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Authors: Erin Trejo

Devious Revenge (9 page)

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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                                   Chapter 30

“What are you hiding from?” His fingers tuck my hair behind my ear before he stares at me.

“I don’t know how to say it, without you hating me.” Shaking his head, he pulls me into his chest.

“I could never hate you, Han.” A tear slips from my eye and slides down my cheek. I don’t cry, not anymore. I’ve worked so hard to suppress everything I’ve been through.

“I did something bad, so terribly bad. I trusted the wrong people. I’ve put my family in harm’s way.” Crying into his chest, I can feel the tension in him. His muscles are corded tightly as he tries to soothe me.

“I don’t cry, Drew! I don’t so this. I don’t allow myself to feel anything, but my family is all I have left!” Finally getting mad at myself, I push out of his grasp. I can’t fall apart in front of him too.

“Crying isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that there is still something in here.” Placing his fingers over my chest, I know what he means, but I can’t let that happen. I can’t allow myself to have feelings again.

“I won’t ruin everything I’ve planned just to cry!” I can feel myself building up that old rage inside of me. That’s what I need right now.

“You don’t have to look at it that way. Crying gives you a new found strength. Come sit with me. I want to tell you something.” His face has grown serious now. He isn’t playing games, and I know whatever he’s about to say is serious.

Pulling me down on the small couch next to him, he looks me in the eyes.

“When I was overseas, I saw so many things. So many lives taken. We were on a mission in the desert. My friend, Brody, was with me. He was all I had over there. We went into this little shack looking for signs of the enemy when we came upon a few small boys.” A tear slides down Drew’s cheek before he quickly wipes it away.

Before I can move or say a word he talks again.

“Brody told me something wasn’t right. I didn’t listen to him though. He felt it, but I didn’t fucking listen. One of those kids snuck up behind him before we knew what was going on. He stabbed Brody in the neck. He bled out right there in front of me. He was so young.” Grabbing his hand, I pull it into my lap unsure as to what to say.

“What happened to the boys?” His eyes look lost as he looks over at me.

“I killed them. I shot them to death. My heart died in that moment. All I saw was blood. They couldn’t have been more than ten years old. Those demons are what haunt me day and night.” Grabbing him around the neck, I pull him against me. I never thought I would see him so lost.

Drew pushes me away from him before he stands. The way he tries to fight what’s going on inside of him, tugs at something inside of me.

“Don’t feel sorry for me! I can see it in your eyes. Do you think I’m sorry for what I did?” The rage that bubbles up does little to scare me. I’ve felt that same rage within myself.

I always thought that Drew was the stronger of the two of us, but I’m starting to see just how equal we are.

“They would have killed you, too. I’m so sorry, Drew.” Kissing his cheek, he pulls my body closer relentlessly giving in to me.

“Deep down, I know what the outcome would have been but that does little to ease the pain. I know you did what you had to do, too. The point is, that I’ve hardened myself to everything around me. I’ve made it so hard to let anyone be close to me. I don’t want anyone knowing me, Han.”


                                   Chapter 31

Jumping out of his grasp, how does he know that?

I stand and pace the room before he does the same.

“I knew you would look at me differently!” Drew growls before he grabs my arm.

“What are you talking about? How do you know what I did?” Screaming back at him, I yank my arm away.

“What? What are you talking about?” Looking confused, we both look at each other.

“How did you know that I killed her?” Screaming louder, he grabs my shoulders.

“Killed who? I didn’t know you killed anyone! Who did you kill?” Shaking my head, I have to back away.

I just admitted it, out loud. I don’t know what to do now. Oh God. I just made the biggest mistake of my life. I just told him that I killed someone.

Turning toward the door, I start to make a break for it.

“Don’t you dare! I just told you what I’ve done!” Dropping my head, I look at the floor. His reality and mine are far different.

“I don’t care what you did, Hannah.” His hand comes down on my shoulder before I lose it.

The sobs choke me before Drew pulls me into his chest.

“Who was she?” Sniffing, I try to regain my composure. I take a deep breath; I turn in his arms.

“I was fourteen when I was raped and beaten. I was a virgin before that. She helped them. She held me down while they did things to me. They were older than I was, and I thought we were friends. I didn’t know who I was after that. I lost a piece of me that day.” Drew shakes his head before he pulls back to look at me.

“If that’s what they did, they
deserve to die.” When the words leave his mouth, I almost lose my mind. How can he agree with what I did to her?

“That’s murder.” He nods his head, those dark eyes following me.

“They raped you. They took your innocence. What they deserve, is to rot in their own hell.” The twinkle in his eyes does something to me. He is like me.

“I want them all dead. In their own time. That isn’t the immediate threat though. Someone found out about what I did. He’s black mailing me.” Drew drops his hold on me before running his hand through his hair.

“How did he find out?” Scrubbing his hand over his face, he watches me.

Do I dare tell him more? What if he turns on me like Robby did? No, Drew is like me. He wouldn’t do that.

“He’s a lawyer. I put my trust in him. He threatened me, that if I don’t cooperate he would go after my family.” Drew turns away from me, slamming his fist into the wall next to us.

Jumping slightly, I place my hand on his arm.

“I don’t take lightly to threats. You belong to me, Han. I don’t care how long I’ve known you. You see me, the real me. You aren’t scared of what lurks within me, you embrace it. I won’t let him hurt you. Don’t take this lightly but don’t let it get to your head. You’re mine, but in my way.”


                                   Chapter 32

I stayed with Drew for as long as I could, before returning back to my hell.

As much as I enjoy being near him, I don’t understand him completely.

I wanted to be home when Janey got back, so I made myself leave.

Wandering through the house, I realize my mom hasn’t come out of her room since I’ve been home.

Walking down the hallway, I shove her bedroom door open. Seeing her lying on the bed with a needle sticking out of her arm shouldn’t surprise me the way it does.

“Mom, Janey will be home soon.” Something in my chest tightens. I know she’s gone; I can feel it.

“Mom.” My heart starts beating faster the closer I get to her. I know she isn’t perfect, but she’s still my mom.

Grabbing her arm, I shake her lightly.

“Mom. Janey will be home soon.” Feeling for a pulse, there isn’t one.

My heart sinks further in my chest when I hear the door open. How do I do this now? How do I tell her she’s gone?

Wiping at my cheeks, I head out of the room before Janey can get all the way inside.

“Look at you! Did you have fun?” Trying to sound upbeat, I pull her into a hug. As beautiful as she looks right now, I’m about to crush her heart.

“It was so much fun! We danced all night. My friends were so funny!” Janey hugs me tightly as she tells me all about her night.

When she heads to her room to change, I text Drew.

“Bad news.”

“You killed him without me?”

Trying to suppress the giggle that escapes my throat, I try to focus.

“I came home to find my mom overdosed. What do I do?”

“Give me your address.”

“No, Drew. I can’t have you in the middle of this, too.”

“Mine Hannah. You’re mine. Address.”

“2300 Maryland Dr.”

“On my way.”

Sliding the phone back into my pocket, I head to Janey’s room with my heart in my throat.

Knocking softly, she tells me to come in.

“Hey. I need to talk to you. In a few minutes I need to call 911.” Her eyes jerk to mine and hold there. She knows, I don’t have to say it.

“When?” Shaking my head, I see the tear slide down her face. I hate to hurt her like this.

“I came home and found her.” Janey slams into me as I hold her tightly.

“I’m so sorry, Janey.”


                                    Chapter 33

The cops came, and so did the ambulance that’s now loading her body.

“Christ! Han!” Drew barrels through the door grabbing me.

“I’m ok.” Nodding his head, he sees the look in my eyes. He knows that this isn’t hurting me as much as it should.

I watch as they wheel her lifeless body out the front door of this little shack we call home.

“Where’s your sister?” Looking up at Drew, I can tell he cares. I see that caring look in his eyes.

“She’s in her room.” Just as I finish speaking, I hear Janey scream.

Drew and I share a quick glance before I rush toward the room with Drew behind me.

Shoving through the door, I see Jimmy.

“What the
are you doing here?” Moving toward him with my hands clenched at my sides, he holds onto Janey.

“I heard you had a nice chat about me. Did you truly think that idiot wouldn’t come back and tell me?” Jimmy gives me an evil snarl as he yanks Janey back against him. That’s when I notice the knife that he’s holding to her throat.

“You hurt her, you’ll be
.” Gritting my teeth, this is me. This is who I’ve become.

The heat within me rises when I feel Drew pull me backward. I know he wants to help me, and I know I called him, but this is mine.

“You want to put that knife down. I don’t think the lady appreciates it that close to her neck.” Jimmy takes in Drew’s size before he looks at me.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t introduce you two. Jimmy this is Drew. Drew this is the one that shot me full of those bad drugs.” Drew’s hands clench as his breathing picks up.

“You wanted that shit!” Jimmy hisses into Janey’s ear making me madder by the second.

As I take a step closer, the look in Jimmy’s eyes change. He can see the monster in me. It’s rearing its ugly head and he sees it all.

“You are a crazy bitch. Robby was right about you.” Releasing Janey, he tosses her to the floor before I move in on him.

My hands wrap around his throat as if they have a mind of their own. The rage that boils inside of me quickly makes its way to the surface.

I hear Janey yelling for me, but I know that Drew has moved her out of the way.

“I don’t think you understand what you just did here, Jimmy.” At this point, his face is getting redder by the second, but the joy that hits me suppresses any other feelings I might have.

“You run back to your little friend Robby, and tell him if he comes anywhere near my sister, or me, he will be next.” I feel Drew’s hand on my shoulder before I glance over.

The plan was never to kill Jimmy, but he’s quickly working his way up my list.

Watching as Drew grab’s Jimmy by the back of his neck, I grin

“Do you realize what you’ve done? You pumped her full of that shit! She’s mine! “Yanking Jimmy around the room, I can’t stop smiling.

“Walk out of this house now! You
seeing me again!” Growling, he shoves Jimmy down the hallway.

Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to add Jimmy’s sorry ass onto the end of the list. In fact, I will do just that.

BOOK: Devious Revenge
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