Dinner at Eight-epub (12 page)

BOOK: Dinner at Eight-epub
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Ava rode his face like a woman possessed, rocking her hips faster and faster and pressing down, seeking that pleasure he’d promised. Demanding it.

This time, she refused to let him to stop mid-action. He wouldn’t leave her hanging.

No, sir-ree. 

This time Ava would find relief in the heat of his tongue.

And dear God, that tongue. It conducted symphonies between her legs. Music built to a crescendo in her groin.

Close, so close.
Just one more plunge of his tongue inside her, one more naughty nip of her pussy lip with his teeth, one more sweep…

Jared turned his head to the side, denying her any of it.

She screamed in disbelief, robbed once again of her impending orgasm.

The bastard left her hanging.

Her arms and legs shook so violently she thought she might collapse in a twitching, disgruntled heap on top of him. Never had she wanted anything more in her life. Never.

She squeezed her eyes shut and gulped in oxygen. “J-Jared,” she panted. “Please…”
Oh God, please

He laughed. The sound vibrated through his body, his chest knocking against her thighs.

Disbelief rendered her speechless. She could do nothing but grit her teeth and…throb. She ached for release. Needed it. Craved it. She’d die if she didn’t get it.

Jared moved beneath her, turning his head, and there it was. Wet heat playing along her clit, tingling through her pussy.

The tremors in her limbs increased. A strange keening sound echoed from her throat.

He teased her, his touch so light she barely felt it. It was torture. Hideous, ugly, sweet, delicious torture. Liquid pooled in her pussy, trickling down her inner thigh.

She was going to cry. Going to break down and weep from the torment.

And then Jared flattened his tongue and licked her from slit to clit and back again, over and over, relentless in his delivery of pleasure.

Ava broke on a sob. She came, and came and came, his name reverberating off the walls and ringing in her ears.

She came so hard, time lost meaning. The world lost color. She saw only flashes of white and black and red.

After an eternity passed, and the violent pulsing began to ebb and fade, her limbs finally gave out. With the very last ounce of energy she possessed, Ava managed to twist to the side, so when she fell to the floor in a boneless heap, she didn’t smother Jared.

Apart from the heaving gusts of breath she gulped into her lungs, only one sound registered. The smug, sensual laughter of her best friend.


“I proved you wrong.” Jared waited until Ava stopped trembling before he spoke. It took a while. A long, satisfying while.

A soft smile played on her lips. “Apparently.”

“You didn’t think I would.”

She shrugged lazily, her breasts wobbling with the movement. “I’d hoped.”

“When it comes to your pleasure, baby, I intend to always make you come harder and longer than the last time.”

“You have…uh, a drop of…me, just here.” She pointed to the side of her mouth.

He touched his tongue to the corresponding spot on his face and found she was right. He licked it off. “Mmm.”

“Flirt.” Her eyes darkened even as her tone chided.

“You taste better than any of your cookies.” Jared rolled onto his side, relieving the pressure on his arms.

“And you would know, since you ate almost every one in my store.”

“I’d sacrifice them all for another taste of you.”

Ava pressed her legs together with a shiver. “Too sensitive right now.”

“I’m a patient man.” Still not comfortable, he sat up and bum-shuffled along the floor until his back was pressed against the sofa. “I can wait.”
Ah, better.
At least blood flowed through to his arms now.

“How patient?” Mischief danced on Ava’s face as she too sat up.

If it meant getting another taste of her delicious cunt? As patient as she needed him to be. “Very.”

She eyed his erection thoughtfully—and wouldn’t you know, the blood that had almost brought feeling back to his arms drained south. “Patient enough that you’d sit back quietly while I found something to eat?”

“Hungry, baby?”


He glanced at his groin. “I have something to satisfy your appetite right here.”

“So it would appear. But I’m looking for something a little sweeter. Creamier.”

“I can give you creamy.” A whole mouthful of it. All she need do was wrap those luscious lips around his cock.

“I need something cold.” Leisurely, she pushed herself up, until she stood above him.

And fuck knew, Ava wasn’t the only hungry one in that moment. With her toned limbs, flat stomach and gorgeous, large breasts, Jared was ravenous—for her.

She flashed him an impish smile. “You go ahead and get rid of your pants—and whatever else you may have on underneath them, and I’ll take care of my craving.”

With that, she turned her back on him and walked the hottest body in Australia into the open-plan kitchen. She was all sleek skin and firm ass, and Jared about bust a nut watching her go.

His frustrated growl echoed off the walls. Whose brilliant fucking idea was it to tie his hands behind his back, anyway?

“Problem, Jar?” she asked as she opened the freezer door.

“I never pegged you for a tease before, Torres.”

“How’re you doing on that button and zip?” The freezer closed and she opened a drawer. “Making any progress?”

If he could will his clothes away, he would. But since he was, oh, just an ordinary man with an unfortunate deficiency in supernatural ability, he was shit out of luck. “Not as much as you’re about to make on that ice cream, apparently.” A tub of Ben & Jerry’s now stood on the countertop.

Ava took it and a spoon and headed back into the lounge, peeling off the lid as she walked. She tossed the lid on the coffee table and eyed his pants in amusement. “You didn’t get very far, did you?”

“No point starting without you.” Christ, the woman was slowly redirecting every drop of blood away from every vital organ in his body.

She scooped out a spoonful of Phish Food and put it in her mouth. Her lips closed around it, and her eyes closed in ecstasy. “Yum.”


She swallowed and licked her lips, and Jared feared he’d come then and there. “Delicious.”

“You going to share?” The only way he’d get any Ben & Jerry’s was if she fed it to him. Not that he was interested in the ice cream. He just wanted her close enough to feed him.

“But of course.” Another mouthful for her, another stab of lust for him. “As soon as you get those pants off.”

And another frustrated groan from Jared.

Laughter pealed out of her. “Just kidding.” Lithe and athletic, she stepped over him, bracketing his legs with her feet. And then she straddled him, seating her naked butt on his lap.

No, not her butt. Her pussy. Her sweet, tasty, wet pussy. And not his lap. His aching dick.

His best friend sat—butt-assed naked—on his dick. The same dick that was currently encased in snug (too-fucking-snug) boxers and chinos that had fit comfortably every other time he’d worn them. Tonight they felt like compression pants.

“Pity about that lack of progress.” Ava shrugged and dug out another spoonful of dessert. “If you’d gotten rid of your pants, I’d be fucking you right now.”

Jared closed his eyes as need slammed into him. Perspiration broke out on his brow, and sweat trickled down his spine. And his cock.

No, wait. That wasn’t perspiration.

“Having fun?” he ground out.

Christ, if his hands were free…

They weren’t. No point even contemplating what he might do with them if they were.

“Heaps.” She grinned. “You’re looking a little hot around the edges though.”

He bared his teeth, about as happy as a caged tiger.

“Here you go. Have some ice cream. It’ll cool you down.” She placed a small spoonful at his mouth, nudging his lips open.

He didn’t want ice cream. He wanted her. This was the Ava he knew. The confident, playful, fun-loving Goddess before him. The woman who showed no fear. Who
no fear.

She nudged the spoon in farther, and Jared gave in and opened his mouth. She could feed him poison and he’d open for her.

The Phish Food
sweet. And creamy. And, thankfully, cold. He let it melt on his tongue then chewed on the chocolate before swallowing.

Ava watched him the entire time. “Taste good?”

“Not as good as you.”

She leaned in and pressed her cold, sticky lips to his.

He smiled. “I’m crazy about you, Torres.”

She smiled back as she kissed him again. “I kinda like you too, Thurston.”

Thank fuck for small miracles. “If you got rid of my pants, you could be fucking me right now. There’s a condom in my back pocket.”

“Good to know about the condom.” She painted his mouth with ice cream. “But I’m eating.” She licked every drop off his lips and searched for more between them.

Long, satisfying moments later, she helped herself to another spoonful, but Jared didn’t give her the chance to swallow. He kissed her, ice cream and all, and this time he couldn’t deny the Phish Food tasted sinfully good.

“If I had my hands, I’d dribble that ice cream all over your body and take my time licking up the mess.”

“You do have your hands. You just can’t use them.”

“But you can use yours,” he prompted.

“You’re right. I can.” She put the ice cream on the floor and drew an icy palm across his chest.

He shuddered at the cold. And the heat.

Ava stuck a finger in the tub and pulled it out covered in ice cream. Then she drew a chilly, gooey line from his chin down his throat and onto his nipple—and cleaned it up with her tongue.

Jared began to understand why cats purred. A satisfied rumble hummed from his chest.

She repeated the process, this time painting the other nipple before drawing a line down to his waist.

Every muscle in his stomach contracted as she licked it off, shifting backward so she could reach down low. When her fingers found his button and zip—and opened them—those same muscles went rigid.

And finally, she tugged on the pants while climbing off him.

“Lift your butt, Jar.”

He did, and she slid the chinos over his hips, down his legs and onto his feet. He kicked them away without obstruction, having lost his shoes at some unidentified point during the evening.

“Again.” Her fingers slid under the waistband of his boxers, and Jared had to breathe deep several times before enough oxygen reached his brain to process her demand. He lifted his ass clear off the floor.

Then he was as naked as Ava.

She took her sweet time looking him over. Her gaze traveled from his toes up his legs to his hips and snagged there. She spent long seconds staring at his erection, which throbbed in response to the hunger in her eyes.

“You approve?” There it was again. The Neanderthal speech pattern. But how the fuck could he talk when she looked at him like she was Gheeri and he was the helpless mouse who’d wondered into the panther’s enclosure?

“Curved.” She licked her lips.

“Huh?” Oh, man. His grasp of the English language just kept getting better and better.

“Your penis. It’s curved.”


“Far from it. Very, very far from it.” She wrapped her hand around him, enclosing his cock in a tight, hot and slightly sticky fist.

Jared gave up trying to speak altogether.

“I’ve always said a curved penis is more satisfying than a straight one.” She ran her fist up his length and back again.

Jared gave up breathing too. Who needed it?

“Curved, it reaches places a straight one never can.”

“Ungh.” Yep, that about covered his thoughts on the matter. Especially since Ava was now stroking him steadily.

She scooped up a blob of ice cream and smeared it around the head of his cock.

Cold, cold, cold.

And yet so hot

The hot got hotter as her mouth covered his shaft. Jared’s eyes closed and his head
ed against the couch cushion. He’d lost all ability to hold his neck up.

Fuck, her lips. Her tongue. Her greedy licks. They did mad things to his heart, making it beat like crazy. It pounded against his ribs before sprinting a hundred meters. Then it stopped. Dead. Or that’s what it felt like. Matter of fact, as Ava ran her mouth up and down the length of his dick, everything stopped—except the ability to feel.

Time lost meaning. He forgot where he was, and who he was. All he felt was the pleasure. The sweet, tantalizing, thrilling pleasure. The wet warmth of Ava’s mouth, the velvety softness of her tongue, the grazing sharpness of her teeth. It was relentless. Rapturous. Each suck felt better than the last.

It was…too good. If she continued, he’d lose control. He’d have no ability to stop, and if he planned on making love to her any time soon, he had to stop. Hell, they were both naked now. There were no clothes between them. All she need do was reseat herself on his lap, and she’d be fucking him.

“Av…baby…gotta stop.”

Ava ignored him.

“C-can’t last.” Not like this. Not with her mouth seducing him, swallowing him whole—and in small bits at a time. “Too…good.”

And still that greedy mouth consumed him.

He’d spoken out loud, hadn’t he? “Ava…” His nuts pulled tight against the base of his dick, his release imminent. “Baby—” 

Warmth covered his balls. Her hand? Bare skin caressed them, massaging gently but with enough pressure to cloak the world in bright light.

Oh, Jesus, he wouldn’t last. Couldn’t last. “Torres!”

She increased her pace, sucked harder, her mouth a salacious, hungry, wet, hot glove of ecstasy.

His muscles stiffened. His cock thickened and his balls grew ever heavier.

He was toast. History. No way he could hold back now. He was a goner, lost to the joys of her mouth and her skill. He was…

Oh, fuck.
He was coming. He was fucking coming—in Ava’s mouth.

BOOK: Dinner at Eight-epub
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