Read Fight the Tide Online

Authors: Keira Andrews

Tags: #M/M, #Fiction

Fight the Tide (30 page)

BOOK: Fight the Tide
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“Do you think my mom would have liked it here?” Jacob spoke so softly Parker barely heard the question.

Breathing through the swell of grief and guilt, he nodded. “I think she really would have. And I know she’d be glad you’re here. That you’re safe and you’re getting better. She loved you so much. You know that, right?”

Tears filling his eyes, Jacob nodded.

“She—” Parker sat up straighter. “Shit, I completely forgot.” He patted his pockets and unzipped the one on his left thigh. Gently, he pulled out the silver necklace, the little dove dangling from the chain, the setting sun through the high windows catching it with fading rays. “Your mom wanted you to have this. I’m so sorry I didn’t give it to you before.”

His hand trembling, Jacob reached for it, the IV tube trailing behind. He grasped the chain, watching the dove sway gently. “Thank you.”

Parker’s throat tightened, his eyes burning with the too-familiar return of tears. “Do you want to put it on?”

Crying now, his cheeks wet, Jacob asked, “But isn’t it a girl’s necklace?”

“Fuck gender stereotypes. It’s beautiful and it’s yours. It’ll look great on you.”

Sniffing, Jacob smiled, just a bit. “You think?”

“I know.”

Adam’s low baritone added, “Definitely.” The door closed behind him as he crossed to the bed.

“Here, let me help you.” Parker took the necklace and carefully unclasped it. Adam reached down to help Jacob lift his head, and Parker fastened the catch. The dove sat just below the hollow of Jacob’s throat.

“Perfect,” Parker declared. “Not too tight?”

Jacob shook his head, fingering the silver. Sniffing loudly, he swiped at his cheeks. “Thanks.” His eyes were heavy again, and they chatted softly about the island for a while before his eyes closed completely. He dozed, his mouth open, chest rising and falling steadily.

Adam pulled up another chair beside Parker, and they joined hands, threading their fingers together. Parker asked, “Everything okay with Connie?”

“Yes. She wants to have breakfast with us tomorrow. Get to know us. Tell us more about the island, and what’s expected of us.”

“Okay.” Parker exhaled. “That sounds good.”


He looked back at Jacob sleeping, and in the distance, heard a kid who might have been Lilly laughing. Holding Adam’s hand, their palms sweaty, he smiled. “Yeah.”


“God, I’m so
tired.” Damp and naked after a wonderfully hot shower, Parker flopped back on the wide bed. The navy curtains shut out the night, the only light coming from the adjacent bathroom.

Naked as well, Adam stood at the foot of the bed half in shadow, rubbing a towel over his hair. “I know. Go to sleep.”

“Mmm. I don’t feel like it.”

Chuckling, Adam said, “Now you’re just being contrary.”

“Maybe.” Parker ran his fingers over his chest, brushing his tingling nipples. He’d flipped on the ceiling fan, and it sent a breeze over his drying skin with a low, rhythmic thump. His legs were splayed—not completely wide, but comfortably. His cock was soft, but as he skated his fingers over his chest, it twitched with interest.

Adam watched with interest as well, his lips parting as he followed the progress of Parker’s fingers, sweeping lower and lower to his belly button and back up again. “You should rest.”

“You still don’t want to fuck me?” Parker kept his tone teasing, although the hurt from being rejected the night before still nagged dully.

Regarding him seriously, Adam said, “You know I always want you. It wasn’t about that.”

“I know.” And he did. He really did, he realized. “It’s just good to hear.”

Adam breathed, “God, how I want you.” He was still holding the towel, and he dropped it at his feet.

With a shuddering inhalation, Parker spread his legs, bending his knees. He licked his palm, his tongue rough and wet, then stroked his cock slowly. “How do you want me?”

“Just like this,” Adam whispered before crawling between his legs and pressing his knees up toward his shoulders.

“Am I enough?” he blurted.

His gaze intense, Adam took Parker’s face in his hands. “
. Wanting a community—a pack—it’s not a judgment of you. It’s not you being lacking. It’s about wanting more for
. Having people we can trust who make us stronger. Safer.”

With Adam between his legs, heavy and strong and alive, safe in their own space while the island hummed around them, Parker felt like he finally understood. Yet fear lingered in the corners of his mind. “But what if it goes wrong? What if bad people come?”

“Then we’ll deal with it. Together. We never had any guarantees in life. Never will.”

“That’s true.” He inhaled as deeply as he could and nodded. “As long as we’re together, we can handle it.”

“Always together. No matter what.” Adam’s gaze roved hungrily, a tremor rocking him, his voice dropping desperately. “God, Parker.”

“What?” His breath caught at the emotion shining in Adam’s eyes.

“You’re so beautiful. You know that, don’t you?”

Before he could answer, Adam dove between his legs, spreading Parker’s ass and licking almost frantically. Parker couldn’t stifle his shout, a bolt of pleasure shooting right to his dick. “Oh fuck!

Growling, Adam spit onto Parker’s hole, getting it nice and wet before he transformed with a rumble, letting the wolf out. His tongue lengthened, and when he fucked into him with it, Parker was pretty sure he was going to levitate and hit the ceiling. Which meant he’d be sliced and diced by the fan, but it would be
so worth it.

Adam’s claws scraped his thighs, his fangs grazing Parker’s sensitive flesh. Maybe it shouldn’t have made him so hard, but it did. His cock was already leaking, and he threaded his fingers into Adam’s thick hair to stop from jerking himself off.

He didn’t want this to end yet. Didn’t want this to end
. Moaning, he didn’t care if werewolves nearby could hear him, or humans for that matter. Nothing else mattered but Adam. His ass was wet with spit, Adam thrusting into it with his tongue, almost as good as a dick, his hairy face rough on Parker’s inner thighs.

After another minute, Parker was absolutely on fire. “Want you inside me. Need more.”

Pulling back, Adam skimmed his fangs along one of Parker’s thighs. His eyes glowed gold as he held himself up over him, and he bit back what had to be a howl when he shoved his cock into Parker’s ass.

The stretch and burn was incredible. Parker hoped he’d never get used to this, never stop feeling like it was brand new again every time he had Adam inside him.

“You feel so amazing,” Parker moaned. His cock ached, trapped between them as he stared into Adam’s golden gaze, clutching at his arms, their skin slick.

His fangs still out and claws probably shredding the sheets, Adam pumped his hips, thrusting hard, the headboard banging the wooden wall. “Fuck, Parker.”

“I hope these cabins are well constructed.” Parker groaned, Adam heavy and hairy on top of him, ramming his ass mercilessly.

Adam laughed, his shoulders shaking and rhythm faltering. Breathing hard, he buried his face in Parker’s neck, panting hotly. When he raised his head, his fangs were gone, his eyes a paler yellow as he transformed back. Tenderly, he brushed a hand over Parker’s cheek, then started a slow roll of his hips.

The tenor changed, and now Parker couldn’t look away from Adam as they rocked together—had to keep his eyes open even though the pleasure made him want to tip his head back and surrender to it.

With their gazes locked, he hooked one knee over Adam’s shoulder, spreading himself as much as he could, willing Adam to take more. Take him. Keep him.

They kissed, tongues exploring and sharing, sweaty flesh slapping as they grunted softly. Adam was so thick inside him, the sensation of fullness spreading over Parker’s whole body, as if his skin was too tight.

His cock strained with the brush of their bellies against it, and when Adam reached between them, it only took a few strokes for Parker to come apart, closing his eyes despite himself as his orgasm thundered through him.

When he looked again, still shaking with tremors of hot pleasure, he found Adam watching him, working his hips faster, still milking Parker’s cock as he tipped over the edge.

He squeezed too hard when he did, and Parker squeaked, Adam releasing him with a deep rumble of laughter giving way to a gasp as he emptied another pulse into Parker.

Tangled together after Parker lowered his legs, they caught their breath. Parker smiled at the ceiling fan, which rotated steadily. “Okay, now sleepy time.” His eyes were heavy already. “Thought I’d have to sleep with one eye open here, but it really isn’t like that.”

“We’re safe.” Adam leaned down and whispered, his breath a warm gust, “But I always have an ear open. I promise.”

“I know. Me too. Even with my sadly inadequate human hearing.” He blinked slowly, dreams pulling him down.

“Wait, I just want to…” Adam eased away and padded over to the chair in the corner where his leather jacket rested. When he returned, the red glow of the camera light came to life.

“If you wanted to make a porno, you should have gotten the camera out a little earlier.” Parker motioned to his spent and sticky dick. “And if you don’t mind…”

Huffing with laughter, Adam said, “It’s not that kind of movie.” He soon returned from the bathroom with a wet cloth. He wiped Parker clean with gentle strokes and then himself.

“Thanks, baby,” Parker murmured. “Can I be asleep for this shot in your movie? You need at least one scene of me not talking.”

Kneeling on the bed, Adam’s smile faded. He stared at the small silver camera in his hands, his face in shadow now. “I can’t even cut it together. Some people here have laptops, but they won’t have the software.”

Parker propped himself on his elbow, shaking off the sleepiness. “Sure they will. Hello, iMovie? It may not be whatever fancy program you used in a real studio, but it’ll do the job.”

Adam lifted his head, a smile dawning over his stupidly handsome face, his teeth gleaming white in the darkness. “You’re right.”

“You really should be used to that by now. I mean, I told you that first day I was an A student.” He tapped his head. “Not just a hat rack, you know.”

Adam kissed him then, sweet and long.

When they parted, Parker admitted, “Although I was obviously wrong about my first impression of you. And it seems I just might be wrong about this island. So really it’s only these two times. The exceptions that prove the rule or some shit.”

“Something like that.” Adam urged Parker up to sitting, positioning him on the bed so the light from the bathroom hit his face.

“So why are you filming me right now?”

“To mark our first night on Salvation Island.”

Parker frowned. “But we were here yesterday.”

“Last night doesn’t count. We fought.”

“But we were here, and it was night, and—” Parker shook his head, laughing softly. “You know what? Sure. It doesn’t matter.”

He studied the viewfinder on the camera, shifting slightly. “I want to make it real. That’s why I want to film you.”

With his foot resting on Adam’s thigh, stroking softly, Parker nodded. “First official night. Roll it.”

Adam hit the button.

“Well, here we are on Salvation Island. First night of the rest of our lives. Our very long and happy, stress-free lives.” He leaned back and rapped his knuckles on the headboard.

“How do you like it here so far?” Adam asked.

He thought about it for a few moments. “There was a rocky start, but that’s kind of the way I do things. I think it’s going to be good. It feels…promising.”

“Somewhere we could make a life?”

“Yeah.” Parker smiled, realizing he really meant it. “It does feel like that.”

Adam switched off the camera and placed it on the side table. He cupped Parker’s cheek, running his thumb over the stubble there. “But no matter what happens, my life is with you. Pack or no pack, island or no island. Whatever comes, you’re my home.”

For once, Parker couldn’t find the words, but as they kissed long into the peaceful night, Adam didn’t seem to mind.


Parker and Adam’s journey will continue in 2017!

From the Author


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Also by Keira Andrews

Gay Amish Romance Series

A Forbidden Rumspringa

A Clean Break

A Way Home


Beyond the Sea

If Only in My Dreams

Valor on the Move

Cold War

Holding the Edge

Where the Lovelight Gleams

The Chimera Affair

Eight Nights

BOOK: Fight the Tide
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