissed my stomach and slowly made his way to my breasts—fondling—sucking and biting.

his body ensconced over mine, he kissed me with pure yearning and honesty. My mind shut down and I let my body speak to him as I linked my arms around his neck, my legs hooking behind his back, drawing his body closer.

He broke of
f the kiss. Our eyes fixated on each other. His eyes drew me in and I couldn’t look away as I felt his cock gently hover on my opening. His eyes never left mine as he coaxed his dick gently inside me. He watched me gasp as he filled me to the hilt—kissing me tenderly as he slipped in and out of me with unhurried focus.

He’s making love to me
. My eyes burned as I got choked up with emotion.

Blake…I love you… I whispered in my head…

I was kissing him lovingly—baring my soul to him. My hands held his ass cheeks, my nails digging into his skin. He went deeper and I moaned against his lips. His pace started to increase as I lifted my hips, meeting his thrusts. He pulled away from my kisses as his eyes bore on me—watching my frenzied response to him as he took my body to another level of ecstasy.

I was panting
and running out of breath. I felt my stomach tightening and clenching, readying for an orgasm. His body started to tense as he paced himself swiftly. His head found my neck and bit it. I yelled out his name as my orgasm rocked my body out of its foundation. His heavy breathing—hot on my ear—as his hands gripped my hips—grounding them into place as his body demanded its own release. He said my name with a guttural growl deep in his throat as his body tensely tightened. I felt his cock twitch— and the gush of his semen filled me.

His lips fo
und mine again and kissed me tenderly; my heart contracted. He pulled out of me and gathered me close to him. I was spent and exhausted from the intense lovemaking.

My breathing started to even out and my eyes fluttered
closed. His heartbeat was wildly beating against my back as he tightened his hold on me, kissing the back of my neck. “I love you,” he whispered against my ear.

BOOK: Chasing Beautiful (Chasing Series #1)
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