Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3) (27 page)

BOOK: Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3)
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“I had a feeling. He’s always been a little angry at everything. He doesn’t think that you’re capable of accomplishing what the prophecy claims. He sees a small girl with magic and not much training. The prophecy doesn’t say how you’ll put an end to the war. It doesn’t have to be in a fight. There are many ways to end a conflict. Though, I’ve seen you fight. You have a lot of potential, and I’m sure you’ve come a long way since I saw you last.”

“Phillip attacked her, and she knocked him out…twice,” Liam says behind me. I turn around and smile at him briefly, before returning my attention back to James.

“Serves him right. I’ve experienced a little bit of your magic myself,” he says. “Sorry about your wrist.”

“Breaking my wrist must run in the family,” I mumble as I step back toward Colton, who is still glaring at James. Wait, did he just apologize to me? What the heck is going on? I narrow my eyes at James, and he smiles at me. I must be catching onto something.

James winks at me before getting up and walking toward Natalie, who is now standing off to the side. She stands up straighter the closer he gets to her. James glances at Liam briefly before reaching out and grabbing Natalie around the waist, crushing her to him. She squeals and tries to push away from him. Conner jumps up, but before anyone can react, Liam punches James square in the jaw.

James lets go of Natalie and grabs his jaw. Liam’s grey eyes darken as an angered look crosses his face. I run and jump in front of James before Liam can do anything.

“You’re protecting him, now?” Colton says.

I flinch and prepare to get hit as Liam moves toward James again. With his arm raised, Liam pauses and stares down at me. “Move, Ryanne.” Colton runs over and grabs Liam’s fist and pulls him back a little, away from me. Liam moves away but doesn’t lower his fist. Natalie is staring between James and Liam, shocked.

“I knew it wouldn’t take you too long to figure it out,” James says as he straightens up. He points down at me. “She’s smart. No one has ever been able to figure it out before.”

“Figure what out?” Colton demands as he finally lets go of Liam’s fist. Liam flexes his hand out and slightly winces. Seeing his wince, Logan moves to heal him.

“He has another power,” I say as I step away from James, positive that no one will attack him.

“That was a good punch, man. If I didn’t have my extra strength, that probably would have really hurt,” James says. Liam’s still staring at him like he could kill him but doesn’t make a move toward him. Natalie moves toward Liam and grabs onto his forearm. His harsh features instantly calm into the Liam we’re all used to. He nods at her but refuses to take his eyes from James.

“What’s his other power?” Colton asks.

I look behind me at James and wait for him to elaborate. I haven’t quite figured that much out yet. I’m one step ahead of everyone else but still far enough behind that I don’t know everything. “Some might call me Cupid.”

I know that my mouth drops. “You’re cupid?”

“Not in the literal sense, but I can tell when two people are meant for each other, and when they refuse to acknowledge it…well, that’s where I come in.”

“So, when you attacked me in the hallway..?” I start.

“I was trying to get him,” he points to Colton, “to react. The connection between the two of you is one of the strongest, I’ve ever encountered. I could have told you that you were soulmates when I first saw you two together. I go about things a little non-traditionally, but my practice is effective.”

“So, Liam and…” I look toward Liam and Natalie. Natalie still has her hand on Liam’s forearm, keeping him calm. Both of them are staring at James. Natalie’s mouth is hanging open and Liam’s eyes are extremely wide. When Natalie realizes that we are all watching them, she closes her mouth and takes her hand away from Liam’s arm. Looking down at the carpet, I can see the blush rising onto her cheeks. Liam looks away from James and focuses on Natalie. He looks back at me, probably remembering what I told him earlier. Sometimes there’s never a better time than the present. I smile and nod at him.

Liam takes a step toward Natalie. When she sees his movement, she looks away from the carpet. Everyone in the room is silent as we wait and see what is going to happen. Stopping in front of her, he reaches out and pulls her to him. She collides into his chest and gasps at the sudden movement but smiles up at him. Without wasting any time, Liam puts a hand under her chin and tilts her head up as he leans down. Natalie melts into Liam and kisses him back. Conner scoffs and looks out the window in the back of the room. I smile over at Emma, who’s elated at them. We’ve only been telling both of them that they would be perfect together for a while now.

Diverting my gaze, I scan the room, looking for the cat carrier with Olive inside. I haven’t been able to spend much time with her recently. Just call me a horrible pet owner. I spot the green carrier in Larkin’s arms.

“It’s never that easy,” James whispers to me.

“Emma and I have been trying to get those two together for a while now,” I tell him.

Colton walks over to me and pulls me away from James. I look up at him questioningly. “I don’t care if he only acted to get me to react, I still don’t like him.” I roll my eyes at him but stay by his side.

“Ok, so I think we should get to business now,” Tom says from the back of the room. I kind of forgot why we were here to begin with. I glance back over at Liam and Natalie. Natalie is biting her lip, smiling. Even Liam has a small smile on his face. It took them long enough.

“I’m guessing the end is getting close?” James says while sitting back down in a chair. Colton walks over to the couch and grabs my arm as he passes me, pulling me after him. Sitting down as far away from James as he can, he pulls me into his lap. I laugh at him but move so that I’m sitting directly beside him.

“Yes. Ryanne believes that we need to become more involved with other mages. We need to find out what is going on and formulate a plan on how to stop all this,” Tom explains.

This is where I come in.

“Look, Dravin has found a way to extract magic from mages who can push their magic out. Natalie and I are the only ones that I know of that can do this, but I’m sure there are others. Dravin wants more magic, and he’ll do anything to get it. He’s becoming more ruthless, and he definitely needs to be stopped. I’ve had it with him, and I know that he’s torturing people to find information out about me, and that needs to stop. I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through because of him. This last time, I thought I was done for. I would have been killed if Valdus didn’t change his mind.”

At his confused expression, I quickly explain who Valdus is. “I can’t just sit around and wait for Dravin to come to me anymore. I’ve been training. I’m prepared for the challenges ahead. In fact, I’m looking forward to them. I want all this to end. I don’t want to live in fear anymore. I want to prove to Dravin that I’m not going to take everything lying down. I can fight, but I need more people.
need more people. All mages need to stand up and fight if we want to stand any chance. The Gadramicks numbers are too large. Can you help us?”

James regards me curiously. I can’t tell what he is thinking based on his expression. I can read his mind…

“She’s something, isn’t she?” Tom says behind me. I turn around and look at him, but he’s not looking at me. He’s looking at James. When I turn around, James is still looking at me with a slight smile. Colton reaches out and wraps his arm around my shoulder, basically showing James that I’m his. James laughs at his reaction but nods.

“I can help, yes. I have connections. You’re worried about who to trust, aren’t you?” he asks me. Instead of verbally responding, I just nod. I am afraid of putting my trust in the wrong person. Natasha is proof of that.

“I can go with you when you guys go and look for others. I can be pretty intimidating when I want to be,” he says. That’s an understatement. “I’ll contact some people that I trust and tell them that the prophecy is coming to an end. It’s almost here. They’ll know what that means, and they’ll be prepared.”

“This is actually happening…” I say quietly to myself.

Colton’s arm tightens around my shoulders. “Yes, it is.”


Chapter Twenty-Seven

“So you’re not really some girl crazy jerkface who thinks Ryanne is way prettier than me?” Emma asks, while we all sit in James’s living room. I turn and look at her questioningly. Was she jealous because James didn’t attack her?

“No, I’m not some girl crazy jerkface, and you are very beautiful, Emma. But I could tell that Colton and Ryanne needed the extra boost while you and David did not.” James points to Colton and me. “From what I hear, even after me going after Ryanne, it still took them a while.”

Colton points over to me. I scoff and hit him lightly on the chest. It’s true though. I knew my feelings, but I thought that if I ignored them long enough, they’d eventually go away. I thought that if I ignored them, I could keep him safe. “It didn’t take
long,” I mumble.

“Oh, whatever. It took Colton dying for you to admit your feelings for him,” Emma says.

“Death is only the beginning,” I say and turn toward David. This one is easy, peasy. He looks at me for a moment before grinning widely.

“The Mummy!”

“I feel like I’ve used that one before, so I don’t think that counts,” I say as I scoot closer to Colton. David glares at me but doesn’t react like I expected him too. Wrapping his arms around me, Colton pulls me even closer to him.

“So, what’s the plan for tomorrow,” Tom asks.

“I’ll make a few phone calls tonight and talk to some people. See what side they’re on, their thoughts on everything, etc. Maybe we can get some stories to use later on when we’re trying to sway others. I think that we should only visit those on the fence—those who aren’t sure of a side. It’ll be dangerous, and we’ll have to protect Ryanne. There is a pretty hefty bounty out for anyone who can bring her to Dravin alive.”

“There is?” That’s not good.

“Oh yeah, you’re number one on Dravin’s Most Wanted list,” James replies.

“Perfect,” I yawn and lean into Colton’s side. I haven’t really used any magic today, but I’m still pretty tired.

“We’ll make sure nothing happens to you. There’s enough of us here, that it shouldn’t be a problem,” Kyril says. I’m not really worried about being captured again. If I can use my magic, I’ll be fine. I’m worried that they are all going to be captured because they’re helping me. I’ve had visions and have been to the compound enough times to know what he’ll do if he gets a hold of them.

“Stop it, Ryanne,” Liam says. “Everything will be fine.”

“Oh, stop reading my mind, Mister,” I mumble as my eyes start to feel heavy. “That’s my job.”

“Someone has to be able to read yours if you can read ours,” Liam says.

“I can’t read Colton’s mind. Who can read his? Hmm? No one that’s who.” Colton’s chest shakes, and I can hear Liam and David laughing at me.

“You guys can sleep in my room tonight. I’ll sleep out here,” James offers. Without opening my eyes, I wave him off.

“No. This is your place, big guy, and we’re the ones intruding. I’m gonna sleep right here.”

“Did she just call me big guy?”

“When you’re 5’3,” everyone is a big guy,” Bragden explains. I give everyone a thumbs up as I start drifting to sleep.

“You are correct, big guy number two.”



I lean back against the back of the couch and stretch my legs out in front of me. Ryanne fell asleep curled into my side. James is still sitting in the chair to my left. I glance over toward him and see him watching Ryanne with a slight grimace.

“Look, Colton…I’m sorry I attacked her as forcefully as I did. I didn’t mean to break her wrist. She’s much smaller than other mages; I didn’t realize the amount of strength I was using on her until I felt her bones break under my hand. I seriously didn’t mean to cause her any harm,” James says to me. Now he’s apologizing? He couldn’t have done that right after it happened?

The room around me has gotten really quiet as everyone waits for my reaction. I look down at Ryanne sleeping peacefully in my lap. I can tell that she’s already forgiven James for what he did. She even tried to protect him from Liam earlier. She’d be mad if I stayed mad at him, but he basically forced himself on her in the same way that Adam did.

“You understand why I have a reason to be mad at you, right?”

“I attacked your soulmate. If you weren’t mad at me, I’d say you weren’t really her soulmate. So, yes I understand why.”

“Then you’ll understand why it’ll take more than an apology to make me trust you.”

“Yes, I understand that also. I guess I’ll just have to prove myself to you in time,” he says as he leans back against the chair, crossing his arms.

“Without touching her,” I glance down at Ryanne and look back up at James. He seems sincere enough, but you can never be too sure, especially when it comes to Ryanne’s safety.

“If that’s what it takes,” James says.

Ryanne starts moving in my arms. I look down and check for any signs of injuries. She looks like she’s just sleeping, but I glance toward Liam to be sure. He’s sitting on the couch, talking quietly to Natalie. I’m worrying again. Everything is fine.

James gets up from the couch and walks over to a door off to the side of his bedroom. Opening it, he pulls out a couple of blankets and pillows for everyone. Walking over to me, he hands me a dark blue fleece blanket and puts the rest on the coffee table. I open the blanket and carefully wrap it around Ryanne and me. Leaning back, I pull her closer to my chest. She sighs and turns more toward me in her sleep, folding her knees onto my lap. I lean my head back against the back of the couch, knowing that everyone else is still awake but no longer caring.


“Colton, open your eyes. I don’t have much time,” says an urgent voice. I’d recognize that voice anywhere.

“Claire?” My eyes snap open and take in my surroundings briefly. I’m back at the house, sitting in the kitchen to be more exact. Everything looks to be exactly as we left it, but my assessment stops when I see the woman with me. Claire is standing against the island in the middle of the room, staring at me.

When our eyes connect, she runs toward me and wraps her arms around me, engulfing me in a large hug. I’m bigger than her, but in a hug, she always makes everyone feel small. “I’ve missed you so much,” she whispers.

“I’ve missed you too.” She feels so real. I tighten my arms around her as my eyes start to water. Quickly, blinking back the tears, I clear my throat and release her from my hold.

“Ok, now to get down to business. Protect Ryanne. Don’t let her out of your sights. Darkness is lurking in every corner, and Ryanne is full of light. She’s in more danger than you know.”


“Yes and no.”

“You can’t tell me?”

“I’m not supposed to be here. I know too much already. I can’t reveal it all because it could change everything. The road ahead isn’t going to be easy, Colton. In fact, it’s going to be your toughest challenge yet, but don’t give up, and protect your soulmate at all costs!” Claire starts disappearing. I can see the doorframe behind her. “You can trust James, too. He’s not traditional, but he does mean well and he’ll help protect Ryanne.”

She disappears.


Darkness is lurking in every corner.
Instead of the scene I remember falling asleep in, the room is dark, and everyone is asleep. Ryanne is still lying against my chest. I push a couple of curls out of her face and lean back down. Claire came to warn me.

We haven’t even gotten through the hardest part of this whole ordeal yet. How is that possible? Both Ryanne and I should be dead. We shouldn’t be here. We won’t get another shot if that were to happen again. Will we survive the most challenging part?

I understand Ryanne’s struggle. I don’t want morning to come. I want to hold Ryanne and take her away from all of this. I want her to be safe in my arms forever. I want that life from the vision she told me about.

Ryanne sighs and slowly opens her eyes. Why is she awake? I look at the clock on the wall. It’s three in the morning. “Why are you awake?”

“I could ask you the same thing,” she mutters as she leans back against my chest. She doesn’t close her eyes though. “My mind keeps wandering. I have this feeling that everything is about to get way serious.” She turns so that she is facing me. “Like the Joker will come and ask “Why so serious?” serious.”

“I think you’re correct about that,” I say as I wrap my arms around her.

Turning slightly so that she can rest her head on my shoulder, she sighs and glances up at me. “Are you scared?” she whispers. I can see the fear in her beautiful hazel eyes. I tighten my arms around her again and kiss her temple.

“Yes.” There’s no point lying to her.

“Me too,” she whispers as she slowly starts to close her eyes. I can tell she’s trying to fight the need to sleep.

“Go to sleep, Ry.”

“I love you, Colton,” she says as she curls into my side again. I can tell that she’s already asleep. The worry lines on her face disappear, and her sweet innocent countenance reappears. I hope that her dreams are the reprieve she needs to get over the hardships we’re about to endure.

“I love you too.”



Since we now have James helping us, we have more room in the car. Colton, Liam, David, Emma, Natalie, and I all ride with Tom while everyone else rides with James. We are going out to find more mages to help us. There are so many things that can go wrong today. Dravin’s been spreading all these rumors about me. Valdus said that the mages are rising. I’ve been away from mages for…well since I’ve come to know of their existence. Because of that, it’ll be a little difficult to convince some of them to help me, but I need all the help I can get.

Colton squeezes my hand, disrupting my thoughts. “Everything will be fine.”

“Did Liam share some of his power with you?” I say. These guys can read me too easily.

“No, I just know you, babe. You get this glazed look in your eyes when you’re over thinking something.”

“Yeah, well you always smile when you laugh. See, I’m observant too,” I mutter as I lean back against the seat. Everyone can read me so well. It’s not fair…well, technically I guess it is, since I can read minds but still. Not cool.

Colton laughs and wraps his arms around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him. I smile and lean into his side. “I wasn’t aware that I did that. Thank you for telling me.”

I smile up at him. “Oh, you’re very welcome. At least I’m good for something. Just call me Miss Captain Obvious.”

“Oh, you’re good for more than that,” Colton whispers into my ear in his sexy voice. His soft lips brush my earlobe sending chills throughout my body. Arching toward him, I let out a breathy giggle. Those lips then reach lower and kiss me under the ear, causing another giggle to escape.

“Eww, keep it PG, please,” Emma squeals but smiles over at me. I know that my face turns ten shades of red and then some. Biting my lip, I look down at my lap, avoiding everyone’s eyes. Emma and Natalie laugh at my reaction.

I turn and bury my face into Colton’s neck. “Make them stop looking at me.”

“Guys, I’ll stick this little embarrassed all powerful mage on you if you don’t stop staring at her.”

“Thanks,” I say. Instead of facing everyone again, I decide that a little nap is in order. I need to prepare for what is going to happen today anyway.


“Ryanne, we’re here.” Someone starts shaking my shoulder. I groan but push myself up into a seated position. Looking out the window, I see James getting out of his car and walking toward us. I rub my eyes to push sleep away and scoot over into my prospective seat. “You okay?” Colton asks. He’s always so worried about me.

“Yeah, I’m good now. I don’t think I really need to use my magic anymore to feel the side effects of using too much. I think that since it’s in me, it’s constantly running, and I need to sleep more to counteract it,” I explain. There’s really no other explanation for why I’m tired all the time.

James opens the side door closest to Colton and me. “Mr. and Mrs. Howick live here. She’s a water infinity, and he’s able to move anything metal. They recently lost their daughter to a Gadramick, so I’m not sure how they’ll take this visit yet.”

“Was it one of Dravin’s men?”

“Yeah, they were looking for you,” James quietly explains. He knows how guilty that makes me feel, but it’s better to tell me than to let me assume. Colton reaches out and squeezes my hand, trying to comfort me, but it’s no use. I’ll always feel responsible for their deaths. Knowing Dravin, I’m sure she’s not the first one either.

“You guys should stay here. Ryanne, Colton, you guys come with me. Let’s get this over with,” James says.

Liam takes a step forward. “I’m going with.” James looks like he is about to argue, but I stop him.

“Liam comes too,” I say. Liam’s my protector. Where I go, he goes. James nods and walks toward the front door, waving me after him. Colton grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. I follow after them slowly.

The house is a simple two story house, surrounded by trees. Red brick covers the entire exterior of the home with dark navy blue shutters. I can tell that we aren’t near the shore anymore. James walks up to the front door and rings the doorbell. I stand off to the side, sandwiched between Colton and Liam. Taking a step back, James stands beside Colton and waits for the Howicks to answer it.

BOOK: Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3)
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