Read Christmas Miracle Online

Authors: Violette Dubrinsky

Christmas Miracle (10 page)

BOOK: Christmas Miracle
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Chapter Eight

Melanie awoke later than usual, feeling thoroughly loved if not well rested. Rolling onto her side, she instinctively reached for Cameron, and sat up when her arm touched nothing but sheet.

Blinking the sleep from her eyes, she looked around the room. It was still dark outside, which meant it was sometime before seven in the morning. Her gaze kept moving around the room until she found a door haloed by creases of yellow light. The bathroom. Listening closely, she heard what sounded like the falling of water.

Cameron was taking a shower. And just like that, her brain was conjuring images of him naked in the bathroom, head against the shower tiles as the water poured over his hair and down to his toes.

With a little moan and a wicked grin, she slipped from under the warm covers and padded naked over to the bathroom. Turning the doorknob, she slowly stepped into the room, which, unsurprisingly, was huge as well. It was also hot. Steam was wafting all over the place, and from her spot against the door, she could make out the blurred image of Cameron behind the glass. Moving quickly, before this daring bit of her personality retreated in the face of logic, she moved to the glass door, pulled it open, and stepped into the shower. He wasn’t quite as she’d pictured, leaning against the tiles with his back to her. No, Cameron’s head was turned to the side, and she could tell that he was looking directly at her. How did he know?

“The glass works both ways, sweetheart,” he replied to her unasked question as he pulled away from the showerhead and moved before her.

A smile touched her lips. Of course it did. While she’d been busy ogling his blurred form through the glass, thinking about how wickedly delicious he’d look once she was in there, he’d probably been doing the same.

“Did you sleep well?”

She nodded, lowering her eyes to his lips. “Did you?”


“Haven’t slept that well in ages,” was his quick reply. He could always tell when she was blushing because her smile grew bashful and her eyes lowered for the span of seconds. Moving closer to her, he placed both hands on the tiles by her head.

“Did you miss me, lass?”

Her eyes touched his once more, and he glimpsed what appeared to be rebellion before they lowered and she replied, “Only a little.”

Cameron chuckled.

“I’ll have to take that, I guess,” he answered, lowering his head until his lips were lined up with hers. “I missed you...a lot.”

“Liar,” she teased, grinning at him. “You’ve been in here for no more than fifteen minutes.”

“This shower did not start off warm, sweetheart.” His smile grew even larger as she blushed again. He’d never thought he would find something “cute” to be damn sexy, but hell, he could find anything Melanie Samuels did sexy. That terrified him...if not to the extent that it usually would.

“Oh really?” she asked, trying not to sound breathless and failing.

Cameron shook his head. Their foreheads grazed.

“Yes. You can be quite a tease, Melanie, even when you’re fast asleep.”

Her eyes widened. He knew she was going to contradict him and immediately touched his lips to hers. A sigh, one of those fluttering ones, left her lips and he kissed her again, this time demanding entrance to her mouth as he pressed her against the tiles.


Melanie clutched at his back, shifting her body so that her nipples grazed against him with every motion they made. She was thoroughly enjoying his kisses and caresses when something warm began trickling over their heads. Confused, she turned her lips away from Cameron, only to realize that his shower consisted of many showerheads, one of which was directly above her.

“Cameron! My hair!” She pushed against him until he stepped back, giving her a curious look as if expecting her hair to be on fire.

As she made to leave the bathroom, he caught her around the waist and pulled her back.

“What’s wrong?”

“My hair.”

“Yes, sweetheart, I gathered that, but exactly what is wrong with your hair?”

“It’s wet!” Melanie’s voice sounded exasperated and Cameron smiled, thoroughly confused, but very entertained.

“And that is a bad thing?”

“Very bad,” she confirmed.

He turned her in his arms and leaned back against a portion of the tiles where no water would catch them.

“Okay then, we won’t get your hair wet.”

Melanie’s brows lifted, and she looked to the two showerheads that were still on.

“Are you just saying that—”

His lips pressed down on hers, effectively making her forget the question she’d been about to ask. Without any preamble, he lifted her so that she sat against his waist and turned to brace her against the wall.


Reaching between their bodies, he found her wet to his touch and slowly inserted two fingers. They’d gone at each more than a few times last night, and he wanted to see if she was sore. When no wince showed on her face, he almost sent up a prayer of thanks.

Lining himself up with her slit, he teased at her button, sending them both into a slightly crazed frenzy, before thrusting up into her eager body.

She screamed his name before sinking her teeth into his shoulder.

A deep groan escaped his lips, and he withdrew almost to the point of coming out before thrusting into her again.

“Oh my God, yes, Cameron...fuck me…” Melanie moaned, lifting her head from his shoulder to capture those beautiful lips with her own.

With his hands supporting her, Cameron lifted and lowered her onto his thrusting cock, urged on by her erotic words and the moans and sighs leaving her lips. Not only was she beautiful and smart, Melanie was an amazing lover.


Melanie was on the pinnacle of a mega-orgasm. She could feel every inch of Cameron’s cock drilling up into her, and it was almost as if every nerve ending in her pussy was getting a piece of the action. She was so close...just seconds away...when he stopped, shifted her somewhere, pulled out, lowered her to the ground and turned her around.

One hand sunk deep into her hair, pulling her head back slightly and simultaneously arching her spine, while the other dipped between her legs and lightly caressed her clit. Melanie pushed against his hand, wanting him to send her into the abyss, but he held back, barely touching her enough to give her a fraction of pleasure.

“Cameron!” she shrieked in frustration, leaning her forehead against the tile and pushing back against him.

“Yes?” His voice sounded different, controlled and a bit harsh. Like an animal. Sexy.

“Why are you doing this to me?”

His mouth touched her neck, tongue licking at the exposed area, before nipping gently.

She whined again, bucking her hips back.

“Don’t you like it?”

“No!” Melanie shuddered when she felt the head of his cock graze her puffy lips. Why was he teasing her? “Stop teasing me, damn it!”

“What do you want me to do to you, lass?”

His hand smacked against one ass cheek and she cried out his name, feeling her pussy clench and begin to weep.

“I want you, Cameron—please, please, take me.”

Cameron nipped at her shoulder blade and was rewarded with a whimper.

“You want me to take you?”

She nodded. His hand slipped under her belly, and she sighed. He was finally going to—

“I don’t know if I want to take you, Melanie. I want to fuck you. Do you want me to fuck you?”

She hadn’t known she was one for dirty talk until today, but if her peaking nipples and dripping pussy were any indication...

“Yes, Cameron. Yes.”


“Fuck me, Cameron. I want you to fuck me.”

And that was all it took. In the next second, he was buried deep; the next, he was pulling out only to bury himself deep once more.

Both of his hands moved to her hips and ass, and Melanie braced the palms of her hands against the tiles. That took work because she was so damn weak from his...loving.

At that moment, Cameron braced his chest against her back and captured her earlobe in his mouth.

“God, lass, you’re beautiful,” he grunted out before he withdrew only to slam back into her body.

She’d been on the pinnacle before Cameron got demanding and engaged her in dirty talk. Now, she was hovering over it, feeling as if fireworks were dancing before her eyes, and certainly inside her pussy.

Cameron withdrew and thrust back into her. Melanie screamed as he sent her spiraling away from her body. Her hands fell from the tiles, and if not for his support, she was certain she would have hit the bathroom floor.

With Melanie gripping him as fiercely as she did, it was impossible for him to hold out any longer. With a particularly hard thrust, he shuddered and released, leaning against her as the wall supported their weight.


As his breathing returned to normal, he recognized that Melanie’s hand was lightly caressing his hip. Covering her own with his, he said softly, “Merry Christmas, Melanie.”

She giggled, and he smiled at the sound.

“Merry Christmas, Cameron. This is one Christmas morning I will never forget.”

He kissed the top of her spine and wrapped his other arm around her waist, lacing his fingers together over her belly.

“That was what I was going for, lass.”


If she’d found Christmas Eve with the Mackintoshes to be interesting, Christmas Day with them was a whole other level of fun. After her love session with Cameron, they’d showered together, after she’d retrieved her travelling shower cap from her small overnight bag. Feeling like Mrs. Claus, she’d helped Cameron carry a large pile of presents down the stairs and into the living room, where a huge and beautifully decorated tree awaited them.

“It’s a silly tradition. We don’t put the presents under the tree until morning because we usually want the children to think they’ve been bad.”

Upon hearing that response, Melanie had asked the obvious question, “Children?” to which he’d laughed and replied, “Adeline, Aiden, and Brendan, of course. Who else?”

Considering that the youngest of the “children” was eighteen, Melanie had been as amused as he.

After that, they’d grabbed “semi-breakfast”—a small cup of hot tea and one slice of toast—and headed back to his room. Apparently, the family didn’t eat breakfast until nine or sometimes ten, and since they’d been practicing all sorts of sexual exercises last night and this morning, they needed something to hold them over.

When they finished, they got back under the duvet and just lay there. Cameron was propped up against the headboard by some pillows, and Melanie leaned against his chest. Minutes trickled by with them like that, and Melanie grew so comfortable that she was close to sleep when he asked softly, “Why did you spend the past Christmases alone?”

Immediately, she stiffened. She hadn’t told Cameron much about herself besides the fact that she was a PR agent, had a sister and a niece, and usually spent Christmas working. And in a way, she liked that he didn’t know too much about her. He was soon to be her client, and she was a strict professional. They’d have to end this sometime soon.

Melanie tried to move away from him, but his arm only tightened. With a sigh, she relaxed against him once more and said, “Because...I wanted to.”


“Yes, Cameron. And I’d prefer not to talk about this.”

“Right now? Or indefinitely?”


“You’d prefer not to talk about this right now or indefinitely?”

Another sigh escaped her lips. “It shouldn’t matter, Cameron. You shouldn’t care.”

His hand tightened around her, and his voice was chilling as he replied, “Don’t tell me what I should and should not care about, Melanie.”

She nodded slowly. “Okay.”

A tense silence rose between them, and Melanie felt torn. This was Cameron. He was more friend than acquaintance, and he was only curious. But she didn’t want to confide these secrets to him when in a week, they’d be nothing more than agent and client, and possibly in time, friends again.


“When I was eighteen, I met a girl and fancied myself in love. My family disapproved, so we ran away together. Two years later, I found out that they were right. She couldn’t be trusted, but I was too young and enamored to notice that. When I finally returned home, they welcomed me with open arms. My parents and I spoke about it once, and then we left it in the past and moved on.” At some point during his tale, Melanie pushed herself onto her arms and looked down at him. He was serious, and his blue eyes steadily held hers. “I trust you with something only a handful of people know, Melanie.”

She lowered her head back to his chest and shook her head. Her lips were moving even before she could think it through. “My niece is the child my sister had with my ex-fiancé.”

There was a deep intake of breath, and Melanie closed her eyes. She didn’t want his pity. He’d shared something secret of himself with her, and she was returning the favor.

“And that’s why you spend Christmas alone?”


“What happened to your parents?”

A shudder ran through her body, and he pressed her closer to his side.

BOOK: Christmas Miracle
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