Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2) (4 page)

BOOK: Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2)
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My initial delight at seeing Lace was swept away by the overriding curiosity concerning the woman standing at her side. She was young and pretty, but her beauty wasn’t the in your face kind. You might even miss it on a cursory first glance. It almost seemed to me as if she were trying to conceal it. She definitely hadn’t done a thing to play it up. In fact, I doubted she was wearing any makeup at all.


The complete opposite of the woman who’d wrecked my bed last night and would likely disturb my dreams for nights to come.

Involuntary shudder.

Long straight shiny platinum hair kissed her shoulders, and she had uneven bangs that completely covered her forehead. They were so long they tangled in the thick fringes of her white blonde lashes. Those lashes framed the most beautiful pair of aquamarine eyes that I’d ever seen. Eyes I was still gazing into. Eyes that remained on mine, making me hope that she was just as attracted to me as I was to her. There was a wariness in them though that I didn’t quite understand.

She tore her gaze from mine and took a big step back.

Wondering what the hell that meant, I continued my enticing assessment. She was tiny, especially in comparison to Lace who was only slightly shy of my five foot ten, but hints of her figure appeared to be in perfect proportion to her petite frame. So perfect that I really wanted to conduct a more thorough examination. So perfect that I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why the hell she covered it up with clothing so loose it had to be at least one size too big for her.

The word camouflage immediately came to mind.

But why?

She’d gone tense, too, as soon as I’d opened the door. I’d never met a woman who appeared to be less comfortable in her own skin. It made no sense, especially when she had skin that was as sun kissed and beautifully flawless as hers.

“Can Bridget and I come in?” Lace asked after a knowing glance swung back and forth between the two of us. She’d obviously noticed my interest. Not much slipped past her. “I need to talk to you for a minute.”


It was the perfect name for her. And even though I knew I’d been standing there with my mouth hanging wide open like a dork, I still found it hard to bring my attention back to Lace. “Absolutely. Sure. Come in.” I pushed the heavy door back and threw an arm wide indicating they were welcome to enter. Lace walked through first, and Bridget followed, turning her body sideways and skimming the wall opposite me even though I’d left plenty of room for her to pass without even coming close to touching me. It was almost like she was afraid of me.

Letting the weight of the door close itself, I moved in right behind Bridget. Her passage dotted the air with a sugary sweet intoxicating trail that I followed, pulling in a deeper breath to try to identify the fragrance.

When Lace reached the coffee table, she turned around, eyes crinkling as she glanced over at me. Embarrassed to have been caught standing so close to Bridget nostrils noticeably flaring, so not at all my usual level of cool, I quickly moved to the couch and busied myself clearing a space for them to sit down. I gathered the strewn pages of sheet music into a pile, threw my leather jacket over my arm, and snagged my Gibson acoustic by the neck.

I transferred everything to the dining table except for the guitar which I placed carefully in its stand. When I’d finished straightening up, I turned back around. They had both taken a seat on the couch side by side and were watching me. Lace still looking amused, but whatever Bridget was thinking was a mystery behind blue eyes. Regardless of the differences between them, they seemed very comfortable together. Close. I wondered why Lace had never mentioned Bridget before.

“What’s up?” I asked reluctantly dragging my gaze away from the beautiful Bridget and centering it on Lace. I was curious as hell as to why they were here. I dropped down into the side chair and leaned forward elbows on my knees. “You didn’t call last night. How’d things go with Bryan?”

“Good.” Her eyes brightened, and her cheeks blushed. “Better than good actually. We’re together now.”

“Awesome, Lace. I’m happy for you.” And I was. Something had gone wrong between her and Bryan in the past that had hurt my friend deeply, but today there seemed to be no trace of that pain. She glowed as if a light switch had been turned on inside of her.

“Yes, well, speaking of Bryan. He just got back from a meeting with Mary Timmons. He’s pretty upset.”

Oh, so that’s what this was about. “
I take that to mean he’s not too happy about her decision?”

“No, not really.” She smoothed imaginary wrinkles from her jeans.

I frowned, but I wasn’t really surprised.

“It’s not really personal, JJ”

I cocked a skeptical brow.

“Ok. Well maybe a little. It’s going to take some time before he trusts that you and I are just friends. But that’s not because of you personally. I think he’d feel that way about anyone.” She seemed to run out of steam and looked to the woman beside her for help.

Bridget gave Lace’s knee a reassuring squeeze before her eyes went to me. “Bryan’s upset about the way Mary handled things today. He thinks Tempest should get to choose who they want to replace War. I’m sure you can understand that?”

I nodded, noting to myself how much I liked the sound of her voice. It had a clear musical quality to it that was very appealing. Even more appealing than that though was having her pretty eyes on mine.

“I think he’s actually hoping you’ll consider rejecting the offer.” Lace’s words jarred me from my Bridget fixation.

“Are you kidding me?” My brows shot up, and I scooted back in the chair. “You know Mary. It wasn’t presented to me as an offer, Lace. More like a mandate.”

“I figured as much. But I still think you should tell her no, Justin.

“I can’t do that.”

“I know it seems crazy,” she persisted. “But I think it’s the right way to handle this, especially if you want everything to work out in the end. The guys aren’t likely to get over a forced marriage. On the other hand, I really believe if we bring choice back into the equation, if they had an opportunity to see and hear how well you fit in with them, they’d realize Mary is right.”

“You mean like do a tryout?”

“That’s the idea.”

“I don’t know.” I got up and walked over to the sliding glass doors. I needed a moment to think things through. The terrace outside offered a bit of solace, shadowed by the building behind it. The city sounds were muffled but recognizable: a sharp whistle, the distant murmur of voices, a car horn, and even a seagull’s cry.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Lace was probably right. She’d known these guys a long time. And Mary had warned me that I’d encounter resistance. If I was careful and handled things diplomatically, maybe I could make this work out to my advantage.

I turned around to find both women watching me again, this time with matching expectant expressions.

“Alright. I’ll do it. I’ll call and make an appointment with Mary. If I survive that, and if she agrees, you’ll be the first to know.”

“Thank you.” Lace jumped to her feet and threw her arms around my neck. I hugged her back.

“Really it’s no big deal,” I lied while glancing over her shoulder at Bridget. She gave me a look that seemed somehow disapproving.

What the hell was that all about?
I was doing exactly what they wanted.

“Lace. We’d better go.” Bridget stood and skirted well around me again while moving toward the door. “I need to get back to Carter.”

Who the hell was Carter?

The thought that Bridget might have a boyfriend bothered me more than I cared to acknowledge at this point. She was a puzzle that I wanted to solve, and I couldn’t remember ever being more intrigued by a woman.

After they left, I stared at the door for a long time imagining picking her locks.






Tucking the blankets carefully around my innocent angel in the soft moonlight, I tiptoed out of the room to get a glass of water. I was still parched from the plane and wasn’t surprised that I’d woken up after only a couple of hours of sleep. Carter and I had gone to bed pretty early. It was going to take us a while to get settled and adjust to the new time zone.

I quietly closed the door and slipped out into the hall.

As soon as I reached the kitchen I heard them, Lace’s throaty laugh and a very deep, very turned on sounding male moan.


My cheeks flamed as the unmistakable sounds of lovemaking continued. It was a good thing their bedroom was on the complete opposite side of the apartment from ours. Looking for an immediate escape, my gaze landed on the glass door to the balcony. I slid it open and stepped outside. A blast of cold crisp Pacific Northwest air hit my face like a cold shower.

I tightened the belt of my thick terry cloth robe and pulled the lapels closer together as I moved to the railing and stared out at the urban landscape. A few lights twinkled back at me from the surrounding buildings. A glance at the residential side street below showed a couple making their way up the sloped sidewalk, probably leaving a midnight showing from the movie theatre across the street.


I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sound of his voice. My head swiveled in his direction. Even though there was a full wooden partition separating his balcony from mine, his smooth voice warmed my neck as though he were standing right beside me, his mouth near my ear.

“Justin.” I shivered and swallowed nervously. “What are you doing up? It’s late, and it’s cold. And anyway,” I was rambling and sucked in a needed breath, “How did you even know it was me out here?”

There was a long pause. A light breeze ruffled my bangs. “I smelled your perfume.”

“I don’t wear perfume,” I returned.

“But I caught a whiff of it earlier in my apartment. It’s kinda flowery.”

“Oh, you must mean my shampoo and conditioner.” My orchid infused hair products were a frivolous indulgence. I would never admit, even to myself, how much it thrilled me that he had noticed that small detail.

“Well, whatever it is, it smells fantastic.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled, deciding that the smart move right now would be to turn around and go back inside. This felt too flirty and too intimate to be a good idea. I was already way too attracted to him. What woman wouldn’t be? He was handsome enough to be a model. But there was no reason to make things harder on myself. “I’d better get back to bed.”

“Stay.” His voice dropped an octave, curling persuasively around me like an embrace. “Talk to me a bit. I can’t sleep.”

“No. I shouldn’t…”

“Why the hell not?” Irritation replaced the persuasion purr. “You obviously can’t sleep, either. Why can’t we talk? What are you worried about?”

I hesitated, tempted, my palm on the cold glass.

“Is it because of me? You seemed really nervous earlier. Did I do something wrong? Surely, Lace has told you what a great guy I am.”

I decided to approach his comment literally even though it was obvious from his tone that he was teasing me. “No we haven’t talked about you, but then we haven’t talked much at all, not since Second Chances.” And after that just the one phone call, and I’d only stayed on the line long enough to beg to come and stay with her.

“Second Chances. The rehab place in Florida?”


“You work there?”

“No.” I shook my head automatically even though he couldn’t see it.

“You were there for treatment?” He sounded surprised.

“Yeah.” I thought surely that admission would end whatever kind of interest he might have in me. I’d been such a loser to go down that path, but then that was me- pregnant as a teen, drug addict in college. I was a poster child for bad choices.

“I can relate.”

I couldn’t believe it.
Justin Jones into drugs?
He seemed so put together.

He continued to explain as though he’d heard my thoughts. “I did inpatient treatment for coke a couple of months ago.” He was quiet. I heard a sound like he was drinking something. I recognized the spicy aroma of chai tea wafting over from his balcony to mine. “I wondered how you and Lace knew each other.” Another pause. “One mystery solved,” he murmured so low I almost didn’t hear.

BOOK: Enticing Interlude (Tempest #2)
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