Courting Mortality (Brothers of Fate Book 1) (4 page)

BOOK: Courting Mortality (Brothers of Fate Book 1)
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Chapter Six

Marley had never been a fan of company Christmas parties. The first time she’d gone to one, she’d been nineteen and working the help desk for her college. All those years ago, it had sounded like a good idea. That had been the day she realized a lot of her coworkers were different people when they were off the clock. And drunk. And had nothing in common with her outside of knowing the people at the core of the gossip about who’d tapped whom in the copy room. No office party she’d attended since had been any different.

The reminders of why she hated these events raced through her mind, as she leaned against the bar in the Brazilian grill. She watched her colleagues filter in, and gather in packs of two or three. She twirled her straw in her Diet Coke. She’d been tempted to ask for a shot of rum in it, but these weren’t the people she enjoyed drinking with.

Except the one person she couldn’t locate. The only reason she hadn’t ditched the party and just gone home. She hadn’t seen Eli for the last three days; he’d only corresponded with her via email, and hadn’t come out of his office while she was in, because he was

She knew it was bullshit, and she intended to call him on it. If this was the only place she could track him down—short of going to his home, which was next if it came to it—then she was waiting here until he showed up. Confronting him over email didn’t feel appropriate. It was too easy for him to brush her off. To avoid looking her in the eye.

She figured this was her best chance. Lots of people, no room for a scene, and nobody really paying attention to them anyway. And it was his father’s company. He wasn’t going to flake out on a holiday party for his own family’s business.

An hour became two. She told about five million people—or ten, she lost count—that yes, it was cold, and yes, she thought it might snow and give them a white Christmas, and of course she was excited their work week ended today, because movers were relocating everything to the new office starting tomorrow.

Thinking about the new building dredged up memories she wasn’t sure she wanted, but couldn’t help sliding into. As people gathered for dinner, she still hadn’t seen Eli. Had she missed him? If he was working to avoid her, it would be easy to do in this crowd.

She grabbed a table with some of the people on her team, unable to keep her gaze from roaming over every face in the room, over and over again. Dinner came and went.

The room grew quiet, heads and chairs all swiveling in the same direction, when Finlay Ugagnkin, the company CEO and Eli’s father, stepped to the front of the room. Most people just called him Mr. U. Marley had wondered since the first time she met the older man, if Eli would age that gracefully. Finlay—he insisted people call him by his first name—had the same platinum hair and strikingly pale eyes as Eli, and as far as Marley could tell, not a single wrinkle on his face. He might as well have been in his mid-thirties. Lucky guy.

Finley rambled through his standard spiel. She liked that he thanked everyone for their hard work, and let the entire company know what their year-end profit sharing would look like. It wasn’t a bad speech. She just had other things on her mind.

“And before I let you all get back to your conversations”—Finlay’s voice took on a serious tone.

Marley snapped back to attention at the shift in mood. If the room had been quiet before, it was deathly silent now. At least she hadn’t been the only one who’d heard the change in his voice.

—“I have an announcement to make. I have to admit, I’ve known this day was coming for a long time, but I still hoped it never would.”

Her brows rose, and her gaze locked on Finlay. That sounded serious. He’d just told them they’d had a record year with revenue, so it couldn’t be about the company. But knowing what it
about didn’t alleviate the tension suddenly crawling under her skin.

“Eli.” Finlay gestured toward the back of the room. “You’re not making me do this alone.”

Marley turned with everyone else, as the familiar figure pushed away from a wall and wove his way through tables. Her stomach flipped in on itself. Maybe she shouldn’t have eaten that…well, any of it. He looked amazing. Button-down shirt with no tie, untucked from his jeans, and all of it hugging that incredible form she hadn’t been able to get out of her head since waking next to him.

She swallowed her desire, and kept her gaze fixed on the center of attention.

Finlay gave Eli a quick handshake and shoulder clap, before turning back to the room and speaking. “I couldn’t be more proud of my son. And not just because he’s done things with this company’s technology no normal person could accomplish. He’s excelled in so many ways most fathers only hope for.”

Eli’s smile was casual, but never shifted. If the compliments embarrassed him, it didn’t show. Marley tried to convince herself it was just coincidence his wandering gaze never landed on her.

Finlay continued. “So I admit, I begged and pleaded and bribed him when he handed in his resignation, earlier this week. Today was his last day with us.”

Marley’s stomach dropped into her shoes. A loud hum echoed in her ears, drowning out the sudden rush of whispers. Last day? No warning? Her mind whirled with confusion. It couldn’t be because of her. Could it?

She’d thought they were friends. Talked about everything. And she hadn’t had any clue this was coming. Had she read their entire relationship wrong? A tiny voice in the back of her head asked if this opened the door for things to happen between them. Her doubt shoved the hope aside. He hadn’t warned her at all.

The room erupted in confusion. People congratulating Eli. Others giving him their goodbyes. Dragging him further from her with every moment that ticked by. Her brain worked on overdrive. She was stunned and hurt at what had just happened, but she still just wanted a few moments alone with him. When she saw him break away, she managed to excuse herself and do the same.

“Eli.” She caught up to him as he stepped outside. The snow had just started. Even though the sun had set already, the streetlights reflected the clouds in the sky. Flakes drifted through the air, melting before they touched him. That was an illusion, right? She was just imagining he didn’t have a single spec of snow on him?

“I have to go.” He wouldn’t look at her.

“Bullshit.” She grabbed his arm. “You can give me two minutes. You owe me that at least.”

He finally met her gaze, and her chest felt like it might shatter. There was so much sadness and regret in his eyes. “You’re right. I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you.”

“Not even a hint?” That wasn’t what she wanted to say. She needed to ask what this meant for him and her. If she was never going to see him again, she might as well find out if there had even been a chance of

He shook his head. “I’m sorry. There wasn’t time.”

The apology wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “About this past weekend.”

He pulled out of her grip, and stepped back. “It was nothing. A slip is all. I need to go.”

She stood in the falling snow, watching him walk away, struggling for any words to bring him back. But the finality in his voice… She didn’t know what to do with that. She didn’t know how long she stood there, before someone joined her outside. And then a couple more people. Apparently, the party was over. She shook more hands, walked to the parking lot with a group of people, and dropped into her car, mind still a blank.

The lot emptied as she stared at the snow building up on her windshield. A whisper of resolution wormed its way into her thoughts. No. This wasn’t the way it was going to happen. She’d hidden from a lot of things in her life, but she couldn’t ignore this connection with Eli. If he wasn’t interested, he’d have to tell her. This quiet brush off wasn’t going to cut it.

She took a deep breath, and pulled onto the road. Several inches of snow were already packed into the asphalt, so going was slow. She didn’t care. She was heading to his house, and she was going to say what she needed to.

Chapter Seven

Eli paced the length of his living room. The hurt on Marley’s face was etched into his thoughts, taunting him with every step. He hadn’t turned the lights on yet. The falling snow and clouds reflected the glow through the large windows framing his living room enough to keep him from tripping on something.

He should’ve broken ties with her sooner. Months ago. He knew the consequences, and he’d still let himself get lost so deeply in how much he wanted her, he was second-guessing his decision to never see her again. It wasn’t as though he had to confess his undying love to her. Or dying love. Whatever. Maybe just a night together would have been enough to sate his curiosity. Probably.

Not that she was a one-night-stand kind of woman, but he also knew the idea wasn’t completely foreign to her.

He shook his head to banish the thoughts. No. It was done. It was over. He’d made the right choice. He could build his own start-up. He had the connections, the ideas, the funding. And he’d always wanted to…

Something disrupted the peace outside, and he paused. The crunch of tires on snow. He wouldn’t look. Whoever it was, it wasn’t for him. Seconds later, a knock filled the empty room. After countless weekends of having her over for weekend movie marathons, he only knew one person who knocked instead of using the bell. He didn’t know if he should groan, or praise his ancestors.

He yanked the door open. Marley stood on his front porch. Snowflakes dotted her hair and eyelashes. She looked at him, jaw clenched and eyes hard. “You have to hear me out.”

He could’ve argued, but the desire wasn’t there. Stepping aside, he gestured her in.

She hovered in the entryway, chewing on her bottom lip, her eyes searching his face.

“I’m listening.” It was the best he could manage. Even in her winter clothes, she was gorgeous. Cheeks flushed, a rainbow of emotions on her face, accentuated by that stubborn streak she only showed when she really wanted something.

She took a step closer, and then another, until she stood toe to toe with him. His breath caught, and he clenched his hands, forcing them to stay by his side.

Her fingers interlocked at the back of his neck, frigid against his hot skin. She rose on her toes and pressed her lips to his.

He wouldn’t kiss her back. He wouldn’t give into this, or admit she tasted incredibly, and made his pulse race and his cock beg for relief. He wouldn’t—

Fuck it all. He tangled his fingers in her hair, and yanked her head back for a better angle. She whimpered, and ground closer. He dove into the kiss, tongue finding hers, exploring her mouth.

He nudged her back against the wall, and then pressed into her. Her body yielded and molded to his. His body begged to be closer to her. Pleaded with him to rip away irritations like clothes, so he could feel her skin against his.

He wasn’t sure where he found the will, but he managed to grasp the sanity he needed to step away.

She looked up at him, eyes wide, and drew a finger along his cheek, “I knew I wasn’t the only one who felt it.”

Was he going to have to hold an intelligent conversation? The blood had rushed from his head and into his lower extremities, and he wasn’t sure that was an option. “You’re not the only one.”

She licked her bottom lip, holding his attention captive. “And now you’ve eliminated the one thing that was holding me back. I want to know why you resigned, but by hell I want you more.”

Not the only thing keeping them apart. The thought nudged the back of his mind. The cruel, horrible reminder. “Marley, it’s not that—” His words vanished in a groan when she slid against him, hip grinding against his arousal.

Some of the playfulness slid from her face. “Tell me you want me to leave. Say it, instead of dancing around it. Tell me you’re not interested, and I’ve read us completely wrong. Do that, and I’ll go.”

“I can’t.” No, that was the wrong answer. He needed to do exactly what she’d just told him to. Except, instead he said, “Tell me what


“Me too. You have no idea how much.” That wasn’t right. What was he doing? And why couldn’t he take it back?

She traced a line down his chest, until her finger stopped at his waistband. “So what’s stopping you from taking advantage of me?”

Death. Misery. A thousands of years old curse. “Not nearly as much as should be. I’m seconds away from stripping you naked, one piece of clothing at a time. I want to run my hands over every inch of your bare skin, caressing and pinching, and drinking in every moan. And I desperately want to explore every switch you have, until you scream so loudly, the neighbors know how much you’re enjoying yourself.”

She tugged at the button on his jeans, but didn’t undo it. The bravado had vanished from her voice, replaced with breathlessness. “I like the sound of that.”

He couldn’t stop this. His desire was too strong. But he could at least set some boundaries. “You have to promise me something first.”

“I’d probably promise you my soul right now, if that’s what it took.”

That was exactly what he was hoping to avoid. “Nothing that severe.” He nipped at her bottom lip, and his senses flared to life again. “Promise me, whatever happens here tonight is just physical.” He trailed his lips along her jaw and up to her ear, whispering, “Everything else, work, emotion, who we are outside of this moment, gets checked at the door.”

She hesitated, and he swore his pulse ground to a halt.

“I promise.” Her quiet voice barely reached his ears.




The promise was harder to force out than Marley thought it would be. She shoved her doubt aside. It wasn’t like she expected—or wanted—more. Sure, the attraction was there, and three years of flirting and getting to know each other both mentally and emotionally had amped up the tension between them, but they’d never been more than friends. Her staring, lusting, all of it, had never been more than physical.

When Eli kissed her again, every inch of her whimpered with need. His mouth glided along her jaw. Each light sensation traveled along her skin, making her nipples ache, and dampness grow between her legs.

He shoved her coat to the floor. Disappointment flooded her when he stepped back, but the heat in his gaze deepened her desire. “Ancestors, you’re gorgeous.” His voice had dropped an octave. “I want to see more of you.”

Was she blushing? How could she not be? Or was that just the pulse of want flowing through her? “Turn on the lights.” She tried to keep her tone playful.

He shook his head, and then intertwined his fingers with hers. “I have a better idea.” He tugged her toward the living room, and the large wall of windows, where the moonlight, reflected off the snow, spilled across the carpet. His breath was hot against her skin, when he stepped in and traced a line along her ear with his lips. “Strip for me. A single piece at a time.”

Her pulse ratcheted up at the idea. “What if someone sees me?” Not that there were any houses nearby, and the road was blocked by trees. Besides, did she really care? The throb below her waist, the slickness the idea caused… She liked the thrill and the risk of doing something so indecent.

He let go of her and put a couple feet between them. “You don’t have to.”

She really might do anything, if he kept his hungry gaze trained on her like that. She kicked aside her shoes and socks first. He raised an eyebrow when she slid her hands down her sides, and then to the middle of her sweater, and undid the buttons one at a time. The knit caressed her hyper sensitive skin, when she slid the top down her arms. She’d never realized something like this could make her so wet. So strung out with need.

“Jeans next.” There was no room for argument in his demand.

She bit her bottom lip, and pushed her pants to the floor. She tossed the discarded clothing aside, hyper aware of how exposed she was in just a bra and panties.

“So sexy.” His words were almost a growl. “Now your bra.”

Seconds later, the lacy lingerie joined the growing pile of clothes. The cool air in the room was a sharp contrast to the flush over every inch of her body, and her already hard nipples stiffened more at the light caress. She wanted his hands on her. Flowing over her bare skin. But this attention was incredible too. “What now?” she managed.

The corner of his mouth tugged up. “Play with your breasts for me. Show me how you like to be touched.”

She glided her hands up her stomach, ignoring the plea from her aching clit that she pay attention to it instead. She cupped her breasts, and pinched the twin nubs. Rolled, caressed, and tugged.

His moan sent tingles rushing over her. “Are you wet?”

She nodded, not sure she could find her voice.

“Check for me,” he said. “Slide your fingers between your folds. Slowly.”

She kept one hand on her breast, while the other moved down. A whimper tore from her, when she brushed her swollen clit. Her fingers were coated the minute they dipped under her panties. She closed her eyes and focused on her surroundings. His voice, her own touch, the attention.

“Keep going.” His voice was closer this time, his breath hot against her neck, but no other part of him touched her.

Her already racing heart spun into turbo mode, when his fingers brushed her hips, and seconds later elastic scraped down her legs. She continued to stroke her aching button. Resisting the urge to go faster. When his lips brushed her thigh, she cried out. His tongue flicked over her wet fingers and sex, and her legs almost gave out from the sensation.

He pulled her hand aside, and wrapped his lips around her clit. Orgasm climbed through her, and she rocked against his face. Her head felt like it was full of helium, and she didn’t have the voice or enough presence of mind to make any sound beyond groans of pleasure. He shoved two fingers inside her, hard and rough. She cried out in response, as the climax crashed over her body.

Her pussy clenched around his fingers, and she shuddered with pleasure, as he continued to lick and suck her, pumping in and out. She tried to pull away when his touch became too much. He grabbed her hip with his free hand, drawing the orgasm out, until she didn’t know if she could stay upright on her own.

He finally drew away, and stood. “Look at me.”

She realized she’d had her eyes clenched shut the entire time, and forced them open. He stared back, his gaze intense and holding her captive. She heard the distinct sound of a belt buckle, and realized he was undoing his pants.

“I want you riding my cock. I want to fuck you until you scream. And I want to hear you come again.”

She managed to find her voice. “That’s a big list.”

“I’m sure we’ll manage.”

The confidence in his voice glided over her bare skin. “Do you have a condom?”

He shook his head. “We don’t need one. I promise.”

She’d heard that before. “Because you’re some kind of magical god, and can’t get me pregnant or give me anything?”

He smirked. “Exactly.”

She didn’t know if it was the heat of the moment, or something deeper, that told her he was being far more serious than she was. She was on the pill, so pregnancy wasn’t a concern. He didn’t date enough for her to worry about STD’s, so she would be safe. “You’re lucky I trust you.”

His hands rested on her hips. He spun her away from him, and then pulled her back to his front. The rough cotton of his shirt bit into her skin, and his cock dug into her ass, hard and demanding. “You have no idea how lucky I am.”

He rested his hands on her stomach, and worked them upward. A new wave of lust increased her ebbing arousal, when he cupped her breasts. His rough fingers found her nubs, and sparks of pleasure and pain rolled through her with each squeeze. She rocked against him in time with his ministrations.

She didn’t have time to be disappointed when the attention stopped. He tangled one hand in her hair, and yanked her head back. He kissed and bit along the soft flesh where her shoulder met her neck. With his other palm, he found her spine, then moved it over her ass, and between her legs. “You’re still so wet.” As he spoke, he nudged her forward. Her breasts flattened against the glass. When had they moved so close? The cold glass was another layer of exquisite agony against her tender nipples.

His fingers slid inside her easily. He pumped slowly, cock digging into her ass cheek, teasing.

“I thought you wanted to fuck me.” She liked the way the crude language tasted.

“Hmm… I like the way you say that.” His lips vibrated against her shoulder. “I want to hear it again. Beg me.”

“Fuck me, please?” She wiggled against him, and felt his shaft pulse in return. “Fuck me hard and fast, Eli. I want you inside me. Please?”

Hands on her hips, he guided her back a few steps, and then pushed her forward. Her palms flattened against the window.

The head of his cock nudged her, and then he thrust forward without further warning. Her moan mingled with his, as he stretched her out. The slow teasing was gone. His pounding was fast and frantic. Her breath came in short gasps, as he hit her at just the right angle. “Come again for me Marley. I want to hear you scream.”

She was so close. Her head swam, and every inch of her hovered on the brink. He dug his fingers into her hips, slamming her hard. When he found her still tender clit and massaged it, a scream of pleasure tore from her throat. Somewhere in the midst of it, she heard his grunts grow frantic and fast, and then melt into a long groan as he peaked as well.

BOOK: Courting Mortality (Brothers of Fate Book 1)
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