Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend (8 page)

BOOK: Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend
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“Oh yeah, so fucking good, Scarlet. Take my release. It’s all fucking for you.” My dick felt relief as it spilled its release in Scarlet’s mouth.

That’s when I heard a moan, one that wasn’t Scarlet’s. My eyes flew opened and I looked down. Mother-fuckin-hell. That wasn’t Scarlet taking my dick like a tiger. It was the tall, blonde woman.

Her eyes flashed up to look into mine, where she licked one last time up my rapidly fading member and she stood up slowly. She licked her lips like a cat that just ate the cream. Well, she did. No pun fucking intended.

“Anything else, Mr. Dixon?” Her voice was soft in that way most females spoke to the men they tried hooking their claws into as if sucking me off would make me more pliant. What did this bitch think? I was brainless? Her smile was calculating. I knew that she knew that she wasn’t the one who made my dick come to life. “I don’t mind being called Scarlet. Is that a girlfriend? Wife? Mistress? I don’t mind taking care of anything you need. Your dick tasted so good. I bet you feel a hell of a lot better.”

She caressed my arm and got in my personal space.

you require.”

“Get the fuck out of my face nut breath.”

I stood up and put myself back in my pants. I was a few inches taller and I got up in her space, ready to throttle her.

The woman closed her mouth and tried to move back, but I snaked my fingers around her wrist and pried her fingers off my arm.

“Get your filthy hands off me. Touch me again and I’ll have Dorian make sure you never have a job again.”

That made her face pale and she looked frightened enough she knew I wasn’t fucking joking. She nodded quickly and all I said was, “Get the fuck away from me and never approach me again.”

She scampered off like the skank she was. A lot of girls who came to work here, wanted sugar daddies. I was no fucking sugar daddy. Not for no body. Just because I was well off, didn’t mean I was a millionaire.

Right now though, the only thing I could think to do was get the fuck out of here. I hurried my way out of the dancing area and saw Dorian approaching, calling out my name.


I held my hand up and said, “Not now. Phone me later.” I hurried out the door and practically ran to the truck. I got in, turned my truck on and drove away.

What the fuck did I just do?








“Who was that dashing young man out there, baby-girl?”

That’s how is started. Oh man. I hated that she started off with that, and then ‘dashing’? I guess he was, or is, but did she really have to say that?

“That was Dax. I met him last week when he came into Chili’s for a drink.”

“He’s a drinker?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think so. Not a heavy one at least. I mean look at him; there’s no way he can drink like a lush and look like that. That’s just not possible, or right if it is. But I don’t think he does. He’s demanding though. He wouldn’t let me pay for my food tonight.”

“That’s good. You shouldn’t have to pay for your food when out on a date.”

“It wasn’t a date. I mean, come on. Look at him and look at me. One. I’m not his type. We established that. Two. Guys like him only go for women who don’t think too much. Tall, toned women. Nothing wrong with those type of women, but look at me. I’m short, and voluptuous.”

“There’s nothing wrong with your body, Scarlet. It’s beautiful. Trust me, by the way he was looking at you, you were totally his type, honey.”

“I know there isn’t anything wrong with my body. I’m happy with it. Well, Nana, when I told him I was a virgin-

“You’re a virgin?”

We were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking hot chocolate, or well Nana was drinking hot chocolate before she sputtered some before asking that. I was drinking my hot chocolate mix with cold milk. Yeah, I was super strange-get over it. I hate hot drinks. I drank milk a lot. And I love the chocolate powder mixed with cold milk. Anyway, Nana’s eyes bulged at the thought of me still being a virgin. What the crap?

“Uh. Yeah. Why wouldn’t I still be one? You see me bringing guys here to meet you?”

“Well, when you put it like that, no. But surely you’ve dated and maybe-

“Nana. Stop right there. I am a virgin because I want that leg poppin’-totally melt my body-and light me up like the Fourth of July-zing. Like you said you had with Grandpa Alan. I want someone to look at me and only me like the way Grandpa looked at you.”

“Uh. Honey, I think maybe-

I put my hand up to stop her. “No. Dax and I? We’re just friends. I’m leaving it at that. Now, I’m tired. It’s been a long day and I’m ready for sleep. I have those try-outs tomorrow, remember?”

“Oh, yes! I know you’ll do great! You’ve always danced beautifully and they’ll be lucky to have you working there.”

I got up, kissed Nana on the cheek and made my way to the bedroom. The one, little, white lie I told her, well omitted really, I didn’t tell her it was at a Cabaret. I’m pretty sure she would flip her lid at me dancing at a club like Saints and Sinners.

I was going for it though. Their dancing looked really fun. It’s not like there were poles and they stripped. Although, there was another section to the lounge that we didn’t go looking in. For now, I just wanted to try it out. I could dance and dance well. I was getting myself psyched up and I couldn’t wait.

I went into my room and crashed down on my bed. It’s been an hour and Dax hadn’t texted me to let him know he was home. Did he live further than Pasadena? He might. It wasn’t just locals who came in to eat and drink, but I figured he lived in the area.

Give him a little more time, I thought. He might be at home getting ready for bed before texting me. That’s okay. I plugged my iPhone in and put my headphones in, I let Halestorm sing to me while I waited. After an entire album went by and no word, I thought about just texting him.

I really didn’t want to sound like I was desperate for him to text me when he said he would. I didn’t worry about him being hurt because he was a very competent man. It could be as simple as him just not caring enough to text me. Maybe it was a nonchalant gesture, “I’ll text you.” Kinda thing. The saying that one said to just get away. Maybe he just wanted to get away from me and my insecurities. I wouldn’t blame him.

I swiped open my phone, turned the volume down and opened the messaging app. I looked up his contact name and I went to start texting.

Hello Dax!

No, too formal.

Hiya Dax!

No, too infantile.

Hey Dax!

No. I couldn’t put an exclamation mark at the end. Just a period so he wouldn’t think I was like over-eager to try and talk to him.


Hey Dax. I hope you made it home okay. S


There. Short and sweet. I opened a line of communication. If he wanted to respond, he could. If not, that would actually be kind of disappointing, but I knew there was nothing I could do about it. Besides having his phone number, and name, I didn’t know him.

I wanted to. He really did seem like a nice guy, under that caveman, he-man attitude. I placed my phone and turned up the music on my phone. After waiting fifteen minutes, with not a response, I let out a noise of frustration.

“Ugh. I’m an idiot. Telling him I was a virgin was like splashing water in someone’s face. Totally not necessary!”

I threw my phone to the side and turned up the noise until it was blasting through my ears. Fuck it. I guess I just wasn’t that important. He said he wanted to be friends. Was this how friends treated each other? I didn’t know. I didn’t have many growing up. The one person I was supposed to count on practically dumped me on a stranger’s doorstep before high-tailing it out of here. What a total loser.

After she left, I kept to myself. I let the movie’s Nana let me watch take me somewhere to escape. Until I was old enough to read romance books. Then, I was all about reading happily ever after’s. Wishing I could get mine someday.

My eyes were getting heavy lidded and I was just falling asleep when my phone dinged with a new message.

Was it him? Should I care? It’s not like he responded when he should have. It was way too late now. I was ready to go to sleep.

Who was I kidding? Hearing that ding woke me up like an alarm. I pulled the cord to the earphones until I got ahold of the phone. I opened up the text message.


Dax: I am home now Pix. Sorry, I went out after leaving your house.


Should that have disappointed me as much as it did? I mean, really, it was late and he went out after seeing me? Did he see a girl? Did he have sex with said girl? Why the hell was I questioning that? He could have sex with anyone he wanted to. I mean, I didn’t have any claim to him. We were friends. The end.


Hope you had fun. I’m going to bed.

Dax: Wait.


I felt like an idiot, playing into this guy’s game. He wanted me as a friend, and even though he made some comments that weren’t meant for ‘just a friends’ ear, he could have at least given me the courtesy of responding when I texted him. Not wait-oh, an hour-later before texting me back. It was almost two in the freaking morning. I wanted enough rest before I went to the try outs.



Dax: Sorry it took me so long.

It’s okay. I figured you were busy.

Dax: Uh. Yeah. I’m home now though. What are you doing?

I’m laying down in bed, listening to some music about to go to sleep.

Dax: Sounds hot, what kind of music.

I was listening to Halestorm, now Lady Antebellum.

Dax: Halestorm. Nice choice. Never listened to Lady Antebellum.

Of course you wouldn’t. It’s not your type.

Dax: How do you know?

Okay. I saw you had an iPhone. Go into iTunes, look up Lady A. DO NOT pre-listen to any songs. I want you to DL-‘Bartender’-Just do it.

Dax: Alright Pixie. Give me a minute.


I waited a few minutes. I knew he was more of a rock guy. I mean the guy listened to alternative rock music from like ten years ago. Lady A was definitely not his type.


Dax: What. The. Hell. Is that supposed to mean?

What do you mean?

Dax: Is that like code or something?

Uh. No. It’s a song.

Dax: Well, why that song? Just because I didn’t respond right away, you’re going to just what? Forget my name?

No. Dax. That’s not what I think. It’s the song that’s playing on my phone.


One day into our friendship, and I was totally making an idiot out of myself.


Dax: Well, why don’t you DL Breaking Benjamin, ‘Without You’-don’t preview it either. I know you don’t have that in your phone. Right?

Right. Okay. Gimme a moment.


I looked it up on iTunes and downloaded it without the preview. I was curious. I heard of the band, but I never listened to them when I was younger. I was really into musicals then. My little punk rock phase had limited bands. It's not like I ever painted my nails black or got into gothic/grunge music. The only grunge music I ever listened to was Majandra and that was because I had a Roswell TV show phase.

After it downloaded, I played it. And listened to it twice.

Whoa. Out of all the songs he could have picked, he picked that one? That was kind of an intimate song. A song you dedicate to someone you can't live without. Not a friend. I figured Dax to be this player and womanizer in my head, I mean, looking at him, that song 'Womanizer' came to mind. Those light blue eyes of his and high brows and cheeks bones. He looked as if a woman would drop at first glance and beg to be his puppet.

I was not going to be that girl. I grew up depending mostly on myself. Nana did an amazing job, but when I turned sixteen and got a job at Chili’s, I did my best to be independent. After receiving a few paychecks, I started taking care of some of the bills because when Nana got Grandpa Alan’s retirement money, and her social security, there really wasn't much.

Guys like Dax, had one type & one type only-easy. I think that's why I wanted to challenge him in some ways. He really wanted to have his way right then and there. His way or the highway.

That song though. That wasn't a song you shared with a friend. Did he want me as more than a friend? Maybe. He made it clear I wasn't his normal type, but then he'd make comments like 'you make my thing hard'. Yeah, it's hard for me to say that word aloud. I don't ever remember saying it before. So did he want me? Who knows? He was great looking, successful, and really sexy.

Did I want him? My lady parts certainly thought so, but my heart and head just weren't there. Yet, at least. I've never really had a guy friend before. It was foreign and I didn't know how to act around one. Telling him I was a virgin, shocked the hell out of him. I had to be honest with him though. He had stated he wanted me even though I was different than his 'go-to' type but as soon as the word virgin came out if my mouth, it was a totally different ballgame.


Why that song?

Dax: because when I heard it earlier, it made me think of you.

Really? That's not a ‘let’s be friends’ song Dax.

Dax: I know.


Was that all he was going to say? I waited a few minutes and when he didn't say anything else, I texted back-


Okay. Thank you. That's really sweet. Where did you go? Have fun?

Dax: I went to The Club.

You went dancing?

Dax: ha-ha, no. There is dancing but have you-


He sent that, and nothing else. I waited for a minute than I felt my phone vibrating. Looking at the screen, Dax's name popped up and I felt really shy all of a sudden. I didn't answer the phone quickly enough because it went silent and I got another text.


Dax: answer your phone, Scarlet


When my phone vibrated again and I swiped it, opening the call.

I didn't want to be too loud, the walls in this house were thin. In a low voice, I answered, "Hey."

"Why are you talking so low?"

Laughing, I said, "The walls are really thin, and Nana is in the room across mine."

"So hanky-panky has always been a no-no, huh?"

"There would have had to be a guy here first. You're the only guy who’s ever been here, even in the driveway. I didn't have giggly girlfriends, either."

"I'll be your giggly girlfriend if you want."

"Uh, sure. But you're a guy."

"Ah, shucks. I'll be your giggly boyfriend then."

That time my laugh belted out. "You're incorrigible. You know, you didn't answer me earlier."

I could practically feel his sigh whisper across my face and his shoulders slump. That was the kind of sigh he aired.

"I did a bad thing, Pixie."

There was something in his voice that made me feel nervous to hear what he did. I didn’t want him thinking I would assume the worst, so I thought I’d try to lighten his mood.

"Did you kill someone's puppy?"

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