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Authors: Lloyd A. Meeker

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Enigma (8 page)

BOOK: Enigma
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James Richardson had faced a terrible choice. He could be true to himself, or be what others wanted him to be. He’d been brave enough to take the path of authenticity, and I couldn’t fault him for that, no matter how many people got hurt. Maybe he should have made the choice earlier, but I’m in no position to judge, given my own story with the bottle.

That was what Mary Oliver’s poem, the one I’d given him yesterday, was all about. Save the only life you can save.

I was tempted to rescue the kids myself somehow, although I knew as rough as this was going to be for them, their wounds weren’t mine to heal. Someone else would have to do that. Someday.

From what I’d seen of the Richardson adults, it wasn’t likely to be them, either. Howard wouldn’t have a clue about where to start. Maybe Ann, one day, if she could find her way back to Earth. But not Leigh. She was still too certain of her own righteousness to acknowledge her part in this mess. The kids’ suffering would forever be James’ fault, not hers.

I parked behind my house and got out. I imagined making a placard saying, “Be good to your child today!” and marching up Colfax Avenue with it. That made me cringe. I was getting maudlin, and that’s not a healthy place for me, even just to visit.

I needed a meeting. There was one at three on weekdays over at the York Street Club. If I started out now, I wouldn’t have to drive. I figured the walk and the open air would do me good.

Maybe after the meeting, if I felt brave enough to take a risk that could end up hurting both of us, I’d give Colin a ring and ask if he liked baseball.


Trademarks Acknowledgment

The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of the following places and items mentioned in this work of fiction:

Armani: Giorgio Armani, S.p.A.

Versace: Gianni Versace, S.p.A.

Burberry: Burberry Limited Company

Enigma: Michael Cretu

Wax Trax: Nash Group

REI: Recreational Equipment, Inc.

Starbucks: Starbucks Corporation

King Soopers: Dillon Companies, Inc.

Subway: Doctors Associates, Inc.


Lloyd Meeker can't help what he writes – stories arising from the “between places”, the mystical overlapping of the worlds of matter and spirit, and the eldritch beauty that dwells there. That’s his natural habitat.

In addition to his written work, which includes novels, essays, poetry and short stories, he has served since 2008 as a judge in the Queer Foundation’s annual National High School Seniors Essay Contest. Its goal is to promote effective writing by, about, and/or for queer youth, and to award scholarships to the winners. (Members of the National Council of Teachers of English select the Finalists from schools across the United States.)

Published under the pen name Rowan Malloy, his fantasy romance
Blood Royal
won the 2013 Abalone Award, chosen by the Cultural, Interracial and Multicultural special interest chapter of RWA in the Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal category.

Happily ensorcelled by music, subtle energy healing, and the wonders of nature, Meeker lives with his very understanding husband in southern Florida among friends and family, orchids, and giant hibiscus that take his breath away every morning.

Also by Lloyd A. Meeker

Blood Royal

Traveling Light

Salvation, Erotica Exotica: Tales of Sex and Magic

Letter to a New Generation of Gate-Keepers", Second Person Queer

The Darkness of Castle Tiralur

BOOK: Enigma
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