Read Chunky But Funky Online

Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

Chunky But Funky (3 page)

BOOK: Chunky But Funky
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Mainly because he planned on spending the entire night driving them from her in bout after bout of heated pleasure.



Of all the people in all the world, why did Dalton have to do this to her? Amanda hadn’t even come close to stemming the flood of tears that had coursed down her face since she’d fled him. It wasn’t so much that she’d made out with him in public. A lot of people did it for fun or to heighten their sexual awareness. Dalton had

well, it had felt like he’d been ridiculing her just like those women. Like the men at the bar. Like men all her life had been doing because she was fat. Even thinking about it now made her cry all the harder. She’d thought Dalton was different. Yet he’d

What exactly
he done? Confusion as well as unsatisfied lust made for one fuck-ass hangover. He’d practically taken her right there on the street! Did it matter that she had been just as hell-bent on taking him as he’d been on taking her? With a sigh, she realized it did. And that she’d let her embarrassment get the better of her. Dalton was a good guy. He would never
do anything to make her feel inferior to anyone. For any reason. Had she simply overreacted because she’d been embarrassed?

With a sigh, she undressed for bed. Dalton had left one of his big T-shirts here ages ago that she’d always forgotten to return. When she missed him, she wore it. Now, needing his comfort, fearing she might have damaged things between them irrevocably, she put it on, imagining it was his arms surrounding her instead of the soft cotton.

Just as she climbed into bed, she heard the door open and close with a soft


She could always tell when he entered. Even when she was asleep, she seemed to be tuned to him perfectly. It was how she knew the difference between him and her parents, or one of her girlfriends she’d given a key to. Dalton had come for her, even after she’d fled from him, accusing him of being such a cad.

Stifling the groan of mortification was more difficult than she thought it could be. Seeing him again after this

well. It wasn

t going to be easy. He might have protected her all her life, but they

d never discussed her insecurities or how he felt about them. Or what he thought of her appearance. Surely he wouldn’t have kissed her like that, said all those things if he had found her so unappealing. Would he? Was it a pity fuck?

“Go away!” She couldn’t look at him. Not with him knowing how desperately she wanted him.

“Since when have I ever left you when you’re hurting and why would I start now?”

“I’m not doing this with you, Dalton. I don’t feel like shooting the shit.” In the dark she couldn’t see him, but, oh God, she could sense his warmth and strength. His very scent seemed to permeate her small house, making it feel like a home. In that moment, she hated him for that.

“Not here to gab, Amanda. I’m here to take what’s mine.” As he entered her bedroom, the light from the street lamp filtering through the big window hit his face, bathing him in a pure, white light. Sweet Baby Jesus, he looked like a fallen angel. Even the mere sight of him sent her belly fluttering and her sex creaming.

Despite herself, hearing his words sent a fresh flood of tears streaming from her eyes. This was too much. All of it. Dalton was too much.

“Take off the shirt,” he said, slowly making his way to her, whipping off his own shirt.


“I said, take off the damned shirt before I rip it off that hot little body of yours.”

“Dalton, I—”

“Now, Amanda!” Never in the entire time she’d known him had Dalton ever raised his voice to her. Hadn’t even said a single cross word.

“I don’t—I don’t understand what—”

Without giving her a chance to form her thought, he hurried the two remaining steps to her and grabbed the hem of her T-shirt, whipping it over her head before she had a chance to protest. Automatically, Amanda crossed her arms over her breasts, hiding herself from him. Wrong move. With a growl, he unfolded her arms, pinning them to her sides with his big hands.

cover yourself in front of me. In fact, I’m going to have to insist you never wear clothes in my presence when we’re alone.” He nodded at the boxer briefs that served as her underwear. “Including those.”

“You’ve lost your everloving mind! What is wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong?” He scowled at her, his irritation more than evident. “What’s wrong is that you are so quick to believe what random people in a bar think about you—people who don’t even
you. Yet when I say I’m staying with you, that I have it so bad for you it hurts, you won’t believe me. And you’ve been my best friend since the first day I met you. If you don’t know me, no one does.”

With each word, he got closer and closer to her, pulling her body against his until his arms were wrapped tightly around her, still pinning hers to her sides. His face was a breath away from hers, his lips practically touching hers. Amanda swallowed.

“Oh, God. Dalton

With a sigh, she opened her mouth, closing the distance between her lips and his. Dalton kissed her back without hesitation, hungrily, as if he’d waited his entire life for this. As if he truly did want her.

Strong arms around her, holding her tightly to him, Dalton took over the kiss, leaving her breathless with the intensity of it. Amanda had always known loving Dalton would be the most powerful thing she’d ever experienced, but even with that knowledge, this shocked her. The connection they shared—had always shared—grew stronger and stronger until she felt she’d always been a part of him. This was just


With an ease no man should have possessed, Dalton lifted her, urging her legs around his waist as he carried them to the bed. Laying her down carefully, he lay over her, rolling his hips until he was settled comfortably between her legs. His cock pressed through his jeans, through her underwear, seeking her sex. Amanda arched her back, unconsciously offering him her breasts. Dalton didn’t deny himself.

When he took one jutting nipple between his lips to roll his tongue around it, Amanda thought she’d spontaneously combust. She shrieked, her hands going to his head to thread through the silky dark locks. Dalton growled against her flesh, sending shivers through her body. Again, he rocked his hips from side to side, pressing himself more fully against her. Strong, brawny arms locked around her, holding her to him so tightly she could barely breathe, but she reveled in it. For the very first time in her life, Amanda actually felt all the way to her bones she was in the arms of a man who wanted her more than he wanted to take his next breath. Fitting it was Dalton Colt.



Dalton knew the exact moment she surrendered, understood the depth of his need for her. Amanda sighed, arching her hips to rub her little cunt against him with as much need as he felt. Ever since she was that awkward teen, the girl blossoming into a full-grown woman, Dalton had known she’d be his one day. Not only could she cross wits with him better than anyone he’d ever known, but she was sexy as fuck with her luscious curves and soft, dark skin. Full breasts, a narrow waist, and an ass made for a man to grip during a hard ride were his fervent wet dreams. All of which Amanda possessed to perfection.

Now, on top of her, pressing his cock against her, his mouth at her breast, it was all Dalton could do not to come from the friction against his jeans. He’d tried to stay away from her, tried to find another woman to take her place, but he’d long since given up on that. Amanda was the only woman for him. Period.

Her soft, needy whimpers, the way she clung to him so sweetly was driving him mad! Need, lust, and an overwhelming love for her besieged him to the point he just wanted to bury his face in her hair and weep for joy.

“My Amanda,” he murmured against her nipple, his tongue darting out to swirl around it once more. “I’ve been waiting for this

For how long? Since they

d met? Since he

d first kissed her?


he finally settled on. And it was the truth. He

d known it from that first kiss. Amanda was
woman. The one a man waited for his entire life, just hoping and praying he found her before he died.

The realization hit him with the force of a nuclear blast. He jerked away from her, his gaze fastening on hers. The longing and want and need he felt was mirrored in her beautiful eyes. Could she possibly feel the same for him as he did for her?

“My God,” he whispered. “I love you so fucking much!”

A little sob escaped her as she pulled him back to her, kissing him with every bit as much passion as he felt. With bold strokes of her tongue, Amanda succeeded in driving him completely and totally out of his mind with lust. He couldn’t seem to get close enough to her, couldn’t seem to kiss her enough. With a defeated groan, he released her, pulling away just long enough to rid himself of his jeans and underwear, then to strip hers from her as well.

She lay there, looking as vulnerable as a woman could. Completely nude, yet looking up at him trustingly. Large, rounded breasts jutted from her chest, firm and beckoning him. Her waist was narrow, flaring to generous hips. Her belly rounded enticingly, making a gentle slope, an erotic place to nip with his teeth. With that thought in mind, he sank back onto the bed, his upper body between her legs, his arms hooked around her thighs to hold her open.


“Just lay back, baby. I need this. Need to pleasure you like this.”

She braced herself on her elbows, looking down at him. Never breaking eye contact with her, Dalton dipped his head and kissed the soft swell of her belly with wet, open-mouthed kisses. Down


until the triangle of her curls tickled his chin. Then he parted her lips with his finger and thumb and flicked her little clit with his tongue.

* * *

Had anything ever felt so good? Amanda couldn’t remember if it had. Yes, she’d had sex before, but usually in the dark in a frenzy of lust where both she and the boy she was with said awkward goodbyes never to see each other sexually again. This was nothing like that. This was

decadent. Addictive at best. Life changing at worst. The thought of Dalton leaving her after this, with a look of uncomfortable regret on his face, turned her stomach. There was no way she could move on if he left her.

Dalton closed his mouth over her cunt, groaning and making all kinds of animalistic sounds that simply drove Amanda wild. Before long, the fingers she’d threaded through his hair gripped it hard, pulling him to her so she could get friction exactly where she needed it. The more she encouraged him, the more she took, the more he gave, worshiping her body like she’d never thought possible. His fingers dug into her thighs, holding her open for him. He needn’t bother. As if she would deny him anything!

As the pleasure built and threatened to push her toward the edge of sanity, Dalton thrust two fingers inside her, pumping relentlessly. “Come for me, Amanda. Come hard!”

Oh, God, she was going to. There was no denying his gruff command. She had no resistance in her where he was concerned. All she could do was helplessly submit to his wishes. With a scream, her back bowing with the force, Amanda came. She knew she should probably hold something of herself back, but it seemed impossible. Dalton was a force larger than life to her. Her hero. Her obsession. The one man in the whole world she thought was forever out of her reach. Dalton could be with any woman he wanted, yet he was here with


“Too much, Dalton,” she breathed, unexpectedly on the verge of tears. He’d done this to her so effortlessly. Mere minutes! Hell, he could have sent her over long before if he’d wanted to. In over her head didn’t even begin to describe the depth of the moment.

“More,” he commanded. “You’ll take much, much more, Amanda. When I’m done with you, you’ll never want to leave me.”

I already don’t want to
, she thought helplessly.

Dalton looked up at her for a long moment before letting her go. But he didn’t leave. Instead, he crawled up her body like a cat bent on capturing its prey. Once again, he settled himself between her legs, his pelvis resting against hers, his cock pressing between her folds to slip over her clit with every gentle thrust of his hips.

“Look at me, Amanda.”

She didn’t want to, yet couldn’t stop herself. His face was a masculine work of art, all chiseled lines and hard planes, his blue eyes glinting with something she couldn’t name. At the moment, though, they were focused so intently on her she could imagine she was the only woman in the world for him. God, she wanted to be!

“You’re mine. Forever. Do you understand me?”

Against her will, a tear spilled from the corner of her eye. Another one followed closely and she just barely stifled the urge to burst into tears. So over her head.

“Ah, God, Amanda. Tears?” He bent his head to lick the offending liquid from the corner of her eye to her ear where it had dripped. Then the other side. Then he was kissing her again, slow, lazy licks of his tongue filled with so much passion and—dare she hope—love? She nearly gave in to the flood of tears she dearly needed to release when she realized she truly loved him.

“I’m going to make love to you, baby. If you don’t want this, you need to say so now. Though, be warned, I’ll do everything I can to change your mind. I want you so fucking much!”

Finding her voice proved impossible so she just nodded. Like there was any way she could say no!

Still, he thrust lazily against her folds, making no move to enter her. His gaze locked with hers, he seemed to be looking for something, searching her face for what she was feeling inside.

He levered himself up on his arms, holding himself above her for precious moments. Every muscle in his torso stood out in stark relief. The veins of his arms seemed to grow before her eyes, a testament to his strength and the heavy musculature of his perfect, perfect body. Abdominal muscles rippled with every stroke of his hips. Keeping her hands to herself was completely impossible and she found them gripping his waist, urging him on. She’d always thought him perfect in every way—call it a horrible case of hero worship—but Dalton like this

making love to her

was beyond her every imagining.

Evidently finding whatever he needed to see on her face, Dalton tilted his hips just that little bit, sliding easily into her slick entrance. From that moment on, it was all over for Amanda.

BOOK: Chunky But Funky
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