Classic (Adrenaline Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Classic (Adrenaline Book 1)
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I've got no plates. No stops allowed. An unregistered, unmarked car typically carrying money or drugs, going car crashing speeds. If I'm late, and The Devil is feeling generous he takes a larger cut of our pay, if he's not he'll take it in your blood. How do you think the other drivers ended before us? If I'm caught by the cops, that's it. Everything falls on us. There's no proof or evidence it was him. All the heat is on Madden and me. Sounds like a really fucking shitty deal doesn't it? I'd agree right until those millions started adding up.


“Red and Blue on location. Green two exits before.”


I don't answer knowing I'm not supposed to speak during the run.


With this mask on I am to be invisible. Not seen. Not heard. Just fit into my name.


Following the instructions, the other route is clear of most cars as it should be at 3 in the morning. I pull the car off, taking an older road that through a couple more back turns will lead us up to The Devil's compound. As soon as it's in sight I feel an immediate relief flood over me, the adrenaline that was in overdrive, downshifting.


I pull around back into the garage designated for cars, the ones that are for play and the ones that are for work. Once we're stopped in the space that faces his elevator doors, which lead up to the guest house, I kill the engine and wait. Around us to the left in the pristine room are three muscles cars, a black '65 Shelby cobra, a black '69 Camaro, and a black '70's Challenger. On the right are his current sports toys that constantly rotate. He's got his red Lambo Gallardo, his blue and white Viper, and a brand new crisp black Aston Martin I wanna take out.


Sometimes he brings me his new cars to see how they ride before he decides on keeping them or ditching them. Man with too much money if you ask me.


“Oooo,” The Devil says the minute the elevator doors open. “Look. At. That.”


Madden and I slide out of the car, hands in the air to prove we aren't gripping weapons, and he has his two guards lower theirs.


See. Always worried about getting killed in between jobs. Even by the ones who employ you.


“How's she ride Ghost?” He questions, strolling closer towards me, hand sliding in his suit pants pocket.


Dragging the mask off my face, I enjoy the brief moment of the cool air hitting my cheeks. With a deep breath I reply, “Like a pro.”


The Devil doesn't look like you would probably imagine. He's tall. Thin. Tan. Always cloaked in a suit reminding me of a CEO of a fortune 500 company. He's not that much older than Madden in his mid 30s, but people sell their souls to this man who can get them damn near anything they dream of.


“I'm gonna plate her tonight. Wanna take her out tomorrow? See how well she plays with others?”


I wet my lips and imagine the look on Vinnie's face when I show up with her. “Yeah. Sounds good.” When the keys transfer from my hands to his he says, “Trouble?”


“No sir,” Madden answers.


“Good,” he nods eyeballing the vehicle. “Boys, check her.” His guards do as they're commanded at the same time he says, “McCoy's your payment is waiting with Vicki on the way out. Your ride is waiting out front. Ghost,” he tosses a look back at me. I raise my eyebrow and he says, “She'll be in the garage in the morning. Enjoy your evening gentleman.”


Madden and I take the elevator up in silence.


We don't typically talk on these things. Sometimes I think it's so I can focus, other times I know it's because he enters a tunnel of self-loathing for getting me mixed up in this.


On the first floor, we take the long hallway until it leaks into the large living room where we see Vicki in her red dress, holding a large envelope for payment.


Destin doesn't like the idea of just having the money wired. He's overly concerned with the idea of money being able to be tracked wirelessly. So we get paid in cash, keep some for spending, the rest gets deposited through computer magic to some bank account in Switzerland courtesy of a little help from Bankman. Basically, our asses are always covered. Can never be too careful in this business.


Madden takes the envelope and Vicki coos touching the top of her chest. “Want a bonus Madden?”


“Nope,” he answers opening the door for me to go through first.


“One of these days,” she argues.


On the other side of the front door is Knoxie expressionless. However that changes when Madden gets a little closer. It's obvious her own peace is put back in place even if she would never admit it.


The three of us get in and Knoxie drives us to one of the secured location we use around the city to dispose of the evidence. We strip out of the clothes, underwear included, the fingerprints, and toss them along with the mask and the directions into the pit that Knoxie lights on fire burning away the proof as we change, only keeping the vests since they are practically untraceable.


Another day, another job well done. The only thing that could have made this night better is if I was crawling into bed with Jovi at the end of it instead of the cold pillow waiting for me. I know some day it's gonna come down to choosing her or this. Sad thing is, I already know where my choice lies and I know it's not gonna be an easy one to stick with.




Scrolling down the screen past the different shots I've taken over the last couple weeks, I try to explain to Merrick, why I think some will be better for my final project, but it's clearly going in one ear and out the other from the way his lips can't stop tasting my neck.


“Can you pay attention?” I giggle leaning into him, giving him better access.


Okay so sue me. It feels fucking fantastic.


“This is why I didn't take college classes,” he argues. “I can't pay attention to these kinds of things.”


“You painted these!” my playful shriek gets a nibble out of my neck.


“Can't wait to paint you,” his hot breath declares on my ear lobe.


When my eyes close I let out a soft moan trying to remember we're in public.


“Dinner and a show,” a voice startles me, shooting my eyes back up to a face I don't recognize. The unknown male grabs one of the nachos left on the plate. “That's always fun.”


“Vinnie,” Merrick says to him, leaning the hand that was just running up my thigh across the table for a fist bump. “What are you doing out of your cave so close to...” his voice drops for a second like he's decided to change the phrasing. “Go time.”


“Guy's gotta eat,” he answers with a shrug as the waitress stroll over to take his order. “You know how much I like The Box.”


So looks like he's staying...


After he let's her know he's just here to pick up a to-go order, he leans back clearly going to pass the time with us. “Since my friend here seems to of lost his fucking manners, I'll introduce myself. I'm Vinnie.”


With a firm shake I say, “Jovi.”


“What a beautiful name,” he compliments. “And unique.”




“So Jovi, you're Merrick's girl huh?”


Before I have a chance to answer the question, he does for me, “She is. You know that.”


Vinnie smirks crooked and adds, “So that means you're coming to see Merrick race tomorrow night, right?”


Suddenly he shifts his body, removes his arm from around me, and opens his mouth to reply.


Instead I answer for him, “Of course I am. Wouldn't miss it.”


“Good.” Vinnie lightly chuckles. “You're gonna wanna see what the infamous Merrick McCoy does up close and personal.”


Didn't know he was a street racer, but can't say it's that shocking. Between the car, which I think is a new Chevy Camaro, his car knowledge, and his lead foot, I probably could've concluded it had I tried. Before you bring it up, I don't have the same hate or revenge for cars or racing that my dad has and has tried to drill into me.


“Outside of the bedroom,” the addition makes Merrick clamp his fists together and look down at the table. “You bringing anyone else?”


“Just my best friend Hayli.” The waitress delivers his food and takes the cash being informed to keep the tip. When he's done I inquire, “That's okay right?”


“Definitely.” Vinnie turns to Merrick. “Ben coming?”


Merrick nods. “I'll keep an eye on him.”


“And what are you bringing to race?”


A wide grin crawls on his face. “A flower.”


Vinnie's big brown eyes pop out of his head. “No fucking way...”


“Gonna watch her bloom.”


“Gonna watch my pockets do the same.” Quickly he stands up and extends his fist. “Alright. I have to get back to work. Streets don't run themselves.” With one more look he smiles at me. “See you tomorrow night, Jovi.”


After he's out the door, I snap my head at Merrick. “Why didn't you invite me?”






“You wanna know why I didn't invite the
daughter to a highly




With sarcasm dripping from his voice he tosses a hand in the air, “I don't know. Maybe because going to jail and never seeing you again wasn't something I had marked on my calendar just yet.”


Don't chuckle. It wasn't funny.


“So you didn't invite me because you think I'm going to turn you in?”


“I didn't say that.”


“You didn't
say that either.”




“No. You're taking me.”


“I am not taking you,” Merrick declares trying to grab a nacho from the plate, keeping his eye contact from me. “No fucking way.”


Moving the plate over to make the task not possible, I argue, “Yes fucking way.”


The words out of my mouth cause him to bite his bottom lip.


Him being turned on in the middle of a fight just turns me on too and we can't really do the things I wanna do in this booth or with my curfew creeping quickly. I don't typically have a time I have to be home by but my father is coming home tonight and I promised Nadie I would call it an early night to spend a few moments with him.


“Why do you wanna go?”


“Why do you not want me to go?”


“I don't think you're gonna like it.” There's a kindness in his voice that has my shoulders slumping in the process of defeat.




Merrick uses his hand to wipe his mouth as if wiping away his immediate response. “I just, I just don't know if it's for you.”


“Are you gonna be there?”


“You know I'm gonna be there.”


“Then I wanna be there.” I use my finger to turn his face back to mine. “I wanna spend as much time with you as I can. And you know, you're always coming into my world. Finding a place to fit. Ice cream between classes. Lingering in the library until I get a minute. You're constantly dropping into my lifestyle and I wanna be a part of yours. So if that means putting on my tightest jeans and walking around a bunch of gear heads, then I wanna do it. It's probably a lot of fun...”


Merrick offers a gentle smile.


“And as
your girlfriend
I think it's the code I should be by your side.”


The playful line makes him drape his arm back around my shoulder. “Fine. I'll bring you and Hayli to the races on one condition.”




“You spend the night with me.”


My lips press together and I bashfully look down at the table.


Virgin here. Not trying to stay a virgin, but am I ready to sleep with him? Er― never mind. It's a miracle I've waited this long. But still. I don't think sex should be used as a bargaining tool. Or a weapon....ooooo a sex weapon. His fingers are like sex weapons. Can you imagine the danger of his dick inside me?


“Baby,” he drags me out of my own thoughts. “I'm not saying you have to sleep with me to go. I'm saying, I wanna wake up with you. I wanna see the sun rise with you wrapped in my arms in my bed.”


A skeptical look comes on my face. “You're really telling me you don't wanna have sex with me?”


“I'm not saying that shit at all,” he quickly corrects. “Hell, if you told me you wanted me to take you right here in this booth you better believe my dick would be in you before you could second guess it.” When I giggle he sighs, “I'm just saying I'll never push you to do anything like that.”


Curious, I question, “How come?”


“What's the point?” Merrick counters. “If I was looking to get laid I could find it anywhere, but I'm not. And if you're this incredible outside of the bedroom, I might die from a round in it with you....” His fingers stroke my arm. “Whenever you're ready baby I'm ready too. Until long as that tongue of yours keeps these constant meetings with mine I'm satisfied.”


“You mean like this?” I lean over and let the tip of my tongue touch his.


He groans in frustration.


With his eyes closed, he leans his forehead against mine. “Tease.”


“You love it.”


“You're fucking right.”


My giggle is cut short by his lips pressed on mine again, giving into the temptation I wanted as much as he did.


So kill me. I'm horny too.




With my English book opened in my lap, I try to keep my focus on it instead of Merrick who is blowing up my cell so much I had to silence it in an attempt to dull Nadie's suspicions.


“You're really not gonna tell me anything about him?” Nadie prods from the love seat, her tablet open to Pinterest.


Finding new and easy ways to stay organized is one of her favorite things to do, which would be cool except the house is constantly being reorganized and I find it hard to find stuff. Pisses my dad off, but he never says anything. I think it's his balance to Nadie dealing with his own bizarre ways.


Innocently, I look up.


“I'm not gonna help your dad investigate him.”


Good because he's a street racing outlaw and I'd like to go off to college before I'm 40. Wait. When did I turn into some sort of stereotypical cop’s daughter? Ugh.


“Can I get a name?”


I shake my head.


“An occupation?”


I shake my head again.


“A picture?”


Even faster than before I shake my head.


“Fine.” She seems to surrender and I look back down at my homework. “Is he a gentleman?”             


With a soft voice I reply, “Always opens doors and pays for everything.”


“At least there's that...How does he feel about you leaving for college?”


“Supportive.” I look back up. “Says he'll come visit me anytime and all the time.”


“Sounds like a keeper.”


“What's a keeper?” My dad's voice invades the room, a glass of bourbon in his grips informing us the day wasn't an easy one.


Domestic beer means typical. Import indicates hard. Bourbon means career changing.


“Just a line in Jovi's English paper.” Nadie covers for me. Fiddling with her curly hair she cautiously ponders, “What happened to make today a glass drink kind of day?”


“There's a new drug being distributed now by The Devil. Apparently running EA around the fucking state is not enough. Now he's running Cissalc or better known as CL.”


Quickly I question, “What's that?”


“Never heard of it?” The relief in his voice makes me offer him a sweet smile as I shake my head. “It's like Ecstasy but with longer effects and less of the aftermath of possible brain damage and addiction. It's a clear liquid. Couple of drops in a drink and you're high and horny for hours. The other problem aside from it's potency, is the fact it can't be traced in your system.”


“How is that possible?” Nadie drops her tablet in her lap.


“The things they're doin' nowadays is just making it easier for kids to die young,” he gripes. After a long sip his eyes land on me. “See why I don't want you to go off to college? See what sort of things are crawling on them?”

BOOK: Classic (Adrenaline Book 1)
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