Read Chasing Trouble Online

Authors: Joya Ryan

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series, #One night stand, #Friends to Lovers, #cowboy hero, #rodeo romance, #bad boy hero, #Different Class, #small town romance, #Secret Relationship, #Joya Ryan, #Chasing Trouble, #opposites attract, #Chasing Love, #Brazen, #western romance, #Best Friend’s Older Brother, #sexy romance, #contemporary romance, #Entangled

Chasing Trouble (5 page)

BOOK: Chasing Trouble
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He nipped her collarbone, and the grip on his shirt tightened. She tugged him closer.

He skated a finger across the top of her suit, then gently pulled it down, wedging it beneath her delectable breasts. He bent and sucked her hard nipple into his mouth. She gasped and clawed at his torso. Silently begging.

“There’s the girl I’ve been missing.”

He gave another lick before moving to the next one. Circling his tongue all around her breast before sucking the tight pink point again. When her hands drifted higher, he stalled a little at the pain in his ribs. And damn it all to hell JJ noticed, and stalled too.

“Wait,” she moaned, almost sounding in pain herself.

He looked up. JJ started shaking her head. “I can’t—we can’t.” She stepped away from him and righted her suit. “You’re injured and this is a bad idea.”

Her breathing was as ragged as his, and his cock was about to burst through his jeans.

“A few bruised ribs are nothing we can’t work around.” He glanced around the closet. There was some open space, room to move. “I can lie down and you can hop on and—”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Yeah, he figured not. Colt was staring down a special kind of torture. He’d kill to have this woman again. And she was right there, within reach, yet she wasn’t game.

After a long moment and obvious concentration to calm her breathing, JJ lifted her chin and cleared her throat.

“Colt. While last weekend was nice, it was a onetime event and you assured me of your discretion. So”—she clasped her hands in front of her as if she were talking to a child—“I hope you enjoy your visit home, but I really must be getting back to the students.”

Nice! Seriously, what was happening? He could think of several words to describe last weekend, and nice wasn’t among them.

More like, in-fucking-credible.

Usually he had to beat women off with a stick. He was the one who had to explain what “not interested in long-term” meant.

Something wasn’t right. Maybe she was just hungry. “How about dinner tonight?”

“I’m sorry, I have plans.”


She nodded, opened the door, and walked past him and out into the sun.

“Breakfast then, tomorrow, my place.” She didn’t slow her pace or even pretend to be amused. This woman was a tough one, but Colt had to admit she was sexy when she was pissed off.

She shook her head, refastening the towel at her hips as she walked away.

“Why do I get the feeling that you’re avoiding me?” he called after her.

She spun and looked at him. “Because I am.”

Resting his forearms on each side of the doorframe, Colt leaned out of the storage space. “So no raft sex then?”

He watched JJ continue around the building and back to the pool. Though she didn’t look back, Colt saw her shoulders tense. And when she shook her hands out, as if trying to get rid of the lust he had just sent through her, he knew she wanted him too. For whatever reason, she was fighting it.

Jenna-Jayne Justice could strut that sweet ass away now, but this was a small town and a girl like her was easy to find.

Colt grinned.

And he had thought he was going to be bored all summer.

Chapter Four

“Isn’t it illegal to follow people around everywhere?” Lily asked before taking a sip of her beer.

“Yeah. It’s called stalking,” Penny Diamond, Jenna’s other best friend, answered, narrowing her green cat eyes. “So basically, this team of asshats on the other side of the state are coming here to stake you out?”

Penny Diamond and her older brother, Ryder, were the last generation of Diamonds. Penny owned and ran the family barbecue restaurant and Ryder managed his own construction business and was a successful land developer.

Jenna looked between Lily and Penny. They were her best friends and naturally concerned.

“No, they aren’t stalking me. The state board has discussed the terms with the local school board here in Diamond, and in a few weeks when they have their meeting, the Diamond board will vote on who they want to handle the after-school program.”

Lily held up a hand. “Wait. Is there someone else they’re considering?”

“Yvonne Taylor.” Jenna barely kept herself from growling the name of her colleague.

“What! She’s the superintendent’s daughter. Not to mention a witch. Poor Alex is terrified to have her for a first-grade teacher.”

Oh, Jenna knew. Yvonne, with her fake smile and condescending tone, could fool anyone into thinking she was sugary sweet. But Jenna didn’t handle processed corn syrup well.

“Why is she even teaching? She doesn’t seem to like kids,” Penny added.

Jenna shrugged. “She likes being in charge.”

To say the woman was on a power trip would be an understatement. And working at the school enabled Yvonne to dig into several different factions of the community. But going off about Yvonne would make Jenna no better than the gossipy woman herself.

“She also likes making your life miserable,” Lily said.

Jenna nodded. That was true. It was no secret Yvonne hated her. Jenna was paying for sins her mother committed years ago, like sleeping with Yvonne’s father and breaking up her parents’ marriage. Any chance Yvonne had to make Jenna feel awful, she did. She also was the town’s major source of gossip and nasty rumors.

Yvonne’s big blabbermouth and intricate homemade doilies were rivaled only by her mother, Flo Taylor. Flo might look like a sweet old lady who sat comfortably as the chief school administrator, but her nose was in everyone’s affairs. Which was why Jenna never had any.

Problem was, Miranda had enough affairs for the both of them. After she was caught with Mr. Taylor, it wasn’t long after that Jenna’s mom was on—literally—the next married man.

When Flo had taken up most of Sunday’s service whispering about Jenna’s mother and the married mayor of Diamond, the story raced around town like wildfire. That was twenty years ago, and still people scowled at Miranda Justice. Not that Jenna could blame them. Her mother didn’t have a discreet bone in her body. And every time the newest scandal broke and the rumors peaked, Jenna suffered the aftermath. “Guilty by association” was a term Jenna understood very well. She was Miranda’s daughter, therefore must be just like her.

I’m not my mother
. She had assured herself of that over and over, so hopefully one of these days she’d start believing it…right? It had taken her years to outrun her mother’s irresponsible shadow. Despite her efforts, she had never fully gotten away from it.

Jenna’s blood heated. After college, teaching, endless volunteering, and even flying to Kansas City to pitch to the state board herself—all while maintaining a spotless record—
Yvonne-freaking-Taylor was waltzing in and stomping all over Jenna’s dream. This program was everything to Jenna. Kids like Abigail were counting on it, and Jenna wanted to be there to not only teach, but support. Two things Yvonne Taylor wasn’t known to be good at.

She didn’t even help me host swimming lessons this year!

“But they approved the grant, right?” Penny clapped her hands and smiled wide.

“Yeah, the money is there.”

“So now it just comes down to the person. Piece of cake.” Lily winked at Jenna. Her tone was laced with such confidence that Jenna wanted to hug her. But the fact that, yes, it came down to her and Yvonne made Jenna feel queasy. If she didn’t show the town and the board that she was the absolute best person for this job, there was no way she would win the majority vote.

Of course, she already knew whom Superintendent Taylor would support, which didn’t help the rising nausea. She needed to stay focused. Both Taylor women would be watching her, waiting for her to screw up. Jenna could already see their gums flapping, happily informing the Diamond population of her shortcomings.

Well, Jenna wouldn’t give them any ammo to use against her. They could take their overworked pieholes, slandering words, and mean glares somewhere else. She’d show them, and everyone else, just how wholesome and competent Jenna Justice was.

“Those Taylor women are vicious,” Penny said.

“You’ll be fine, honey,” Lily interjected and patted Jenna’s hand. “I’ve never seen you do anything crazy or irresponsible in your life.”

But I have…and he’s your brother.

Heat rushed to Jenna’s cheeks. Where had that come from? She’d seen Colt at the pool that morning, but she was certain their chat had gone well and he understood she wasn’t interested.

Tell that to her breasts—which were still tingling from where Colt’s mouth had been.

No. She would stay strong. With her life under a microscope, the last thing Jenna needed was a scandal with the two-time national bull-riding champ and acclaimed ladies’ man. That kind of thing would dash any hopes she had of heading up the after-school program.

Colt may not have a reputation like Jenna’s mother, but he definitely had one. One that turned heads and garnered the kind of attention Jenna wasn’t looking for. He was the wrong kind of man for Jenna and the image she was trying to project. Colt McCade was not the kind of man to be seen as “responsible.” He was his own scandal waiting to happen with a panty-melting grin to match.

Nope. Colt’s smile, hard chest, and shocking blue eyes would not sway her.

Damn. Had she just
in her seat?

Her mind might be made up about Colt McCade, but her body certainly wasn’t.

“I’ve got to get back behind the bar.” Penny smiled. “Everything will work out, Jenna. We know the kind of person you are and we’ll back you.”

Jenna forced a smile. Lily and Penny were wonderful. They had supported her since they were kids. But Penny’s words stung Jenna’s mind. “We know the kind of person you are” still rang in her ears and left an ache in her gut.

It wasn’t the kind of person Jenna was that terrified her. It was the kind of person she could be viewed as. She was Miranda’s offspring, after all. What happened if she took one false step and everyone branded her the next Diamond Jezebel?

Always so careful to never cause an issue with anyone, hell, she hadn’t even started dating until she was several miles away and in college. Which also meant she didn’t get out much. Jenna tapped the side of her drink with a fingernail, realizing how boring her life really was. But she wanted this after-school program.

She thought of Abigail’s eyes and how most days she had tears in them. Though she wasn’t in Jenna’s class anymore, Abigail visited Jenna’s classroom during recess. They’d chat for a little bit and the girl just seemed to like having someone to talk to. To listen.

This past year, Jenna had gotten bits and pieces of information out of her and the truth broke Jenna’s heart. Abigail was fighting against the same things Jenna had been when she was young. With a parent who didn’t notice you or really care, it was hard to progress. And Abigail needed help and support if she was going to make it through school without being held back. If she could stay in the after-school program, Jenna could work with her on reading and homework, and get her a healthy snack at the very least. Maybe once she had the job, she could really make a difference. Maybe she would also finally be seen herself, as a viable member of the community.

She scoffed. There was lots to do before she could entertain the idea of dating.

“What are you thinking about over there? Hopefully something besides this grant thing,” Lily asked.

Jenna shrugged. “Actually, I was thinking about dating.”

Lily’s eyes shot wide. “Seriously! Jenna, that would be awesome. You need a man so bad.”

“Hey, I’m not that hard up.” But Jenna didn’t even sound convincing to herself. Truth was, technically she’d had sex more recently than probably any of her girlfriends. Not that she could talk about it.

Colt’s face flashed in her mind.

That night had been the most incredible of her life. And Colt was everything she’d dreamed he would be. Just the memory of his hands on her made her wet. She wanted him. Over and over.

No! Those thoughts needed to exit her brain immediately. Because having a repeat session with Colt was beyond a bad idea.

“Do you have someone in mind?” Lily placed her chin in her palm and smiled big. Just like she did when they were in high school talking about the football team. And yes, Jenna did have someone
in mind
. But that is where he would stay.

“Ah, I hear Lenny Wilson is single.”

Lily frowned and dropped her hand from her face like she’d just eaten a slab of charcoal. “The insurance agent? He’s…”

“Nice?” Jenna offered.

“I was going to say boring as hell.”

Jenna’s chest deflated a little on a slow exhale. Yeah, Lenny was kind of stale. But he was safe. Not the kind of man who gave women an instant temperature issue just by tossing a smile at them. Not the kind who knew exactly how to kiss every inch of your body and came with consuming passion that took you over and made you mindless.

“Damn it,” Jenna mumbled and shook her head. Her stupid brain just wouldn’t let go of Colt. This whole dating conversation had been a mistake.

There were more important things she needed to focus on. Like the kids of Diamond having a safe place to learn and play after school. And she wanted to be the one to teach them. Society dictated that you couldn’t be the good teacher and the sinful wanton. Jenna of all people knew that. And so the kids, the education system, and the “good teacher” facade would win out. They always would. Because being both could never be an option.

“What’s going on with you?” Lily asked.

Too much
, Jenna thought, twirling her beer on the table, but opted to say, “Oh, nothing.”

The familiar “ding” sounded as the door of Penny’s BBQ opened. An instant cry of high-pitched squeals and swoons sounded, drowning out the low hum of the jukebox. Jenna looked up and—

Colt walked through the door and was instantly surrounded by drooling women.

Lily rolled her eyes. “Goddamn buckle bunnies.”

Ryder Diamond was right behind him, as well as Huck Galvin and Sebastian Strafford. The four had been best buddies, football stars, and everything good and right in Kansas since they’d strutted out of their mamas’ wombs.

It really wasn’t fair that among the four of them, they could make up any woman’s fantasy. Ryder, with his clean-cut all-American boy-next-door look paired with his massive muscles and sense of responsibility, could easily be the next mayor of Diamond, and the hottest one to date.

Huck with his shaggy hair, piercings, and tattoos was no stranger to Diamond’s female population. How he managed to never commit to a single one of them, yet remain likable, was a pure act of magic. He told Jenna once, “As long as you’re sweet, honest, and up-front, you’ll have no problem.” Of course, he also said that being naked helped too.

Sebastian was in his typical pressed button-up and black slacks that fit him perfectly, showing his strength beneath the suit. The man should be on the cover of

“Ladies,” Colt acknowledged, touching the bill of his ball cap. His blue gaze locked on Jenna and he wound through the giggling women touching his chest and asking for autographs.

As the four men walked her way, Jenna downed the rest of her beer and kindly waved her empty bottle at Penny. “I’m going to need another.”

“Hey, sister.” Colt scooted into the booth beside Lily, ignoring the death stare JJ was currently giving him.

Ryder sat next to JJ and wrapped her up in a big hug. A flare of jealousy shot through Colt’s spine. They’d all been friends since they were kids, but for some reason Ryder’s hands on JJ made Colt all…pissy.

“Looking good, darlin’,” Ryder praised. “How was Kansas City?”

Colt leaned back, stretching his arm out along the top of the booth and grinned. “Yeah, JJ. How was your trip?”

She glared.

But Colt noticed a slight flush of her cheeks. Oh yeah, she was thinking about it. She had been clear about the whole one-night-no-tell-thing, but Colt had never been with a woman who wanted to hide him. Hell, women usually bragged about him. Sure, if Lily found out that he’d slept with her best friend, she just might have his neck, but JJ’s unease about their wild weekend and people finding out seemed a bigger deal than even that.

“It was fine.” She turned fully to Ryder, as if physically making it clear she was blocking out Colt.

Huck and Sebastian pulled up a chair at the end of the table just as Penny showed up with another round. Her stare lingered on Sebastian, like it always did. After high school, Bass had gone off to college and then law school, returning as a rather ruthless attorney. He was the only man in town who seemed to make Penny a little fidgety.

“Thanks, Penny,” Jenna said when she set the pitcher on the table.

Ryder rose and kissed his sister’s cheek.

“You all hungry?” Penny addressed the table as a whole, but Colt glanced at JJ. Fuck yeah, he was hungry.

“Some burgers would be great.” Huck smiled.

“Coming right up.”

“So you got the grant?” Huck asked JJ, picking up where Ryder’s line of questioning left off.

She took a deep breath and glanced at Lily. Colt recognized this look. The two women had basically grown up under the same roof and could communicate without speaking a word.

BOOK: Chasing Trouble
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