Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4 (21 page)

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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“You stupid bitch,” Ashley curses as her body lunges at Jenn.

Between Christian and me, we’re now holding both women back before a fight breaks out in the middle of the shop. As I look around, patrons that have filled the space are now surrounding us as the drama unfolds.

“Etty, get them out…now,” I grind out through my teeth.

With a nod, she grabs Christian’s arm and pulls him through the door followed by Dault.

“Well, that should be an interesting conversation outside, to say the least,” Jo chimes in from the back corner. “Maybe Linc and I should go out there just in case.”

“No, you stay in here, Jo. I’ll be right back,” Linc says kissing her on the forehead and walking toward the door.

Turning Ashley in my arms, I look down to see tears falling from her eyes. Not wanting to cause more of a stir in the reception area, I guide her back to her room.

As she sits down in her chair, I wipe the falling tears from her eyes.

“Sweet girl, don’t you dare let her words affect you. She’s a talking through her ass about the life we once new, we both know that. Things are different now—she’s not a part of our lives now and never will be.”

“I can’t have her coming between us again, Steve. We’ve finally found each other, we’re finally happy. With everything you’ve been through, everything you’ve given up, and everything you’ve fought for—it’s just not fair.”

Kneeling down before her, I pull her trembling body into my arms.

“Ashley, she’ll never come between us. You’re my world and I won’t let anything tear us apart again. We’ve all moved on and my life is only about two people…you and me. I love you today, I’ll love you tomorrow, and I’ll love you when we’re old and grey, watching our grandkids run around the shop.”

A laugh pulls from her lips as she looks up to me smiling.

“You want our grandkids in the shop?”

Laughing back with her I nod.

“Ashley, I don’t care what our future holds, as long as I have you by my side.”

Kissing my lips hard, she wraps her arms around me.

“I love you so much, Steve. It’s you and me from here on out.”


Chapter 26

After the shit storm hit the shop, I wasn’t too sure I’d be in any frame of mind to celebrate the re-opening. Once Etty was able to resolve the issues with Christian and Jenn, she came back in with Dault and profusely apologized to both Steve and me. We understood that what transpired out there was not Etty’s fault, there’s no way she could have known our history with Jenn…in fact, no one did.

It’s a part of our past that Steve and I are both willing to move on from and forget. It’s just a shame that our closest friends had to witness her harsh words and hatred toward us both. 

Being the caring person that I am, deep down I want to be happy for her. I’m not a completely heartless bitch, at one time of my life she was my best friend. I thought I was giving her and Steve what they wanted, I never intended for their lives to turn out how they did.

Knowing that she’s found a better relationship with Christian, it’s wonderful for them both. I’d never wish ill will on either of them and I’m sure, in many ways, they are perfect for one another.

Once the dust settles and all of our lives find a comfortable rhythm, maybe we’ll all be able to coexist. Anything is possible and with this crazy life, we all know that shocking surprises lurk around every corner.

As I tidy up from the last client, I walk out of my room and peek through the door to Steve’s room. He’s in the middle of tattooing a rose on the arm of a young girl. I love watching him at work—the look of determination spread across his brow and the way his tongue darks out when he’s lost in his art.

Taking a step back into the hallway, I make my way up to the front desk. Etty is sitting on the counter top while Jo is punching some keys into the computer behind the desk.

“Hey, girls,” I say, scooting in next to Etty.

“Phew, it’s been a long ass day, you’ve got to be exhausted,” Etty says rubbing her hand up and down my back.

“Ehh, it’s not too bad. My feet hurt worse than anything.”

“Yeah,” Jo says looking up to us. “Whose brainiac idea was it to get these heels for today? They are going in the trash as soon as we close shop. I am not a stiletto girl…not today and not ever again.”

The three of us start laughing as Linc walks into the room.

“What’s so funny, ladies?”

“Jo says the shoes have to go,” I reply.

“Oh no they don’t, those shoes are hot as hell and make your legs and ass look amazing, babe. The shoes stay,” he remarks, winking at Jo who now has a pout spread across her face.

“You’re lucky I love you, Mr. Minzotto.”

“Yeah, yeah…just keep the shoes on until later tonight.”

The three of us start laughing again as a few more people start to walk into the front doors.

“You ready for a few more?” Etty asks hopping down off the counter.

Following her lead, I slide off and turn to face Jo.

“Hell yeah, hit me,” I reply, slapping the cool surface.

“Alright, killer, we’re only open for another hour, so get your ass back to work.”

I flash a smile and make my way back to my room, awaiting my next victim.

The rest of the night goes off without any other disturbances. I’m overwhelmed with joy that our event went as well as it did. We truly have an amazing team within our crew and I couldn’t be prouder to be a part of it with them.

For my first full day as a tattoo artist, Jo tallied up that I sat ten people in my chair. It’s an astonishing accomplishment; I still can’t believe I changed that many people’s lives in one day with my art.

My eyes focus to the door as Steve rests his body against the frame. A smile spreads across my face as he inches closer to me, taking a seat in my chair.

“So how does it feel to be an official tattoo artist?”

Oh, those words sounds so sexy coming off of his tongue, I guess I am an official artist now…
not half bad, if I do say so myself.

“Steve, I was just sitting here thinking the same thing. It’s crazy.”

“You did very well and Etty took photos of everyone before they left so you can start your own book to place up at the front with all of ours.”

“Thank God for Etty, she’s always on top of this shit. It’s unreal. I still can’t believe how well today went.”

“The re-opening was a huge success—we couldn’t have done it without you. There were a ton of people that came through those doors today. No way Cliff and I could’ve handled it all on our own.”

Looking up into his eyes, I can see the pride beaming off of him. It melts my heart knowing that he’s acknowledging the hard work we all put in today.

“Thank you for helping me, Steve. I loved every minute of it. Hey…did Dault get anyone in his chair today?”

Scrunching his brow, I can tell his thinking and it’s too cute.

“I’m not sure. I was too busy in my own element and watching you that I didn’t even think to look down in his room.”

“I’m sure he’ll be back at it soon enough.”

“Most definitely, this is a big part of his life too, ya know?”

“I know. Cursed Magic really is a magical place…as cheesy as that sounds. All of us got our start within these walls. This, right here, feels like home to me.”

“It sure does and we have many more memories to make within these walls in the years to come.”

I lean forward pressing my lips to his, he kisses me back and for a few seconds I feel as though I’m floating. The way he makes me feel inside and out is like no other. I don’t know what I’d do without him and I never plan on finding out.

Pulling away I hear the voices of the others moving through the shop. A yawn pulls from my belly and I rest my head on Steve’s arm.

“I’m kinda tired and want to clean up so we can get out of here. You about ready, I know the girls wanted to pull us all together before we leave to celebrate one more time.”

“Yeah, I just need to restock a few things and I’ll be good to go. Do you need anything while I go back to the inventory room?”

“Nope, I’m all good. I already filled everything up in between clients.”

“Damn, woman, you’re too good to be true. Don’t let the boss know or he might kick me out and add you in full time.”

Sitting up and staring back at him, I laugh at his ridiculous comment, I’ll never be half the artist he is…but in the meantime I’ll continue to learn from the best.

Making my way out of my room, I flip the light off and pull these damn shoes off of my feet while slipping on a pair of chucks.

Ahhh, much better.

Leading myself out to the reception area, I see Cliff and Dault sitting on the leather couches.

“Hey, little lady, how did your day go?” Cliff asks.

“Amazing,” I beam in response.

“Yeah, you seemed to be right in your element. Between you and Steve, I may have to fight to fill my chair from now on,” he says pouting and scrunching his face.

Laughing at his facial expression and insane remark, I slide in between them on the couch.

“Ugh, I’m exhausted.”

“Yeah, just wait till tomorrow. Guarantee muscles in your body are going to be sore that you didn’t even know where there,” Dault says with a look of pain.

“Fine with me. It’s just proof that I made it through a rough day’s work.”

Looking over to me he gives me a nod.

“I think I like you…I don’t remember you, but hell, you seem like a tough ass chick.”

Bursting out in a fit of laughter, I shake my head and lay it back against the cool leather. Resting my eyes, I let my body relax.

Life is always full of surprises, at times we never know what to really expect.

Looking back over the past few months, I think about everything that we have been through and the ways in which we overcame some impossible obstacles.

Before the accident, I was just beginning to learn who Steve really was. It had been so long that we were together; he seemed like a different person. Even though he was still the same man, a lot of things happened in his life to change the way he lived, the way he perceived things, and the way he wanted others to view him.

Seeing him again for the first time took me off guard, it was as if I was floating through a dream, one in which I didn’t want to wake.

After the accident, he was closed off and unwilling to let anyone in. It took a lot of patience, nurturing, and self-confidence for me to show him the light. He didn’t have to make the changes he did, not just for me but for himself. It takes a strong man to admit when he has a problem, it couldn’t have been easy but he did it.

In the past few weeks, he’s shown himself, me, and the rest of our Cursed Crew that anything is possible if you want it bad enough. I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to repay him for the life he’s shown me, but I plan on being there for him from this day forward. Things were never easy for us and even moving forward, I can guarantee challenging times will come our way. We have an amazing future ahead of us, a lot to learn, and even more to grow from.

He is my strength.

He is my energy.

He is my fate.


A Family of One

With inspired hearts and pride flooding our spirits, the seven of us celebrate a lifetime of friendship and success. Together we wrap our arms around each other for a Cursed and Pink Crew hug, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I think to myself how each of my friends has grown in their own right, developing compassion and strength as we’ve bonded together as a family. When each of us was at our lowest, we came to the aid of one another. Strength and courage have been built within these walls of Cursed Magic and I’m honored to call this crew my family.

BOOK: Cursed Fate: Cursed Series #4
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