Read Conquering Theana Online

Authors: LeTeisha Newton,Lillian MacKenzie Rhine

Conquering Theana (16 page)

BOOK: Conquering Theana
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had a marketplace located downtown that was more along the lines of a huge mall
instead of a market. There were several stores for clothing, produce,
furniture, basically whatever was needed. They also had a movie theater,
bowling alley, skating rink, and many different types of restaurants.
was amazed that the
clan, one of the most prominent packs in Seurri, had their own bevy of fresh

kneeled down to palm a ripened green tomato that had the fragrance of a life of
had eaten in different restaurants
all over the world, but to think of a salad made from the freshness of her own
soil made her mouth water and her stomach growl.

have everything from kale to berries and onions." He pointed to the east. “There
is a small cordoned area over there that houses a few beehives for fresh honey,
and over there," he faced the west, "we have a few trees of apples
and a small vineyard for jams and wines."

There really is no need to visit the market if you are
pointed out, thinking of all the wonderful
assets they had for the one pack.

really. With the fresh produce and the ranch full of livestock, we do not
venture out to the store very often unless we need toiletries or personal
supplies. We like to treat our bodies like temples here, so we only eat the
best. Organic produce, grass fed livestock, free range poultry and eggs. It’s
the best for one’s body. We even have a small fully equipped gym on the
grounds," Tim stated in a matter of fact manner.

it always been like that?"

garden and farm have always been a part of our compound, but I have implemented
a few things over my years as house manager that have helped the clan operate
in a more efficient manner."

But you're so young." Even for wolves, who matured at a much
younger age than humans, at only seventeen years old Tim had been doing the job
of those twice his age. And to hear he'd been doing it for some time was

had me working with him at first. When he knew I could handle it he let me take
it over. I can go to Rafael or Gregori any time I need something, but the pack
has come to rely on me. I very rarely have any issues," Tim explained.

really have a lot of responsibilities around here, Tim, for such—" she
paused. The last thing she wanted to do was disrespect him by continuously
bringing his age into the conversation, so she switched gears. "I mean you
are an unranked wolf in this clan with a lot of duties."

smiled not catching on to her slip, or so she thought. "Miss
, we all have duties.
Some more
than others.
When it comes to rank, Rafael believes in the 'one wolf,
one pack' rule giving a level of equality amongst us all. Yes, he is the alpha
and Gregori is the beta, and we respect that, but we all have an importance
from the very old to the youngest of pups."

could not believe that she was standing there receiving a lesson
on life from a young wolf, matured beyond his years. Being reared by two of the
strongest male wolves really showed, and she would cherish his words of wisdom.
Tim was simply an intelligent, wise, and powerful wolf.

led them around the border of the garden to a side gate. Once they walked
through the gate, they were faced with a large sign that read
Estates. The grouping of houses gave the appearance
of a subdivision with newly manufactured homes. Some were brick, some had white
siding and black shutters, while others were made of stucco, which was the norm
of the local area. Trimmed trees and manicured lawns sat in front of each
closely situated house. There was a main road, but
could see that the subdivision spanned into a maze of roadways off into the
distance. Again,
was awestruck at how
meticulously organized the
grounds were. Her
clan was set up in a similar fashion, but not on the same level.

few houses down from the start of the street stood the young wolf, Luna. She
was waving for them to come to her house. Tim and
eagerly approached her.

mother wants to meet the clan's guest," Luna stated with a high pitched
squeak to her voice that
hadn't noticed in
their first visit. "She is waiting inside."

small group entered to find Luna's mother sitting on a black leather sofa in
the living room. The home was quaint but decorated with care. Two armchairs
were placed facing the sofa with a wooden coffee table between them. Finger
sandwiches, cookies, and a cheese tray were set on the table with a large
pitcher of iced tea.

have a seat. I’m sure you’re famished from all the activities of the day. Help
to some goodies," the woman offered.

is my mother,
, and, Mother, this is Miss
. You already know Tim," Luna stated. Her voice
was almost melodic putting
in the mind of
fairies or angels.

and her husband, Damien, are part of our elite group
of elders," Tim said while Luna took a seat next to her mom.

hate the title 'elder',"
"I am still in my prime, and I can give these younger wolves a run for
their money."

agreed with
, acknowledging that
she had a classic beauty that could rival the most regal of models. Luna was a
replica of her mother but in smaller form, with olive skin, and long dark
tendrils framing her unblemished oval face. Even in a sitting position,
body boasted of the curves of a sultry vixen that
could easily get her way just by the swivel of her hip and the wink of an eye.
would love her

. I know Tim is running you all around
, talking the business of the clan in this awful

wanting to argue with her gracious hostess,
filled a saucer with a sample of all the treats on the table while Tim poured
them both a glass of iced tea. While
, Tim, and
Luna ate,
started talking about the serious
business of the day.

there’s no point in knocking on any of the other elder's doors today to meet
. They are all at downtown at HQ for the elders
meeting. This wolf killing was supposed to be kept hush, but everything travels
like a fire in the woods here in Seurri. The young wolves shouldn't worry
though. Things like this have gone on since the beginning of time. It has
nothing to do with humans fearing us. We were here first, before the humans. If
you ask me, where do they think they came from?
She looked to them to
answer her question. “Well, that’s another story. They are weak compared to
shifters of any kind. We live longer and don't suffer from many of the menacing
diseases they do, and we are naturally stronger. Amongst other things, these
are the reasons why the humans go through waves of killing us off. They hope
that they can make us extinct or cause us to revolt, which would demonize and
expose us all in one breath.
Those two will always be around.
Nothing stopping them.
So, it's best to sit this foolishness
out and move on with our lives."

reflected on
revelation. She
had a valid point. Her father had spoken of similar attacks from
past, yet Seurri was still as strong as ever.
Maybe they all should just wait it out instead of being on the offensive.

have heard of the threats from our past history as well, Miss
. Yes, Seurri is a force that rivals any adversary,
but I am sure that the Council will make the right decision for our
people," Tim stated with confidence.

giggled. "Tim you are always so diplomatic, and this is why
you manage the affairs of the main house so efficiently."

thought on how the statement sounded so unassuming and
respectful, but she knew that
was slighting
him in the same breath. For a wolf, strength mattered, too, and to always be
diplomatic wasn't always a good thing. Tim shook his head and grinned, then
took a sip of his tea without rebutting her. He knew he had been slighted as

silence that followed sat heavy in the room making
edgy. She was caught between the wisdom and wit of an older female wolf, and
the knowledge and diplomacy of a younger wolf that was groomed by the leaders
of the clan. Luna was giggling watching the stare-down of titans.

cleared her throat. "The sandwiches are delicious,
. What is the fragrant spread that you have on the

eye connection of
and Tim was broken finally.
had bested him without even giving a fight, and
had to admit to herself that she was proud of her.
She reminded her of herself.

. "Oh, that. It’s nothing
special, just a little dill spread. I get the dill fresh from the garden, and
my husband loves it on everything it seems."

must get your recipe. Everything was so lovely. Thank you for having us."

the spread was amazing. I do regret that we must make our way back to the main
house. The Council should be adjourning soon," Tim stated.

again for her
hospitality, and the two made their way back to the house. Tim didn't say much
on the walk outside of pointing out inconsequential things. The talk with
had embarrassed him, and
could imagine his wolf whimpering with his tail between his legs. She could
sense his somberness, and it made her heart ache for him.

stepped into the house in short order, and
planned on freshening up before Rafael and Gregori returned. Tim walked her to the
stairwell like a true gentlemen. Before she started her mission of relaxing
herself before the two men who made her head swim returned, she faced Tim.

you do a wonderful job here with
. Speaking from
my own clan, we tend to have committees and specialized groups that do all of
the things that you do here on your own. That is very commendable. No matter
what anyone says, I appreciate your service. Without you the
pack would be at a great disadvantage."

palmed his cheek, a sly grin on his face. His spirits had lifted
from her words, and she was grateful for that. Just like with Luna, she and Tim
had bonded quickly.
protective over him in just that short of a time. Simply, if he was in pain,
she would do whatever it took to stop his suffering.

, you must prepare yourself for the alpha's
return," he said blushing at her with the sparkle returning to his eyes.

nodded and made her way upstairs. Her first stop was to play around in her
favorite place on Earth, her new closet.

Chapter Ten


knew the minute they walked in the door. Their scent reached her
first, and she was both disgusted and intrigued at the instant reaction of her
body. Just their tantalizing scent, Rafael like a cool wind filled with power
and deep earth, Gregori like the morning sun and packed snow, made her weak.
She'd been having a good time with Tim, really getting to know him and the
clan. Seeing the closet full of clothes her mates had prepared for her and
feeling like they truly intended to care for her. And she'd known,
intellectually, that they would return, that Council meetings never lasted
long. She'd always figured all that testosterone and maleness in one room
turned them bullheaded after too long and they had to separate. Even knowing
that, she wasn't prepared for their appearance. They walked in, looking larger
than life. She watched as the wolves, including Tim, surrounded the alpha and
beta, getting close, and touching them in random places. The urge to touch, to be
accepted, was a wolf trait that none of them had tried to stop.

and Rafael were careful to touch every wolf in some way and say a word of
welcome, before they pushed through the group and stalked to
side. She trembled and cursed at the reaction. But
as her pussy moistened and she looked at them she knew she was lost. She saw it
in their eyes.
The need to mark her, the need to mate with
her, together.
She could read it. Rafael looked eager, full of desire,
and on edge. Gregori looked as if he was about to revisit paradise and couldn't
wait for another taste. She stood up hastily, and they moved with her. The room
grew deathly quiet around her.

BOOK: Conquering Theana
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