Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians (10 page)

BOOK: Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians
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I didn’t have time to think about it. It just seemed the right thing to do.’

I don’t know how to thank you, Touches The Sky.’

Sky paused, then faced him. ‘If you want to thank me, find out what has happened to my father. That’s what I want to know more than anything.’

Rain Ending nodded slowly. ‘I’ll do my best, but it will take a while. Look for me at the Gathering. I’ll find you there and tell you what I’ve learnt.’

Thank you. This means a lot to me. But please be careful. Now we must go quickly, tomorrow is the new moon and I have to be back with my clan by dawn!’






Chapter 11


Honour the teachers: shapers of our future.”

- Second Rainbow (8,127 - 8,159 post Great Alluvion)



Dusk, Muddy and Sky met at the west end of the bay for their lesson. Deneb soon appeared, looking concerned. ‘Do any of you know where Wakes is? I’ve been looking for her since yesterday postnoon and can’t find her anywhere.’

None of them had seen her, so Sky tried to comfort Deneb. ‘She may have just gone off for a night hunt with some friends and gone too far. Or maybe she forgot we have lessons today. She’ll probably turn up soon.’

That’s not like her. She’s always on time, you know that.’

Yes, that’s true, I guess. Well, if she’s not here by the end of our lessons today, we’ll all go and search for her, alright?’

Cloud Passing then appeared from seaward, and they greeted him deferentially. He paused a moment to be sure he had their full attention. ‘You have a full day today. We will first attempt to further our understanding of the Way by continuing our discussion of the Right to Life and its principle exceptions. Then, you will be teaching some of the young ones until half-postnoon. And please remember that tomorrow morning Green Wave Falling will be guiding you all in the development of your breathing and heartbeat control exercises, so I suggest you get some practice today. Any questions?’ He paused and looked at them quizzically, although it was obvious that he saw them only vaguely. Sky stole a glance at Muddy who was looking uncomfortable. He knew that Muddy hated the lessons with Green Wave Falling, their strictest teacher. And Muddy had never excelled at anything involving control.

Cloud Passing peered at them again. ‘And where is Wakes Softly?’

We don’t know, Jeii. We’re going to look for her later.’

Hmm. Well, we had better begin. Now, where was I?’

Cloud Passing-Jeii,’ Sky ventured, ‘a few days ago Dusk, Deneb, Muddy and I saw something strange, something…bad. Can we discuss it before we start your lesson today?’

Well, I cannot see why not. “Accidental lessons are remembered best” as the saying goes.’ He began to swim stiffly to the surface then momentarily froze, a look of pain in his eyes. Sky looked at him in concern but the old dolphin had himself under control again. He carried on up, took a breath and then dropped back to them gently, saying, ‘Swim with me.’

They fell into formation with the elderly dolphin, pacing their movements to exactly mirror his. He led them parallel to the beach, moving slowly and often gliding with his body motionless. Occasionally they rose as one to take a breath at the surface, where their exhalations flashed silver in the clear morning air.

Sky described their experience with the sharks that the Walkers had cut the fins from, trying, in accordance with his training, to be factual in his description, without making assumptions or interpretations. The other Novices remained quiet, only occasionally inclining their heads in agreement. He finished his story, and their teacher swam in silence for some time, his eyes almost closed. Eventually he spoke.

Well, that was a lesson I wish you had been spared, but I am afraid that what you saw is not an uncommon event anymore.’

Sky could see that Dusk was clearly desperate to say something. When she did, she was obviously forcing herself to keep her emotions under check. ‘Jeii, how can Ocean ever stay in balance when the Walkers act like this? We Ka-Tse can have all the quotas and rules we like — this makes it all a sad joke!’

Well then, Deneb Rising, what do you think we should do about it then?’

I don’t see how we can do much more than we already are, Jeii. The Seekers monitor the levels of prey pretty well and try to manage the stocks, but maybe there should be more cooperation with other zetii species. We’re all supposed to be trying to conserve Ocean’s resources but we don’t work together anymore.’

Sky tilted up his chin, indicating he wished to speak. Cloud Passing nodded to him. ‘Jeii, why don’t we invite representatives from other zetii species to the Gathering? If we speak to them we may find that they have just the same problems as us. Maybe we can agree ways to work together to solve them.’

Cloud Passing looked thoughtfully at him and slowly nodded his head slightly. Dusk made a small explosive noise and blew a small burst of bubbles from her blowhole. They rocked lazily towards the surface.

Yes Dusk?’ Cloud Passing inquired gently. ‘You have an opinion about this I think?’

We don’t really know what the other zetii are doing Jeii! Many of us think that the blue water zetii are flaunting the quotas, taking more than their share. How would we ever know? They spend their lives out above the deep waters moving about in those huge clans: hundreds, even thousands strong. When they move into an area they must take everything! Someone has to stop them!’

Dusk, we don’t know that,’ Sky reasoned. ‘You know that there’s no proof that’s true.’

And no proof it isn’t! It fits the facts — everywhere there’s a shortage of food, the Ka-Tse are going hungry, but you don’t see any fewer of those Xenthos or Xa-Hana.’

But they’re still zetii like us! They’re entitled to hunt just as we are, as long as they’re reasonable in what they take. If we just dominated them because we feel like it, we’d be just like the creatures we despise!’

Cloud Passing interrupted: ‘That is enough you two, this is getting far too emotional. This is not how I would expect to hear two scholars of the Way conducting a debate!’ Sky and Dusk looked suitably contrite as he continued. ‘I am not hearing suggestions as to what should be done. Fades Into Dusk? What are your thoughts?’

Jeii, I know the Way has served us well for thousands of years, but it just doesn’t seem to have all the answers anymore. I’m afraid that if we just blindly follow it, the Ka-Tse are going to die out. There’s too much competition for too little food.’

Hmm. And Touches The Sky?’

I know times are difficult Jeii, but I don’t think we can consider deviating from the Way. It’s what makes us special, what has allowed us to live in harmony with Ocean for so long. I don’t think the problem is the other zetii species, I think it’s the Walkers.’

Cloud Passing looked grave. ‘The Walkers are a strange anomaly on Ocean. All other life forms we have ever known have been constrained by the self limiting workings of the Cycle of Life. Somehow they have moved outside of those boundaries and have apparently somehow acquired great power without great wisdom. They lived in harmony with the Universal well enough for many thousands of years. Then they discovered how to create machines and manipulate their environment to their own ends. Now we simply do not know what may happen. Some of us believe the Cycle of Life will somehow correct their actions as it always has in the past with rogue species. Others are afraid that they are already too far outside the reach of the Cycle and that Ocean must suffer a great catastrophe in the next few hundred years; perhaps much sooner.’

So what do
think should be done, Jeii?’ asked Deneb.

Well, it is not for me to decide alone, but I can assure you that this is a subject that will be debated at length at the Grand Council meeting during the coming Gathering. Which reminds me. We have a vacancy for one of the Voices on our clan’s Council at present. You may know that I have held the post of Voice of the Others for some time — one of four Voices we have represented in our Council at present. I have spent much time meditating on the problems that we have just discussed, and I intend to make a suggestion to the Council, which I think many will find radical. My post demands that I do my best to represent the views of all other species but it seems to me that it is time to let one of the other zeta species actually come along and speak for themselves.’

Can we trust what they will say, Jeii?’ Dusk asked.

speaking to them only increases what mistrust already exists. I think it must be worth trying. Now, I notice that Touches The Sky made a very sensible suggestion along these lines in our little debate just now.’

Sky wondered where this was going, and felt reluctant to accept this credit. ‘Well, Deneb started me on that thought, Jeii.’

Be that as it may, it so happens that the current holder of the Voice of Youth has just retired; I am afraid she does not really qualify to hold it any more. So I believe that Sky might enter that position on a trial basis and be able to contribute something useful.’

Me at a Council Meeting, Jeii? I wouldn’t know what to say…’

Nonsense, you are a smart fellow, you just say what you think — or rather, what you believe the younger generation think. That is the point of that Voice after all: otherwise it would just be me and the other scarred old bags of bones — making decisions without taking into account the wishes of half the clan.’

But some of the clan are going to object, surely…with the gossip about my father…’

I think this is the best way for us to demonstrate that the rules of the clan still apply. It is your father that is accused, not you. This may help to stop some of the rumours. Now, what do you say?’

Sky was awed by the responsibility he was being offered. He wondered if this was somehow linked to Cloud Passing’s plans for him as an apprentice Aligner. He looked at the others to see their reaction; Muddy winked at him encouragingly. Sky steadied his racing heartbeat with an effort, ‘Jeii, I’d be honoured to accept then. I just hope I can represent the younger generations properly.’

I am sure you will be fine. And you only have to worry about those around you, of course; the Voice of the Unborn has to speak for the needs of future generations. ‘Now, let me see where Senx is in his travels, I fear it is getting late.’

They surfaced and Cloud Passing gauged the height of the sun.

Indeed, time for you to go to your respective classes. Fades Into Dusk, you will take first echelon students for group foraging practice. Muddy River Mouth, take the second echelon and give them an introduction into the art of the Starwriters…’

Muddy interrupted as politely as he could, his voice pleading. ‘But Cloud Passing-Jeii, might it not be better for Dusk to lead that lesson? I could easily lead a foraging lesson but she is in apprenticeship as a Starwriter, and could teach it so much better. I know so little about it compared to her.’

And that is precisely why I have assigned the subject to you. They only need an introduction; you will manage. Now, where was I? Ah yes, Deneb Rising, assist Dusk to control her class, please — they can be a little wild at that age. And, Touches The Sky, take the third echelon and guide them in an appreciation of the Shades. Apparently they plan to present a harmonic chorus using them for inspiration at the Gathering. When I heard them practising yesterday it was ghastly. Even with my eyesight I could see they were quite out of mood with the light…’

They were interrupted by the arrival of another dolphin. ‘Cloud Passing-Jeii, I am sorry to stop your lesson, but one of your Novices has been found.’

Cloud Passing looked at the messenger in surprise. ‘Is it Wakes Softly? Is everything alright?’

No, I’m afraid not, Jeii. You had better see for yourself.’

Jeii, can we come too?’ asked Deneb urgently, ‘she’s our friend.’

Yes, of course — you may all come.’

They were led some distance to the east of the bay. A few of the clan’s members were guarding the spot, their demeanour grim.

Wakes Softly was in a depression in the rock. Her body was covered in parallel cuts, and was discoloured where she had suffered blows to her side and head. Her eyes stared lifelessly at them.

The messenger spoke with compassion to them. ‘I’m sorry, she must have been your friend. She has a lot of internal injuries; she must have been hit by something several times very hard. That was what killed her. We think she must have died recently, earliest last night, as the scavengers haven’t found her yet and…’

That’s enough!’ Deneb cried. ‘Could you leave us alone for a while?’

Cloud Passing nodded sympathetically. ‘This is another terrible tragedy. We’ll leave you to your grief for now.’ He led the messenger to one side, his expression pained.

Deneb moved beside Wakes cold body and pressed his head beside hers, talking quietly. ‘What happened to you, little Wakes? Why did you have to be alone to face this?’

Dusk, Muddy and Sky waited in silence. After a time, Deneb returned to them. ‘What did this?’

BOOK: Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians
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