Read Dark Secret Online

Authors: Marina Anderson

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

Dark Secret (8 page)

BOOK: Dark Secret
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‘Can she hear us?’ whispered Harriet.

‘Only if we crash about. She can’t hear us talking, but unfortunately we can’t hear her talking either.’

Harriet couldn’t think why this mattered since Rowena was only getting ready for bed, but almost as soon as Lewis had finished speaking a second figure entered Rowena’s bedroom and Harriet’s eyes grew wide with astonishment as the film star made no attempt to cover herself when Chris strode across the carpet towards her.

In the bedroom, totally unaware of what Lewis was doing, Rowena looked at her half-brother with a mixture of fear and longing. ‘Not tonight, Chris,’ she said softly. ‘I really am tired and …’

‘You’re not tired, you’re afraid,’ said Chris. ‘Now that Lewis’s little piece of
cinema verite
is underway you don’t like it, do you?’

‘How would you like seeing your wife making love to another man?’ demanded Rowena.

‘A stupid question since I don’t have a wife and
never intend to take one. I only need you, and you only need me, but you were too stupid to realise it. Perhaps this game of Lewis’s will show you that at last.’

‘I love Lewis,’ protested Rowena.

‘No, you love me,’ said Chris fiercely. ‘Lewis gives you respectability, and you think he’s going to save your career, but you don’t love him. He can’t give you what I can, what you need, can he?’

‘Leave it, Chris,’ said Rowena, turning away. ‘I need to sleep.’

‘I need you,’ he muttered and before she realised what was happening he’d grabbed her by the shoulders, pulled her arms behind her and tied them with a silk cord. She backed away towards the bed, already aroused, already longing for whatever he was going to do to her. ‘I meant it,’ she protested, ‘I don’t want you.’

Chris flicked at one of her erect nipples. ‘This tells me a different story. I want you to wear the Japanese belt tonight.’

‘No!’ protested Rowena.

‘You love it. Why deny yourself the pleasure?’

‘Because you make it too intense.’

He smiled. ‘Which is what you want, and why you need me so badly.’ He reached into a drawer next to her bed and withdrew the slim rounded cord that fastened with a metal clip within which was a tiny spring. Very slowly Rowena moved towards him and when he fastened it around her she moistened her suddenly dry lips with the tip of her tongue. On the settee next to Harriet Lewis drew in his breath sharply at the look of naked sexuality on his wife’s face.

‘Now for the cloth,’ murmured Chris.

Rowena stood at the foot of her bed, her hands still bound behind her as Chris fetched the long piece of silk material that went with the belt. He fastened it into the special openings in the belt at the back of her then drew it teasingly between her slightly opened thighs and up the front of her abdomen until he could fasten the other end in the front openings.

The cloth was now hanging loosely behind her thighs, but when Chris pressed on the side fastening of the belt the cloth was drawn upwards and he kept his finger there until it was brushing lightly against her vulva. He then released the spring. ‘I think it’s best to start with it loose, don’t you?’ he said reflectively.

Rowena shivered and he bent his head to tongue softly at the undersides of her famous breasts. ‘I think I’ll bind these too,’ he whispered.

‘No, please don’t. Not both at the same time,’ begged Rowena, but her words were all part of their game and Chris knew it. It was a game that had begun many years ago, when they’d first become aware of their bodies, and it had escalated out of control until now it sometimes didn’t seem like a game to Rowena, but a contest of wills.

He licked and sucked at the still hardening nipples and when they were fully erect bound a silk scarf tightly round them, so that they could be seen straining against the cloth.

‘Wonderful!’ he enthused. ‘Now we can begin.’

He guided Rowena backwards until she came to rest against the large chair on which she had earlier thrown her clothes. Sweeping these to the floor he lowered her on to it and then reclined the
back. With her arms fastened behind her and her upper torso set at an angle this meant that her tightly bound breasts were even more prominent, and he pulled her lower in the chair until the cheeks of her bottom were balanced on the edge of the seat.

Unable to tear her eyes away from the scene that was unfolding in front of her, Harriet felt a stirring of sexual excitement in her own breasts and belly. She knew that she shouldn’t be watching, that by doing so she was invading a very private and forbidden moment for Rowena, but even if Lewis hadn’t had a restraining hand on her arm she knew that she wouldn’t have left. She had to see what was to follow.

‘Are you comfortable?’ asked Chris.

Rowena nodded, wondering what his next move would be and quivering with excited anticipation. It was always like this when they were together. Her body became alive in a way it never did for anyone else, not even Lewis no matter how skilfully he played with her body.

‘I think I’d prefer you a little less comfortable,’ mused Chris aloud, and reaching into his pocket he withdrew an object that Rowena knew only too well. It was a small vibrator with a bulbous head. She shook her head and pressed her bottom more firmly into the chair but Chris’s hands easily lifted her and then he started to ease it into her back passage.

In the next room Harriet gasped and Lewis glanced at her. ‘Haven’t you ever tried that?’

She shook her head, wondering how Rowena could bear to take the object into such a tender part of her body.

Rowena was wondering the same thing, but as the walls of her rectum struggled to accommodate the vibrator,- Chris crouched in front of her and lazily drew the tip of his tongue along the centre of the silk material covering her vulva. The feel of the warm dampness through the silk, the way the material then clung to her more tightly and her swelling clitoris all combined to make her twist her lower body with excitement and the twisting movement assisted Chris in his task until the head of the vibrator was finally drawn into her rectum and she felt it filling her until her bowels cramped with the pressure.

As soon as it was fully inserted Chris turned it on at the lowest setting, then pressed her into the seat so that she was left to endure the constant stimulation of her most sensitive nerve endings.

She writhed in an ecstasy of dark excitement and watched as he went across to the drinks cabinet and refrigerator that was always kept fully stocked in her bedroom. From the fridge he took ice-cubes, put them into the silver ice bucket and carried them over to Rowena.

She was making small whimpering sounds of excitement and he smiled as he carefully picked up one of the cubes with the tongs and then drew it in a straight line across both her breasts, making sure that her nipples and areolae received plenty of attention. He loved to see the dark outlines of the area appearing through the thin white material, and loved to watch Rowena’s eyes as she was forced to wait for him to provide further stimulation. Without him she was helpless to gain her satisfaction, and he loved the feeling of power that this gave him, just as she adored the
sensation of domination.

When her nipples were like two rigid peaks poking through the binding he nibbled at them with his teeth and she screamed with pleasure. ‘Naughty!’ he reproved her. ‘You’re going too fast.’

Rowena couldn’t help it, her body’s responses to him were shaming but uncontrollable.

‘I’ll have to punish you a little,’ he said quietly, and pressed the button at the side of the Japanese belt. At once the material between her legs was drawn upwards and this time he didn’t release the catch until it was tight against her sex-lips.

In her back passage the plug was still vibrating continuously and as the silky material pressed against her throbbing vulva the plug’s pressure too was increased. Rowena’s body trembled more violently and a tiny spasm of pleasure swept through her.

She gazed at Chris who gazed back at her, his eyes suddenly cold. ‘Did you come then?’ he asked his half-sister.

Rowena nodded.

‘Tell me,’ he ordered her.

‘Yes, I came.’ Her voice was dark with shame.

‘You’re losing control far too easily these days.’ His tone was severe, and he reached beneath her to increase the speed of the vibrator. Once that was done he watched the titian-haired figure shuddering beneath the stimulation and smiled to himself before taking a fresh cube of ice from the bucket and with deliberately tantalising slowness drew it down the middle of her silk-covered sex-lips.

The ice-cold dampness against her over-heated
flesh made Rowena groan. When the ice-cube was removed Chris scratched delicately against the material with his finger nails, and whenever he scratched over the clitoris Rowena’s belly jerked and her legs trembled violently.

He continued to alternate the ice-cubes and his fingers and mouth on both her breasts and her vulva, and every time she came he would tighten the material between her legs until finally it was drawn up so hard against her that it slipped between her outer sex-lips and clung to the sticky inner lips, inexhorably stimulating the entire area.

Rowena began to scream at her half-brother, pleading with him to take her, to satisfy her properly, but he ignored her. Instead he dipped his tongue into her navel and swirled it around there, arousing yet more of her screaming nerve endings and causing another violent contraction of her internal muscles.

Harriet had lost count of the number of times the film star had been brought to orgasm by her own half-brother. She watched with rising excitement as the woman writhed, sobbed and threw her head around in what seemed to be a world of total pleasure, but a dark, forbidden pleasure that Harriet had never imagined existing. Next to her, Lewis put a hand on her knee and squeezed softly. ‘Arousing, don’t you think?’

‘But they’re related!’ she exclaimed.

‘They share the same father, yes.’

‘Don’t you mind?’ she asked in astonishment.

‘I find it very interesting,’ was all he said.

Back in the bedroom, Chris decided the game had gone on long enough. Putting his hands round Rowena’s waist he pulled her to her feet,
pushed her head down and then withdrew the plughead from between her curved buttocks. He heard her sharp intake of breath as the bulbous head was finally removed and felt his own erection harden still more.

‘Bend over the end of the bed,’ he said hoarsely, and as she obeyed him he let his trousers drop to the floor, drew the damp, clinging material out of her sex-lips, pushed it to one side then thrust into her back passage himself.

As he drove into her, Rowena frantically caressed her own nipples by writhing on the bedspread while Chris used his fingers to stimulate her clitoris, at last giving it the firmer pressure that it had been screaming for throughout the game.

Rowena struggled to keep her final cresting orgasm at bay, knowing that in this game Chris always had to come first during the final session. To her horror he seemed to be lasting longer than ever before and she could feel her body swelling and the burning darts of pleasure streaked through her at an increasing rate until finally she reached the point of no return and with a despairing scream she toppled over the edge and let the climax tear through her.

Her resulting spasms were reflected in the walls of her rectum and as they tightened around Chris he lost his self-control and felt his seed rising upwards in a flood until with a shuddering gasp he was releasing himself into her still twitching body.

The moment he’d finished he withdrew, his face dark with anger. ‘You came first!’ he said accusingly.

Rowena struggled to turn over and looked up at him apologetically. ‘I couldn’t help it, Chris. You’d done everything too well, I just lost control.’

‘Then I’ll make you lose control again.’

‘No, I’ve had enough. I can’t,’ she begged, but Chris was beyond stopping. Covering the fingers of his right hand in lubricating jelly he began to massage it into her exhausted tissue, spreading it around the sides and base of her clitoris until she was squirming once more.

‘Let me see you come again,’ he demanded.

Rowena closed her eyes and gave herself over to his touch, but her flesh was tired and she couldn’t reach the peak he was asking of her. Infuriated, Chris knelt down and then she felt his tongue licking round the entrance to her vagina and the heat of an orgasm began to spread through her belly.

‘Yes! Yes!’ she whimpered.

His tongue snaked inside her, swirled around with the lightest of touches and slowly she felt herself melting into a pool of liquid. The heat increased, spread upwards through her entire body and her head went back hard into the mattress. ‘I’m coming now!’ she gasped.

Chris withdrew his tongue and stood up. ‘I’ve changed my mind,’ he said coldly. ‘I think you were right, you’d had enough already.’ With that he turned and left the room, leaving Rowena with her hands still tied behind her, lying on the bed screaming at him to come back and finish what he’d begun.

Harriet watched the internationally renowned screen goddess struggling fruitlessly to free her
hands and turned to Lewis, sitting silently beside her. ‘Will Chris come back?’ she whispered.

‘He won’t need to. Rowena’s very resourceful. I’m sure she’ll manage on her own. She has the additional incentive of knowing that she can’t afford to let her maid discover her like that in the morning.’

Harriet was shocked by his casual acceptance of what they’d seen. Rowena was his wife, and even an open marriage didn’t usually include letting your wife have sex with her half-brother. She decided he was simply good at hiding his emotions, and that this was the only way he could cope with the situation.

She was wrong. Lewis was drawn to Rowena sexually; like most men he admired her body and found her sexual magnetism alluring, but emotionally he was untouched by her. Their marriage had suited him as much as it suited her. The joining together of his analytical, much-admired director’s brain and her renowned sexuality and beauty had attracted almost as much attention in Hollywood as Marilyn Monroe’s marriage to Arthur Miller.

BOOK: Dark Secret
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