Read Dangerous Games Online

Authors: Selene Chardou

Dangerous Games (14 page)

BOOK: Dangerous Games
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He realized they could stay like this for hours but it had been a long time since sex had been so utterly satisfying and not merely just a way to get off. He loved her, and he wanted her to be as satisfied as he was when everything was said and done.

Finn reached between them and began to stroke her clit as she continued to ride him and as her cheeks flushed red with desire, he knew she was close. Her body responded in time to his, and a fresh wave of hot liquid heat flooded around his cock. It was too much between her movements and the tightness of her beautiful sex displayed before him. He felt the feeling as his balls tightened and the orgasm he knew was coming reached its peak. His semen flooded into her body as she threw her head back he sat up to enjoy the last of their pleasure together.

His lips were on her right breast, suckling on the nipple while his fingers pinched the other one and she arched her back. They were in complete and perfect unison before they both came down from a feeling so wonderful and sweet.

She locked her arms around his neck and kissed him again with passion and feeling and he knew she was the one and only woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with regardless what happened between the two of them. He could only hope she felt the same about him and that’s what made their situation so disconcerting.

Finn wasn’t sure of anything at all when it came to Evie except she loved him as much as he loved her. Sometimes, love simply wasn’t enough and no one was more aware of this than him.




couldn’t lie to myself or Finn but after a night of mind blowing sex, my body felt beautiful and alive though my feelings of confidence shrank the closer we got to the Fairmont Battery Wharf.

When I’d awaken that morning, I took a shower and dressed in a short faded denim skirt which showed off my great lightly tanned legs, and a pastel pink tube top that had a built in bra and was reinforced so no oopsie moments would happen accidentally. I paired my summery outfit with a pair of jean four-inch espadrilles I’d found on sale at Bloomingdales a few days before.

Shortly after I brushed my hair and applied minimal makeup, I went downstairs for breakfast that consisted of one cup of coffee. Dylan sat at the table, nursing his brew while looking tired and worn out.

“What happened to you?” I greeted as I poured half and half and added a teaspoon of Sugar in the Raw.

“Monika,” he simply stated not looking me in the eyes. “She had her way with me, and I think I gave her several orgasms she’s never achieved with anyone but when I awoke, she was gone. Her boyfriend is gone and she’s gone. I won’t ever see her again, and that makes me a bit sad because she was a terrific fuck.”

I smiled lightly before I sipped from my coffee. “Well, that’s what you get when you fuck around with a rich girl, Dylan. Monika isn’t stupid, and she’s not going to risk her parents’ disappointment by setting up house with a Southie from Boston. Sorry I had to break it to you like this but that’s just the way it is. She has her image and her prestige to think about. Clive is a good catch despite his unfortunate predicament in the bedroom department.”

His blue eyes settled on me and they were hard as ice chips. “I should have known I wouldn’t get any sympathy from you. Despite you growin’ up here, you’re
like them. When are you going to break Finn’s heart the same way Monika did to me? He should have known you were trouble when you walked back through that front door. You never had any intention of staying but I will hand it to you Beverly Hills bitches—you sure know how to fuck an’ run.”

I grasped my cup though the coffee was hot and my hand felt the sting through the mug. “I am
like Monika and I don’t plan on going back. I’m an embarrassment to my parents but she is a princess. Her family worships and adores her. You can’t fault her for making what would be a very easy choice for her.”

Dylan laughed though it held little mirth. “You know that asshole boyfriend of hers has no fuckin’ clue? He doesn’t know I fucked his girlfriend sideways and every other position I could get her in and get this: I didn’t wear a rubber. She thought I had one on though.”

My heart stopped at this tidbit of information. I knew for a fact Monika wasn’t on birth control. She and Clive used condoms—albeit lambskin ones because sexually transmitted diseases weren’t an issue.

“You mean the two of you had sex…bareback style?”

“Absolutely. I hate rubbers—they get in the way of feeling all the pleasure.”

“Are you sure you don’t have anything? Your ex was a drug addict for God’s sake! I will never live it down if you gave my best friend a venereal disease,” I almost shouted.

“Will you calm down? Jesus Christ, you’re making my head hurt. I got tested the same day Lita and I broke up. I’m clean—I swear on my mother’s life.” He placed a hand over his heart.

“Well, I hope she doesn’t end up preggers. Not that she would automatically think of you. She would just pass the baby off as Clive’s, and no one would be hip to the matter except us.”

“How do you know she isn’t on anything?” Dylan wondered as I finished up my coffee.

I stared at him as Finn walked into the kitchen in a pair of casual blue jeans shredded at the knees, a tight white tee-shirt and a pair of white Nike tennis shoes which looked like they’d never been worn. He kissed my cheek before he sat down at the breakfast table and poured a large glass of orange juice. “What are we talking about?”

“Genius here fucked my best friend last night and didn’t use any protection,” I supplied in a sarcastic voice.

“And this is an issue because…?”

“Monika doesn’t use birth control. Clive uses condoms…she doesn’t want her parents to find out she is sexually active.”

“Don’t tell me her parents are that naïve. She is in university. How many virgins are there in college?”

“At UCLA? None that I know of,” I responded.

“Then they must at least suspect she’s sleeping with her boyfriend since she has one,” Finn deduced.

“Maybe they do. Monika’s issues aren’t really at the top of my agenda today. I am more worried about my own skin, and surviving this meeting with my mother.”

My boyfriend finished his O.J. and stood. “We better get going then.”

“Agreed.” I dumped my coffee cup in the sink, and followed Finn out to the Escalade.

The ride to Fairmont Battery Wharf took too long and I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than convincing my mother she couldn’t make me go back to California. How the hell was I supposed to accomplish that without losing my inheritance?

I knew I could count on Finn for money but that wasn’t the point. I’d been fairly independent my whole adult life, and unless he was going to allow me in on the drug dealing business so I could make my own cash then our relationship couldn’t work without my inheritance. Unfortunately, my mother had instilled one lesson in head: men came and they left; the worst mistake a woman could make was depending upon one to fulfill her financial needs.

We arrived at the hotel and had the vehicle valet parked. We walked inside the Fairmont Gold building—built to accompany the wealthy of the wealthiest that wanted privacy, opulence and luxury—and headed directly to the registration desk. My mother always registered underneath Athena McKenna to keep one step ahead of the tabloids. That had been her legal name but now she’d married a second time, she was now Athena Fournier.

The young woman at the registration desk provided her room number before she glanced both at Finn and I. “I can’t let you board that elevator without seeing some identification. Ms. McKenna is only expecting one visitor and that is a…” She looked at the computer screen, “Oh yes, a Ms. Elvira Sandstrom.”

I pulled out my wallet from my Hermès bag and displayed my California Driver’s License. I also had one for Massachusetts but I had lied to the people at the DMV, and told them I had lost my California one, and used my Passport and an expired California driver’s license to acquire one in the state.

The young woman at registration studied it before she held it up to the light and saw all the hidden watermarks on the card.

“Ms. Sandstrom, you can go up but your guest will have to stay here in the lobby.”

“You’re kidding, right? You mean I am not allowed to have anyone accompany me?”

“I’m afraid not. Ms. McKenna specifically instructed you were to come alone. Sorry.”

I didn’t even bother to give the receptionist another look before Finn embraced me and whispered in my ear, “It’s fine. I’ll wait for you down here. You know what to say and perhaps it’s better this way. I don’t want to cause any undue tension between you and your mother.”

“Oh believe me, she’s caused enough. This is absolutely ridiculous. What does she expect you’re going to do? Go postal and assassinate her and her new hubby who’s young enough to be her son?”

“Evie, that’s a pretty low blow even for you. Go see her and when you get back, we’ll discuss the situation.”

He kissed me on the lips quickly and I walked toward the elevator while he settled in the lobby, and sat down on one of the many comfortable chairs dotted about. I boarded the elevator and took it all the way up to the floor my mother was staying on one of the one-bedroom suites.

I knocked on the door, and it was answered shortly by Clive who looked like hell, though he’d obviously showered and was dressed preppy casual. He had bags under his eyes like he hadn’t gotten a decent night’s rest, and his skin tone appeared blotchy and uneven.

“What are you doing in my mother’s suite?” I greeted rudely.

“She asked for Monika and I to be here when you came,” he responded in a cool voice.

“Oh.” I walked inside and observed the luxurious sitting room which was done up in earth tone hues. It had everything in it a wealthy person would want including a flat screen television and a Bose stereo, which played Joss Stone at a fairly moderate level.

Monika sat on the sofa nursing tea and looking considerately better than her boyfriend. In fact, she seemed to glow and patted a spot next to her for me to sit down.

“Your mother and Etienne should be out shortly. How are you? Was the rest of your birthday nice?” she inquired in a good-natured tone.

“Yes, it was. Finn was supposed to give me my gift but I guess he’ll give it to me today. We kind of got caught up with other activities.”

Her smile disappeared the moment Clive sat near her on a suede, powder blue boutique lounge chair. “Clive, can you please wait in our suite? I’ll come to collect you when it’s time for us to leave for the airport.”

“What is wrong with you?” he snapped back. “You have been a complete and utter bitch since we’ve been back. What the hell is going on?”

“Listen, I don’t want to talk about it now and I especially don’t appreciate your language. This is a private conversation that should be had between you and I—if that isn’t a sufficient enough answer for you then I suggest you leave now and we’ll see each other when we get back to L.A.”

“Fine. I’m gone.” Clive stood in frustration and began to walk out before he turned and looked at Monika with cool green eyes. “You need to decide where you want this relationship to go because I am tired of your games. I don’t need this kind of drama in my life, and I am tired of the bullshit.”

I shuddered as he opened and shut the front door behind him. “Um, what’s going on between you and Clive?”

“I’m going to end our relationship and that’s all that needs to be said.”

I closed my eyes and whispered, “Please don’t tell me this has anything to do with Dylan or what happened between you two last night. He’s head over heels infatuated with you—don’t
him a reason to become obsessed because he

“I called Dylan while Clive was in the shower and I told him I would love to date him but he’s here and I’m in L.A. so it would never work. He has already started to make arrangements to move so we can be together.”

“You don’t
him, Monika, and you don’t
a relationship with a guy after one night of hot, exciting sex. It just

“Ha! You’re one to talk. You don’t understand what’s going on at all. There’s a connection between us, and I can’t explain it but it was so much more than just sex. He was in tune with my body and for the first time, I have found someone who isn’t wowed by who I am or who my parents happen to be. He has his own money and he’s a great guy. I know he has a few issues when it comes to drugs and alcohol but we’ve talked about it, and he’s promised to stop using everything if it would make me happy. I don’t have an issue with his drinking—just the drugs. We have discussed it, and everything is going to be okay.”

I shook my head. “It’s not that easy and we both know it. Have you bothered to ask him how he has money when he comes from a working class family?”

BOOK: Dangerous Games
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