Read DirtyBeautiful Online

Authors: Jodie Becker

DirtyBeautiful (6 page)

BOOK: DirtyBeautiful
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Restlessly, she flung herself on her back and decided there
was no hope for it. The need for release thrummed through her and pulsed
against her clit. Heart racing, she couldn’t squelch the ache inside. She
reached under the covers and slid her hand beneath her underwear to touch her
wet folds. Delight trilled along her body as the pads of her fingers circled
her clitoris. Desire bloomed along her body and made her breasts ache for her
hands on them. She held back a mewl as she thrummed the nub, pinching it
delicately before rolling her fingers over it. Sheets whispered like phantom
fingers, tickling her flesh as she spread her legs apart, her fingers skating
over her wet, sensitive lips. Moving her hand lower, she circled her canal.
Pleasure flickered over the tender folds and she gasped at the hot coil of heat
coursing through her. Dipping the tip of her finger inside, she arched into her
touch as she teased her body, pussy juices easing her way. Nerves sung as need
pulsed in her womb.

Gasping on a breath, she fingered her vulva and scissored
over her clitoris. The blazing shot of pleasure elicited a whimper of need.
Erotic heat seared her skin and condensed in her lower abdomen. With her other
hand, she glided along her stomach to cup her breast. Rolling a nipple between
her index finger and thumb caused sharp pleasure to spike from that point right
to her pussy. Her womb quivered. Fingers moved frantically over the hood of her
clitoris as she imagined Dylan touching her. His fingers rubbing her pussy. His
teeth raking over her tender breasts. His hot breath on her skin.

Tingles raced along her skin and she rocked into her touch,
her body instinctually seeking release. She flicked a nipple with her nails, a
mixture of acute pleasure and the sensual caressing along the lips of her
vagina cascaded over her in sensual delight.

Palm pressed over her chest, she thrust two fingers into
herself. Her knees hitched up. The sheet slid along her thighs, cool air
touching her hot skin.

The palm of her hand rubbed against her clit in a sexy slide
that made her moan. She pushed her fingers deeper, seeking that hidden bundle
of nerves. Pelvis arched, she pushed her fingers deeper, moaning as pleasure
vibrated deep inside. The wet sound of her masturbating intermingled with her
ragged breathing turned her on. Feet pressed into the mattress, she rocked her
body into each thrust. Hot, wet heat coated her fingers. Pleasure quivered,
starting from the tips of her toes and racing along her body to explode over
her in waves and waves of ecstasy. Her thighs clamped shut over her hand as if
to hold the orgasm in place. Muscles tensed and her breathing hitched as she
came again.


Erica opened her eyes as the last tremor shook her body and
pulled her hand from her wet body. A wonderful lethargy filled her bones and
she sighed happily. At least now she could get some sleep.

* * * * *

The next day after work, Erica sat at the café sipping some
water. The afternoon breeze ruffled leaves and brought with it the scent of
fresh apple pie. Much of her day had been spent trying to settle rambunctious
children for the week. As a teacher to second-grade children, her career was
both a rewarding and frustrating endeavor and after a day like the one she had,
it called for ice cream and Deb’s infamous apple pie.

A waitress sauntered out with her order and Erica leaned
back and smiled. The plate settled before her and sweet apple goodness wafted
upward. Eager to try the sweet concoction, she scooped a generous amount on her
spoon and took her first bite. Cinnamon, nutmeg and apple burst over her taste
buds. Breathing in the syrupy apple and sugary crust, she moaned. Deb had done
it again.

“Is it really that good?”

Erica startled, a half-shriek, half-gasp making her cough. A
heavy hand hit her back and she scrambled for a napkin, tears pinched at the
corner of her eyes. Once her fits abated she glared up at Dylan. “It’s rude to
sneak up on people, you know.”

A brow rose. “I wasn’t sneaking. I was at Bill’s and saw you
over here and thought to say hello. Nothing sneaky about it.”

She sipped her water then plunked it down, hoping he
wouldn’t notice the way her hand shook. Erica could barely look at his handsome
face, convinced he’d read her dirty little mind the minute she looked into his
eyes. There might as well be a neon sign flashing “I fantasized about you and
got off last night” above her head.

“What’s up?”

Erica shook her head. “Nothing. Nothing’s up.”

He slid into the vacant seat opposite her, concern furrowed
his brow. “Is it about last night?”

Erica sputtered. “No.” Not in the way he thought anyway.

“I know we barely know each other, and last night… I didn’t
intend to come on strong like that. And I know I’ve been sending mixed
messages, but the truth of it is that I like hanging around you. At the moment,
you’re the only friend I have in this town… You and Bill.”

Erica’s heart ached for the vulnerability apparent in his
voice. She couldn’t imagine what it’d be like moving into a town where she knew
no one at all. Her network of friendships was what kept her going when times
were rough or when she just needed to have fun. Dylan, it seemed, had neither.
“There’s a bar around here you might like. All the boys have poker night down
there on Fridays.”

He shrugged and leaned back on his seat. “Maybe.”

It was about as noncommittal as you could get. “Not a cards

“I play a mean hand, but I kinda wanna keep a low profile
for a bit.”

Erica chuckled. “Oh that’s rich.”

Dylan frowned, his gaze flashed with suppressed annoyance.
“What’s so funny?”

“You. You don’t get to have a low profile in small towns
like this. The minute you drove up and parked your shiny new truck at Samuel’s,
you were public property.”

Dylan glowered. “It’s not new. It’s two years old and I
bought it secondhand.”

“Oh well excuse me. Shiny,
-new truck.”

“I haven’t been bothered too much. Had a few women say hello
but that’s not unusual.”

“It’s the women and married men you have to watch for. They’ll
suck information from you like a tick on a fat dog.”

Brows shot up. “What?”

Erica grinned. “Trust me, when a guy is fishing for
information, it’s not to strike up a deep, meaningful friendship. He’s doing it
so his wife will let him play in the bedroom.”

Dylan laughed. “Are all married women that scary?”

“You bet.”

The waitress who served her earlier returned, her pad out
and pen in hand. “What are you having?”

Dylan didn’t even bother with the menu. “I’ll have whatever
she’s having.”

As the server sashayed away, Erica leaned forward. “What are
you doing?”

“I’m having something to eat. I just finished up helping
Bill out with a few things and I’m famished.”

The answer seemed innocuous enough, but she couldn’t help
but wonder. Was this a friendship or the start of something more? Severing that
line of thought, she scooped up some ice cream and ate while Dylan looked on, a
strange expression quirked his features. A mixture of pain, embarrassment and
something else.

“What? Have I got pie on me?”

He blinked, then shook his head, a wry twist to his luscious
mouth. “I just haven’t seen anyone so enthusiastic about food in a while.”

She circled her spoon over the bowl. “Once you taste this,
you’ll understand. Here, why not have some?”

She spooned up a portion of pie with ice cream and held it
out to him. Dylan hesitated then leaned forward. His gaze never left hers as he
took her offering. How could this guy make eating from a spoon look so sexy? He
sat back and licked his lips and her body pinged with repressed desire. “Well?”

He grunted in appreciation. “It’s good. Really good.”

“Thought you’d think that.”

The waitress returned with his order and Dylan dug in. Erica
smiled behind her spoon as Dylan hoed into the pie like one of her
six-year-olds would to ice-cream cake. After he finished, he leaned back, his
hand over his stomach. “Damn that was good.”

“Now you know. I’m never one to turn down a good pie. It’s
goes against my grand scheme for gastronomical world domination.”

Dylan chuckled. “I guess your motto for overtaking the world
is Pi—more than a mathematical constant but an irrational hunger?”

“I like that—irrational hunger, irrational number.” She
snickered, waving her fork back and forth to differentiate between the two
interpretations. Erica sighed and scooped up another portion of pie. “What can
I say? We’re a town full of aspiring super villains. Some more fluffy than

Dylan’s shoulders shook with mirth. “No super villain name
to go with?”

She threw him an impish smile. “I told you I could’ve had a
hairless cat. That
the ultimate accessory when trying to take over
the world. I mean, you’re halfway there with your panty-thieving terrier.”

He guffawed, a hand pressed to his side.

“Speaking of which, have you thought of a name?”

“At the moment I’m just calling him Bud, and that seems to
have stuck.”

“Why hello, Dylan.”

Erica’s chest tightened and she struggled to keep an
impassive mask at the sight of Mary-Mae. She was dressed in all white and the
sunlight bounced off the fabric and into Erica’s eyes.

“I was actually contemplating stopping by your house and
thought to swing by here to bring you a pie and here you are,” Mary-Mae said in
a false tone of utter surprise. “How serendipitous.”

Erica wanted to windmill her hands.
, I’m

Dylan shot a glance at Erica, then cleared this throat.
“That’s kind of you. Erica was nice enough to let me sit at her table and try
out the pie here. I’ve heard it’s famous.”

Ruby-red lips pursed ever so slightly and irritation flashed
across her face. “Well, yes. I’m going to have an intimate get-together with
some friends of mine this weekend. Perhaps you’ll come?”

Dylan clicked his tongue “Would love to, but I’m really busy
renovating. I’m usually buggered by the end of the day.”

Mary-Mae shifted in discomfort while Erica crowed inside.
Could this be? Is Dylan actually
to her charms? “Perhaps some
other time then?”

“Sure.” Which Erica thought sounded like a no. Dylan looked
at her then. “Want me to walk you back to your car?”


Wordlessly they stood, Mary-Mae ignored as Dylan dropped
some money on the table and stepped over to Erica. He pressed a hand on the
small of her back and followed her to her vehicle, all the while her heart
tripped crazily. He always smelled of fresh pine, a smell she had started to
associate with sex and desire.

She stopped by her Mini Cooper and turned, catching
Mary-Mae’s look of disbelief over Dylan’s shoulder. Erica tried, she really
did, but a smirk crossed her features. Mary-Mae’s eyes promised retribution
before she marched away in humiliation. It was the best thing to happen in a
long while. Sure it was petty, but Erica wasn’t a saint. “I can’t believe you
did that!”

Dylan looked back then shrugged, unconcerned. “The woman’s a
viper. Seen enough of her kind to know.”

Erica clapped her hands. “I could kiss you right now.”

The minute those words left her mouth, the tension ramped up
around them. His eyes flicked to her mouth and she licked her lips nervously.
The silence crackled with need and Erica wasn’t sure now if she would be
disinclined not to.

“You’re a really good kisser.” The words were out before she
could even register them.

Dylan didn’t laugh at her, nor even crack a smile. His body
vibrated with lust and hers answered in kind if the clear outline of her nipples
was any indication. “I like to think that kissing is the most intimate thing a
person can do.”

A laugh bubbled up but she wisely held it back. “What about…
You know,
?” she finished on a whisper.

“Sex is meaningless. A woman may not climax with sex, but to
kiss her and make her quiver with need? That takes finesse.”

Erica blinked, surprised by his conviction. “You can make a
woman orgasm by kissing alone?”

His eyes narrowed at the subtle incredulity in her voice. “I
can make you orgasm without touching your breasts or pussy.”

Heat crawled up her neck and she waved a hand at her face.
Wow, that was a statement and a half. Erica wasn’t sure if she was horrified or
titillated. “Oh my.”

He stepped closer, the heat of his body penetrated her
clothes and made her knees weaken. His breath tickled her ear, tracking tingles
of awareness down her neck to her breasts. “I can make you moan from the
thought of me entering you. I can make all your inhibitions disappear. I can
make you want me to do things you never dreamed of.”

She blinked dazedly at him. “I don’t want depraved sex.”

“Wholesomeness is the best to corrupt. I love it when a good
girl goes bad.”

“Are…are you saying you want to corrupt me?”

His tongue flicked the lobe of her ear and she bit back a
moan. Her pussy clenched with need. “Yes.”

Suddenly cool air touched her skin and she found herself
abandoned by the car, Dylan walking away with an urgency that baffled her. One
minute he whispered in her ear with the best sex talk she’d ever experienced
and the next he hurried from her as though his heels were on fire. Her heart
raced as if she’d run a marathon and frustration soaked her bones.

“What in the world is up with him?”

Erica muffled a shriek and twisted around to find Tammy
standing on the curb. “How long have you been standing there?”

Tammy pointed to her hair salon. “You gave those ladies in
there quite a bit to talk about.”

Erica looked over at the elderly women who grinned and waved
at her. She dropped her forehead in her hands. “Oh God.”

BOOK: DirtyBeautiful
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