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Authors: A. Zavarelli

Falling into Surrender (2 page)

BOOK: Falling into Surrender
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“I think I’m the lucky one.” I smile shyly. “But I would hope that you’d know that, even when I’m not wearing a collar.”

His eyes darken, and for a moment, he looks far away. “I’m working on it.”

“Gabriel, I didn’t mean…”

“Victoria,” he interjects, “you have to understand that you’re very different to any of the women I’ve dated in the past.”

You don’t need to tell me twice,” I retort in a biting tone.

He reaches for my chin and pulls my gaze back to his. “That’s a good thing, baby.”


“Yes, really.” He glares at me. “Have you learned nothing tonight? I’m in love with you. I want you to get that through your head. And quit being so modest around me, you’re a very beautiful woman. The women I’ve dated in the past, they’ve got nothing on you. I didn’t even like them, let alone love them.”

“Then why did you date them?” I ask.

“They were there,” he answers honestly. “And they were convenient.”

Thinking about him with other women makes me physically ill, and suddenly I’m regretting even having this conversation.

“You have to understand that I grew up in a different world,” Gabriel continues. “One where people have everything, but they’re never happy. They put on pretenses, fake smiles, and they tell you what they think you want to hear. Nothing is genuine. Being in the position I’m in, I came to realize very quickly that women didn’t like me for who I was. They liked me for my name, and that was it. I was never interested in pursuing anything beyond a sexual relationship… until I met you.”

I’m sorry, Gabriel,” I say softly. “I guess I never really thought about it like that.”

“You bring out the best in me.” He strokes his thumb across my cheek. “You’re the most honest woman I’ve ever met, and it’s refreshing to be around you.”

“Thank you,” I whisper.

We lay in silence for a few moments as he pulls me against him, holding me in the only arms that can make me feel safe. We just had such a sweet moment and I don’t want to ruin it, but I can’t let go of the collar issue. I feel like a depraved animal asking for such a thing, but I can’t stop the image from playing through my mind.

“Back to our original subject,” I say in my best casual tone. “The collar. I want you to really use it on me, you know… during sex.”

He frowns, but I can see the heat in his eyes even as he speaks.

“I don’t know Victoria, it might be too soon. I don’t ever want you to feel like…”

I hold up my hand, stopping him mid-sentence. “See! This is exactly why I didn’t want to tell you what I did. It’s starting already. I’m not a delicate little flower that you have to coddle. I don’t want that and I know you don’t either. So please don’t treat me that way. I don’t want your pity.”

The muscle in his jaw ticks, his eyes darkening to a stormy shade of gray, and I realize I’ve woken the beast again. Part of me is happy, and the other part is wondering what I’ve gotten myself into as he stalks out of the room.

“Don’t fucking move,” he calls over his shoulder.

I hear him rummaging through something down the hallway for several moments before he reappears with some mysterious objects in his fisted hands.

“You want it rough?” he barks at me, eyes blazing.

I jump at his tone but nod meekly.
This is what I asked for.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“Get on your knees,” he orders.

I do as I’m told, sinking to the floor below, my hands resting nervously on my thighs.

I keep my head down, watching as his feet circle around and stop behind me. “I think you forget who’s in control here, Victoria,” he says coolly. “Perhaps it’s time I reacquaint you.”

I nod in response, unable to find my voice
I’m not scared because I trust him implicitly. This is what I need from him. The part of him that can take me to the darkest places, but always bring me back. The part of him that makes it okay to like these things.

Gabriel’s breath is harsh as he fists his hand in my hair and gives me a brutal but all too brief kiss. When he pulls away, I’m left gasping for breath, and before I can even catch it, I feel the smack across my back. It burns into my skin, searing me with a mixture of pain followed by pleasure. The soft leather strands trail along my skin, pulling away before he swats me again.

“Shall I keep going?” he asks huskily. “Or will you remember why you’re being punished.”

I think for a moment and then realize my mistake. But I’m not ready to atone yet, and after all the emotional overload of the last week, I need to feel this. I hold back the words he’s waiting for me to say, and nod in silence.

Another smack against my skin. I moan and gasp for air as the smacks grow quicker and harder. I remain still as I take the blows, thriving on the nerves awakening in my body. I close my eyes, soaking up everything he has to give me until he stops and speaks again.

“Had enough yet?” he asks in a strained voice.

“I’m sorry Gabriel,” I whisper. I could keep going, but I know this is difficult for him. I don’t want him to feel like he’s hurting me.

“Very good,” he praises me.

He kneels down behind me, pulling my arms behind my back and securing them with strong leather cuffs. He repeats the process with my ankles before binding them all together with chains. When he stands, he has a long silver chain dangling from his palm. He reaches down and clasps it to the loop on my collar.

Moisture pools between my legs as he walks backward, extending the chain in his hand as far as it will go. The metal is pulled taut against my collar, making me feel every bit the depraved animal I am for wanting this scenario. Gabriel’s completely naked, his cock swollen and hard as his eyes burn into my flesh. The perfect male specimen. Rough, controlling, possessive. I revel in it, my eyes raking his body without any fear of retribution.

He lets the chain slacken for a moment, and then with a hard jerk pulls it backwards, effectively bringing me with it. I try to keep my balance with my hands fastened behind my back, crawling awkwardly on my knees to where he stands. He gathers the chain in his palm, effectively bringing my face up to meet his hard cock. I open my mouth greedily and take in the swollen head, tasting him on my tongue.

Gabriel makes a strangled noise in his throat and I groan with pleasure. I can’t use my hands for support so I bob forward with my mouth in an effort to take him in. He pulls the chain tighter, wrapping his large hand around the back of my head and urging me to take him deeper.

“Is this rough enough for your liking, Victoria?” he grunts. I nod in agreement, his brutal thickness lodged deep in my mouth.

His hips thrust towards me until he’s completely engulfed by my lips. He holds me there for several moments, and I try to contain my urge to gag. Gabriel strokes my hair while he stares down at me affectionately, his cock throbbing inside of my mouth. I can tell he’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

“I can never resist fucking that beautiful mouth,” he says roughly, sliding his shaft deep into my throat. I gasp for air, taking in a half a breath before he’s submerged completely. He pumps in and out of me, losing himself in the rhythm as he holds my head firmly in place.

I let him use me as he pleases, soaking up the sounds of pleasure that rip from his chest. Nothing has ever sounded sexier than Gabriel in the throes of ecstasy, and knowing that I was the one to bring him there.

When he pulls out I whimper, and he smirks as he steers my head lower. He presses my mouth to the delicate, soft sack at his thick root, and I flick my tongue against them. Licking them both, I suck each one into my mouth, nearly driving him over the edge. His muscles are tight, preparing for the inevitable explosion.

“Good girl,” he rasps.

His hand increases it’s frantic pace on his shaft while I assault him with my tongue. He starts to contract, yanking on the chain to pull my head back. Hot liquid bursts across my neck and breasts while he groans above me. When he’s finished, he releases the chain in his hand and walks to the bathroom.

He returns a moment later with a towel and looks down at me, still kneeling before him.

“You look so fucking beautiful covered in my come, I don’t even want to wipe it off.”

I smile up at him with hooded eyes, still hungry with desire. He hasn’t let me come yet and I’m needier than I’ve ever been before. He bends down and wipes my chest clean before unbinding the chains from my wrists and ankles.

“I’m not done with you yet,” he says in a firm tone. “You will continue to pleasure me until I’ve decided I’ve had enough, is that clear?”

“Yes, Gabriel.”

“And once I’ve given you all of my come, I may or may not decide to let you have your release, depending on how well you please me. Understand?”

“Yes, Gabriel.”

“Very good.” He grabs the end of the chain leashed to my collar, pulling it gently. “Now come with me my pet.”

He leads me down the hall and back into the sex room. It’s put back together, but there seems to be new furniture. I glance up at him questioningly but don’t speak.

“I still want to play with you in here,” he explains. “But you’ll be the only woman that has ever touched any of these pieces, and that’s how I want it.”

Relief floods over me at his words and my heart swells in my chest. “Thank you,” I say softly.

He pulls me over to the end of the new bed. It consists of a large mattress and a metal railed headboard and footboard at both ends. He folds me over the cold metal of the footboard, leaving my legs dangling towards the floor as my face rests on the mattress beneath. Then he bends down behind me, pulling my legs apart as far as they will go. He attaches a chain to each ankle and clamps them to the metal legs of the bed frame.

He repeats the same motions with the cuffs on my wrists, extending longer chains to the front legs of the bed. By the time he’s finished, I’m spread tightly in all directions, unable to move.

He walks back to the apothecary cabinet and retrieves something from one of the drawers before he returns. A minute later, I feel a wet metal object trailing down the crevice of my lower back, and I wiggle around in anticipation. Then he stops, pressing it against the tight entrance of my ass.  My whole body tenses when I realize what’s happening. Gabriel’s never taken me here before.

“Relax, Victoria,” he says. “It’s not going to hurt if you relax.”

I try to do as I’m told, closing my eyes and just feeling the sensations. He pushes it inside of me gently, working it in and out until it’s fully rooted inside of me. He leaves it there as his hands move to my butt, caressing each cheek roughly. And then he stops. I wait for whatever’s going to happen next with shallow breaths.

A rigid hand swats my right cheek, and I let out a yelp. It’s not from the slap, but from the powerful sensations radiating from the metal plug inside me. I’ve never felt anything like this, so intense. I barely have time to wrap my head around it before another hand lands on my left cheek. And again. He spanks each cheek roughly, over and over, sending jolts of electricity throughout my body. And then he twists the plug inside of me, nearly sending me over the edge as I cry out.

“I told you it wouldn’t hurt,” he says gruffly. “I love seeing my handprints all over your creamy white skin. So beautiful, Victoria.”

“Thank you, Gabriel,” I whimper.

He reaches down and slowly works the plug around inside of me for a few more moments before he removes it.

“I’m going to claim your ass now.”

He leans down into me, pressing his erection against my back as his fingers dip into the swollen, aching flesh between my legs.

“You are so wet for me,” he groans. “That’s good, I won’t need to use any more lubricant.”


His hard cock plunges deep into me, and I almost mewl with pleasure before he abruptly pulls it out again. And then I feel the tip.
The place no man has ever gone before. He presses into me slowly, taking his time as he strokes my back. The pressure is almost unbearable for a moment, and I try in vain to push my hips forward, but I can’t move. He pauses, allowing me to expand around him while he kisses my shoulder.

“You are so fucking tight,” he says. “It feels amazing baby.”

His words and gentle caresses manage to soothe my frayed nerves, and I relax around him. He continues to inch himself deeper and deeper until he’s finally rooted all the way inside of me. It’s a strangely erotic feeling, being stuffed so full of Gabriel in such a forbidden place. It turns me on in a way I didn’t expect, and when he starts moving, foreign sensations burst from deep within my belly. The feeling of him rocking back and forth, igniting every single one of my nerves, is so intense I don’t know whether to cry or scream.

“Yes.” He crows behind me. “That’s it, angel.”

His hands find my breasts and he strokes both of my nipples while he fucks me from behind. It’s all too much. The pressure inside me builds rapidly, guttural sounds I don’t even recognize coming from my mouth.

“Would you like to come baby?” he asks as he thrusts into me again.

BOOK: Falling into Surrender
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