Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire (20 page)

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire
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So she replied with ardour: ‘You are a sweet girl, Clara. You seem to be formed by nature for voluptuous exercises and enjoyment. And your delicious little cunt is the very abode of blissful love. Let me kiss it once again before I go to prepare for its fullest gratification.’ And placing her hands under Clara’s bottom she raised her up, and ravenously kissed and sucked her dear little arse-hole.

Then getting up, she said: ‘Stay just as you are, my pet, with your lovely bottom turned up and your delicious cunt full in view. I won’t be long.’

Susan first came in, she smiled when she saw the lascivious posture in which my Aunt had placed her docile pupil and said, ‘Oh, Miss Clara, how enticing you look! Let me give you a view of your own secret charms,’ and bringing the lights nearer she placed a tall mirror at each side, so that Clara, on turning her naked bottom could view the rosy cleft which gleamed in the luxurious furrow between its beautifully rounded cheeks. ‘Now, whoever comes in will have a treat.’

To please Lady Flora, I had taken off everything even my shirt, while she had also disrobed, retaining only a light dressing gown open in the front. We entered together, and as we came up to the bed my Aunt said, ‘Now Freddy, here is Clara’s sweet cunt
ready to receive your prick. Let me put him in, and Susan and I will watch you and pet you both, so that we shall all share in the pleasing operation. Oh there! How easily Freddy’s prick slips in! Now, Clara, heave your little arse, is he fucking as you like?’

‘Oh yes – I like that – Fuck me, Freddy fuck me. – Dear Lady Flora, how nicely you rub my clitoris! And your finger Susan is setting my bottom on fire. Freddy, how is your prick feeling now? Do you enjoy fucking me with your dear Aunt looking on and holding your prick?’

‘Yes, Darling, your cunt is heaven to my prick, and my dear Aunt’s fingers are like angels helping me in – hot – there – Clara – isn’t that nice?’

‘Yes – oh! yes – shoot it in – oh Lady Flora! My cunt is full – Oh!!!’ and Clara’s head fell back and her arms lay extended by her sides, but her pretty round bottom kept twitching as the frothy spunk oozed out of her overflowing cunt.

Her rest was not long, for in a moment, Freddy was replaced by another, and she was aroused by feeling a large firm prick making its way with delicious thrusts through the soft and yielding folds of her cunt.

My Aunt’s fingers again resumed their amorous play as she said: ‘Fuck steadily James. This is the greatest proof of confidence and affection I have ever given you. Be sure to treat this sweet young lady with the utmost tenderness and respect. And never forget your solemn promise of perfect and unbroken silence,’ and stooping forward she kissed Clara and asked, ‘Dearest pet, how are you enjoying your second fuck? Is James’ prick, giving you satisfaction.’

‘Yes, dear Lady Flora; I like the feel of James’ prick in my cunt. He works it well. Are you fond of fucking, James?’

‘Yes, dear Miss Clara, I love fucking. I would like to fuck every pretty girl, but I never was in a nicer cunt than yours – Oh! oh!! – your Ladyship! – I have discharged.’

‘Get off then, James. Now, Tomkins, it is your turn, your prick feels in good order – Oh! – it’s in! without the slightest difficulty! Now Clara, your cunt looks stretched a little.’

‘Oh yes, I feel it – oh! I feel it – but it is delicious! – Fuck me Tomkins – don’t be afraid – ram your big prick – all the way into my cunt – Hoh? That’s a grand fuck – Fuck – Oh!! What a gust! – That will do – I have got enough – Surely I must be safe now.’


The enjoyment of three pricks in succession appeared to stir up Clara’s excitable nature to its very depths. From that day forward she seemed to think of nothing but fucking. The gratification of her itching cunt occupied all her thoughts by night and by day. She commenced in the morning by getting Susan to frig and suck her cunt until she spent, at the same time throwing her body into the most wanton postures and repeating all the bawdy words she had ever heard. She would turn up her naked bottom, flying her legs in the air and cry, ‘Now Susan, come look at my cunt. Gamahuche me, spread my cunt open with your fingers, push in your tongue as far as you can. Suck my cunt, Susan, suck it, put your finger in the hole of my bottom.’ Then jerking up her arse. ‘Oh Susan! – that’s nice. I love to have my cunt looked at and then kissed and sucked. I also greatly enjoy petting and sucking a nice prick; and I know you like it too. Which do you enjoy most, Susan, sucking the prick of a man or his sucking your cunt?’

‘Both are very nice’, replied Susan.‘I like one at one time, and the other at another time, according to circumstances.’

‘I have never sucked but one prick, and that was Freddy’s; but when James and Tomkins were fucking me last night, I could not help thinking that as their pricks felt so very nice in my cunt, how pleasant it would be to hold them in my hand, rub them up and down with my fingers, and then put them to my lips and suck them in my mouth. I had the whole head and shoulders of Freddy’s prick in my mouth, the fingers of one hand were closed firmly round the root, and with the other hand I gently squeezed his cock, and he looked so pleased as he jerked his bottom, I should say his arse, and fucked me in the mouth; all the while, his hands were on my head playing with my ears and curls, and then when his spunk began to shoot he roared like a bull, and seemed as if he wanted to ram his prick down my throat. I swallowed all his spending every drop. It had rather a mawkish taste, but seemed to warm me inside, and certainly increased the feeling of pleasure in my cunt.’

‘You did quite right, when a girl does take a man’s seed in her mouth, it is better to swallow it, for it increases the pleasure on both sides and has other good effects besides. Most men like occasionally to spend in the mouth of a woman, and they enjoy
her cunt all the more afterwards. I nearly always suck the prick of every man that fucks me.’

‘Yes, I have seen you suck James’ prick, and you told me that you have sucked Tomkins’ also; but what a mouthful his must be!’

It certainly does stretch one’s lips, but I only sucked what I could get into my mouth, and the part round the head-nut or glands, as they call it is the most sensitive part of the prick; and besides, I tickled his bollocks and even his arse-hole until he spent. But there is a way of making this operation vastly more interesting and enjoyable, in fact; doubling the pleasure.’

‘What way is that, Susan? Tell me all about it.’

‘Well, let us suppose you are going to suck Master Freddy’s prick; we will place him sitting in an arm-chair, and having let down his trousers and made him open wide his legs, we will set you on your knees before him, so that you can hold his prick in your hand and suck its head in your mouth. Then we will lift you skirts and lay your pretty bottom perfectly bare. We will then get James, suppose, to kneel behind you. He will have your delicious arse spread out before him. How he will admire its full round plumpness! How he will pass his hands over its smooth cheeks! How he will press his fingers down the voluptuous furrow! How he will play with the lips of your longing cunt? How he will pinch the rosy nob at the top and dart his fingers into the randy slit below, until you are forced to take the luscious morsel from your mouth and cry: Fuck me, James, fuck me, my cunt is all on fire, thrust your prick into it and quench the flame with a flood of spunk: Then as you felt James’ prick prodding your cunt and his belly rubbing your bottom, you would realize how much the pleasure is increased by being engaged with two different men at the same time, and you would suck Master Freddy’s prick, squeeze his bollocks and tickle his arse as you never did before.’

‘Oh, Susan, that would be grand! and I will try it too; but meanwhile you have got my cunt into a terrible state – it does feel just on fire – suck it, dear Susan – suck it – put your finger well into my bottom – stir it round about – Oh my – I am going wild – my arse – my cunt – my arse – Oh Susan! – my arse – my arse!!’ and Clara lay back thoroughly exhausted.

Clara and I used to wander about the gardens in the forenoon; while my Aunt wrote letters and transacted her other business. As she was known to be both liberal and good, she was much
sought after as Patroness for various Charitable Institutions, and received numerous applications for relief.

Meanwhile Clara and I amused ourselves in whatever way the fancy of the moment inclined it to go; but our fancy always led to one result – the gratification of our sexual desires.

There was a capital swing hung in a sheltered part of one of the enclosed gardens, which seemed very attractive to Clara. She delighted in placing me on it and then striding across me and drawing up her skirts would bury my prick in her soft aperture of love. Our joint efforts to keep the swing going were sufficient to produce such new and varied motions of my prick in her cunt as caused us both peculiarly agreeable sensations. She would cry: ‘Stir it again, dear Freddy, now a little push, now, another jog – Oh! that’s delicious!’ and she twisted about, grinding the satin cheeks of her bottom against my belly and thighs until she pumped me dry, and I had to get off the swing and crave a little rest.

Another time when sitting on a bank toying with one another, she happened to see James passing through the garden with a basket of fruit which he had gathered, and was about to carry to a neighbouring farmhouse by his Mistress direction. She whispered: ‘Dear Freddy, I have quite tired you out, and yet my cunt is not satisfied, would you mind if I ran after James and made him give me one little poke?’

‘Not in the least, Dearest, twenty, if you like; only manage it so that I may see your sweet cunt while you are giving it the desired gratification.’

‘All right,’ she said with a smile, and started off.

‘James, I want you here for a moment – what were you and Susan doing last night?’

‘Oh, the old game. I felt her cunt, she lugged out my prick and drew me towards her. I pulled up her petticoats, she spread her legs, I pushed forward my prick, she placed it in her cunt, I pushed it up, she jogged her rump, I heaved back and forward, she caught me by the bollocks. I grasped the cheeks of her arse, and stroked her until my spunk was all spended, and ever she cried: “Enough.”

‘Then, I suppose, you are thoroughly drained now.’

‘Not at all, Miss; see here,’ and he drew out his prick, erect and in fair fucking order, ‘may I give you a trial of it, Miss?’

‘Yes, if you can do it to me standing up.’

‘Why not, throw your right arm over my shoulders, hold up your clothes with the left; press your bottom into me while I lift your thigh, there, it is going in, how do you like this manner of fucking?’

It is wonderfully good, push James, push,’ and making a succession of little springs with the one foot resting on the ground, she spun him round, all the while urging him on by saying: ‘Drive up your prick, James, up my cunt. Fuck, squeeze my bottom – now – I feel it coming let your spunk fly fuck – fuck – fuck -’

I sometimes took my gun and walked to a wood near us to shoot rabbits.

She would mount her pony and ride round to meet me there. Probably she would find me sitting under a tree to rest. Having quickly dismounted and tied up her pony, she would advance towards me, her golden curls fluttering in the summer breeze, her rosy face smiling with anticipated joy and her bright eyes beaming with wanton merriment and lustful desire.

Seated by my side, and with my hand in hers, or more likely playing with the silky hair which was now beginning to overshadow her sweet cunt, we would talk of such amorous subjects, as Jupiter’s assumption of the form of a bull in order that he might obtain possession of Europa. She was curious to know whether it was as a bull that he ravished her? ‘For’ she said, ‘Susan and I were looking this morning through a window in one of the out houses into the back yard, and we saw the bull mounting several cows, and when I watched his long red thing pushed up into their bellies it made my cunt itch for it too.’

I laughed and replied: ‘The Latin Poets do not inform us on the subject, but there is an account of how Pasiphae, the wife of the Minos, one of her grandsons was enabled, by means of an ingenious support contained by Doedalus, to sustain the weight and receive into her wanton cunt the pizzle of a famous white bull, given by Neptune to her husband, and that she afterwards gave birth to a monster, half man, half bull, which was called the Minotaur.

I also told her how Jupiter gained access to the arms of Leda in the shape of a swan and enjoyed her in that guise, so that she afterwards brought for the eyes and that many ancient statues and pictures representing this curious fucking scene had been preserved, showing the amorous swan fluttering in the arms of a naked woman, his bill snatching kisses or thrust under her arm,
his webbed feet separating her legs, and his hinder parts pressed in between her thighs and his red tool darting into her moist and open cunt. Oh Freddy! it must be very nice to be fucked by a swan, to hold the dear white fellow in one’s arms and feel his slippery tool playing in one’s cunt.’

During this conversation she would manage to get my trousers unbuttoned down the front, and soon her kind efforts would be repaid by my prick showing signs of strong erection, bobbing to her kisses and standing up boldly amid her encircling fingers.

Then she would say: ‘Now Freddy, you have been working too hard of late. Sit perfectly still, I will do it all myself,’ and rising up she would place herself astride on my lap, and nestling the head of my prick between the warm lips of her cunt would press slowly down, saying: ‘Now – dont stir – keep your hands on my bottom as I move up and down, and give me a pinch if you wish to hurry me.’

Then as she worked her body up and down, wriggling her arse and twisting from side, she would keep on kissing me and muttering: ‘Good boy, your dear prick — fills my cunt so nicely — oh! isn’t that good?’ Then pressing down and rubbing her bottom on my thighs, she would stoop and clutch my balls with her hand, saying: Good bollocks – now they swell – shoot in your spunk – Oh – there – I feel it – pinch my arse – fuck – fuck -fuck.’

BOOK: Fifty Shades of Victorian Desire
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