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Authors: Cheryl Spence

Chocolate Honey (9 page)

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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much.” They both started to cry and hugged each other for a few minutes, before Christine said, “My darling, the water should be nice and warm, care to join me?” They both slipped into the water, which was filled with lavender liquid and “Ambrosia Love Oil“. Julian used the lavender liquid to enhance their relaxation and the love oil as an aphrodisiac. He noticed that she had a few grapes with her. She took one of them and sensually placed it at the tip of her tongue, inviting him to come closer with a flirty look in her eyes. Julian did not wait for a verbal invitation. He hurriedly, scooted over, and bit half the grape from her mouth. Their carnal appetite was suddenly reborn. Julian raised both her legs to his shoulders and entered her, more urgently than before. “Ooooh God, Julian--ahhhh, make love to me. This feels so wonderful. Make love to me.” Julian’s breathing became harsh and rapid, “Oh, God, hmm this feels so nice. Yes I’ll make. Love. To You. Hmmm.” After a few minutes of mind-blowing sex, he suddenly, he lifted her from the bath and took her to their bed. Christine softly said, “We have to change the sheets, these are a bit wet.” He said, “Later, please I wanna make love to you now, okay. Guess what?” “What?” “I got an A on both those tests, proud of me?” Her only reply was to pull him closer to her. She kissed him with so much love; he wished the moment will freeze in time. With that kiss, he felt a spirit being reborn. His thrusts became deeper and harder. He placed a pillow, under her back and wrapped her legs around his waist. He filled her vagina with his penis; she swore she felt it all the way to the bottom of her belly. She rotated her hips to match his thrusts, all the while her eyes were on him. She has never seen a man, who was so happy to be with a woman. His face was flushed, and had a look of complete serenity. He opened his eyes and saw that she was staring at him. He smiled, bent his head so he could kiss her. Christine accepted his kiss with such warmth. She looked so beautiful he thought. I wonder what good I did in a past life, to be given this opportunity to be with this, God, oh so beautiful woman. After a few more minutes of earth shattering, love making, they both climaxed. Christine panted “Oh, Julian, I love you! I really, really love you right now!” She started to move a little bit slower. Then he bit into the sheets and started to thrust into her. Faster. Deeper. All the while, he was moaning, oh so loudly. “Oh God, oh Christine---I love you both, oh my God!” He then started to breathe in short breaths, then let out a long sensuous moan. It filled the room. He kissed her ever so gently and eased out of her. Julian looked over, as Christine was purring softly with pleasure. Sweat glistened from her body and she smiled at him. They both then kissed and cuddled until they fell asleep. A sleep, that was both relaxing and needed after such a steamy night. They both awoke around 6 am. “Oh, God.” Julian moaned. “I did not want last night to end. Still can’t see straight my darling.” “Hey, morning to you too, I love you. Testicles ok?” “Ha, very funny! I am fine. You?” “Couldn’t be happier, and yes I can see quite fine.” “I love you so much Christine. Not because of the love-making, this was damn wonderful. But you are so giving, kind, considerate and funny. Think we will still feel this way, fifty years from now?” Christine kissed the tip of his nose and said, “I love you and you love me. Fifty years from now? Yes I know we will always love each other. If not more by that time.” He got up from the bed, still very naked. She stared appreciatively at him. He turned and saw her lustful look and gave one back to her. She whispered. “Hurry and get back to bed. I need you.” He jokingly said, “I am a man, not a machine, I need to use the bathroom. He licked his lips and winked at her, then said, “Just a few minutes okay, work day remember.” “Hey I am not greedy.” They made love quietly, for fear of waking Joshua, one reality of having a child, lovemaking, has to be quiet at certain times of the day. After about a half hour, they prepared for the day ahead.


Christine arrived at work, late, maybe by fifteen minutes, she found a not too happy Charlotte. “Christine, what happened? I was about to send Melody for you. You are late! Never be late again. I will deduct this from your wages!” “I am sorry, Mrs. Christopher, it will not happen again.” “You have to get cracking; I have some important clients coming in today. They all want to see design samples for their ballroom dresses.” Whatever, feelings of euphoria she had, disappeared, the minute she saw Charlotte’s face and heard her yelling. “Whatever, the design requests are, Mrs. Christopher, I will fulfill them.” She then headed shamefaced to her office, and prayed for the day when both her and Julian, will have enough money saved so she could open her own design house. After few minutes of settling in, she heard a slight hesitated knock on her door. She told the person to enter and saw it was Charlotte. “Christine, I hope you are not too upset at me. It’s just that I have a tight ship to run and cannot afford to take any chances. You are an excellent designer, a bit temperamental at times. I’d hate to lose you.” “Charlotte, I appreciate the fact that you have a business to manage and I am sorry I was late. But I do not appreciate, being bawled out before our clients and co-workers. If this happens again, I will resign with thought or hesitation. I hope you understand my position.” “I do and I am sorry.” Christine smiled and softly said, “All is forgiven, then.” “How was your evening with Julian, you had such a happy look in your eyes this morning.” “It was simply, one of the best nights of my life. He had rose petals, lining the doorway of our room, to the bathroom, in the bath and on our bed. Then we made, wild passionate love, as if when we were first courting. God, it was truly magic. Charlotte, I love him so much. I kept praying our night would last forever. I have never, been made love to by Julian, with so much passion before.” “I envy you, my Thaddeus, does not touch me anymore, and when he does, its clack, clickety clack and then he rolls over and falls asleep. I then have to satisfy myself! God, it’s so frustrating. I am still a young woman of thirty four. I need good love to be made to me.” “You, know I had a similar experience once, same clack, clickety clack and then off to dream world.” Oh, my goodness was that with Julian.” “God, no! It was with some man, my poppa was forcing me to marry.” Looking back, Christine saw the humour of it all. Big, bad Paul, brutish and cruel. Yet couldn’t perform a simple task, sexually satisfying a woman. She wondered what poor woman, is now being subjected to his boorish behaviour. Poor thing, whoever it is she thought. She shuddered at the thought of that pig. “It was good, talking with you Christine, we should do this more often. Just then there was a knock at the door, it was Melody, the company secretary. “Mrs. Christopher, Mrs. Bennington is here to see Mrs. Livingston. She said she wants to introduce her son to her.” “You are joking right, why would that woman bring her son here? I thought I made it perfectly clear that I am a happily married woman. Melody, please tell her I am busy.” Charlotte said, “No, Christine, you can take a few minutes off. I am curious to hear what the nosey body has to say. Melody, please tell her we will be with her in a few minutes.” “Christine, my child, you are looking as beautiful as ever! Come I want you to meet my son Peter.” Peter, turned out to be an extremely handsome man, around 28-30. He had dirty blond hair, low cut hair and clean shaven. He was slightly taller than Julian, around 6’4”, very muscular with deep sea blue eyes; he had a heavy English accent. Turns out, he and his father are originally from England, old money. Clara in her younger days went to England in search of love and money. Found both and returned to the United States, when Peter was about twelve. “It is nice to meet you Peter, your mother told me about you yesterday. I had no idea; she would have brought you here to meet me.” Christine, smiled as she spoke. “Christine, I brought him here to meet and court you! See how handsome he is? You both would make a lovely couple.” Christine looked helplessly on. The nerve of that woman, she does not care for the fact that I am married and very much in love with my darling husband. “Momma, I only recently met the lady. Please stop embarrassing me, plus you know I am in love with someone else.” Christine, finally spoke, “Besides, Peter, what your mother failed to tell you is that I am also in love with someone else, my husband Julian.” Peter said, “I really had no idea, mother was setting me up this way.” He whispered, “I am courting someone, momma does not approve of.” “Christine, you are with a Negro, you both are not legally married, our system is breaking down, and you both should not be allowed to live together. Plus I want to get Peter away from the Molly girl!” Oh, so she only wants me to be with her son, to get rid of someone from his life. God, even if I were single and desperate, I would never do anything to assist this woman. Pretentious wretch. Peter spoke, “So you are the lady that I heard that is married, to the coloured man, er Julian Livingston. Congratulations to you. Just so you know, Molly is also coloured.” Christine said, “Oh, I too must congratulate you. I am guessing, you are subjected to constant threats and scorn.” “Yes, that and more, but I am in love and I don’t care. Molly is my soul mate and I love her.” “Hmmm, you know what? I hope one day, people will realise that love comes in all different colours of the rainbow and not just one race, for one race. You can’t help who you fall in love with. Love is universal and divine.” “Well spoken. I feel the same way, I just wish that momma, will accept Molly as my one true love. You know I hope to marry her one day.” “Peter, your momma will have a seizure, if you ever mention that to her. How will you tell her that bit of news?” “I figure, I’ll get her something her little heart desires, and just blurt out my intention of marrying Mol.” “Good, luck, I really would like to keep in touch with you. Julian and I have no friends, our age in New York. Maybe us four will get together and have drinks and dinner sometimes.” “What is your telephone number? Maybe we can meet this weekend. I’d really love to meet Julian, and for you both to meet Mol.” Christine repeated her number to the delight of Clara. “Momma, don’t get your hopes up. We are only exchanging numbers, so the
of us can go to dinner.” “I am still praying Peter, still praying.”




Chapter 8



About an hour after they left, Melody knocked on her office, informing that an elderly gentleman is waiting to see her. “Oh, my God Blake! how are you? How long has it

been?” “Too long, sweetheart, too long. You are looking absolutely radiant. Come and give me a hug.” He hugged her, and then held her at arm’s length. “How are that wonderful husband of yours and Joshua? My wife tells me, she baby sits Joshua sometimes.” “They are both fine. Julian is at home with him now. He will be so happy to see you. So how is the freeing of slaves going? Still successful I hope.” “Yes, I am still making enemies, of dem good ‘ol plantation boys of the southern states. The result of my efforts, are worth having enemies, freedom is taken for granted, by both you and I. It is so much valued by Negroes; it shines through their eyes when they reach the north and freedom. Their joy is worth more than all the weight in gold.”


Christine knew all too well what freedom meant, it has allowed Julian and her to be together. It allowed, Julian to pursue a career, in law, which will give him the opportunity, to help poor coloureds who are in need of legal help. That has been his passion, helping people, who are shunted by the wayside, people who no one cares about. She was so lost in thought, that she did not hear, Blake calling her name. “Chris, are you ok? I said you name about twice and you did not answer.” “Oh, Blake, I am so sorry. What you said, about freedom, made me reflect on what it has meant for Julian and me. I am still so much in love with that man! I am sorry, I am gushing aren’t I, it’s just that...”

“I know, I knew you both were meant to be, forever, when I first met you both. You could feel your love. It came at me in massive doses, I am so happy to see that after five years, your heart still flutters by the mere mention of his name. That is so good.” “So, Mr. Bach, how long will you be staying in New York? Helen misses you terribly whenever you leave. She says, watching Joshua in the days, provides much needed company. I can agree to that, I am afraid, Joshua can be a handful all the time!”

Blake smiled in response. Scratched his beard, and started looking at Christine’s hand drawn designs. You could tell, he was very impressed, as with each, designs he looked at, he smiled appreciatively. Christine, you designed these, all by yourself? If so, you should be raking in millions. I am not a fashion expert, but these are excellent, I have heard women, rave about your designs, but I have never seen one before.” Christine chuckled at Blake’s comment, about her raking in millions. “Blake, thank you for the compliment. I created these designs by my lonesome. But as for raking in millions, no; the only person, who has had that pleasure, is my boss Charlotte Christopher. I am paid only a meager amount of the profits, I am afraid.” Blake was shocked, “Sweetheart, I am so sorry. I thought you were a partner or getting paid, as you deserved.” Christine, started to sob, and ran to Blake for comfort. She hugged him and rested her head on his shoulder and cried. Guess she cried for being yelled at by Charlotte, and most importantly, she cried as she knows, she has to remain at Charlotte’s as her pay cheque, not matter how meager is needed to keep her family alive. Between sobs she said, “Julian and I can barely make ends meet, his earnings, from the store are pitiful, he only works part time as he is in school. I have asked that woman, to make me partner or even increase my salary. All she does is ignore my requests. I can’t stand working for her much longer.” Christine, felt as if a weight has been lifted off her shoulders, she has never let her emotions out, regarding hers and Julian’s struggle for survival. The suffocating feeling of being employed at Charlotte’s for all these years. Blake, cupped her faced and said, “My sweet darling child, why didn’t you and Julian, make me know of your dire straits? Both Helen and I are wealthy and can more than afford to help you both out. I am so disappointed in you both.” Christine kissed the side of his face, “Blake, you have helped us so much already; Julian and I did not want to burden you with our problems. We are getting by.” “Humph, I am not content with you both, just getting by. You are like the children I never had, and I will be damned to know that you both are scraping for a living and not do anything about it!” “I am so sorry, I did not mean to upset you Blake, Julian and I considered coming to you, but decided against it.” Blake knew that both Christine and Julian were very much determined, to succeed on their own. He thought for a minute, for a possible solution to their problems and then said. “Well, tell you what, if you are willing, I may have a way of helping you financially, which will lead to you owning your own design house. Don’t worry; it won’t be a loan, from me. I know the manager of First Royal Bank, I am sure if you present him with a sound business plan and my recommendation; you can get a loan to start your own design studio!” Christine, could hardly believe her ears, she repeated to herself what Blake had told her, looked at him for some sign that he was joking. When she saw that he was serious, she ran to him and hugged him close. “Oh Blake, thank you so much. I will discuss your offer with Julian, and telephone you with our decision first thing in the morning! Oh thank you for always being there for us.” “As, I said, you and Julian are like the children I never had. Please have your answer as soon as possible. I will be leaving for Virginia in two days. Now my child, I must bid you good day. Charlotte may be upset that I am taking up so much of your time.” “Yes, isn’t it any wonder she is not in here, already. Good-bye, and thank you ever so much.”

BOOK: Chocolate Honey
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