Read Claudine Online

Authors: Barbara Palmer

Claudine (21 page)

BOOK: Claudine
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“How long?”

“Couple of months.”

“And what did you say?”

“I told him to forget about it.”

“Well, he didn’t take the advice. Why did you say that?

“Because it would lead directly to heartbreak—for him. And from what you’ve just been saying, I can see I was right. Much as I love you, Maria, the fact is you’re haughty with men. You go through them.”

“I’d appreciate you at least being on my side,” she snapped. “I was counting on you to think of a way to set the clock back. Restore things between Andrei and me on a friendly basis. Your hand is almost healed. We’ve caught the stalker. It should be business as usual now. I don’t want to stop yet. And for sure no one’s going to make me do it.”

“You’re going to have to come to terms with it soon, Maria. Even the best treatments can’t hide everything. You can’t pretend
to be a twenty-year-old forever. Your clients don’t want a mature woman. You know that. Let Claudine go. Be Maria Lantos. Trust someone for once. Make up with Andrei. Who knows where things can lead?”

“Good Lord. I can’t believe you’re saying this.”

“It’s a hard world. Having someone on your side through it all—that’s what’s important. You should consider yourself lucky he’s interested.”

“We’d fail and end up hating each other.”

“I don’t see why. Isn’t it odd? You can sleep with a stranger without blinking an eye but somehow falling in love with a friend is forbidden. You’ve got it all mixed up. You see the way women look at Andrei, you joke about it. Most women find him exciting. He’s smart and cares about you. I think you’re getting a twenty-carat diamond on one of those silver platters. Don’t be blind to it.”

“Andrei and I don’t have enough in common; the sex was exciting but when that dims—and you know it does—our differences would come between us.”

Lillian cocked her head to the side. “I think you’re afraid. Why? Was it your childhood?”

“You mean what happened at the orphanage?”

“Maybe. You’ve got a—what’s it called?—a shell around you. And now you don’t know how to break it open.”

“Don’t bring that up, please. You’re starting to sound like Andrei.”

“That’s why you don’t want to give up the business. You have a nice time with a client, then you never have to see him again.”

“Naturally. They’re not looking for a relationship. That’s
one reason they seek me out. Just fun sex. No having to call back. No strings attached.”

“It’s too lonely, though. No one should live like that.”

“I’ll find someone eventually. If I wanted a mate, Reed Whitman would be a much better choice than Andrei. He and I have a lot in common, similar interests. I could go the distance with him.”

“Have you seen him lately?”

“He keeps in touch. He’s been away lately on theater business.”

“You don’t know very much about Reed.”

“I don’t have to. I’ve seen what happened in my own home.” “How so?”

“I saw the problems between Jewel and Milne, who weren’t well matched.”

Lillian scrunched up her face in puzzlement. “I don’t follow you.”

“Jewel came from money. She inherited the spoils, became a really rich woman. She married Milne because she wanted the perfect nuclear family. Him and her, with me the adorable child. Milne was a small-town lawyer from Providence. He and Jewel both practiced law there. He took on a lot of indigent cases pro bono and didn’t make much money. Then Jewel was offered a position with a top New York firm. Corporate law. We moved to Manhattan when I was eleven. On top of her inheritance, Jewel ended up making money hand over fist.

“That sabotaged their relationship. When the sore spots showed up, like they do in any marriage, she’d taunt him. Accuse him of having no ambition, complain she had to carry all the costs of their lifestyle. He stuck through it all but slowly fell
apart. He’s a lush, to put it frankly. The bottle comes out before noon. I’ve seen what a disparity like that can do to people. I’m not repeating Jewel’s mistake.”

“That’s funny. Now we’re getting closer to the truth of why you don’t want Andrei.”

Maria stared at her rudely, waiting for the blow.

“Because you’re behaving exactly like Jewel. You two are more similar than you realize.”

“Never say that to me again. We’re polar opposites.”

Nonplussed, Lillian finished her drink and got up. “You measure a man by how much he’s worth. Some people would call that snobbery. And it sounds just like your adoptive mother. I’d hate to know what you think of a poor Filipina, who has to send all her money back home.”

“That’s not fair, Lillian. Jewel and Milne were torn apart by their differences. I watched it with my own eyes. Why would I want to repeat that mistake?”

Lillian opened her mouth to protest but was cut off by Maria’s cell phone ringing next to her on the table. She picked it up, spoke to the caller then clapped her hand over the phone.

“It’s Andrei. He’s coming over. He said you’ll want to hear what he has to say.”


“I’m going to change into something else,” Maria said, hopping off the couch. “Be right back.” In her bedroom, she slipped into an old pair of black jeans and a baggy sweatshirt. The white top was too revealing. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail. Severe, but that was the look she wanted. Nothing to suggest she’d gone out of her way to appear attractive to him. She was good at playacting. Thank God women could hide their horniness. If she got totally turned on when he walked in the room it would be her secret.

The buzzer sounded and her heart raced. He couldn’t have been very far away when he called. She heard Lillian open the door and the two of them walk into the living room. Maria waited a few minutes, swallowed hard and went in.

He’d changed into one of the formal suits he wore for work and stood by the mantel holding the drink Lillian had fixed
for him. His expression softened when he saw her, but only fleetingly.

Maria’s stomach clutched. “Where’s Lil?”

“She had to go out on some errand.”

“Oh, that’s right. She needed to get some new supplies for the bar,” Maria said, knowing Lillian had purposely left them alone. She grabbed the glass with her half-finished drink and sat on the sofa farthest away from Andrei. “Lil makes a great gin and tonic.”

“Yes, she does.”

Clearly, he wasn’t going to help her by smoothing the conversation out. His glance skimmed over her body, lingered on the curves poorly hidden by her sweatshirt, the skin at the dip of her throat. That one look had the force of a magnet. Maria had to fight the impulse to take him in her arms. She crossed her legs.

“Tell me your news.”

“You’re better now? What did the hospital say?”

“I’ll be fine. The symptoms should disappear in a week or so and they gave me some painkillers.”

“Good to hear.” He downed his drink, set the empty glass on the mantel and moved over to the couch.

“Thorpe’s real name is Charles Hock. It was a good idea to give him time overnight to think about his fate. Alone with my friends, he was all bluster to begin with. Threatening lawyers and lawsuits. By the end, he would have given us his life savings gift-wrapped if we’d wanted.” Andrei allowed himself a bitter laugh.

Maria’s titter in response sounded ridiculously false to her. “So was it him?”

“Yep. We found all the threatening texts on his cell phone. We persuaded him to give up his password.”

“He didn’t wipe them out? That was stupid.”

“You can never erase messages completely, even if you think they’re deleted. We discovered Hock has a thing for prostitutes. Really young ones. He seems to be under the impression that if he pays for it, that gives him carte blanche to do any degrading thing he wants. He frequents the dirtiest places imaginable. Girls and boys kept like livestock, never allowed out, drugged up to the hilt.”

“I’m surprised. If that’s what he’s into, why did he want me?”

“That’s just it. You were totally different. You were a prize he felt entitled to.”

“The man is completely depraved. You’re magnificent, Andrei. For catching him, I mean.”

He frowned at her correction.

She filled the gap quickly. “I thought I recognized his figure from the San Francisco hotel surveillance tape. But he was never a client before last night, was he?

Andrei shook his head. “No. Not that I can see.”

“Then what’s the connection?”

“Are you ready for this? He’s Jewel’s
. He’s lived next door to her for five years. Lives alone. Been to lots of their cocktail parties. He lends an ear to her whenever she needs to rant. Apparently, Jewel told him every detail of your life.”

It made sense Jewel would seek out a man for her confessor. She had no close female friends. She claimed she didn’t trust other women to keep their mouths shut. She could imagine Jewel sliding next door, late in the afternoon when Milne was dizzy
with alcohol, pouring her heart out about all the slings and arrows she’d suffered. What she couldn’t imagine was Jewel socializing with Thorpe.

“It’s hard to believe Jewel would take someone like that into her confidence.”

“Well, from all outward appearances, he looked reputable and affluent.”

“He must have money if he lives in Jewel’s building. What does he do?”

“Sells glasses. Owns a string of optical companies. Obviously had the bucks to hire people to harass you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I doubt if the guy knew how to hack your e-mail account. And he hired help to beat me up last night.”

“Did he kill that girl?”

“Almost positive. He admitted being a frequent visitor to the massage parlor where she worked.”

“He didn’t confess to the murder?”

“Well, yes. But at that point, near the end, he’d have sworn the world was flat if we’d wanted him to.

Near the end. Andrei had mentioned that twice now. “What did you do to him—afterward?” She was almost afraid to hear the answer.

“Let him go.”

His words sent a shock wave through her. It was the last thing she expected. “He’ll come after me again! Even if you have the evidence, I can’t sue him for harassment or what I do would become known in court.” Tears filled her eyes.

“Calm down,” Andrei said sharply. “Let’s just say he’s going
to have trouble getting it up for quite a long time. Besides, he’s not going to be a free man for much longer.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’ve given all this information to Trainor, who thankfully didn’t inquire too deeply into how I got it. The Romanian girl tried to defend herself. Police got a DNA sample from her fingernails. If they match it to him, he’s done like a roasted pig.”

“Sorry. I should have realized you’d make sure.”

“Nothing about you has to come out in the investigation. Trainor will focus on the physical evidence and Hock’s association with the massage parlor.”

She felt a rush of gratitude. “Thanks for coming over to tell me. After the way we parted this morning, you didn’t have to.” She cast her eyes down and tried to keep her voice as neutral as possible but it was a losing battle. She had a tearing need to feel his hands on her again.

“Look at me, Maria. I want to know if you really meant what you said this morning.”

She raised her eyes reluctantly.

“Come here.”

He didn’t wait for her to move but took her forcefully in his arms and kissed her. His caress took her breath away. She’d managed to hold her feelings back when there was physical distance between them, but now, in his arms, her desire proved irresistible. She gave herself over to it and felt the thrill of his touch right down to her toes. She summoned her last ounce of willpower and pulled away. “Stop this, Andrei.”

He sat back and loosened his tie. Maria saw the bruise on his
jaw from where he’d been hit, the faint shadows under his eyes from so little sleep. “Do you really want me to stop? I don’t think so. I’m not sure where your words are coming from. But your body can’t lie.”

She stood and walked over to the window, her form silhouetted by the golden sun. “It was just a physical reaction,” she said, keeping her back to him.

“Yeah. And it came from the part of you that’s most real.” He rose from the sofa but didn’t try to approach her again. “We were good together last night. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

She lifted her elegant shoulders in a shrug. She couldn’t argue. He was an accomplished lover, no use denying it. Far more skilled than any she’d had before. He knew how a woman’s body worked. She almost resented how easily he was able to please her. Unconsciously, she brushed her fingers against her mouth remembering the feel of his lips on hers seconds ago.

“Andrei, we’re better friends and business associates. When Trainor closes his case, he’ll get off my back. Everything can go back to normal. We’ve had a perfect partnership up till now. Let’s not wreck it. I don’t know why I gave in last night. I’ve been very weak. People do crazy things when they’re feeling scared. It’s completely out of character for me.”

His lips clenched in frustration. “What you call your
is pure fiction. You know that, right?”

“I don’t feel like being analyzed. I had enough of that when I was a teenager. You’re a fine man and it’s been a nice interlude but it has to stop.”

“Is it Whitman? I hope you’re not keeping a candle burning for him. I checked up on him. You should steer clear.”

She turned to face him. “You did

Andrei went on as if he hadn’t heard her. “He’s got one hell of a past. Married a woman who inherited loads of money. They’re not together anymore, by the way.”

“So what?”

“They’re not together because he played around with young women. Then his wife
died. Nothing could ever be proved but her brother accused him of killing her because she wanted a divorce.”

“Probably because the brother didn’t end up with any of the money. Fights over estates happen all the time. You know that.” Once she got going her anger got the better of her. “You know what? Forget about him; this is about you and me.” She cast around for something to say that would put an end to his romantic feelings. She found it.

BOOK: Claudine
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