Read Devious Revenge Online

Authors: Erin Trejo

Devious Revenge (15 page)

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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                                  Chapter 54

“Why are you doing this to me? Stop!” Fighting Brian as he tries to choke me, I scream.

I kick and I fight until I have no strength left.

“Han!” I hear his voice, but I can’t see him.

“Drew!” Yelling for him, I have to keep fighting. I won’t give up now.

“Wake up! You’re ok!” Forcing my eyes to open, I see Drew standing above me. His hands are on my shoulders, shaking me awake.

“What happened?” Shoving myself up quickly, I look around the room. It’s empty, except for me and Drew.

“You had a nightmare. Who was it?” Sitting on the bed, I hate that he knows me so well.

“The other guy. He was choking me. I was trying to fight him.” I won’t cry. I won’t allow myself that luxury right now. He’s the last one on my list, and I will make him pay.

“I wanted to ask you something.” Looking at the grin on his face, I’m confused.

“What is it?” His grin widens before he moves closer.

“I want to take you away for a few days. I talked to Janey and I want to take you to visit her for a few days. I think getting out of this town will be good for the both of us.” Leaping into his lap, I throw my arms around his neck.

“How do you always make me feel better?” Kissing his neck, he laughs as he holds me to him.

“It’s my impeccable people skills. It works every time.” Laughing a genuine laugh for the first time in a long time, it feels good.

“You do have
. I just don’t know if they’re people skills.” Drew tickles my side making me smile even more.

“When do we leave?” Kissing his neck, I want to dive under his skin and be one with him.

“Tomorrow.” Kissing my way down his chest, his hand knots in my hair.

“What are you doing?” He’s breathless. I love hearing him like that.

“You’re mine.” Sucking the skin of his chest into my mouth, he groans.

Sliding down off his lap, I drop to the floor in front of him. When I look up and see the lust in his eyes, I can’t stop myself.

Reaching up, I push him back onto the bed. I grab his shorts as he lifts his hips to allow me to take them off.

Licking my lips, I have wanted to do this for a while now but Drew always has his own way of doing things.

Gripping his dick in my hand, I stroke it up and down a few times. Listening to the sounds he’s making, I want to make myself cum.

I lean in and suck him into my mouth before he sits straight up. My eyes flicker to see his and what I see in them spurs me on.

Drew doesn’t take his eyes off me as I suck and lick at him. His hand rests on the back of my head while he raises his hips to meet my sucks.

“Han. Baby! I’m going to lose it.” That’s exactly what I want. I want to taste him, to own him, the way he owns me.

A few more hard sucks and he shoots everything he has into my throat. I eagerly swallow everything he has to offer me before sliding him out of my mouth.

“I’ve never been so turned on.”


                                    Chapter 55

I slept like a baby the rest of last night. I stayed curled into Drew’s side, basking in his warmth.

I’m excited to see Janey today though. Not having her home has taken its toll on me. I’ve tried to look at it in a different light but either way, I miss her.

Pulling my hair into a bun on the top of my head, Drew walks back in.

“Truck’s packed. Are you ready?” Smiling over at him, I don’t know if I could get any happier.

Rushing toward him and wrapping my arms around his waist, I just want to stay right here forever.

“What’s that for?” Hugging me tightly, he whispers to me.

“For being you. For understanding me and not running. For giving me so much strength I never knew I was missing.” Kissing the top of my head, he chuckles.

“We’re one, Han. I feel the same about you. You knew who I was, and what I was, and you didn’t run either. That means something on a deeper level than either of us knows.” Pulling back, I press a kiss to his lips.

“Let’s go see, Janey!” As happy as I am with Drew by my side, I still want my sister and I will take whatever I can get of her.

Rushing to the truck, I jump in and wait. Drew has a giant grin on his face as he climbs in the truck.

As we drive out of town my heart skips a beat. I’ve never left town before this.

“Do you think that when this is over you will be alright living somewhere new?” Looking over at Drew, I hope I will be.

“I’ve never been out of town. It’s all new to me but I think I need that change.” Sliding closer to him, I grab his arm and wrap it around my shoulder.

“Make yourself comfortable.” Drew chuckles before I elbow him in the side.

“I love that I can be who I truly am with you. I’ve never felt like that with anyone else.” Telling Drew that, makes me feel like a weight was lifted from my chest.

“I want you to feel comfortable. I told you, Han. We aren’t that much different. The devil lives inside of us both.” Snuggling back into the warmth that I’ve become accustomed to with Drew, I relax.

Closing my eyes, I let everything else go. Phase three will be coming soon enough but for now, I just want to relax and let it all go.


                                   Chapter 56

I can spot Janey from halfway down the road. Bouncing in my seat, Drew must think I’m really losing my mind.

I wave like a crazy person while Drew laughs.

“She can’t see you.” Cutting my eyes at him, he laughs harder.

“She can see me!” Waving again, ok, maybe she can’t.

Once Drew stops the truck, I’m gone. Hopping out the door, I run straight toward her. My heart is flopping in my chest with such overwhelming joy that I don’t know how to handle it.

“HANNAH!” Janey rushes toward me before I grab her into a hug. I squeeze her so tightly that I fear I may break her.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Tears of happiness fall down my face. This isn’t something I’m used to but Janey brings it out in me.

“I missed you too.” Her whisper reminds me of when we were younger. So much has changed since then.

Pulling back, I look at her. Janey has always been the spitting image of our mother but after not seeing her, its apparent even more so.

“You are so pretty. How do you like it?” Watching her face light up means the world to me. Even though we’re only about an hour away from each other, it feels like forever.

“It’s amazing. The classes are great. I love the people. I’m happy, Hannah.” Pulling her back into a hug, I couldn’t be happier with what she said.

“I’m glad. You deserve it.” Janey pulls back to wave at Drew.

“I can’t hang out much. Didn’t Drew tell you that? I picked up some summer classes.” Snapping my head around to look at Drew, he looks like the blank mask I met.

“He didn’t tell you that, did he?” Turning back to Janey, I shake my head.

“I thought we were hanging out with you.” It comes out a little sadder than I wanted it to but it’s true.

“He probably has plans for you two.” Wiggling her eyebrows, she looks truly happy.

“Maybe. I miss you, Janey.” Kissing her cheek, Drew walks up behind me and pulls me against him.

“Sorry, I should have told you.” Kissing my neck, I want to be mad but how can I?

“What are we doing then?” Looking at Janey smiling over my shoulder at him, I look also.

“We are going to have normal people time.” Laughing, I turn to look at him.

“What’s normal people time?” I’m almost afraid to ask. I don’t think I’ve ever had that.

“We are going to the fair. We are going to a night club, out to dinner. All the things normal people do.” Janey laughs before looking over her shoulder.

“I need to go. I hope you relax and have fun.” Watching her run back into the arms of Justin, I sigh.

“She’s growing up. You did an amazing job with her.”

“The fair, Drew?”


                                     Chapter 57

Walking around the fair holding Drew’s hand is like a dream.

“So this is what normal people do?” Glaring up at him, he shrugs.

“I don’t really know. I looked it up on the internet. I don’t think I’ve been normal in a long time.” With a smile, I must agree.

“It’s strange, really. Walking around with people that could be your enemies and you don’t even know it.” Drew’s hand tightens around mine before I look up at him.

“What is it?” Drew swallows hard before he looks around. Finally, his eyes come to rest on mine.

“I got some bad news. A cousin of mine, well, actually two of them, were killed.” My hand flies to his arm before I lean into him.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you had any other family.” Drew pulls me into his chest before he speaks.

“I didn’t associate with them a whole lot. I was thinking about calling the other one to see what’s going on. I don’t even know where they were living or anything.” My heart hurts for him.

Losing family can be difficult. I can still remember the day my dad left us. I can see him walking out the door, and he never came back. It isn’t easy even in our situations.

“If you go see them, I will go with you. I mean, if you want me to.” Drew pulls back and looks down at me.

“I told you I never want to be without you. Of course I’d want you to go with me.” His smile brightens the whole area.

“Are we going to be alright when this is all over?” I don’t know why that question has been weighing so heavily on me but it has.

“Nothing is ever alright in our worlds. We can only live the best way we know how. We’re different though, Han. I think after what we’ve both lived through, we can overcome the world.” He’s right. He’s always right.

In silence, we begin to walk around again. I think we both have a lot weighing on our minds right now.

I watch as the people around us smile and enjoy their lives. It makes me wonder what their lives are like. Do they know how grief feels? Have they ever experienced the pain that we have?

The world turns on its axis, but we are still planted to this earth. Gravity holds us here just like hate and rage hold me in my home town.

If the world was ever to stop, I wonder where that would leave me. As much as I want to put my trust and faith in Drew, I know how those things can turn out.

I’ve already given him so much of me that I’m afraid to give him the last piece.

If this life has taught me anything, it’s that you should never give anyone one hundred percent of you. Once that last little bit is gone, you’re gone.

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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