Read Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3) Online

Authors: Crista McHugh

Tags: #contemporary romance

Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3)
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“It’s not that bad. At least I’m getting to use my degree some.”

The muscles between Caleb’s shoulders tightened. “I didn’t know you had a college degree.”

“Yeah, in mechanical engineering.” She waved him off as though it were nothing. “But I’m still running into some trouble getting the timing right for when I need that extra boost of power.”

She continued gabbing on about the tweaks she was making to the engine, but he drifted away from what she was saying. Alex was far smarter than most people gave her credit for, including him. All this time, he’d dismissed her as just a simple mechanic. But an engineer? What other surprises was she hiding?

One thing became clear, however. If she was smart enough to earn a degree in engineering, she was more than likely able to hack into Kourtney’s account. The question was, why?

Frank looked more and more lost as Alex continued, and it wasn’t long before he interrupted. “Excuse me, but I see a friend over there that I want to say hello to.” He left the table and disappeared down the stairs to the lounge below.

A flush rose into Alex’s cheeks. “I guess I got a little carried away.”

“Don’t apologize. Frank was always the dimmest out of all of us.” Caleb brushed a stray lock of her hair that had fallen free from the clip. “You, on the other hand, never cease to amaze me.”

Her grin returned, and she dropped her voice to a seductive purr as she leaned closer. “Maybe there are a few more ways I can amaze you.”

The blood shot straight to his groin. “I certainly bet there are.”

“Perhaps we should go back to the hotel and find out.” She nipped his bottom lip, intensifying the ache in his cock.

“Careful—I think Atlanta has the same public lewdness laws as Jackson Grove.”

“Why do you think I suggested the hotel room?”

“But it would be rude to bail on my brother,” he reminded her just before she silenced him with a kiss.

After the way last night ended, he’d expected some hesitation, some restraint from her. Instead, she immersed him in the same passion she did before. Alex never did anything half-heartedly, including seducing him. Not that she had to try hard. The more he learned about her, the deeper he fell.

She pulled away, her eyes contented and heavy as though she’d just come in his bed instead of merely sharing a smoldering kiss. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“For being amazed by me.”

A new ache surfaced in his chest, making him forget about the one in his pants. How many others were just like him, so blinded by the superficial dazzle of Kourtney that they failed to see the true gem hiding in her shadow?

He traced the rim of her mouth with his thumb, committing the curve of her lips to his memory. “So I’m forgiven?”

Her eyes widen, and she drew in a sharp breath. “What did you do?”

“I made a fool of myself over the wrong woman, and it took a good wingman to show me what I was truly missing.”

“That’s what a good wingman does—point out what you’re missing.”

“And yet I have the feeling you still have more to show me, Hot Wheels.”

“Maybe so.” She licked her lips and turned her attention to her almost empty plate. “Caleb, did—”

“Sorry I ran off like that,” Frank interrupted, and Caleb bit back a groan of frustration.

He’d been so close to finding out the truth. But it didn’t matter. He was already ninety-nine percent certain Alex had written those letters. The how and why could wait a bit longer.

His brother sat down and carved another chunk off his medium rare porterhouse. “I saw one of my teammates over there, and we made plans to meet up at The Cheetah Club later tonight. Want to join us?”

This time, Caleb couldn’t hold back the groan. “Promise me you’ll stay out of trouble, Frank.”

“Who says I’m going to get into any trouble?”

Alex inched toward the edge of the booth. “Maybe this is my cue to go visit the ladies’ room.” She gave his hand a little squeeze before leaving.

“Damn, she is a hot piece of ass, Caleb.” Frank stabbed his fork into his steak, but his eyes were glued on Alex as she walked away.

Caleb curled his still-warm hand into a fist. “Don’t talk about her like that.”

“I meant it as a compliment. What’s a girl like that doing with you, anyway?”

“I’m her date for a wedding.”

“Right, and I’m going to enter the priesthood.” Frank studied him while he finished chewing. “How serious is it?”

He thought about the ring he’d gotten for Kourtney and imagined it on Alex’s finger instead. “Serious enough.”

Frank shook his head like he thought Caleb had lost his mind. “You’re forgiven for having such thoughts, since she seems like she’d be an awesome fuck.”

“I wouldn’t know.”

The knife and fork fell from Frank’s hands. “Who are you, and what have you done with my brother? Seriously, you’re pulling my leg, right? Please tell me you’ve gotten her in the sack.”

“No, I haven’t slept with her.”
But if their earlier conversation was any indication, he was in for one helluva good time when they got back to the room.

“Did you turn gay over there in Afghanistan?”

Caleb squirmed in his seat. “No.”

“Then why haven’t you banged her? It’s quite obvious she’s open to the idea, and you’ve never been one to turn down an invitation. Hell, you were the ones slipping us condoms when we were younger and telling us never to miss out on a great fuck.”

Her comment from last night echoed through his mind, and a wave of shame cooled the remnants of his desire.
If this is going to happen between us, then I need to know it’s because I’m something more to you than just a quick fuck.
The old Caleb would’ve said a few tried and true phrases to reassure her so he could’ve gotten what he wanted. But last night, he’d said nothing. He hadn’t wanted to trick Alex, even though he knew then she was more than just a quick lay. But now that he knew without a doubt his relationship with Kourtney was over, he was finally free to give himself to Alex.

“Let’s just say this one is different.”

“If I catch you holding her purse and her Chihuahua, I’m going to disown you.”

Caleb laughed, and the tension eased. “I don’t think I’ll ever be in danger of that with Alex. It would be more like me holding her socket wrench and minding her Rottweiler.”

“Seriously, if things don’t pan out with you, give her my number.” Frank threw down his napkin and gave a charming grin to someone behind Caleb. “That was quick.”

Alex shrugged and slid back into the booth. “I’m not much of a primper.”

Even though it was quite obvious she’d applied a fresh coat of gloss that made her lips look more tempting than ever. Caleb slid his arm around her and pulled her close, savoring the warmth of her bare skin and imagining what it would feel like when she was lying naked beneath him.

“My brother was just telling me that he’s your date for a wedding.”

She looked up at Frank, her brown eyes sparkling in the dim lights of the restaurant, and turned up her Southern drawl. “Yes, it was very kind of him to rescue a damsel in distress like little ol’ me.”

Caleb nearly choked. “I doubt anyone would ever consider you a damsel in need of rescuing.”

“Maybe you can return the favor.” Frank’s voice hinted at mischief, and Caleb fought back a groan. “Caleb is in need of a date for our brother’s wedding next month.”

He opened his mouth to say no, but his tongue refused to move. The more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea of bringing Alex home to meet his family. “One battle at a time.”

“Agreed,” she added. “Let’s see how Caleb feels after surviving the insanity this weekend.”

At least she didn’t say no.

“If you need a reference, let me know. Caleb taught me everything I know.”

Caleb fought back another groan. Was Frank purposely trying to sabotage his chances with Alex?

His brother rose from the table like a lumbering giant. “Time for me to take off. If you want to hang out at The Cheetah Club later tonight, you know where to find me.”

“Stay out of trouble, Frank. I’m not bailing you out of jail this time.”

Frank laid his hand over his heart. “Is that anything to say to your little brother?” He winked and disappeared into the crowded lounge below.

“That was nice of him to leave just before we get the bill,” Alex murmured, the corner of her mouth rising into a wry smile.

“That’s Frank for you.” Caleb pulled out his wallet and flagged down their server. “It’s fine—I can cover it.”

But when the check arrived, there were two surprises waiting for him inside the check holder. The first was a credit card receipt bearing Frank’s autograph. The second was a wrapped condom with a note attached to it.

It’s time I returned the favor, Big Bro.

The tips of Caleb’s ears burned, and he snapped the holder closed. But it was too late, judging by the single cocked brow Alex gave him.

She opened it back up and retrieved the condom. “Planning on getting lucky tonight, flyboy?”

“Just a private joke.” He tried to snatch the condom back, but she kept it out of his reach. “I apologize if it offended you.”

“Do I look offended?” She leaned in and whispered in his ear, “The only thing that would offend me is if we
use this tonight.”

His mind clouded with desire, but he remained grounded enough to remember what she’d said last night. “Just so you know, this will definitely be more than just a quick fuck.”

“I certainly hope so.”

The last of his hesitations vanished. Going home with her seemed as natural as breathing. “Then let’s not waste any more time.”

He followed her out of the booth and down the stairs, catching her as she wobbled in her high heels.

“Damn it, I hate these things,” she muttered as she regained her balance.

“You have no idea how sexy you look in them.”

“Then I suppose the torture of trying to walk in them is worth it.”

“Want me to carry you back to the hotel?”

She pressed her body against him, revving up the blood flow to his groin. “The idea has merit.”

But when they go outside, he spied a taxi dropping someone off. “I have a better idea.”

He snagged the taxi and helped Alex into it. “The Four Seasons.”

“That’s just around the block,” the driver said.

His hand grazed her bare legs, and another idea entered his mind. “Then take the long way around,” he replied just before he pulled her into a kiss that made him forget about everything else.

Alex responded with the same fire she had before, but with every second that passed, the passion intensified. She closed the space between them, their bodies glued together in a tangle of arms and legs. He tasted the sweetness of the wine from dinner on her tongue, inhaled the exotic scent of her perfume, ran his hand up her silky thighs until he reached the lacy triangle of fabric that covered her pussy. He pressed his palm against it, his fingers pushing past her underwear to dive into her warm heat. The soft moan that rose from her throat nearly sent him over the edge. Dear God, he’d never wanted a woman so badly.

He came up for air and realized the taxi was pulling into the hotel. “I thought I said to take the long way.”

“I did.” The driver smirked into his rearview mirror. “You two can keep going back there, but the meter’s still running.”

Alex grabbed Caleb by the lapels of his jacket. “This might be more fun without an audience.”

“You’re going to have to walk in front of me as we go through the lobby.” He pointed to the obvious bulge under his zipper.

She exited the taxi with a laugh while he fished out a few bills for the fare, ignoring the envious expression the driver gave him. He never worried for a second that she’d flirt with another man like her sister had. Alex was all his tonight, and he was determined to show her how much she meant to him.

When he got out, she took him by the hand and wrapped it around her waist so he could hold her close in front of him as they crossed the lobby to the elevators. Each step was its own form of agony with her ass rubbing against his aching cock.

As soon as the elevator doors closed behind them, Alex turned around and gave him another searing kiss that made him want to hit the emergency stop button so he could finish without interruption. A ding ended the kiss abruptly, and Alex managed to move in front of him just as an older couple entered the elevator and turned to face the doors.

“What floor are we on, anyway?”

“Eighteen.” He nuzzled the side of her neck, pressing his lips to the place where her rapid pulse throbbed.

“We would be near the top.”

“Don’t blame me. Frank made the reservation.”

The other couple got off at the fifteenth floor, but Alex didn’t pick up where they had left off. Instead, her movements became more reserved, and his heart sank. She was having second thoughts.

They walked down the hallway in silence, the sudden tension making him feel like there was a wide gulf between them instead of a few inches. He pulled out his key card and hesitated. “Alex, if you don’t want to do this…”

BOOK: Falling for the Wingman (The Kelly Brothers, Book 3)
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