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Authors: Imari Jade

Down and Dirty (2 page)

BOOK: Down and Dirty
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“I wonder when Takumijo and Amaterasu will be joining us?” Ichiro asked.

Satoshi shrugged. “Let’s not worry about them and enjoy our meal.” He said grace and lifted his bowl of porridge. Satoshi sampled it.
. Ichiro always knew just the right amount of seasonings to add to give a bland dish zing.

“Do you think she’ll move in here?” Ichiro asked.

“I don’t know,” Satoshi answered. “You know Tak; he’s not a one-woman man. He likes variety.”

“Maybe,” Ichiro said. “It would be nice to hear a woman’s laughter in the house again.”

Satoshi put down his bowl. “Why are you destroying yourself like this? Shaundra will be back after she cools off a bit. She’s still hurt that you cheated on her.”

“I did not cheat on her,” Ichiro said loudly.

In the heat of passion with Shaundra, Ichiro had accidentally called out another woman’s name, which led his wife to leave him.

“It was just a kiss, and it meant nothing to me.”

“I’m not the one you have to convince,” Satoshi said. He went back to his meal.

“How can I convince her when I can’t get near her?”

Satoshi smirked. Shaundra had hired one hell of a bodyguard to keep Ichiro away from her. Dae-Hyun was not only quick on his feet, but also easy on the eyes. So he could see why Ichiro was so frustrated. “You’ll get your chance at the christening this weekend. You’ll get to spend time with your sons and visit with your family. You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You haven’t gone to Kagawa since your grandmother died.”

Ichiro and his older siblings had been born and raised in Kagawa, but moved to Osaka when Ichiro was a child and was recruited to be an idol. Satoshi didn’t know very much about Ichiro’s past, but what he did know he didn’t like. What kind of family trained a young kid to be a killing machine? Ichiro held black belts in many disciplines, taught to him by his uncle. Satoshi had met the man once, but it had been enough for him to know he didn’t like him. But through all the training, Ichiro still kept his even-tempered, almost angelic disposition, until recently. Their youngest member had grown up a lot in the two years since meeting Shaundra. She’d turned him from a kid into a mature, passionate young man. But unfortunately, it also had some wicked side effects. Maybe Ichiro should have dated other women before settling down with the much older Shaundra Morrison. Beautiful women and great sex has been the downfall of many good men. Ichiro probably rocked Shaundra’s world in the bedroom, but he had no clue how to make her happy mentally. Now they were the parents of two boys and their marriage was on the verge of ending.

“I miss Cristal,” Ichiro said. “She always makes me laugh when we all get together to eat.”

“Yeah, I miss her too. But she’s a big girl and she needs to spread her wings.”

“I just hope she’s not spreading for Tae.”

Satoshi nearly choked on the food in his mouth. Ichiro didn’t mean to be insensitive. He was still as innocent as a puppy in so many ways.

“That’s really none of our business,” Satoshi said. Suddenly, he didn’t feel hungry any more.

“Maybe not, but she’s like a baby sister to us. And I know he’s your brother, but I don’t think he has her best interest at heart.”

Satoshi chuckled. He couldn’t control his own marriage, but he was suddenly an expert on everyone else’s relationships. “I think we should let her make up her own mind. Cristal’s smart. She won’t let Tae get to her.”

“I heard Yi-jun is coming here for Christmas.”

Satoshi bristled. Yi-jun Lee, the actor, was his childhood best friend and for some insane reason, he’d fixed the man and Cristal up several months ago. Now he regretted it because he liked Cristal too, but not as much as he liked Ichiro’s wife, Shaundra. He sighed and went back to his meal. He couldn’t advise Ich on how to fix his love life when he couldn’t fix his own. “Let’s not talk about her. Have you heard from Yori?”

Yori had married Amaya after losing Shaundra to Ichiro, and after a rocky start and a suicide attempt by Amaya, the young couple seemed to have gotten their lives together.

“Yes, I spoke to him briefly last night. He and Amaya will be coming to Kagawa for the christening, but will be celebrating Christmas with Amaya’s parents.”

Amaya’s parents were famous clothing designers who liked to interfere in their child’s marriage. Yori had been miserable at first, but seemed to get along with them now. This would be their first Christmas apart. “That sucks, but look at it this way; at least you’ll celebrate it with your sons.”

“I noticed you neglected to say I’d celebrate it with my wife.”

“How you interpret it has nothing to do with me. If you want her here, you better figure out a way to fix this mess.”

“I’ve done everything except get on my knees and kiss her ass,” Ichiro said angrily.

“Maybe you should try that,” Satoshi said.

“Urg,” Ichiro said. “You are so rude.”

“What? Women like a little kink.”

“They do?” Ichiro asked.

Ichiro was still so gullible. “Sure they do.”

Takumijo entered the dining room alone, dressed in a pair of pajama bottoms and a thin robe opened at the chest.

“Where’s Amaterasu?” Satoshi asked.

Takumijo didn’t act embarrassed to find out they knew she was upstairs in his bedroom. “She won’t be joining us for breakfast. She’s recuperating.”

Ichiro shook his head and went back to his meal.

“See,” Satoshi said. “He probably tried something freaky with her.”

The puzzled look on Ichiro’s face was priceless. He rose to get Takumijo’s breakfast and left the dining room.

“What were you idiots discussing?” Takumijo asked.

“Getting freaky with our women. I suggested he try something different with Shaundra like kissing her butt.”

This got a big laugh out of Takumijo. “I can just picture him trying and her kicking him out of the bed.” He stopped laughing. “Wait, he can’t even get near her to kiss her. Doesn’t she have some big-ass bodyguard protecting her gorgeous body?”

Satoshi nodded. “You should see him. He looks like he can destroy a world if someone gets near Shaundra.”

“Damn,” Takumijo explained. “No wonder Ich is sulking.”

Satoshi lifted his chopsticks. “Yes, there’s nothing like a good old-fashioned ass-kicking to put things into perspective.”

Takumijo chuckled. “Yeah, have you apologized to Cristal yet?”

Satoshi grimaced. He hadn’t meant to draw Takumijo’s wrath on him. “I’ve tried, but she won’t see me or return my calls. I guess I’ll have to give her more time.”

“You need to send her some candy, sexy lingerie, and kiss her ass too.”

Should he? Would Cristal accept a gift in place of a personal apology? The ass-kissing part was out of the question. He wouldn’t stoop so low for any woman. “I’ll get on it right after breakfast,” Satoshi lied.

Ichiro reentered the room with Takumijo’s breakfast and placed it before him. And then he joined them at the table. Satoshi knew Takumijo would not discuss the little incident with Cristal around Ichiro. For this he was grateful because Ichiro would probably try to kick his ass too for putting his hand on the farmhouse princess.

“Have you started making plans for the christening?” Takumijo asked Ichiro.

“There’s nothing much for me to do. Daichi has taken care of everything. I just need to show up.”

“Aren’t we supposed to perform some songs or something?” Satoshi asked. He did remember Daichi mentioning something like that before they left for Europe.

“Yeah; I thought we could do the lullaby I wrote for the babies since Shaundra hasn’t heard it yet.”

“That might score you some brownie points,” Takumijo said as he attacked his breakfast.

“I’m not doing it to score brownie points,” Ichiro said. He picked up his cup of tea and sipped.

“Then you better be good at ass-kissing, because that’s the only way you’re going to win her back,” Takumijo told him.

Ichiro put his cup down. “What is with you guys with this ass-kissing? I am not going to beg Shaundra. If she doesn’t want to return, she can stay.” He rose again and walked out the room in a huff.

“What’s with him?” Takumijo asked.

“Don’t pay him any attention,” Satoshi said. “He’s probably going up to his room to search the Internet for the definition of freaky sex.”

Both Satoshi and Takumijo laughed at Ichiro’s expense.

“What’s on the agenda for today?” Takumijo asked once they stopped laughing.

“We’re meeting Yori in town for lunch.”

“Oh yeah. He wants to get away from Amaya for a couple of hours. Count me in.”

“Do you think Ichiro will go?” Satoshi asked.

Takumijo nodded. “He’ll be there if I have to carry him.”

Three years ago, Takumijo probably could have done so, but Ichiro was now as tall and muscular as Takumijo.

“Besides, he and Yori are getting along splendidly now.”

, Satoshi thought. They were not trying to kill each other over Shaundra at the moment. “It should be fun, and I’m looking forward to the trip to Kagawa.”

Takumijo agreed. “Yeah, I can use a change of scenery.”

Ichiro returned a few minutes later looking cool and collected. He poured himself a fresh cup of tea and rejoined them at the table.

Amaterasu entered a few minutes later, fully dressed and looking rejuvenated. “Good morning,” she said.

“Good morning,” Ichiro and Satoshi said to her.

“What are you doing up, woman?” Takumijo asked.

Amaterasu slid into the chair next to him. “I have things to do, plus I’ve heard so much about Ichiro’s fine cooking I didn’t want to miss breakfast.”

Ichiro rose. “I can take a hint. I have your plate ready in the kitchen.” He walked out the dining room.

“I didn’t mean to interrupt you guys,” Amaterasu said.

“You didn’t interrupt anything,” Satoshi said, enjoying how nice she and Takumijo looked seated next to each other. The two of them would have some truly gorgeous babies if by some miracle they stuck together that long. But he seriously doubted it knowing Takumijo’s track record with relationships. He’d never been the monogamous type and rumors had circulated in Europe that Amaterasu might be the same way. But it would be nice if both of them decided to settle down and put that foolishness behind them.

Ichiro reappeared with Amaterasu’s food and placed it before her. He removed the silver covers from the bowls and then handed her a napkin and chopsticks.

“Ooh, look at all this food,” Amaterasu said happily. “You’re going to make me fat, Ich.”

“A well-rounded breakfast is good for you,” Ichiro told her. “And besides, we treat our womenfolk like queens.”

Satoshi smirked and Takumijo chuckled warmly at Ichiro’s attempt at flirting.

“Thank you,” Amaterasu said, looking a bit surprised by Ichiro’s words.

“Would you like coffee, tea, or juice?” Ichiro asked her.

“Tea, please,” she answered.

Ichiro left her side, walked over to a cart, and poured tea for Amaterasu. He placed the cup in front of her and Takumijo passed the condiment bowl to her.

Amaterasu shook her head. “I prefer my tea natural.”

“Good choice,” Ichiro said, returning to his seat. “Sugar clogs arteries.”

Satoshi smirked. If he didn’t know better, he’d swear Ichiro was trying to butter Amaterasu up. Maybe he thought she was perfect for Takumijo too.

Takumijo’s cell phone beeped with a text. He slid it out of his pocket and looked down at the display. He texted something back and slid the phone back into his pocket.

“Anything wrong?” Amaterasu asked him as he speared a rolled egg with her chopsticks.

“No,” Takumijo answered. “Just a friend welcoming me back to Korea.”

“Oh,” Amaterasu said.

Oh, oh, trouble in paradise
, Satoshi thought. The look on Takumijo’s face led him to believe their choreographer was being less than honest with his girl. And the funny part of the matter was that he believed Amaterasu didn’t believe Takumijo, but accepted his response.

“Yori has invited us to join him for lunch today, Ichiro,” Takumijo said, changing the subject. “Will you be able to attend?”

Ichiro put down his teacup. “Yes, I don’t have any other plans until later.”

“Good,” Takumijo said.

“Where can you guys possibly have lunch without getting mobbed?” Amaterasu asked.

“We have a couple of places,” Takumijo told her. “The owners are only too willing to let us use one of their private rooms as long as we provide our own security.”

“Do your fans ever find out you’re at the restaurants?”

“Yes,” Satoshi answered for Takumijo. “We have to sign a few autographs, but they’re normally a well-behaved crowd. And it means extra business for the restaurant. So it’s usually a win-win situation.”

“I’m hoping for a peaceful, relaxing lunch,” Ichiro said. “Fans are nice, but sometimes I don’t want to smile for a picture.”

Takumijo chuckled. “Ichiro has this thing about private space and boundaries. He’s okay with fans, just as long as they admire him from a distance.”

“But you’re so cute,” Amaterasu told Ich. “I had your picture all over my walls after your debut.”

Satoshi looked over to Ich to get his reaction. Their youngest members blushed profusely.

“Thank you,” Ichiro said.

“Did you have my picture on your wall too?” Takumijo asked her.

“No,” Amaterasu answered honestly. “You were kind of a wild child back then, and I was into the shy, quite types.”

“What about now?” he asked. “Is Ichiro’s picture still on your walls?”

Amaterasu giggled like a teenager. “Just a small one, but I have a gigantic poster of you over my bed.”

Both Ichiro and Satoshi laughed.

“Since when?” Takumijo asked.

“Since we returned from Europe. I like waking up looking at you.”

“Good answer,” Takumijo said good-naturedly. “You just scored major brownie points with these guys.” He went back to his food.

Amaterasu looked over at Satoshi for confirmation.

Satoshi nodded. “You just satisfied the biggest ego in Osaka.”

That got a chuckle out of Ichiro. “The biggest,” he said.

BOOK: Down and Dirty
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