Fifty Shades of Alice Through the Looking Glass (5 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Alice Through the Looking Glass
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Alice pouted at the insult. “Why, I never!”

“That’s not what I’ve heard, you little slut,” the bee said.

Alice thought about swatting the unpleasant insect, but realized it might sting her. Or worse, call her more names. So instead she continued to walk into the valley of the Sunny Bunny Fun Field of Happiness, and eventually came upon a rugged-looking man sitting under a tree. He wore peasant’s clothing: a tan shirt, open at the chest, which appeared to be made of some rough material like burlap, and brown pants with a hole in the right knee, their cuffs tucking into black boots. Though the clothes appeared roughhewn, they were very clean, and the man looked comfortable in them. He had shoulder length black hair, in need of a comb, and a face in need of a shave. He was playing with a Rubik’s Cube, and had managed to complete both the red and the green sides.

“Hello,” Alice said.

The man glanced up at her, but rather than make eye-contact, he seemed to be focusing up her skirt.

“That’s rather rude,” she said, placing a hand between her legs to hide from his stare.

“What is?” he asked.

“Staring at my private parts.”

“If you didn’t want me to stare, why didn’t you put on panties?”

Alice frowned. “I don’t have any.”

“That proves you want people to stare. You don’t even have any panties to put on. How about you stand over me right now, let me have a nice, long look?”

Alice felt herself blush at the suggestion, and a wicked part of her almost wanted to do it. But she didn’t even know who this man was.

“You’re thinking about it, aren’t you?” he asked.

Alice chewed her lower lip.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of, you know. Your womanhood is quite beautiful.”

Alice felt the aforementioned womanhood grow warmer. “Really?”

“Like a big, pink flower.”

“A flower?” Alice said, and she giggled thinking about Lily, Rose, and Daisy. She supposed the description made some sense, although before now, she never would have described it that way.

“Yes. I bet it smells nice, too. I think it would look perfect on a book cover.”

“Well, thank you, I suppose. But I doubt that will ever happen.”

“You never know,” the man said, offering his hand. “I’m Gnat.”


“No. Gnat. With a silent G. Short for Gnathan. And you are?”

Alice took his hand, “I’m Alice.”

Gnat’s hands were rough with calluses but pleasantly warm.

“What brings you to the Sunny Bunny Fun Field of Happiness, Alice?”

“I’m looking for…” Alice chose her words carefully. “An open mind.”

“I could help with that,” Gnat said, lips turning up into a bright smile.


“Really. And it will give me a break from this.” He held up the Rubik’s Cube. “This puzzle is like a penis, you know.”

“How so?”

“The more you play with it, the harder it gets.”

Alice giggled. “Well, Gnat, I think I’d enjoy that.”

“The puzzle? Or my offer to open your mind?”

“Your offer, Nat.”

“Gnat. The G is silent.”

“Gnat,” Alice said.

“Well, then, lie down next to me and we’ll begin.”

Gnat released her hand and patted the ground, inviting Alice to have a seat. She did, and the grass was soft and cool under her bare bottom. Her imagination ran amok with the possibilities of what Gnat might do.

“What next?” Alice asked, tilting up her chin and expecting to be kissed.

Instead of kissing her, Gnat reached into a leather satchel and removed a coiled up length of clothesline.

“I’m going to tie you up. Have you been bound before, Alice?”

Alice nodded, her nether parts becoming tingly at the memory.

“Some people like to be bound and then spanked, or caned.”

“Mmm-hmm,” Alice said, not admitting she’d tried that herself with a certain degree of enjoyment.

“But I’m not really into that. I’m into something else.”

“What?” she asked, genuinely curious.

“I’ll show you.” Gnat held out the rope. “May I?”

Alice nodded. Gnat didn’t undress her. Or kiss her. Or even talk. He laid her gently down on her back, and then began winding the rope around her body in an intricate design. Gnat was so focused on this, that Alice felt more like she was posing for a portrait than engaging in some kind of sexual activity. Just as her interest was beginning to wane, Gnat bent her legs and fastened her ankles to her thighs, exposing her delicate parts. Gnat then tied her thighs so they were wide open.

“Okay,” Gnat said. “Try to get away.”

Alice had been in bondage before, but never this elaborate or constricting. She had very little freedom of movement. Her arms, hands, shoulders, waist, and legs were all so thoroughly wrapped up she practically felt swaddled.

“I can’t,” Alice said, straining to wiggle. “I can’t move at all.”

Gnat smiled, then bent down and gave her the sweetest, most tender kiss on the lips. Alice sighed, giving in to it, his soft tongue making her whole body seem to melt.

“It is so exciting to see you like this,” he said. “You’re so beautiful.”

“Beautiful?” Alice was dubious. “I must look like a fly in a spiderweb.”

“Your helplessness is beautiful,” Gnat said. “For example, what if I were to do this?”

Gnat trailed his hand downward, touching her lightly between the legs. He drew a slow outline around her femininity with a single finger. After a complete circle, Gnat pressed lightly on Alice with his full palm and twisted it lightly, causing a most pleasant sensation.

“Oh, my,” Alice said.

“See what I mean? I can touch you like this, and you can’t do a thing to stop me.”

The last thing Alice was considering was trying to stop him, but since her position was compromised she knew it was important to establish the rules of this game.

“Shouldn’t I have a safeword?” she asked.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Alice. I promise.”

“But what if I want you to let me go?”

“Is that what you want?” Gnat asked. His palm moved up, and his fingers slipped between her folds, entering her.

Alice answered with a gasp. She was beginning to understand what a turn-on being helpless was. Instead of resisting, Alice raised her hips so he could penetrate her deeper and reach her G-spot.

Surprisingly, Gnat withdrew his hand completely, and instead began lightly rubbing the inside of her thigh, nowhere near her sensitive parts.

“Please,” Alice whispered. “Touch me.”

Gnat brought his hand back, and began stroking her lightly. His touch was so delicate that it almost felt like a tongue. Alice moved her hips as best she could, however the ropes didn’t allow for much leeway. But even though he was taking his time, Gnat knew exactly what he was doing. He began stroking her outer lips, then the more sensitive inner ones, making his finger slick with her juices. Then he slowly circled inward until he hit her most sensitive spot. Gnat took it in his fingers and wiggled his hand, sending a shock of pleasure through Alice just as intense as her vibrator. She cried out, the pleasure cresting as he eased two fingers inside of her and began to work them in and out.

“You’re so sexy, Alice. So beautiful and sexy.”

Alice began to pant. Her hips had taken on a mind of their own, thrusting at Gnat’s fingers as if trying to capture them.

“Do you like this, Alice?”

“Yes,” she said, closing her eyes and concentrating on the building pleasure.

“How about this?”

He put a third finger inside her, while his other hand continued to tug on her clitoris, and Alice felt the orgasm coming up so fast that she began to cry out—

Then Gnat withdrew his hands completely, leaving her bucking and humping the empty air.

“Please!” Alice pleaded. “I’m so close!”

But Gnat’s hands had moved up to her breasts. He pinched and pulled at her hard nipples through the thin material of her blouse. While that felt wonderful, he was neglecting the part that would take her over the edge, and she tried to thrust her hips at Gnat, desperate to touch any part of him at all.

“Do you like me playing with your nipples?” he asked, rolling them around in his fingers. “They seem especially sensitive.”

“They are,” Alice said, unable to swallow.

“When I touch them, does it make the heat between your legs worse?”

She bit her lower lip. “Yes.”

“Would you like me to stroke both at the same time?”

“Oh, yes.”

Gnat continued to rub her nipple, and then once again put his hand on Alice’s womanhood. But his touch was too soft. Too slow. Alice wanted it faster. Harder. And whenever she tried to press against him, he withdrew.

“This…” she said, quickly becoming out of breath, “this is cruel.”

“Oh, but Alice. We’ve only just begun to play. Are you close to coming?”

Just saying the word
almost made Alice come, but once again Gnat had stopped all stimulation, leaving her frustrated.

“Are you close, Alice?”

“I am so close. Please, Gnat.”

He slipped a finger inside her again, moving it in a beckoning motion, making her breath catch. Alice could feel the orgasm coming, but right before her body clenched, Gnat withdrew.

“No!” she said, her eyes welling with tears. “Please oh please, Gnat. Your teasing is more than I can handle.”

“This is called orgasm denial,” Gnat said, lightly brushing a tear off her cheek. “I keep you at the edge of orgasm, but you can’t come until I allow it.”

“For how long?” she squeaked, her voice hoarse with desperation.

“For as long as it pleases me.”

Alice was so hot down there. She wanted to be taken, not teased, but had no idea how to convince Gnat to satisfy her needs.

“Don’t you want to make love to me?” Alice asked.

“Indeed. And I will.”

“Now. I want it now. Please.”

“Not yet, Alice. You aren’t ready.”

“But I am ready!” Alice pleaded. The very thought of him entering her made Alice ache in a way she’d never ached before.

“The longer you sustain a state of high arousal,” Gnat said, “the greater it will be when you do come.”

“Aren’t you aroused?” Alice asked, desperate to somehow convince Gnat to enter her.


Alice wiggled in frustration. “But I’m bound. I can’t touch you, or give you any pleasure.”

“I’m getting pleasure from teasing you, Alice.”

He roughly entered her with two fingers, making Alice scream in a combination of shock and joy. Gnat began to move them in and out, faster and faster, until Alice was about to be overtaken by a gigantic—

“No!” she cried when he removed his fingers again. “Please! I beg you!”

“Begging is a turn on,” Gnat said.

Alice tried to undulate closer, to get Gnat to touch her again. If only she could rub up against his knee. Or his wrist. She only needed a little bit more…

“I’ll give you anything,” Alice begged.

“It will all be worth it. Trust me. I’ve been to the HDO.”

Gnat traced his finger around her nipples, flicking them through the blouse, making Alice wish he’d taken off her clothes.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, squirming uncomfortably. “What is the HDO?”

“When people offend the Red Queen, they are taken to the Hall of Denied Orgasms. It is run by a close friend of mine, the Knight. His job is to pleasure the men and women who are held captive there, taking them to the brink of orgasm without letting them come. He can do this for hours. Or, if the offense is severe enough, for days.”

“It sounds dreadful,” Alice said, clenching her teeth as Gnat squeezed a nipple. She wondered if she hadn’t taken the wrong fork in the road, and was actually in Dreadful Famine Disease Povertyland. Being helplessly teased for hours, or days, without orgasm was more than Alice could bear to think about, especially when she was so close to coming right then.

“It isn’t dreadful, Alice. It’s beautiful. All of those writhing, begging people, so desperate to be allowed release. Instead, they are brought to the brink, over and over, using all manner of dastardly technology.”

Gnat moved his hand between Alice’s legs again, and was stroking her so lightly she knew she’d go insane.

“Technology?” she grunted.

“Sex machines, Alice. Intricately designed to stimulate for extended periods of time.”

Alice began to weep. “How can you get turned on, being so cruel?”

Gnat appeared thoughtful. “Everyone gets turned on by different things, I suppose. For example, Alice, some women get aroused by giving oral sex. Does that excite you?” Gnat moved his face next to hers, his breath hot on her ear. “Taking a man in your mouth?”

Alice blushed, and thinking about it made her loins burn. “Oh… actually… yes.”

Again he moved his hands away, now drumming his fingers on her bound inner thigh.

“But why, Alice? What do you get out of that experience?”

Alice was finding it hard to speak. She was too focused on Gnat’s hands.

“Pay attention, Alice. Why do you like giving men head?” He took his hands away, and stared down at her with his arms folded over his chest.

“Oh, please, Gnat…”

“Answer the question.”

What was the question? Something about why she liked to take men in her mouth?

“I’m… not sure, really,” Alice said. “I like hearing the sounds the man makes. I like him wanting me badly.”

“You like being in control of his pleasure.”


“That arouses you?”

Alice nodded.

“And women?”

“Women?” echoed Alice.

“I was buzzing around the garden earlier and saw you with those flowers. Did you like to lick them for the same reason? Did you enjoy the way they responded? The way you controlled their pleasure?”

Alice thought about the response she’d gotten from Daisy and Rose. “Yes… I did.”

“And it arouses me to do things to you while you’re tied up and helpless. Things like… this.”

Gnat lowered his head between her legs, his unshaven cheeks pressing against her bare, quivering flesh. She felt his mouth press against her folds, his tongue slipping inside, and the pleasure was as strong as an electric shock.

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Alice Through the Looking Glass
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